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Notes, Comments and Preliminary results

Jun 30 2024 Amparo Castello-Climent and Rafael Domenech
  Convergence in human capital and income
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Jun 30 2024 Karima Habibi and Salwa Trabelsi
  Is there a link between government spending, good governance, and economic growth? Evidence from developing countries
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Dec 30 2023 Guilherme Amorim and Marcelo E. A. Silva
  Governance and growth: A panel VAR approach.
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Mar 30 2023 Jussi T. S. Heikkilä
  Recombination of ideas and the direction of inventive activity in economic growth research: Evidence from the Journal of Economic Growth
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Mar 30 2023 Tselmuun Tserenkhuu
  Population aging and economic growth: A semiparametric panel data analysis
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Mar 30 2023 Md Shajedur Rahaman , Mohammad Chhiddikur Rahman , Md Abdur Rouf Sarkar and Mohammad Ariful Islam
  Contribution of agriculture subsectors on economic growth in Bangladesh: An application of the ARDL method
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Mar 30 2023 Kazuo Mino
  On the stationary distribution of income and wealth in a growing economy with endogenous labor supply
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Dec 30 2022 Dramane Abdoulaye
  Corruption, property rights and economic growth in Africa: empirical evidence from natural resource rich countries
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Dec 30 2022 Cesar Sobrino
  The persistence of regional disparities in labor markets: Evidence from Puerto Rico
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Sep 30 2022 Jude I. Iziga
  A new way to look at old issues: Worker education and regional economic growth
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Jun 30 2022 Hibrahim Limi Kouotou and Boniface Ngah Epo
  Duration of heads of state in power and economic growth: a Sub-Saharan African tale
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Jun 30 2022 Stéphane Ciriani and François Jeanjean
  Competition, technological change and productivity gains: a European sectoral analysis
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Jun 30 2022 Haoliang Zhu and Jiao Wang
  Examining the TFP growth of information technology service sector: a cross-country analysis
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Dec 29 2021 M. Christian Lehmann
  Would a central planner let people starve? The great unsolved puzzle of china's great famine (1958-61)
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Sep 18 2021 Roberto Antonietti and Chiara Burlina
  Quality of institutions and standard of living: a panel cointegration analysis
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Sep 17 2021 Clovis Wendji Miamo and Elvis Dze Achuo
  Crude Oil Price and Real GDP Growth: An Application of ARDL Bounds Cointegration and Toda-Yamamoto Causality Tests
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Sep 17 2021 Keshmeer Makun and Tiru K. Jayaraman
  COVID- 19 impact on remittances and economic growth in three transitional countries in ASEAN: evidence from nonlinear analysis
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Sep 17 2021 Joshua Ang and Jason C. Patalinghug
  Property rights and economic growth: A dynamic GMM analysis
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Mar 10 2021 Ludovic Feulefack Kemmanang and Jonas Juleo Dongmo Zamke
  Colonial spectre and foreign investments concentration: Does African growth escape?
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Sep 24 2020 Walid Benayed , Nouha Bougharriou and Foued Badr Gabsi
  The threshold effect of political institutions on the finance-growth nexus: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
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Sep 24 2020 Olivier Darne and Amelie Charles
  Nowcasting GDP growth using data reduction methods: Evidence for the French economy
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May 15 2020 Edmond Berisha , Ram Sewak Dubey , John Meszaros and Eric Olson
  Trends in Economic Inequality: Are U.S. states growing apart?
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Apr 15 2020 Hidekatsu Asada
  Impacts of sectoral labour productivity growth of emerging countries in East Asia
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Feb 05 2020 Myeong Hwan Kim , Yongseung Han , Heather L.R. Tierney and Eréndira Yareth Vargas López
  The Economic Consequences of Government Spending in South Korea
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Feb 05 2020 John W. Dawson
  Regulation and Productivity Growth: Are We in a New Productivity Slowdown?
