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Notes, Comments and Preliminary results

Jun 30 2024 Essosinam Franck Karabou and Komlan Ametowoyo Adeve
  Empirical investigation of the relationship between terrorism, public debt and economically active women in the ECOWAS zone
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Dec 30 2023 Taofik M Ibrahim and Mohammed Shuaibu
  Does debt servicing matter for capital formation in Nigeria?
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Sep 30 2023 John Nana Francois , Eric Antony Lacey and Robert Johann Utz
  On estimates of overall budget sensitivity parameters across income groups: Some evidence
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Jun 30 2023 Paulo Matos and Valdeir Monteiro
  A Note on the public investment-debt-cash linkages: a Brazilian cross-state analysis
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Dec 30 2022 Zeineb Gouasmi and Riadh El Ferktaji
  Detecting and date-stamping unsustainability: The case of Tunisian Budget Deficit
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Sep 06 2021 Man Zhang , Xiaowei Huang , Terence tai-leung Chong and Liping Lu
  Do Treasury Bonds Crowd Out Local Government Bonds in China?
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Dec 31 2020 Arsène Aurelien Njamen Kengdo , Tii N. Nchofoung and Philemon Bonaventure Ntang
  Effect of external debt on the level of infrastructure in Africa
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Nov 24 2020 Fabricio Linhares and Glauber Nojosa
  Changes in the tax-spend nexus: Evidence from selected European countries
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Oct 12 2020 Paolo Canofari , Alessandro Piergallini and Giovanni Piersanti
  Assessing sovereign debt sustainability using a wealth-based fiscal indicator
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Oct 12 2020 Yu Hsing
  Does the Reinhart-Rogoff Hypothesis Apply to China?
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Sep 24 2020 Carsten Colombier and Christian Breuer
  Debt and growth: historical evidence
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Sep 24 2020 Idrys Fransmel Okombi
  Twin Deficits in Sub-Saharan African Countries: Evidence through debt
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Jun 18 2020 Jerome Creel
  Fiscal space in the euro area before Covid-19
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Mar 25 2020 Walid Benayed and Foued Badr Gabsi
  Domestic public debt and financial development in Sub-Saharan Africa: Is there an inverted-U relationship?
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Jul 23 2019 Meng-wai Lee and Kim-leng Goh
  Bond Market Development in Malaysia: Possible Crowding-Out from Persistent Fiscal Deficits?
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Jun 23 2019 Christophe Schalck
  Investigating shifts in public debt management behaviour in France
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Dec 02 2018 Khemais Zaghdoudi
  Is the relationship between external debt and human development non-linear? A PSTR approach for developing countries
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Apr 15 2018 Gabriel Caldas Montes and Tatiana Acar
  Fiscal credibility and disagreement in expectations about inflation: evidence for Brazil
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Oct 26 2017 Ehrhart Christophe and Matthieu Llorca
  Fiscal Sustainability in Central and Latin America Countries: Evidence from a Panel Cointegration Approach
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Oct 10 2016 Aurore Burietz and Loredana Ureche - Rangau
  A modern Dionysus' tale: new evidence on the Greek debt crisis and the related costs
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Apr 14 2016 Nazmus Sadat Khan
  In search of causality between debt and growth: a graph theoretic approach
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Dec 13 2015 Greiner Alfred and Anton Bondarev
  Public debt and aggregate stability with endogenous growth and a state-dependent consumption tax
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Jun 01 2015 António Afonso and Jorge Silva
  The track record of fiscal forecasting in the EU
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Aug 27 2014 Jean-Michel Courtault and Riccardo Magnani
  How much can European governments squeeze out of their taxpayers?
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Aug 20 2014 Philippe Darreau and François Pigalle
  Long-run effects of capital market integration using OLG model
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Jun 18 2014 Adam Talbot Jones and Cameron Visser
  Politics, Economics, and the Debt Ceiling
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Dec 30 2013 Olalekan Bashir Aworinde
  The tax-spend nexus in Nigeria: Evidence from Nonlinear Causality
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Jul 13 2013 Athanasios O. Tagkalakis
  The output effects of systematic and non-systematic fiscal policy changes in Greece
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May 13 2013 William Akoto
  Do countries strategically improve their institutions to access increased debt relief?
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Dec 03 2012 Matthias Hartmann and Helmut Herwartz
  Consolidation first - About twin deficits and the causal relation between fiscal budget and current account imbalances
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Sep 16 2012 Cosimo Magazzino
  The Nexus between Disaggregated Public Spending and GDP in the Euro Area
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May 01 2012 Cosimo Magazzino
  Fiscal Policy, Consumption and Current Account in the European Countries
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Apr 06 2012 Aviral Kumar Tiwari
  Debt Sustainability in India: Empirical Evidence Estimating Time-Varying Parameters
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Mar 27 2012 Anastasios V. Katos and Eleni F. Katsouli
  The five little PIIGS and the big bad Troika
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Dec 09 2011 António Afonso and João Jalles
  Appraising fiscal reaction functions
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Sep 02 2011 Philippe Darreau and François Pigalle
  Ponzi game in OLG model with endogenous growth and productive government spending
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Jan 21 2011 Florence Huart
  Has fiscal discretion during good times and bad times changed in the euro area countries?
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Jan 19 2011 Christophe Rault and António Afonso
  Long-run Determinants of Sovereign Yields
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Jan 19 2011 Christophe Schalck
  The European fiscal framework: What lessons can we learn from the crisis?
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Jan 04 2011 Pierre Faure
  Public debt accumulation and institutional quality: can corruption improve welfare?
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Apr 22 2010 Alberto Bagnai
  Twin deficits in CEEC economies: evidence from panel unit root tests
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Dec 18 2009 Tito B.S. Moreira and Geraldo Silva Souza
  A Nominal Theory of the Nominal Rate of Interest and the Price Level: Some Empirical Evidence
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Dec 06 2009 Atrayee Ghosh Roy and Hendrik Van den Berg
  Budget deficits and U.S. economic growth
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Aug 17 2009 Guido Wolswijk
  The short- and long-run tax revenue response to changes in tax bases
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Apr 07 2008 António Afonso
  Euler testing Ricardo and Barro in the EU
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Aug 13 2007 Tobias Hagen
  Estimating the Effect of Parliamentary Elections on Primary Budget Deficits in OECD Countries
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Oct 25 2005 Dirk Willenbockel
  Public debt, the terms of trade and welfare in an overlapping generations model with lifetime uncertainty
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