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Jun 30 2024 Essosinam Franck Karabou and Komlan Ametowoyo Adeve
  Empirical investigation of the relationship between terrorism, public debt and economically active women in the ECOWAS zone
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Mar 30 2024 Sana Ben Abdallah , Dhafer Saidane and Sami Ben Mim
  The impact of governance on environmental performance: evidence from African countries
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Dec 30 2023 Georges Ngnouwal Eloundou , Blaise Ondoua Beyene and Marius Messoh Lonte
  In pursuit of Happiness in developing countries: does the diffusion of ICT matter?
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Sep 30 2023 Mina Baliamoune-Lutz
  Does trade openness affect youth unemployment? New evidence from developing and emerging economies
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Sep 30 2023 John Nana Francois , Eric Antony Lacey and Robert Johann Utz
  On estimates of overall budget sensitivity parameters across income groups: Some evidence
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Sep 30 2023 Jasnine Mogem Kouam , Luc Nembot Ndeffo and Mathurin Aimé Mekam Pouatcha
  The long and short run effects of foreign direct investment on economic complexity in Sub-Saharan African countries.
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Jun 30 2023 Fabrice Nguegang
  Effect of foreign direct investment on population health in Africa: Is there any threshold role of governance?
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Mar 30 2023 Aïcha Tiendrebeogo
  Entrepreneurship And Informal Economy In Africa
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Mar 30 2023 Romuald S Kinda and Hajer Kratou
  Climatic variability, remittances and household consumption volatility In developing countries
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Dec 30 2022 Houda Badri and Saïd Souam
  Inequality, education and democracy in Africa
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Jun 30 2022 Gaston Brice Nkoumou Ngoa
  Do remittances affect labor market outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa
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Feb 20 2022 Jean Francky Landry Ngono
  Capital flight, quality of institutions and domestic investment in Africa
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Feb 20 2022 Seyed Alireza Athari
  Financial Inclusion, Political Risk, and Banking Sector Stability: Evidence from Different Geographical Regions
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Dec 29 2021 Roger Tsafack and Ronald Djeunankan
  Do remittances improve access to safe drinking water and sanitation in developing countries?
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Sep 17 2021 Ongo Nkoa Bruno Emmanuel , Song Jacques Simon and Balla Mekongo Célestin Ghislain
  Inequalities in Africa : Does financial integration matter?
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Sep 17 2021 Sosson Tadadjeu , Alim Belek , Henri Njangang , Marie-Laure Belomo and Brice Kamguia
  Does women's political empowerment promote public health expenditure in Africa?
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Sep 17 2021 Hermann Ndoya Hegueu and Aristophane Djeufack dongmo
  Urbanization, Governance and Informal Economy: an African Tale.
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Sep 17 2021 Ajoumessi Houmpe Donal
  CO2 emission in Africa: national leader's professional background effect
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Sep 17 2021 Joshua Ang and Jason C. Patalinghug
  Property rights and economic growth: A dynamic GMM analysis
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Sep 17 2021 Guivis Zeufack Nkemgha , Vladimir Kengne and Armel Peuwo Djouaka
  Does the exploitation of natural resources promote the industrialization of African countries?
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Jul 18 2021 Désiré Avom , Brice Kamguia and Joseph Pasky Ngameni
  Does volatility hinder economic complexity?
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Apr 09 2021 Manuel Carlos Nogueira and Mara Madaleno
  New evidence of competitiveness based on the global competitiveness index
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Apr 09 2021 Brahim Gaies
  Curse or blessing: how do oil price fluctuations influence financial development in low- and middle-income net oil-exporting countries?
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Apr 09 2021 Manuela CHETUE Komguep and Luc NDEFFO Nembot
  Why Do Employment Policies Fail to Reduce Unemployment in Sub-Saharan Africa? Looking towards the brain drain
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Apr 09 2021 Ludovic Feulefack Kemmanang
  Do thin capitalization rules crowd out multinational firms in Africa? Looking towards efficiency in revenue mobilization
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Apr 09 2021 Jude Eggoh and Chrysost Bangaké
  Remittances and Financial Inclusion: Does Financial Development Matter?