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Nov 03 2019 Ngoc-Sang Pham and Thi Kim Cuong Pham
  Foreign aid, recipient government's fiscal behavior, and economic growth
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Oct 13 2019 Jochen Hartwig
  Further insights into 'Baumol's disease' in Japan
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Sep 07 2019 Hiroyuki Taguchi and Yasushi Sunouchi
  The Role of Institutions in Private Participation in Infrastructure in Low- and Middle-income Countries: Greenfield versus Brownfield Projects
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Aug 27 2019 Jean-François Verne and Carole Doueiry Verne
  Chaos in Lebanese GDP: The Lorenz Attractor Approach
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Aug 27 2019 Kore Marc Guei
  Does financial structure matter for economic growth: evidence from South Africa
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Jul 12 2019 Vighneswara Swamy
  Wealth Effects and Macroeconomic Dynamics
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Jun 16 2019 Alarudeen Aminu and Isiaka Akande Raifu
  Dynamic Nexus between Oil Revenues and Economic Growth in Nigeria
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Jun 15 2019 Liutang Gong and Wei Wang
  Diverse Growth Patterns with External Habit Formation
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May 31 2019 Andrew Phiri
  Fitting Okun's law for the Swazi Kingdom: Will a nonlinear specification do?
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May 31 2019 Katarina R.I. Keller
  The effects of private social security accounts on economic growth in Eastern Europe
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Mar 28 2019 Barış Soybilgen , Huseyin Kaya and Dincer Dedeoglu
  Evaluating the effect of geopolitical risks on the growth rates of emerging countries
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Mar 16 2019 Aline Gadelha and Jose Angelo Divino
  Institutions, growth and economic stability
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Feb 02 2019 Fábio A. R. Gomes and Gian Paulo Soave
  Convergence in income inequality: revisiting the case of Brazilian municipalities
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Dec 27 2018 Carlos Mendez-Guerra
  On the distribution dynamics of human development: Evidence from the metropolitan regions of Bolivia
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Dec 13 2018 Fernando A Barros Jr and Bruno R Delalilbera
  Market frictions, misallocation of talent and development
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Dec 02 2018 Francisco Alcalá and Marta Solaz
  Developing Countries' Increasing Weight in World Trade, Openness, and Convergence
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Oct 10 2018 Oreste Napolitano , Mariafortuna Pietroluongo and Konstantinos Kounetas
  Stochastic Convergence or Divergence of Total Factor Productivity and GDP of Italian Regions. Re-examing the Evidence.
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Sep 08 2018 Constantin Chilarescu
  The effect of externality on the transitional dynamics: the case of Lucas model.
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Jul 18 2018 Lumengo Bonga-bonga and Maphelane Phume
  Assessing the relationship between total factor productivity and foreign direct investment in an economy with a skills shortage: the case of South Africa
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May 25 2018 Thais W. Niquito , Felipe Garcia Ribeiro and Marcelo Savino Portugal
  Institutions or human capital: which is more important for economic performance? Evidence from Brazil
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May 12 2018 Mohamed Mabrouki
  Supporting economic growth through innovation: How does human capital influence the rate of growth?
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Mar 23 2018 Jagadish Prasad Sahu and Sitakanta Panda
  Political regime persistence and economic growth in Odisha: An empirical assessment of the Naveen Patnaik rule
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Mar 23 2018 Christoph Eder
  A replication of "Inherited Trust and Growth"
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Feb 27 2018 Kosho Tanaka
  Technological progress, firm selection, and unemployment
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Jan 24 2018 Sayef Bakari , Mohamed Mabrouki and Asma Elmakki
  The Impact of Domestic Investment in the Industrial Sector on Economic Growth with Partial Openness: Evidence from Tunisia
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Dec 01 2017 Francisco Serranito
  Determinants of technology catch-up in MENA and SSA countries: a panel data analysis
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Oct 26 2017 Vicente German-Soto , Luis Gutierrez Flores and Hector Alonso Barajas Bustillos
  An analysis of the relationship between infrastructure investment and economic growth in Mexican urban areas, 1985-2008
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Aug 31 2017 Abdoul A. Ndiaye , Mamadou A. Konte and Yao T. Kpegli
  The Solow model augmented with the net capital inflows to-GDP-ratio
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Aug 31 2017 Nabil Alimi and Nabil Aflouk
  The threshold effect of oil-price shocks on economic growth
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May 04 2017 Gilad Sorek and Bharat Diwakar
  Weak Scale Effects in Overlapping Generations Economy
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Mar 21 2017 Dierk Herzer
  The long-run effect of FDI on TFP in the United States
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Mar 05 2017 Peter Kannen , Julian Donaubauer and Dierk Herzer
  How do South-South and North-South FDI affect total factor productivity growth in developing countries?
