Klaus |
Abbink |
Monash |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Marina |
Agranov |
California Institute of Technology |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
TK |
Ahn |
Seoul National University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Sule |
Alan |
University of Essex |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Sule |
Alan |
University of Essex |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Federica |
Alberti |
University of Portsmouth Business Schoo |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Felix |
Albrecht |
University of Marburg, Germany |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Aguilar-ibarra |
Alonso |
Instituto de Investigaciones Economicas - Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Steffen |
Andersen |
Copenhagen Business School |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Saenz-arroyo |
Andrea |
Comunidad y Biodiversidad |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Corcos |
Anne |
Curapp - EES, Université de Picardie |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Armenak Robert |
Antinyan |
University of Venice, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Sher |
Asad |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Mallory |
Avery |
Monash University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Ritwik |
Banerjee |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Ritwik |
Banerjee |
IIM, Bangalore |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Ritwik |
Banerjee |
IIM, Kolkata |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Björn Bartling |
Bartling |
University of Zurich |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Jared |
Barton |
California State University- Channel Islands |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Tushi |
Baul |
NYU Abu Dhabi |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Oben K |
Bayrak |
Centre for Environmental and Resource Economics |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Mohamed ali |
Bchir |
University of Strasbourg |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Nicole |
Becker |
TU Dortmund, RGS Econ |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Norman |
Belas |
Chair in Empirical Economics, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Benjamin |
Beranek |
University of Missouri |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Antoine |
Beretti |
UMR LAMETA, 1135 |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Stephane |
Bergeron |
Université Laval |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Sandrine |
Blanchemanche |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Mariana |
Blanco |
University of Rosario |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Francesco |
Bogliacino |
Universidad Nacional de Colombia |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Frieder |
Bolle |
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Luke |
Boosey |
Florida State University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Douadia |
Bougherara |
CEE-M, Univ Montpellier, CNRS , INRA, Montpellier SupAgro, Montpellier, France |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Sacha |
Bourgeois-gironde |
University of Provence |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Delphine |
Boutin |
EDHEC Business School |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Pablo |
Branas-Garza |
Universidad Loyola |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Pablo |
Brañas-Garza |
University of Granada |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Thomas C. |
Brown |
Rocky Mountain Research Station, U.S. Forest Service |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Christoph |
Bühren |
University of Kassel |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Christoph |
Bühren |
University of Kassel |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Mürüvvet |
Büyükboyacı |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Alexander Wright |
Cappelen Professor |
The Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Valerio |
Capraro |
Middlesex University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Jeffrey |
Carpenter |
Middlebury College |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Jeffrey |
Carpenter |
Middlebury College |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Edward |
Cartwright |
University of Kent |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Marco |
Casari |
University of Bologna |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Timothy N |
Cason |
Purdue U. |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Jérémy |
Celse |
ESSCA School of Management |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Rafael |
Charris |
Chapman University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Ananish |
Chaudhuri |
University of Auckland |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Yi-yi |
Chen |
Washington University in St. Louis |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Ya-ju |
Chen |
National Taipei University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Gabriel yong ping |
Chua |
Economics programme, School of Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Sophie |
Clot |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
François |
Cochard |
University of Franche-Comté |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
David |
Cooper |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Jay R. |
Corrigan |
Kenyon College |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Javier Rodero |
Cosano |
centrA |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Javier Rodero |
Cosano |
centrA |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
James C |
Cox |
Georgia State University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Vincent |
Crawford |
UC-San Diego |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Paolo |
Crosetto |
INRA and Univ. Grenoble Alpes, UMR 1215 GAEL |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Revollo-fernandez |
Daniel |
Instituto de Investigaciones Economicas - Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Astrid |
Dannenberg |
University of Kassel |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Abhishek |
Das |
Jadavpur University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Utteeyo |
Dasgupta |
Wagner College |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Utteeyo |
Dasgupta |
Franklin and Marshall College |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Elwyn |
Davies |
Oxford University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Douglas |
Davis |
Virginia Commonwealth University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Liam |
Delaney |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Laurent |
Denant-Boemont |
University of Rennes |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Lena |
Detlefsen |
IfW Kiel |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Maria Giovanna |
Devetag |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Sanjit |
Dhami |
Leicester |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Daniela |
Di cagno |
LUISS Guido Carli University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
David |
Dickinson |
Appalachian State University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Andreas |
Diekmann |
ETH, Zurich |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Lu |
Dong |
Nanjing Audit University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Maurice |
Doyon |
