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Jun 30 2024 Mathurin Aimé Mekam Pouatcha , Marilena Giannetti and Elton Beqiraj
  The relationship between FDI and population health in Sub-Saharan Africa: The role of per-capita income
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Sep 30 2023 Mina Baliamoune-Lutz
  Does trade openness affect youth unemployment? New evidence from developing and emerging economies
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Mar 30 2023 Padmaja M
  Does outward foreign direct investment crowd out domestic investment in India?
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Mar 30 2023 Samuel cédric Nkot and Sezard Timbi
  Governance and financial development: does financial openness matter? Evidence from Sub-Saharan African countries
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Mar 30 2023 Brahim Gaies
  Financial openness and CSR: Banks in Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain
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Dec 30 2022 Vibha Kapuria-Foreman
  Foreign direct investment and natural resources
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Dec 30 2022 Cheng Zhou
  The impact of financial openness on income inequality
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Sep 30 2022 Rajarshi Mitra , Md. Thasinul Abedin and Kanon Kumar Sen
  Population Aging and FDI inflows: A multi-country cointegration analysis
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Jun 30 2022 Jacques Simon Song , Hervé William Mougnol A Ekoula and Adalbert Abraham Ghislain Melingui Bate
  Does ICTs diffusion increase bilateral trade in Africa? Empirical evidence using an augmented gravity model
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Sep 18 2021 Lourenco S. Paz
  How does import competition impact job type?
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Sep 17 2021 Thiernaud T. D. Behanzin and Mamadou A. Konte
  Impact of trade openness on the budget balance in WAEMU
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Jul 18 2021 Md. Shafiqul Islam
  Dynamics of energy use, technological innovation, economic growth, and trade openness in Bangladesh
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Apr 09 2021 Md. Thasinul Abedin , Rajarshi Mitra , Kanon Kumar Sen and Md. Sharif Hossain
  Exchange Rate and Stock Market Development in Bangladesh
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Mar 10 2021 Charles K. Mawusi
  Does Informality and Trade Openness Impact Long Run Growth? Empirical Evidence from Ghana
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Dec 17 2020 Ha-chi Le and Thai-ha Le
  Foreign Direct Investment Inflows and Economic Growth in Singapore: an Empirical approach
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Nov 14 2020 Gislain Stéphane Gandjon Fankem and Mohamadou Oumarou
  'Trade Openness and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa : Evidence from New Trade Openness Indicator
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Oct 12 2020 Stéphane Mbiankeu Nguea
  Openness and Government Size in Sub-Saharan African countries
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Sep 24 2020 Rashid Sbia and Helmi Hamdi
  Remittances and inflation in OPEC countries:Evidence from bias-corrected least-squares dummy variable (CLSDV) estimator
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Jul 14 2020 Fernando Marques Mansilla , Elano Ferreira Arruda and Roberto Tatiwa Ferreira
  Trade openness and inflation dynamics in Brazil
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Jun 18 2020 Zameelah Khan Jaffur , Boopen Seetanah and Noor-Ul-Hacq Sookia
  A cross-country analysis of the determinants of the real effective exchange rate in fifteen Sub-Saharan African countries
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Jun 07 2020 Ngouhouo Ibrahim , Chouafi Nguekam Orfé and Bocker Poumie
  Would rising real GDP boost the combined effects of economic openness and public investment on unemployment in Cameroon?
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May 02 2019 Helder Ferreira de Mendonça and Ana Jordânia de Oliveira
  Openness and government size: A new empirical assessment
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Feb 18 2019 Myriam Ben Saâd and Giscard Assoumou-Ella
  Economic Complexity and Gender Inequality in Education: An Empirical Study
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Jan 13 2019 Samouel Beji
  Financial Openness and Income Inequality: Do Institutions matter for Africa?
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Dec 27 2018 Md. Sharif Hossain , Rajarshi Mitra and Md. Iqbal Hossain
  The Determinants of Inbound FDI: Asia on a Reappraisal
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Dec 02 2018 Francisco Alcalá and Marta Solaz
  Developing Countries' Increasing Weight in World Trade, Openness, and Convergence
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Aug 05 2018 Mihai Mutascu
  G7 countries: between trade openness and CO2 emissions
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Feb 27 2018 Sahar Milani and Rebecca Neumann
  International financial openness and industrial R&D
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Feb 09 2018 Aadil Ahmad Ganaie , Sajad ahmad Bhat and Bandi Kamaiah
  Macro-determinants of Income Inequality: An Empirical Analysis in case of India
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Jan 24 2018 Sayef Bakari , Mohamed Mabrouki and Asma Elmakki
  The Impact of Domestic Investment in the Industrial Sector on Economic Growth with Partial Openness: Evidence from Tunisia
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Dec 01 2017 Francisco Serranito
  Determinants of technology catch-up in MENA and SSA countries: a panel data analysis
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Sep 27 2017 Daniel A. P. Uhr , Julia G. Z. Uhr and Regis A. Ely
  A synthetic control approach on Chile's transition to democracy
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Jul 23 2017 Eléazar Zerbo
  Energy consumption and economic growth in Sub-Saharan African countries: Further evidence
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Jul 23 2017 Md.Thasinul Abedin
  Impact of Banking Sector Efficiency and Profitability on Bangladesh Economy
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Apr 09 2017 Taha Zaghdoudi and Abdelaziz Hakimi
  Does external debt- poverty relationship confirm the debtoverhang hypothesis for developing counties?
