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Mar 10 2021 Carlos Frederico A. Uchoa , Cleiton S. de Jesus and Leonardo C. B. Cardoso
  The asymmetric pattern of fuel demand in Brazil
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May 05 2017 Nidhal Mgadmi and Khemaies Bougatef
  Modeling volatility of the French stock market
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May 18 2016 Juan Gabriel Brida , Bibiana Lanzilotta and Fiorella Pizzolon
  Dynamic relationship between tourism and economic growth in MERCOSUR countries: a nonlinear approach based on asymmetric time series models
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Dec 18 2015 Jeremy Nguyen and Jen-je Su
  Combining linear and nonlinear unit root tests with an application to PPP.
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Mar 25 2011 Mohamed el hédi Arouri and Fredj Jawadi
  Do on/off time series models reproduce emerging stock market comovements?
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Aug 28 2010 Jean-michel Sahut
  A Flexible Non Linear Model to Test the Expectation Hypothesis of Interest Rates
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