Université Laval |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Loïc |
Du parquet |
Le Mans University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Sébastien |
Duchêne |
Montpellier Business School |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Joisa |
Dutra |
FGV CERI Centro de Estudo em Regulação de Infraestrutura |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Kai |
Duttle |
Institute of East Asian Studies, Mercator School of Management, University of Duisburg-Essen |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Katharina |
Eckartz |
Bingen Technical University of Applied Sciences |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Catherine |
Eckel |
Texas A&M |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
William Gavin |
Ekins |
Emory University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Christoph |
Engel |
Max Planck Institute |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Jim |
Engle-Warnick |
MacGill University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Ahmed |
Ennasri |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Hui jun |
Er |
Economics programme, School of Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Orhan |
Erdem |
Rockford University. |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Seda |
Ertac |
Koc University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Armin |
Falk |
University of Bonn |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Zhi |
Fan |
School of Systems Science, Beijing Normal University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Marco |
Faravelli |
University of Queensland |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Enrique |
Fatas |
University of East Anglia |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Nick |
Feltovich |
Monash University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Alina |
Ferecatu |
Rotterdam |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Antonio |
Filippin |
University of Milan |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Urs |
Fischbacher |
University of Konstanz |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Alexandre |
Flage |
Université de Lorraine, Université de Strasbourg, CNRS, BETA |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Mariê Luísa |
Fontana |
Department of Economics, Federal University of Santa Catarina |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Axel |
Franzen |
University of Berne |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Pannequin |
François |
CREST - ENS Paris-Saclay |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
David |
Freeman |
Simon Fraser University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Cary |
Frydman |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Franziska |
Föllmi-Heusi |
University of Kreuzlingen |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Simon |
Gaechter |
University of Nottingham |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Fabio |
Galeotti |
University of East Anglia |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Lata |
Gangadharan |
Monash |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Guanlin |
Gao |
Chaminade University of Honolulu |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Alexis |
Garapin |
University of Grenoble-Alpes, INRA, UMR 1215 GAEL |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Alexia |
Gaudeul |
DFG RTG 1411, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Laura |
Gee |
Tufts University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Nikolaos |
Georgantzis |
GLOBE – Universidad de Granada & LEE, Universitat Jaume I, Spain |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Srijita |
Ghosh |
Ashoka University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
David |
Gill |
Purdue University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Paul |
Glimcher |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Uri |
Gneezy |
University of California, San Diego |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Bart H |
Golsteyn |
Maastricht University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Joaquin |
Gomez-Miñambres |
Bucknell University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Binglin |
Gong |
Fudan University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Marco |
Goulart |
Department of Business Administration, Federal University of Santa Catarina |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Regine |
Graml |
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Ben |
Greiner |
University of New South Wales |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Daniela |
Grieco |
University of Milan |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Jocelyn |
Groff |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Jens |
Grosser |
Florida State University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Phiip J. |
Grossman |
Monash University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Sven |
Gruener |
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Francesco |
Guala |
University of Milan |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Gautam |
Gupta |
Jadavpur University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Mehmet yigit |
Gurdal |
Department of Economics, Bogazici University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Mehmet |
Gurdal |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Haukur Freyr |
Gylfason |
University of Iceland |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Camilo |
Gómez |
Universidad Nacional de Colombia |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Tobias |
Hagen |
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
John R. |
Hamman |
Florida State University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
David |
Hammond |
School of Public Health and Health Systems, University of Waterloo |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Mamduh M |
Hanafi |
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Matthew j. |
Hashim |
University of Arizona |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Johannes |
Haushofer |
Princeton University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Tai-sen |
He |
Economics programme, School of Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Tai-sen |
He |
Brown University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Ricky |
Herman |
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Walid |
Hichri |
University of Lyon, F-69007, France; CNRS, GATE L-SE, Ecully, F-69130, University Lyon 2; LAREQUAD |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Walid |
Hichri |
GATE-LSE & University of Lyon 2 |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Benjamin E |
Hilbig |
University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Adrian |
Hillenbrand |
Max Planck Institute |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Norbert |
Hirschauer |
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Elizabeth |
Hoffman |
Iowa State University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Daniel |
Houser |
George Mason University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Li-chen |
Hsu |
National Chengchi University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Zhenxing |
Huang |
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Steve |
Humphrey |
Osnabrueck |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Kirsten |
Häger |
Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Wolfgang |
Höchtl |
