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Notes, Comments and Preliminary results

Jun 30 2024 Essosinam Franck Karabou and Komlan Ametowoyo Adeve
  Empirical investigation of the relationship between terrorism, public debt and economically active women in the ECOWAS zone
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Jun 30 2024 Karima Habibi and Salwa Trabelsi
  Is there a link between government spending, good governance, and economic growth? Evidence from developing countries
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Dec 30 2023 Hiroki Tanaka and Masaya Yasuoka
  Demand for education investment in a model with uncertainty
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Dec 30 2022 Joachim Thøgersen
  PAYG pensions and endogenous retirement revisited
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Sep 17 2021 Sosson Tadadjeu , Alim Belek , Henri Njangang , Marie-Laure Belomo and Brice Kamguia
  Does women's political empowerment promote public health expenditure in Africa?
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Apr 09 2021 Abu Bakkar Siddique
  Does ethnic diversity hurt fiscal sustainability?
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Dec 31 2020 Arsène Aurelien Njamen Kengdo , Tii N. Nchofoung and Philemon Bonaventure Ntang
  Effect of external debt on the level of infrastructure in Africa
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Dec 14 2020 Montserrat Ferre and Carolina Manzano
  Macroeconomic effects of populist radical right parties in a rational partisan model
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Jun 24 2020 Fernando Borraz and Ignacio Munyo
  Conditional Cash Transfers and Crime: Higher Income but also Better Loot
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Feb 22 2020 Mohammadou Nourou
  The effect of public spending on growth in oil-rich, conflict-prone countries: the case of Chad
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Sep 07 2019 Hiroyuki Taguchi and Yasushi Sunouchi
  The Role of Institutions in Private Participation in Infrastructure in Low- and Middle-income Countries: Greenfield versus Brownfield Projects
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Jul 07 2019 Jaka Sriyana and Jiyao Joanna Ge
  Asymmetric responses of fiscal policy to the inflation rate in Indonesia
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May 31 2019 Carlos Heitor Campani and Ian De Ridder
  Administrative costs of Dutch pension funds: the impact of fund characteristics
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May 31 2019 Artyom Jelnov
  Note on terrorist factions and their interactions with governments
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May 02 2019 Helder Ferreira de Mendonça and Ana Jordânia de Oliveira
  Openness and government size: A new empirical assessment
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Mar 16 2019 Toshiki Tamai
  A note on fiscal policy, indeterminacy, and endogenous time preference
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Jun 21 2018 Muhammad Shahbaz , Naceur Khraief , Mantu Kumar Mahalik and Saleheen Khan
  Are Fluctuations in Military Spending Transitory or Permanent? International Evidence
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May 12 2018 Boniface P Yemba and Inoussa Boubacar
  On the Merit of Debt Relief Programs in Heavily Indebted Poor Countries
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Apr 15 2018 Carmen D. Álvarez-Albelo
  A calibration of the output elasticity of public capital
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Oct 26 2017 Ehrhart Christophe and Matthieu Llorca
  Fiscal Sustainability in Central and Latin America Countries: Evidence from a Panel Cointegration Approach
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Sep 27 2017 Eugene Kouassi , Gnoudentiho G Silue , Oluyele Akinkugbe and Jean Marcelin B Brou
  Health expenditures and Income with Nonstationary Panel Data: Evidence from ECOWAS Member Countries
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Aug 24 2016 Karim Barkat , Zouhair Mrabet and Mouyad Alsamara
  Does Official Development Assistance for health from developed countries displace government health expenditure in Sub-Saharan countries?
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Apr 29 2016 Kazufumi Yamana , Makoto Nirei and Sanjib Sarker
  Time-Varying Employment Risks, Consumption Composition, and Fiscal Policy
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Feb 04 2016 Yukihiro Nishimura and Pierre Pestieau
  Efficient taxation with differential risks of dependence and mortality
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Jul 11 2015 Christopher John Boudreaux
  Democratic age and the size of government
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Jun 01 2015 Rasmane Ouedraogo
  Does pro-cyclical fiscal policy lead to more income inequality? An empirical analysis for sub-saharan Africa
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Mar 11 2015 Viplav Saini and Dakshina G De silva
  Government spending and job creation at highway construction firms: evidence from Texas
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Jul 12 2014 Raffaele Lagravinese and Massimo Paradiso
  Corruption and health expenditure in Italian Regions
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Apr 05 2013 Yoshito Funashima
  Public investment, economic stabilization, and regionally discordant business cycles in Japan: Toward an effective fiscal stimulus
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Mar 12 2013 Muhammad Nasir , Aqeel Ahmad Khan and Hafiz Hanzla Jalil
  Exploring the relationship between media and terrorism: a panel study of south asian countries
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Oct 09 2012 Yashobanta Parida
  Causal Link between Central Government Revenue and Expenditure: Evidence for India
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Jul 19 2012 Yoshito Funashima
  The effects of public investment smoothing as a stimulus measure on construction industry in Japan
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May 01 2012 Roberta Melis and Alessandro Trudda
  Financial and demographic risks in PAYG pension funds
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Mar 25 2012 Seiya Fujisaki
  Optimal fiscal policy with social status and productive government expenditure
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Nov 08 2010 Yoshihiko Tsukuda and Tatsuyoshi Miyakoshi
  Econometric Analysis of Fiscal Policy Budget Constraints in Endogenous Growth Models
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Sep 28 2010 Sule Akkoyunlu , Frank R. Lichtenberg , Boriss Siliverstovs and Peter Zweifel
  Spurious correlation in estimation of the health production function: A note
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Aug 26 2010 Sugata Ghosh and Andros Gregoriou
  Can corruption favour growth via the composition of government spending?
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Sep 23 2009 Mohamed Ben Mimoun and Asma Raies
  Education and economic growth: the role of public expenditures allocation
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Feb 28 2009 Khaskhoussi Fouad , Langot Francois , Khaskhoussi Tarek and Cheron Arnaud
  Incentive Schemes to Delay Retirement and the Equilibrium Interplay with Human Capital Investment
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Oct 01 2008 Masatoshi Jinno
  Is it beneficial for households without children to subsidy the cost of rearing children to increase pension benefits?
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Jun 09 2008 Luca Gori and Luciano Fanti
  Fertility-related pensions and fertility disincentives
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May 29 2008 Tetsuo Ono and Ryo Arawatari
  Dynamic political economy of redistribution policy: the role of education costs
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Jul 17 2007 emmanuel mamatzakis and Panos Fousekis
  Towards a Common EU Policy on Income Distribution: the case of Social Benefit Expenditures
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May 16 2007 Raul Caruso
  Continuing Conflict and Stalemate: A note
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  Competition in the allocation of public spending: a new model to analyse the interaction between expenditure categories
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Sep 27 2006 Toshiki Tamai
  Endogenous Market Structure and Fiscal Policy in an Endogenous Growth Model with Public Capital
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Jul 07 2006 Miguel St. Aubyn and Álvaro Manuel Pina
  How should we measure the return on public investment in a VAR?
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May 19 2004 Diego Martinez-Lopez
  The optimal provision of public inputs in a second best scenario
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Jul 20 2003 Michele Campolieti Campolieti
  Disability insurance eligibility criteria and the labor supply of older men
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Apr 23 2003 Andreas Wagener
  Equilibrium dynamics with different types of pay-as-you-go pension schemes
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