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Jan 26 2017 Gaurav Nayyar
  Economic Growth and the Income-Consumption Disconnect: Evidence from Indian States
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Jan 26 2017 Md Rafayet Alam , Erick Kitenge and Bizuayehu Bedane
  Government Effectiveness and Economic Growth
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Jan 13 2017 Brad Sturgill and Hernando Zuleta
  Variable factor shares and the index number problem: a generalization.
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Dec 29 2016 Ceyhun Elgin and Ferda Erturk
  Is Informality a Barrier to Convergence?
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Dec 21 2016 Chandril Bhattacharyya
  A note on endogenous growth with public capital
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Dec 21 2016 Boubacar Diallo
  Financial dependence and growth during crises: when does bank efficiency really matter?
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Nov 09 2016 Christoph Hanck
  I just ran two trillion regressions
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Nov 09 2016 Bharat Diwakar and Gilad Sorek
  Dynastic Altruism, Population, and R&D based Growth
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Oct 05 2016 Vincent Geloso , Vadim Kufenko and Klaus Prettner
  Demographic change and regional convergence in Canada
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Sep 29 2016 Vinod Mishra and Ankita Mishra
  Is there a Modi effect in per Capita Income of Gujarat?
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Sep 29 2016 Fernando Delbianco , Carlos Dabús and María angeles Caraballo pou
  Growth, Inequality and Corruption: Evidence from Developing Countries
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Mar 17 2016 Michael Berlemann and Daniela Wenzel
  Long-term Growth Effects of Natural Disasters - Empirical Evidence for Droughts
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Mar 17 2016 Elias K Shukralla
  Remittances, institutions and economic growth: a closer look at some proxies for institutions
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Feb 11 2016 Arturo Anton and Rodolfo Gutierrez
  Informality and Productivity
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Dec 13 2015 Omid Ranjbar and Zahra (Mila) Elmi
  Analyzing the effect of financial development and trade openness on income convergence
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Oct 02 2015 Cheng-te Lee and Shang-fen Wu
  Military Spending and Stochastic Growth: A Small Open Economy
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Jul 31 2015 Erich Gundlach and Rasmus Thönnessen
  A note on human capital externalities, factor substitution, and technology differences
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Jul 11 2015 Philippe Darreau and François Pigalle
  Long-run effects of capital market integration using Solow's model
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Jun 01 2015 Gargi Bhattacharya and Sushil Kr. Haldar
  Does demographic dividend yield economic dividend? India, a case study
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Apr 03 2015 Andreas Assiotis , Marios Zachariadis and Andreas Savvides
  What Determines Technology Diffusion Across Frontiers? R&D Content, Human Capital and Institutions
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Mar 12 2015 Kunihiko Konishi
  A Note on Commodity Taxation and Economic Growth
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Jul 08 2014 Guilherme Mendes Resende and Tulio A. Cravo
  What about regions in regional science? A convergence exercise using different geographic scales of European Union
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Mar 31 2014 Constantin Chilarescu and Ciprian Sipos
  Solving Macroeconomic Models with Homogenous Technology and Logarithmic Preferences - A Note
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Dec 23 2013 Mohammed I Shuaibu and Mutiu A Oyinlola
  Do structural breaks matter in the growth-environment nexus in Nigeria?