University of Innsbruck |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Keigo |
Inukai |
Institute of Social and Economic Research, Osaka University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Edwin |
Ip |
University of Exeter |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Ebru |
Isgin |
West Chester University of PA |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Tarek |
Jaber lópez |
Laboratorio de Economía Experimental (LEE), Universitat Jaume I, Spain |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Krista |
Jabs |
Webster university |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Nicolas |
Jacquemet |
University Paris1 |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
David Blake |
Johnson |
University of Central Missouri |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Dominic |
Jung |
Clausthal University of Technology |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
John |
Kagel |
Ohio State University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Karthik n. |
Kannan |
Purdue University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Natalia |
Karelaia |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Melis |
Kartal |
Vienna University of Economics and Business |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Toshiji |
Kawagoe |
Department of Complex and Intelligent Systems, Future University Hakodate |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Tetsuya |
Kawamura |
Faculty of Economics and Business Management, Tezukayama University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Hugh |
Kelley |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Kristine |
Khachatryan |
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Jeognbin |
Kim |
Seoul National University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Duk Gyoo |
Kim |
California Institute of Technology |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Oliver |
Kirchkamp |
University of Jena |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Charlotte |
Klempt |
Institut for Applied Economic Research |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Heather Susan |
Knewtson |
Michigan Technological University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Martin |
Kocher |
Department of Economics, University of Vienna |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Felix |
Koelle |
University of Cologne |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
James |
Konow |
Loyola Marymount University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Oliver Bela |
Kovacs |
Department of Economics and Econometrics, University of Pecs |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Ian |
Krajbich |
Ohio State University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Kate |
Krause |
University of New Mexico |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Michal |
Krawczyk |
Warsaw University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Kari |
Kristinsson |
University of Iceland |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Bengt |
Kriström |
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Stephan |
Kroll |
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Colorado State University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Sabine |
Kröger |
Univerity Laval Quebec |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Sebastian |
Kube |
Max Planck Institute, Bonn |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Micaela M. |
Kulesz |
Institutional and Behavioral Economics Deparment, Leibniz-ZMT |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Cintya |
Lanchimba |
Escuela Politécnica Nacional |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Thomas |
Langer |
University of Muenster |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Katharina |
Laske |
University of Cologne |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Philippe |
Le coent |
Université Montpellier 1, UMR 5474 LAMETA, F-34000 Montpellier, France |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Jun yeong |
Lee |
Pusan National University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Jinkwon |
Lee |
Sogang University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
M. Vittoria |
Levati |
Max Planck Institute Jena |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Amir |
Levkowitz |
Ben-Gurion University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Jiawen |
Li |
Lancaster University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Sherry |
Li |
UT Dallas |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Lily |
Li |
Georgia State University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Shao yi |
Liaw |
Economics programme, School of Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Yang |
Liu |
Dalian University of Technology |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Aniol |
Llorente-saguer |
Queen Mary, London |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Tim |
Lohse |
Berlin School of Economics and Law |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Russell W. |
Louks |
Michigan Technological University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Andrew |
Luccasen |
Mississippi University for Women |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Stephane |
Luchini |
Aix-Marseille Université |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Anamaria |
Lusardi |
George Washington University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Valeria |
Maggian |
University of Padoa |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Pierre-Alexandre |
Mahieu |
LEMNA, Univeristy of Nantes |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Paola |
Manzini |
University of St. Andrews |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Ieda |
Matavelli |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Sandra |
Maximiano |
Purdue university |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Kevin |
Mccabe |
George Mason University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
David |
Mcevoy |
Appalachian State University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Jonathan |
Meer |
Texas A&M University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Rati |
Mekvabishvili |
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Thomas E. |
Merz |
Michigan Technological University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Luc |
Meunier |
ESSCA School of Management |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Luc |
Meunier |
ESSCA School of Management |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Kazuo |
Mino |
Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Johanna |
Mollerstrom |
George Mason University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Felipe |
Montealegre |
Universidad Nacional de Colombia |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Amy |
Moore |
Southern Utah University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Alejandro Tatsuo |
Moreno-okuno |
University of Guanajuato |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Tomoharu |
Mori |
College of Comprehensive Psychology, Ritsumeikan University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Andrea |
Morone |
Università degli Studi di Bari, Aldo Moro |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Stephan |
Mueller |
University of Goettingen |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Shagata |
Mukherjee |
Faculty of Meghnad Desai Academy of Economics, India |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Laurent |
