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Jun 30 2024 Vinay Asthana
  Corruption and crypto participation: Cross-country evidence
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Sep 30 2023 Jasnine Mogem Kouam , Luc Nembot Ndeffo and Mathurin Aimé Mekam Pouatcha
  The long and short run effects of foreign direct investment on economic complexity in Sub-Saharan African countries.
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Mar 30 2023 Aïcha Tiendrebeogo
  Entrepreneurship And Informal Economy In Africa
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Dec 30 2022 Dramane Abdoulaye
  Corruption, property rights and economic growth in Africa: empirical evidence from natural resource rich countries
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Dec 30 2022 Charly Ondobo Tsala and henri Ngoa Tabi
  Political decentralization and income inequality in developping countries : does governance matter ?
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Jun 30 2022 Miao Wang and Hong Zhuang
  Effect of official development assistance on adolescent fertility rate: within-country evidence
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Feb 20 2022 Jean Francky Landry Ngono
  Capital flight, quality of institutions and domestic investment in Africa
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Dec 29 2021 Wided Bouaine and Yosr Hrichi
  Impact of the political experience on the firm's performance: Case of Tunisian companies after the 2011 revolution
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Jul 18 2021 Martin Ambassa Messy and Itchoko Motande Mondjeli Mwa Ndjokou
  Taxation and Income Inequality in Sub-Saharan Africa
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Jul 18 2021 Jun Zhao
  Impacts of global value chains on foreign direct investment (The case of Asian developing countries)
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Jul 18 2021 Idrys Fransmel Okombi
  Non-Linear Response of Fiscal Policy to the Business Cycle: Empirical Evidence in Sub-Saharan Africa
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Jul 18 2021 Chimere Iheonu , Shedrach Agbutun and Chinedum Chiemela
  Human Rights in Sub Saharan Africa: Understanding the Influence Of Militarisation, Governance and Democracy
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Jul 18 2021 Amanina Abdur Rahman , Spyridon Stavropoulos , Martijn Burger and Elena Ianchovichina
  Does Institutional Quality Moderate the Relationship between Corruption and Subjective Well-Being?
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Mar 10 2021 Abdoulaye Dramane
  Effect of the size of government spending on corruption in sub-saharan african countries
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Aug 24 2020 Karim Bouchrara , Houssem Rachdi and Khaled Guesmi
  The Non-Linear Relationship Between Economic Growth and Public Debt
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Aug 19 2020 Subika Farazi , Ahmed M Rostom and Rishabh Sinha
  Investment decisions and exposure to crime and corruption.
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Mar 05 2020 Hichem Saidi
  Threshold effect of institutions on finance-growth nexus in MENA region: New evidence from panel simultaneous equation model
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Feb 29 2020 Ibrahim Ngouhouo and Loudi Njoya
  Can the women's parliamentary representation reduces corruption and informal sector in Africa? Empirical analysis
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Dec 24 2019 Michael Polemis
  Is the effect of corruption on entrepreneurial activity nonmonotonic? A semi-parametric panel data analysis
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Nov 29 2019 Najeh Bouchoucha and Ismahen Yahyaoui
  Foreign direct Investment and economic growth: The role of the governance
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Nov 12 2019 Deden Dinar Iskandar and Firmansyah Firmansyah
  How Groups Diversity and Power Intensity of Leaders may Affect Corruption of Public Resource in Communities: Insights from Laboratory Experiment
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Oct 13 2019 Nora Aboushady and Chahir Zaki
  Investment climate and Trade Margins in Egypt: Which Factors Do Matter?