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Apr 09 2021 Abba Yadou Barnabé , Ningaye Paul and Bangake Chrysost
  Do remittances spur financial inclusion in Africa? a multi-dimensional approach
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Mar 10 2021 Ludovic Feulefack Kemmanang and Jonas Juleo Dongmo Zamke
  Colonial spectre and foreign investments concentration: Does African growth escape?
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Dec 28 2020 Rae Yule Kim
  Share of Voice: Findings from the US Automotive Industry
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Nov 14 2020 Gislain Stéphane Gandjon Fankem and Mohamadou Oumarou
  'Trade Openness and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa : Evidence from New Trade Openness Indicator
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Oct 23 2020 Robert F. Phillips
  The equivalence of two-step first difference and forward orthogonal deviations GMM
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Oct 12 2020 Hideki Nishigaki
  Coping with Structural Weakness and EMU Citizen Support for the Euro: Opportunities for Change
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Oct 12 2020 Stéphane Mbiankeu Nguea
  Openness and Government Size in Sub-Saharan African countries
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Oct 12 2020 Henri Njangang and Yann Nounamo
  Is information and communication technology a driver of industrialization process in African countries?
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Aug 24 2020 Leonardo A. Rocha , Denis Vieira Sarmento , Carlos Alano S. Almeida and Napiê G.A. Silva
  Spillover, public investment and innovation: the impact of public investment in R&D on business innovation
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Aug 24 2020 Avom Désiré and Melingui bate Adalbert Abraham Ghislain
  The effect of information and communication technologies on foreign direct investments attractiveness in africa
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Jun 18 2020 Dhafer Saïdane and Sana Ben Abdallah
  Sustainability and Financial Stability: Evidence from European Banks
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Jun 02 2020 Désiré Avom , Henri Njangang and Larissa Nawo
  World Economic Policy Uncertainty and Foreign Direct Investment
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May 06 2020 Nguyen Phuc Canh , Sangho Kim and Su Dinh Thanh
  Entrepreneurship and natural resource rent-seeking: The roles of institutional quality
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Apr 29 2020 Masaya Nishihata and Taisuke Otsu
  Conditional GMM estimation for gravity models
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Nov 29 2019 Najeh Bouchoucha and Ismahen Yahyaoui
  Foreign direct Investment and economic growth: The role of the governance
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Oct 13 2019 Sunny Kumar Singh
  Revisiting Institutional Determinants of Remittances: Evidence from a Large Panel of Countries
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Sep 30 2019 Woon Leong Lin , Jo Ann Ho , Siong Hook Law and Murali Sambasivan
  Corporate social responsibility and corporate political activity: what does data tell us?
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Jun 23 2019 Farid Makhlouf , Kamal Kasmaoui and Johanna Edelbloude
  Voting With The Wallet: The Response of Remittances to Political Systems
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Jun 15 2019 Mamadou Boukari , Etienne Farvaque and Daniel Cakpo-Tozo
  “Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late!”Popularity Gains as an Incentive to Legislate Frantically?
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May 15 2019 Giscard Assoumou-ella
  Gender Inequality in Education and per capita GDP: the case of CEMAC Countries
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Mar 16 2019 Louis de Berquin Eyike Mbongo
  ICT diffusion and employment in Africa
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Mar 16 2019 Yann Nounamo
  What is the role of the quality of economic institutions in the relationship between external debt and growth? Evidence from the African franc zone
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Feb 18 2019 Myriam Ben Saâd and Giscard Assoumou-Ella
  Economic Complexity and Gender Inequality in Education: An Empirical Study
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Jan 13 2019 Ricardo R. Moreira
  Inflation and real exchange rate and macroeconomic gaps: causality for 50 emerging and developing countries
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Dec 02 2018 Juan Camilo Galvis Ciro and Guillermo David Hincapié Vélez
  Effect of Banking Concentration on the Lending Channel: evidence from Colombia
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Oct 30 2018 Henri Njangang , Edmond Noubissi and Hilaire Nkengfack
  Do remittances increase the size of the informal economy in Sub-saharan African countries?