Muller |
INRA, University of Grenoble-Alpes, UMR 1215 GAEL |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Laurent |
Muller |
INRA, University of Grenoble-Alpes, UMR 1215 GAEL |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Gabor |
Murai |
Department of Economics and Econometrics, University of Pecs |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
James J |
Murphy |
U. Alaska Anchorage |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Naoufel |
Mzoughi |
INRA, UR 767 Ecodéveloppement, 84914 Avignon, France |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Masao |
Nagatsuka |
Osaka Gakuin University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Susanne |
Neckermann |
university of Chicago |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Francesco |
Nemore |
Univeristà degli Studi di Bari, Aldo Moro |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Artem |
Nesterov |
Durham University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Thomas |
Neumann |
Chair in Empirical Economics, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Quang |
Nguyen |
Nanyang Technological University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Nicky |
Nicholls |
University of Pretoria |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Andreas |
Nicklisch |
University of Hamburg |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Muriel |
Niederle |
Standford University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Tsuyoshi |
Nihonsugi |
Graduate School of Economics, Waseda University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Charles |
Noussair |
University of Arizona |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Chaikal |
Nuryakin |
Faculty of Economics and Busniess, Universitas Indonesia |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Simone |
Nuzzo |
Università degli Studi di Bari, Aldo Moro |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Peter |
Ockenfels |
Goethe University Frankfurt |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Kazuhito |
Ogawa |
Kansai University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Kazuhito |
Ogawa |
Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Ayse |
Onculer |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Vitor |
Onuki |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Andreas |
Ortmann |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Hironori |
Otsubo |
Chuo University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Hironori |
Otsubo |
Soka University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
David |
Owens |
Haverford |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Robert |
Oxoby |
University of Calgary |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Benjamin |
Oyebode |
University of Pretoria |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Xiaofei |
Pan |
Bryant University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Alessandro |
Papparella |
University of Bari |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Na young |
Park |
Incheon National University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
David Alan |
Peel |
University of Lancaster |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Hui-chun |
Peng |
National Taipei University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Mariana |
Pereira |
Department of Economics, Federal University of Santa Catarina |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Charles R. |
Plott |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Giovanni |
Ponti |
LUISS Guido Carli University & Universidad de Alicante |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Odile |
Poulsen |
University of East Anglia |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Curtis R. |
Price |
University of Southern Indiana |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Joseph |
Price |
Brigham Young University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Raphaële |
Préget |
INRA, UMR 1135 LAMETA, F-34000 Montpellier, France |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Klarizze anne |
Puzon |
ISER, Osaka University & CERE-Sweden |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Klarizze anne |
Puzon |
United Nations University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Klarizze |
Puzon |
LAMETA, Universite Montpellier I |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Salmai |
Qari |
Berlin School of Economics and Law |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Benjamin |
Radoc |
Ateneo de Manila University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Ismaël |
Rafaï |
Aix Marseille Univ |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Bilel |
Rahali |
University of Grenoble-Alpes, INRA, UMR 1215 GAEL |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Abhijit |
Ramalingam |
School of Economics, University of East Anglia |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Abhijit |
Ramalingam |
University of East Anglia |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Mauricio |
Ramos |
Federal University of Santa Catarina |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Laura |
Razzolini |
Virginia Commonwealth University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Tobias |
Regner |
Max Planck Institute Economics Jena |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Joerg |
Rieger |
Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Gerhard |
Riener |
Abteilung fuer Volkswirtschaftslehre Universitaet Mannheim |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Tastaftiyan |
Risfandy |
Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Stéphane |
Robin |
laboratoire d'économie appliquée de Grenoble (GAEL |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Bettina |
Rockenbach |
University of Koln |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Ismael |
Rodriguez Lara |
Universidad de Granada |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Ismael |
Rodriguez-lara |
ERICES, Universidad de Valencia |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Ingrid M.T. |
Rohde |
Maastricht University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Rong |
Rong |
George Mason University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Jutta |
Roosen |
Technische Universität München |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Michael M. W. |
Ross |
Ruhr-University Bochum |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Matthew C. |
Rousu |
Susquehanna University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Anne |
Rozan |
University of Strasbourg |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Bradley |
Ruffle |
Wilfrid Laurier University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Jean-louis |
Rulliere |
Université lyon 2 |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Lauri |
Saaksvuori |
National Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland. |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Vjollca |
Sadiraj |
Georgia State University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Abdolkarim |
Sadrieh |
University of Magdeburg |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Yasmin |
Salazar |
Escuela Politécnica Nacional |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
André A. P. |
Santos |
Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Hamet |
Sarr |
University of Strasbourg |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Rupert |
Sausgruber |