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Dec 03 2013 Andreas Irmen
  Adjustment costs in a variant of Uzawa's steady-state growth theorem
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Jul 11 2013 Mahmood-ur- Rahman and Sujan Kumar Ghosh
  Productivity Bias Hypothesis: The Case of South Asia
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Jun 06 2013 Juan Gabriel Brida , Silvia London and Mara Rojas
  A Dynamic Model of Tourism and Economic Growth: the Role of Physical and Human Capital
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May 12 2013 Jay Kathavate
  Corruption, aid volatility & growth
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Nov 29 2012 Taketo Kawagishi and Kazuo Mino
  Time Preference and Long-Run Growth: the Role of Patience Capital
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Nov 06 2012 Toshihiro Okada
  Wage Inequality, R&D Labor and R&D Productivity
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Oct 30 2012 Muhammad Jami Husain
  Alternative Estimates of the Effect of the Increase of Life Expectancy on Economic Growth
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Oct 08 2012 Serge Rey and Florent Deisting
  GDP per Capita among African Countries over the Period 1950–2008: Highlights of Convergence Clubs
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Sep 28 2012 Elena D'alfonso and Luigi Moretti
  The finance-growth nexus in ceec: new evidence from a survey-based indicator of external financial dependence
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Aug 21 2012 Dibyendu Maiti
  Market Distortions and Productivity Growth with Reference to India
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May 29 2012 Zhou Wei and Adel Ben Youssef
  The productivity impact of international technology transfer in China: Empirical investigation on Chinese regions
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May 14 2012 David Coyne and Chih-ming Tan
  Do political institutions yield multiple growth regimes?
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Mar 19 2012 Shinji Teraji
  The Emergence of Agriculture: Trickle-Down Growth and Climate Change
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Feb 09 2012 Alessia Lo Turco
  Economic growth and the role of trade in intermediates
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Oct 24 2011 Giulio Guarini
  Harrod's cumulative growth circle
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Jun 25 2011 Tapas Mishra , Bazoumana Ouattara and Mamata Parhi
  A Note on Shock Persistence in Total Factor Productivity Growth
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Jan 24 2011 Sheng-Tung Chen , Chi-Chung Chen and Yoonbai Kim
  Economic Growth and Government Size in OECD Countries: New Evidence from the Quantile Regression Approach
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Nov 11 2010 Nicolas Péridy
  Innovation, Growth and Convergence in the Euro-Mediterranean Area: Implications for MENA Countries
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Oct 31 2010 Kenji Miyazaki
  A note on continuous time models with general cash-in-advance constraints
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Aug 18 2010 Tiago Neves Sequeira and Alexandra Ferreira-Lopes
  On the Welfare Properties of the Lucas and Romer Endogenous Growth Models
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Jun 30 2010 Kris Iyer , Philip Andrew Stevens and Darran Austin
  Are Non-Exporters Locked out of Foreign Markets because of Low Productivity?: Evidence from New Zealand Agriculture and Forestry
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Apr 06 2010 C. Emre Alper , Oya Pinar Ardic and Ozan Hatipoglu
  Structural change and economic growth: a calibration exercise for Turkey
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Aug 04 2009 Hiroki Arato
  Long-run relationship between inflation and growth in a New Keynesian framework
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May 08 2009 Luca Gori and Luciano Fanti
  Right-to-manage unions endogenous growth and welfare
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Apr 14 2009 Tsangyao Chang , Gengnan Chiang and Yichun Zhang
  Is volume index of gdp per capita stationary in oecd countries? panel stationary tests with structural breaks
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Dec 13 2008 Antonio Palestrini
  Common Components in Firms' Growth and the Sectors Scaling Puzzle
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Nov 14 2008 Hideaki Goto
  Social norms, inequality and fertility
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Aug 11 2008 Juan Sebastián Pereyra and Juan Gabriel Brida
  The Solow model in discrete time and decreasing population growth rate
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May 30 2008 Tsangyao Chang , Wen-Chi Liu , Shu-Chen Kang and Kuei-Chiu Lee
  Is Per Capita Real GDP Stationary in Latin American Countries? Evidence from a Panel Stationary Test with Structural Breaks
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Apr 02 2008 Jang-Ting Guo and Shu-Hua Chen
  On the growth and velocity effects of money
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Mar 06 2008 Luca Gori and Luciano Fanti
  Longevity and PAYG pension systems sustainability
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Mar 06 2008 Neil Foster , Johann Scharler and Jesus Crespo-Cuaresma
  Barriers to technology adoption, international R and D spillovers and growth
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Feb 22 2008 Yeung-Nan Shieh and Jason (Jen-Shan) Kao
  Fine arts in Solow model: a clarification
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Oct 17 2007 Cheuk Yin Ho
  Illegal migration and economic growth: simulation analysis in an international context
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Oct 17 2007 Luca Gori and Luciano Fanti
  From the Malthusian to the Modern Growth Regime in an OLG Model with Unions
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Oct 09 2007 Petr Duczynski
  A Note on the Imbalance Effect in the Uzawa-Lucas Model
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Aug 01 2007 Koki Oikawa
  Final Goods Substitutability and Economic Growth
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Jul 24 2007 Kazuo Mino and Seiya Fujisaki
  Generalized Taylor Rule and Determinacy of Growth Equilibrium
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May 22 2007 Jorge Alcalde-Unzu
  Indeterminacy in a variety expansion model of endogenous growth
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May 10 2007 Juan Gabriel Brida and Elvio Accinelli
  The Ramsey model with logistic population growth
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Mar 24 2007 Ashok Kaul , Volker Reinthaler and Marcus Hagedorn
  Welfare Analysis in a Schumpeterian Growth Model with Capital
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Mar 24 2007 Frederic Tournemaine
  Can population promote income per-capita growth? A balanced perspective
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Feb 18 2007 Takeshi Nakata
  Habit Formation, Parents' Education Spending, and Growth
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Feb 13 2007 Colin Davis
  Communication costs, network externalities, and long-run growth
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Jan 23 2007 Matthias Busse and José Luis Groizard
  Does Africa Really Benefit from Trade?
