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Jun 30 2024 Corrado Benassi and Alessandra Chirco
  A convex mapping for the first order approach: A note
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Jun 02 2020 Yizhaq Minchuk
  Rent-seeking contest with two forms of sabotaging efforts
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Feb 29 2020 Amrita Pramanick and Swapnendu Banerjee
  Outsourcing Wombs with Social Ignominy
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Nov 03 2019 Ngoc-Sang Pham and Thi Kim Cuong Pham
  Foreign aid, recipient government's fiscal behavior, and economic growth
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Jan 21 2018 Francisco JM Costa and Joisa Dutra
  Effort Complementarity and Team Size, An Experimental Analysis of Moral Hazard in Teams
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May 18 2016 Sylvain Bourjade , Crina Pungulescu and David Stolin
  Voting against absent directors
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Apr 14 2016 Can Erutku
  Competition and Agency Cost
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Jun 01 2014 Athanasios O. Tagkalakis
  Tax arrears and VAT revenue performance: Recent evidence from Greece
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May 08 2014 Athanasios O. Tagkalakis
  The direct and indirect effects of audits on the tax revenue in Greece
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Jan 14 2013 Margaret S Samahita
  Effect of effort on self-image: monotonically increasing self-image functions
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Sep 18 2012 Jesse Bull
  Third-Party Budget Breakers and Side Contracting in Team Production
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Sep 09 2012 Kirill Chernomaz
  Inequity aversion in a model with moral hazard
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Aug 01 2012 Mario Menegatti
  New results on optimal prevention of risk averse agents
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Mar 14 2011 Utteeyo Dasgupta
  Do procedures matter in fairness allocations? Experimental evidence in mixed gender pairings
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Mar 24 2010 Hans Gersbach
  On higher hurdles for incumbents
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Oct 28 2009 Veikko Thiele
  Aggregating Performance Measures in Multi-Task Agencies
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Jul 26 2009 Byung Cho Kim and Dongryul Lee
  The Effect of Project Types and Technologies on Software Developers' Efforts
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May 21 2008 François-Charles Wolff and Christine Barnet-Verzat
  Pocket money and child effort at school
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Apr 06 2005 Benoît Sévi and Fabrice Yafil
  A special case of self-protection: The choice of a lawyer
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Sep 01 2003 Laurent Franckx and Athanasios Kampas
  ``The choice between emission taxes and output taxes under imperfect monitoring": a comment
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