University of Vienna |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Dario |
Schirone |
Independent researcher |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Ethan |
Schmick |
Muhlenberg College |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Carsten |
Schmidt |
University of Mannheim, Sonderforschungsbereich 504 |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Stephan |
Schosser |
Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Andrew |
Schotter |
New York University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Arthur |
Schram |
CREED, Amsterdam School of Economics |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Marina |
Schröder |
Leibniz University Hannover |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Simeon |
Schudy |
Univesity of Konstanz |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Marta |
Serra-Garcia |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Maroš |
Servátka |
Macquarie Graduate School of Management |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Junyi |
Shen |
Kobe University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Roman M. |
Sheremeta |
Case Western Reserve University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Roman |
Sheremeta |
Case Western Reserve University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Katya |
Sherstyuk |
University of Hawaii |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Tatsuhiro |
Shichijo |
Osaka Metropolitan University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Jason F |
Shogren |
University of Wyoming |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Olga |
Shurchkov |
Wellesley College |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Robert |
Slonim |
University of Sydney |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Alec |
Smith |
Virginia Tech |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Alexander |
Smith |
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Tony |
So |
University of Auckland |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Joep |
Sonnemans |
CREED, University of Amsterdam |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Barry |
Sopher |
Rutgers University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Andrea |
Sorensen |
Southern Illinois University - Carbondale |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Gianandrea |
Staffiero |
CRES – Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain & Matrix Knowledge, UK |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Brock V |
Stoddard |
Appalachian State University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Brock |
Stoddard |
Appalachian State University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Juan |
Sun |
Georgia State Univeristy |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Qinghui |
Suo |
Southwest University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Angela |
Sutan |
LESSAC, Burgundy School of Business and LAMETA |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Angela |
Sutan |
BETA Theme, Strasbourg |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Zoltan |
Szabo |
Department of Finance and Accounting, University of Pecs |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Hiromasa |
Takahashi |
Hiroshima City University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Emilio |
Takase |
Department of Psychology, Federal University of Santa Catarina |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Ai |
Takeuchi |
Faculty of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Joseph |
Tao-yi Wang |
National Taiwan University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Michael |
Taylor |
University of Notre Dame |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Tiziana |
Temerario |
Università degli Studi di Bari, Aldo Moro |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Sophie |
Thoyer |
Montpellier SupAgro, UMR 1135 LAMETA, F-34000 Montpellier, France |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
James F. |
Thrasher |
Arnold School of Public Health, University of South Carolina |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Yossef |
Tobol |
Jerusalem College of Technology |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Hisashi |
Toku |
Jin-ai University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Stefan |
Trautmann |
Tilburg University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Steven |
Tucker |
University of Canterbury |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Verena |
Utikal |
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Radovan |
Vadovic |
Carleton University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Radovan |
Vadovič |
Carleton University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Lise |
Vesterlund |
University of Pittsburgh |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Robert |
Veszteg |
Waseda University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Marie claire |
Villeval |
CNRS, University of Lyon, and IZA |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Bodo |
Vogt |
Chair in Empirical Economics, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Alex |
Voorhoeve |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
alisa |
Voslinsky |
Shamoon College of Engineering |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Israel |
Waichman |
Heidelberg University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
James M |
Walker |
Indiana University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Arne Robert |
Weiss |
University of Erfurt |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Marc |
Willinger |
University of Montpellier |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Marc |
Willinger |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Hernan |
Winkler |
World Bank |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Irenaeus |
Wolff |
University of Konstanz, Thurgau Institute of Economics (TWI) |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
John |
Wooders |
University of Technology Sydney |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Kristin |
Woods |
Rutgers University-Camden |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Erte |
Xiao |
Monash |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Huan |
Xie |
Concordia University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Kazunori |
Yakushiji |
Osaka Metropolitan University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Kazunori |
Yakushiji |
Osaka Metropolitan University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Mahmud |
Yesuf |
American University |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Serdar |
Yürek |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Jie |
Zhang |
University of Liverpool , China |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Jingjing |
Zhang |
University of Technology Sydney |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Anthony |
Ziegelmeyer |
Queen's University Belfast |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Yvonne |
Ziegler |
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Daniel |
Zizzo |
University of Queensland |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Ro'i |
Zultan |
Center for Rationality |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
anna |
maffioletti |
University of Turin |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Joel |
van der weele |
university of Amsterdam |
Email |
Profile |
CV |
Frederik Roose |
Øvlisen |
University of Copenhagen |
Email |
Profile |
CV |