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Jan 16 2007 Orlando Gomes
  The Dynamics of Growth and Migrations with Congestion Externalities
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Sep 25 2006 Yi Jin and Zhixiong Zeng
  Distribution services and economic growth
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Sep 01 2006 Sandro Sapio , Andrea Roventini and Mauro Napoletano
  Modelling smooth and uneven cross-sectoral growth patterns: an identification problem
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Mar 23 2006 Manuel A. Gómez
  Equilibrium efficiency in the Uzawa-Lucas model with sector-specific externalities
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Jan 28 2006 Nigar Hashimzade and George Davis
  Human capital and growth under political uncertainty
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Dec 26 2005 Luís Aguiar-Conraria
  Public vs private schooling in an endogenous growth model
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Jun 24 2005 Jens Suedekum and Uwe Blien
  Local Economic Structure and Industry Development in Germany, 1993-2001
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Mar 04 2005 Theophile Azomahou , Thi Kim Cuong Pham , Phu Nguyen Van and Jalal El Ouardighi
  Income distribution dynamics across European regions
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Feb 03 2005 Panayiotis Petrakis and Stylianos Kotsios
  The dynamics of structural change under risk influence
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Jan 12 2005 Kazuo Mino and Yunfang Hu
  Schooling, Working Experiences, and Human Capital Formation
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Nov 11 2004 Ryo Horii , Koichi Futagami and Akiomi Kitagawa
  Investment efficiency and intergenerational income distribution: a paradoxical result
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Feb 26 2004 Kazuo Mino and Jun-ichi Itaya
  Interest-rate rule and multiple equilibria with endogenous growth
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Jan 15 2004 Chong Kee Yip and Ka Fai Li
  Monetary Policy and Equilibrium Indeterminacy in a Cash-in-Advance Economy with Investment
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Jan 05 2004 Manuel A. Gómez
  The effect of the government temporal horizon on the optimal tax structure
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Sep 26 2003 Christine Sauer , Geng Li and Kishore Gawande
  Big push industrialization: some empirical evidence for East Asia and Eastern Europe
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Aug 02 2003 Corrado Di Guilmi , Mauro Gallegati and Edoardo Gaffeo
  Power Law Scaling in the World Income Distribution
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May 22 2003 Tristan-Pierre Maury
  Endogenous growth, transitional dynamics and the welfare costs of inflation
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May 22 2003 Tristan-Pierre Maury and Fabien Tripier
  Output persistence in human capital-based growth models
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May 15 2003 Subrata Guha
  Technological efficiency and the welfare of the capital-poor in a simple model of endogenous growth
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Dec 27 2002 Kei Hosoya
  Non-separable utility, wealth effects, and economic growth in a monetary economy
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Sep 25 2002 Fernando Pueyo and Marcos Sanso
  Skill gaps: existence and efficiency
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Feb 25 2002 Joao Ricardo Faria
  Growth and labor supply in the presence of habit formation in consumption
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Nov 28 2001 Alfred Greiner and Jens J. Krueger
  Indeterminacy and the distribution of growth rates
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