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Jun 30 2023 Anirban Mukherjee and Soham Kumar Paul
  Workplace segregation and electoral success of right wing identity politics in India
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Jun 30 2022 Nehan Naim
  Do Subsidies Extend Lifeline to Coal?
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Aug 08 2020 Tanusree Mishra and Tanmoyee Banerjee (Chatterjee)
  Child marriage: some facts from selected Indian states
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Mar 25 2020 Peter Calcagno and Joshua C. Hall
  Formal and informal constraints on state government and economic freedom
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Feb 18 2019 Susan Averett and Emily Smith
  Medical marijuana laws and their effect on opioid related mortality
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Dec 28 2017 Joylynn Pruitt and Joshua C. Hall
  Are state governments revenue maximizers? Evidence from the sales tax
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May 04 2017 Gerald Daniels and Venoo Kakar
  Economic Growth and the CES Production Function with Human Capital
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Mar 17 2016 Robert M. Feinberg
  Anti-cartel enforcement and subsequent mergers: state-level evidence for physician groups
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Sep 16 2014 Bidisha Chakraborty and Kamalika Chakraborty
  Child Labour, human capital formation and size of landholding: short run and long run analysis
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Oct 03 2013 Michael Good
  Gravity and Localized Migration
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Nov 11 2010 Somnath Chattopadhyay
  District level poverty estimation: a spatial approach
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Jul 27 2010 Thomas Grennes , Pablo Guerron-quintana and Asli Leblebicioglu
  Economic Development and Volatility among the States
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Jan 17 2010 Wempi Saputra
  The Choice of Tax Bases under Fiscal Federalism and the Unitary System
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Jul 08 2009 Seiya Fujisaki and Kazuo Mino
  Long-Run Impacts of Inflation Tax in the Presence of Multiple Capital Goods
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