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Oct 17 2018 Cleomar Gomes da Silva and Gilberto O. Boaretto
  Inflation and Relative Price Variability in Brazil: A Time-Varying Parameter Approach
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Oct 17 2018 Suleman Sarwar , Rida Waheed , Mehnoor Amir and Muqaddas Khalid
  Role of Energy on Economy The Case of Micro to Macro Level Analysis
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Oct 10 2018 Jean-Pascal Bassino , Celine Gimet and Stephane Quefelec
  Climate and output variability in the Euro-Mediterranean region, 1950-2000
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Jul 18 2018 Najid Ahmad , Mouna Hdia , Hong-Zhou Li , Jianlin Wang and Xian-Liang Tian
  Foreign Investment, Domestic Investment and Economic Growth in China: Does Foreign Investment Crowd in or Crowd out Domestic Investment?
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Feb 09 2018 Mahmood -ur- Rahman
  Financial Development and Monetary Policy Efficiency: Unraveling the Empirical Contradiction and Discovering the True Relation
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Feb 09 2018 Bruno Emmanuel Ongo Nkoa
  Determinants of foreign direct investment in Africa: An analysis of the impact of financial development
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Dec 28 2017 Pei-Ling Lee , Lee Chin , Siong Hook Law and W.N.W. Azman-Saini
  Do integrated economies grow faster? Evidence from domestic equity holdings
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Dec 01 2017 Francisco Serranito
  Determinants of technology catch-up in MENA and SSA countries: a panel data analysis
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Sep 27 2017 El Hamma Imad
  Do political institutions improve the effect of remittances on economic growth? Evidence South-Mediterranean countries
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Jun 16 2017 Itchoko motande Mondjeli mwa ndjokou
  Institutions and pro-cyclicality of fiscal policy in Sub Saharan Africa
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Jan 26 2017 Itchoko Motande Mondjeli Mwa Ndjokou and Pierre Christian Tsopmo
  The effects on economic growth of natural resources in Sub-Saharan Africa: Does the quality of institutions matters?
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Jan 26 2017 Md Rafayet Alam , Erick Kitenge and Bizuayehu Bedane
  Government Effectiveness and Economic Growth
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Nov 09 2016 Cleomar Gomes da silva and Flavio V. Vieira
  Monetary policy decision making: the role of ideology, institutions and central bank independence
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Sep 30 2016 Claudiu T. Albulescu , Matei Tamasila and Ilie M. Taucean
  Shadow economy, tax policies, institutional weakness and financial stability in selected OECD countries
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Aug 24 2016 Heather L. Bednarek and Hailong Qian
  The optimality of non-optimal GMM estimation of parameters of interest and the partial asymptotic efficiency of 2SLS estimation
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Aug 24 2016 Karim Barkat , Zouhair Mrabet and Mouyad Alsamara
  Does Official Development Assistance for health from developed countries displace government health expenditure in Sub-Saharan countries?
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Aug 03 2016 N''Yilimon Nantob
  Taxation and Income Inequality in Developing Countries: An Empirical Investigation
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Jun 11 2016 Emna Trabelsi
  What effects exert Economic Globalization and Central Bank Transparency on inflation of OECD countries? An Application of LSDVC Estimator on a dynamic Panel Model
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Apr 14 2016 Shin S. Ikeda and Yan Zhang
  A dynamic panel analysis of suicide in Japanese municipalities
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Dec 26 2015 N'Yilimon Nantob
  Income Inequality and Inflation in Developing Countries : An Empirical Investigation
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Nov 29 2015 Mourad Zmami and Ousama Ben-Salha
  The adjustment of plant-level investment to exchange rate fluctuations in Tunisia: do the size and the ownership structure matter?
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Mar 11 2015 Amira Gasmi and Seifallah Sassi
  International tourism demand in Tunisia: Evidence from dynamic panel data model
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Mar 11 2015 Hailong Qian and Heather L. Bednarek
  Partial efficient estimation of SUR models
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Mar 11 2015 Carlo Migliardo and Antonio Fabio Forgione
  Extra Profits in the Healthcare Factoring Industry: Evidence from Panel Data Analysis
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Mar 11 2015 Amarendra Sharma
  Did Infant Mortality Decline cause Fertility Decline? Evidence from a Panel Data Analysis of Developing Countries.
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Jul 11 2014 Fabien Rondeau and Nolwenn Roudaut
  What Diversification of Trade Matters for Economic Growth of Developing Countries?