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Sep 11 2016 Malvika Mahesh
  The effects of trade openness on income inequality - evidence from BRIC countries
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Dec 26 2015 N'Yilimon Nantob
  Income Inequality and Inflation in Developing Countries : An Empirical Investigation
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Dec 26 2015 Matthias Busse and Jens Koeniger
  Trade and economic growth: A re-examination of the empirical evidence
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Dec 13 2015 Omid Ranjbar and Zahra (Mila) Elmi
  Analyzing the effect of financial development and trade openness on income convergence
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Oct 02 2015 Richard T Froyen and Alfred V Guender
  Real-Exchange-Rate-Adjusted Inflation Targeting in an Open Economy: Some Analytical Results
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Aug 12 2015 Rajarshi Mitra , Md. Sharif Hossain and Md. Iqbal Hossain
  Aid and Per-Capita Economic Growth in Asia: A Panel Cointegration Test
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Jun 09 2015 Loris Rubini
  Productivity and Trade Liberalizations in Canada
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Oct 24 2014 Basanta K Pradhan and Malvika Mahesh
  Impact of trade openness on poverty: a panel data analysis of a set of developing countries
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Aug 20 2014 Philippe Darreau and François Pigalle
  Long-run effects of capital market integration using OLG model
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Aug 06 2014 Chandan Sharma and Sunny K Singh
  Determinants of International Reserves: Empirical Evidence from Emerging Asia
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Oct 10 2013 Enerelt Murakami
  Efficiency and productivity of the Mongolian livestock sector in an open economy
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Jun 30 2013 Helmi Hamdi and Rashid Sbia
  The relationship between natural resources rents, trade openness and economic growth in Algeria
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Jun 24 2013 Md. Sharif Hossain and Rajarshi Mitra
  A Dynamic Panel Analysis of the Determinants of FDI in Africa
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Apr 04 2013 Mohieddine Rahmouni
  Innovativeness of Exporting firms in a Developing Country: The Case of Tunisia
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Mar 12 2013 Serdar Birinci
  Trade openness, growth, and informality: Panel VAR evidence from OECD economies
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Mar 12 2013 Helmi Hamdi
  Testing export-led growth in Tunisia and Morocco: New evidence using the Toda and Yamamoto procedure
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Jan 08 2013 Simplice A Asongu
  The ‘Knowledge Economy'-finance nexus: how do IPRs matter in SSA and MENA countries?
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Oct 08 2012 Serge Rey and Florent Deisting
  GDP per Capita among African Countries over the Period 1950–2008: Highlights of Convergence Clubs
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Feb 10 2012 Yu Hsing
  Test of the Impossible Trinity Hypothesis for Five Selected Countries in the Asian and Pacific Regions
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Jan 27 2012 Harald Badinger and Elisabeth Nindl
  Sacrifice Ratios, Benefice Ratios, and Globalization: Evidence from a New Set of Estimates
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Jan 20 2012 Zeb Aurangzeb and Thanasis Stengos
  Economic Policies and the Impact of Natural Disasters on Economic Growth: A Threshold Regression Approach
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Nov 22 2011 Aviral Kumar Tiwari
  Happiness and Environmental Degradation: What Determines Happiness?
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Oct 21 2011 Sheikh Shahnawaz
  Infectious disease outbreak and trade policy formulation
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Oct 12 2011 Vatthanamixay Chansomphou and Masaru Ichihashi
  The impact of trade openness on the incomes of four South East Asian countries before and after the Asian financial crisis
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Sep 12 2011 Khaled Guesmi
  What Drives the Regional Integration of Emerging Stock Markets?
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Aug 02 2011 Anupam Das and Biru Paksha Paul
  Openness and growth in emerging Asian economies: Evidence from GMM estimations of a dynamic panel
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Apr 08 2011 Marc Sangnier
  The co-evolution of social capital and financial development
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Mar 25 2011 Dawood Mamoon
  Relative Factor Return Gaps in Labour Markets and Global Integration
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Mar 22 2011 Mili Roy and Md. Israt Rayhan
  Trade Flows of Bangladesh: A Gravity Model Approach
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Jul 11 2010 Matthieu Boussichas and Michael Goujon
  A quantitative indicator of the immigration policy's restrictiveness
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Oct 29 2009 Mei-yin Lin and Hui-hua Wang
  What Causes the Volatility of the Balancing Item?
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May 28 2009 Estela Sáenz , María Dolores Gadea and Marcela Sabaté
  Measuring the external risk in the United Kingdom
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Mar 05 2009 Fumitaka Furuoka and Chong Mun Ho
  Phillips curves and openness: New evidence from selected Asian economies
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Dec 20 2008 Fabrizio Carmignani
  Does capital account liberalisation promote economic growth? Evidence from system estimation.
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Jul 23 2008 Chin-Hong Puah , Albert Apoi and Jerome Swee-Hui Kueh
  Outward FDI of Malaysia: An Empirical Examination from Macroeconomic Perspective
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Apr 01 2008 Mark J. Holmes and Sayeeda Bano
  On openness and real exchange rate volatility
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Aug 21 2007 Kamal Upadhyaya , Franklin Mixon, Jr. and Dharmendra Dhakal
  Foreign direct investment and transition economies: empirical evidence from a panel data estimator
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Apr 08 2007 Javed Younas
  Capital Mobility, Foreign Aid, and Openness: A Reappraisal
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Jun 01 2005 Fumiko Takeda and Katsumi Matsuura
  Trade and the Environment in Latin America: Examining the Linkage with the USA
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Aug 26 2004 Sergio Da Silva , Guilherme Moura and Sidney Caetano
  Big Mac parity, income, and trade
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Oct 24 2002 Anthony Bende-Nabende
  Foreign direct investment determinants in Sub-Sahara Africa: A co-integration analysis
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