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Sep 07 2019 Hiroyuki Taguchi and Yasushi Sunouchi
  The Role of Institutions in Private Participation in Infrastructure in Low- and Middle-income Countries: Greenfield versus Brownfield Projects
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Jul 12 2019 Leonardo A. Rocha , Maria Ester S. Dal Poz , Patrícia V.P.S. Lima , Ahmad S. Khan and Napiê G. A. Silva
  Corruption, bureaucracy and other institutional failures: the “cancer” of innovation and development
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May 15 2019 Michael Breen , Robert Gillanders and Mounir Mahmalat
  Corruption and support for economic reform in sub-Saharan Africa
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Oct 17 2018 Sami Ben Jabeur and Asma Sghaier
  The relationship between energy, pollution, economic growth and corruption: A Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) approach
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Dec 01 2017 Gabriel Caldas Montes and André Almeida
  Corruption and business confidence: a panel data analysis
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Jun 16 2017 Itchoko motande Mondjeli mwa ndjokou
  Institutions and pro-cyclicality of fiscal policy in Sub Saharan Africa
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Nov 29 2016 Hasan Faruq , Michael Webb and David T Yi
  Institutions and Local Supplier Quality
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Sep 30 2016 Claudiu T. Albulescu , Matei Tamasila and Ilie M. Taucean
  Shadow economy, tax policies, institutional weakness and financial stability in selected OECD countries
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Sep 29 2016 Fernando Delbianco , Carlos Dabús and María angeles Caraballo pou
  Growth, Inequality and Corruption: Evidence from Developing Countries
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Jul 08 2016 Naiwei Chen , Hsin-yu Liang and Min-teh Yu
  Control of corruption, diversification and asset quality of Islamic and conventional banks
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Apr 29 2016 Chris Jeffords and Alexi Thompson
  An empirical analysis of fatal crimes against environmental and land activists
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Mar 17 2016 Yoshimasa Uematsu and Shinya Tanaka
  Regularization parameter selection via cross-validation in the presence of dependent regressors: a simulation study
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Nov 20 2015 Simplice Asongu and Jacinta C Nwachukwu
  The incremental effect of education on corruption: evidence of synergy from lifelong learning
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Oct 02 2015 Simplice A Asongu
  A Good Turn Deserves Another: Political Stability, Corruption and Corruption-Control
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Jul 13 2015 Naomi Motlhasedi and Andrew Phiri
  The effects of mass media on corruption in South Africa: A MTAR-TEC persepctive
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Sep 12 2014 Suryadipta Roy
  Interaction between corruption and the GATT-WTO trade effect: a panel data analysis
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Jul 12 2014 Raffaele Lagravinese and Massimo Paradiso
  Corruption and health expenditure in Italian Regions
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May 25 2014 Normann Lorenz
  A contest success function with a rent-dependent dissipation rate
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May 06 2014 Henri Atangana ondoa
  The determinants of corporate corruption in Cameroon
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Oct 08 2013 Bertrand Venard
  Institutions, Corruption and Sustainable Development
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Oct 04 2013 Vivekananda Mukherjee and Siddhartha Mitra
  Does a Salary Hike Reduce Corruption?
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Aug 29 2013 Simplice A Asongu and Jellal Mohamed
  On the channels of foreign aid to corruption
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May 12 2013 Jay Kathavate
  Corruption, aid volatility & growth
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Aug 01 2012 Simplice A Asongu
  On the effect of foreign aid on corruption
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Jul 30 2012 Biswajit Mandal and Sugata Marjit
  Capital inflow, vanishing sector and wage distribution in an economy with corruption related intermediation
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May 09 2012 Andreas Assiotis
  Corruption and Income
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Mar 28 2012 Shu-Chen Chang and Teng-Yu Chang
  Threshold Effects of Economic Growth on Air Pollution under Regimes of Corruption
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Feb 07 2012 Upasak Das , Ashish Singh and Nitay Mahanto
  Awareness about Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act: Some evidence from the northern parts of West Bengal, India
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Jan 23 2012 George E. Halkos and Nickolaos G. Tzeremes
  The culture of corruption: A nonparametric analysis
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Oct 21 2011 Lewis S. Davis and Emily Lacroix
  Legal origin and the evolution of environmental quality
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Aug 09 2011 Roland Craigwell and Allan Wright
  Foreign direct investment and corruption in developing economies: Evidence from linear and non-linear panel Granger causality tests
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Feb 14 2011 Elias K Shukralla and William J Allan
  Foreign aid, women in parliament and corruption: empirical evidence from the 2000s
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Jan 28 2011 Aviral Kumar Tiwari and Mamoni Kalita
  Governance and Foreign Aid in ASIAN Countries
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Jan 19 2011 Pierre Faure
  A note on poor-institution traps in international fiscal policy games
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Jan 04 2011 Pierre Faure
  Public debt accumulation and institutional quality: can corruption improve welfare?
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Aug 26 2010 Sugata Ghosh and Andros Gregoriou
  Can corruption favour growth via the composition of government spending?
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Jul 27 2010 Shu-Chen Chang and Teng-yu Chang
  The relationships between corruption and pollution on corruption regimes
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Jan 21 2010 Naved Ahmad and Shahid Ali
  Corruption and financial sector performance: A cross-country analysis
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Aug 13 2009 Gbewopo Attila
  Individual attitudes toward anti-corruption policies in Sub-Saharan Africa: Microeconometric evidence
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