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Feb 28 2014 Nguena Christian Lambert and Tsafack Nanfosso Roger
  On the Sensitivity of Banking Activity Shocks: Evidence from the CEMAC Sub-region
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Oct 08 2013 Constant Fouopi djiogap
  Foreign Direct Investment and Macro Economic Performances in the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC)
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Jul 21 2013 Jean-pierre Allegret and Sana Azzabi
  Financial development, threshold effects and convergence in developing and emerging countries
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Jun 24 2013 Md. Sharif Hossain and Rajarshi Mitra
  A Dynamic Panel Analysis of the Determinants of FDI in Africa
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Jun 05 2013 Nabil Aflouk and Jacques Mazier
  Exchange rate misalignments and economic growth: A threshold panel approach
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May 12 2013 Jay Kathavate
  Corruption, aid volatility & growth
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Aug 30 2012 Raymond Li and Guy C.K. Leung
  Gasoline consumption in China: a dynamic panel data analysis
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Aug 06 2012 Chieh-hsuan Wang , Chien-ping Chung and Jen-Te Hwang
  Hedonic and GMM Estimates of the Relationship between House Prices and Rents in Taiwan
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May 01 2012 Cosimo Magazzino
  Fiscal Policy, Consumption and Current Account in the European Countries
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Apr 04 2012 Vincent Fromentin
  Migration and unemployment duration in OECD countries: A dynamic panel analysis
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Jan 27 2012 Takuya Hasebe
  The tests for the level moment conditions: GMM estimation in a linear dynamic panel data model
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Aug 02 2011 Anupam Das and Biru Paksha Paul
  Openness and growth in emerging Asian economies: Evidence from GMM estimations of a dynamic panel
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Jan 28 2011 Aviral Kumar Tiwari and Mamoni Kalita
  Governance and Foreign Aid in ASIAN Countries
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Oct 07 2010 Romuald S Kinda
  Does education really matter for environmental quality?
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Apr 27 2010 Liang Ding and Linh To
  The Forward Premium Puzzle Across Maturities
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Feb 12 2010 Akihiko Noda and Shunsuke Sugiyama
  Measuring the Intertemporal Elasticity of Substitution for Consumption: Some Evidence from Japan
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Jan 21 2010 Naved Ahmad and Shahid Ali
  Corruption and financial sector performance: A cross-country analysis
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Aug 18 2009 Kazuhiko Hayakawa
  First Difference or Forward Orthogonal Deviation- Which Transformation Should be Used in Dynamic Panel Data Models?: A Simulation Study
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Jun 28 2009 John Beirne
  Vulnerability of inflation in the new EU Member States to country-specific and global factors
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Jun 11 2008 Fumitaka Furuoka
  A Dynamic Model of Foreign Aid Allocation
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Mar 26 2008 Chrysost Bangaké
  Exchange Rate Volatility and Optimum Currency Area: Evidence from Africa
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Sep 18 2007 Sheng-Kai Chang
  The asymptotic global power comparisons of the GMM overidentifying restrictions tests
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Aug 13 2007 Tobias Hagen
  Estimating the Effect of Parliamentary Elections on Primary Budget Deficits in OECD Countries
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May 22 2007 Quentin Wodon
  Constructing Fama-French Factors from style indexes: Japanese evidence
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Feb 08 2006 Nicolas Péridy
  The European Union and its new neighbors: an estimation of migration potentials
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Jul 22 2005 Gerhard Kling
  The impact of trading mechanisms and stock characteristics on order processing and information costs: A panel GMM approach
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Feb 24 2005 Min-Hsien Chiang and Chihwa Kao
  Spectral Density Bandwidth Choice and Prewhitening in the Generalized Method of Moments Estimators for the Asset Pricing Model
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Aug 25 2004 Nicolas Péridy
  The new U.S. trans-ocean free trade initiatives: estimating export and FDI potentials from dynamic panel data models
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Jun 26 2004 Tito Moreira , Geraldo Souza and Charles Almeida
  Rational Expectation Hypothesis: An Application of the Blanchard and Khan Approach
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Jul 31 2003 Fumiko Takeda and Katsumi Matsuura
  Exchange rate pass-through and strategic pricing: Evidence from Japanese imports of DRAMs
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