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Dec 30 2022 Huachen Li
  Tether points, price stability, and arbitrage efficiency
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Jun 30 2022 Sediq Sameem and Shahdad Naghshpour
  The Relevance of Homicide Rate Convergence to Public Policy in the United States
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Aug 31 2017 Abdoul A. Ndiaye , Mamadou A. Konte and Yao T. Kpegli
  The Solow model augmented with the net capital inflows to-GDP-ratio
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May 04 2017 Gerald Daniels and Venoo Kakar
  Economic Growth and the CES Production Function with Human Capital
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Oct 05 2016 Vincent Geloso , Vadim Kufenko and Klaus Prettner
  Demographic change and regional convergence in Canada
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Aug 12 2010 Andrea Morone and Piergiuseppe Morone
  Boundary and interior equilibria: what drives convergence in a ‘beauty contest'?
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Jun 09 2010 Alassane Drabo
  Environment Quality and Economic Convergence: Extending Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis.
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Jun 27 2003 Thomas M. Steger
  The Segerstrom Model: Stability, Speed of Convergence and Policy Implications
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