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Notes, Comments and Preliminary results

Jun 30 2024 Anne-Sophie Billet , Claire Papaix and Mathias Reymond
  Connected objects: Economic modelling of time arbitrage
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Sep 30 2023 Vojtech Kotrba
  Testing “hot hand” hypothesis at the individual athletes' level in soccer
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Dec 30 2022 Rupika Khanna and Chandan Sharma
  COVID-19 and volatility in the tourism sector's stocks
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Sep 30 2022 Alexander Traugutt and Jarid Morton
  Is herding efficient? Evidence from the college football point spread market
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Sep 30 2022 E. Frank Stephenson
  Bowl game participation and college football teams' subsequent on-field and recruiting success: a regression discontinuity approach
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Sep 30 2022 Peter L Ormosi and Franco Mariuzzo
  Independent vs major record labels: Do they have the same streaming power (law)?
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Sep 30 2022 Fang-chang Kuo and Hsin-hsi Shih
  The impact of Airbnb: New evidence from Taiwanese hotels
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Jun 30 2022 Vasileios Manasis
  Measurement of competitive balance in professional team sports using the adjusted entropy
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Jun 30 2022 Emmanuel Caiazzo , Claudio Chino , Raffaele Mattera and Chiara Scarfato
  Social pressure and home bias in football: evidence from Italy
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Jun 30 2022 Khusen Ibragimov , José Perles-Ribes and Ana Ramón-Rodríguez
  The impact of governance quality on inbound tourism demand of Central Asia
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Dec 29 2021 Luiz Carlos de S. Ribeiro , Gervásio F. Santos , Rodrigo B. Cerqueira and Kênia B. Souza
  Do income policy mitigate the economic impacts of Covid-19 on tourism in Brazil?
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Dec 29 2021 Sothearath Seang and Dominique Torre
  A blockchain application to the management of local complementary currencies
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Dec 29 2021 Todd Gabe
  Did people stop visiting theme parks before they closed due to COVID-19? Evidence from Magic Kingdom wait times
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Jul 18 2021 Euikyu Choi , Wei Du and Caitlin Riley
  The impact of Wayfair vs. South Dakota on retailers: an event study
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Oct 23 2020 Jose F. Perles-Ribes , Ana B. Ramón-Rodríguez and Maria J. Such-Devesa
  Physics in tourism: Modeling destination growth
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Apr 15 2020 Nicolas Scelles and Matthieu Llorca
  Head coach change and team performance in the French men's football Ligue 1, 2000-2016
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Feb 29 2020 David C Vitt
  Estimating the impact of e-commerce on retail exit and entry using Google Trends
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Sep 10 2019 Alexander John Bond and Francesco Addesa
  TV demand for the Italian Serie A: star power or competitive intensity?
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May 15 2019 Michael Gmeiner
  Seasonal Demand and Net Entry
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Nov 06 2018 Marcelo Resende and Eduardo Ferioli
  Magazine Subscription and Intertemporal Discounting: Some Further Evidence
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Mar 23 2018 Christopher Sprague and Jeffrey Wagner
  Economic Motivations for Software Bug Bounties
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Feb 09 2018 László Csató
  Was Zidane honest or well-informed? How UEFA barely avoided a serious scandal
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Dec 04 2017 Yongzheng Liu
  Internet and income inequality: A research note
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Aug 31 2017 Jamie Emerson and Brian Hill
  Elite marathon runners: do East Africans utilize different strategies than the rest of the world?
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Jul 16 2017 Ralf Dewenter and Ulrich Heimeshoff
  Predicting Advertising Volumes Using Structural Time Series Models: A Case Study
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Mar 21 2017 Umer J Banday and Saba Ismail
  Does tourism development lead positive or negative impact on economic growth and environment in BRICS countries? A panel data analysis
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Nov 09 2016 Amélie Charles and Olivier Darné
  Stock market reactions to FIFA World Cup announcements: An event study
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Jul 08 2016 Ishuan Li , Robert Simonson , Guncha Babajanova and Matthew Tuomala
  Smartphone Diffusion and Consumer Price Comparison Shopping Behavior: Implications for the Marketplace Fairness Act
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May 18 2016 Juan Gabriel Brida , Bibiana Lanzilotta and Fiorella Pizzolon
  Dynamic relationship between tourism and economic growth in MERCOSUR countries: a nonlinear approach based on asymmetric time series models
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Apr 14 2016 Raufhon Salahodjaev
  Effect of TV shows on outbound tourism: empirical evidence from Ukraine
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Mar 17 2016 Amir Borges Ferreira Neto , Collin D. Hodges and Hyunwoong Pyun
  Voting Dynamics and the Birth of State-owned Casinos in Kansas
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Oct 02 2015 Joshua Karl Austin
  Vertical integration and pricing outcomes in retail gasoline markets
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Sep 22 2015 Raul Caruso , Marco Di Domizio and David A. Savage
  Determinants of aggressiveness in soccer: Evidence from FIFA and UEFA tournaments
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Sep 07 2015 José Perles , Ana Ramón and Antonio Rubia
  Economic crises and tourism competitiveness: A Markov swtiching regression approach.
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Mar 11 2015 Amira Gasmi and Seifallah Sassi
  International tourism demand in Tunisia: Evidence from dynamic panel data model
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Apr 23 2014 Julianne Treme and Zoe VanDerPloeg
  The Twitter Effect: Social Media Usage as a Contributor to Movie Success
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Feb 28 2014 Wenjiao Che and Toshiki Kodera
  Product differentiation and advertising in multiple markets
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Sep 17 2013 Nicolas Scelles , Christophe Durand , Liliane Bonnal , Daniel Goyeau and Wladimir Andreff
  My team is in contention? Nice, I go to the stadium! Competitive intensity in the French football Ligue 1
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Aug 14 2013 Jose Fco. Perles-ribes and Ana Belén Ramón-rodríguez
  Economic cycles, asymmetric crises and tourism competitiveness: emerging versus mature destinations.
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Jul 23 2013 Levi Pérez
  What drives the number of new Twitter followers? An economic note and a case study of professional soccer teams
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Jan 26 2013 Marcelo Resende and Vicente Cardoso
  Gibrat´s law in Brazilian franchising: an empirical note
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Dec 28 2012 Kevin M. Currier
  Optimal pricing of postal services under endogenously determined entry
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Oct 25 2012 Grazia Cecere , Nicoletta Corrocher and Fabio Scarica
  Why do pirates buy music online? An empirical analysis on a sample of college students
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Jan 09 2012 Franklin G. Mixon Jr., Rand W. Ressler and Richard J. Cebula
  Beyond the Friday night lights: Social networks, migration, and individual success in college football
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Jan 05 2011 Mori Kogid , Kasim Mansur , Dullah Mulok and Julian P. Sidin
  Relationship between financing facilities and small and medium industries: empirical evidence from ARDL bound testing approach
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Jan 04 2011 Christopher Müller and Enrico Böhme
  A note on the relationship of mainstream and art house movie theaters
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Dec 08 2010 Gaurav Nayyar
  Growth of the services sector in India: notional or real?
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Nov 23 2010 Bill M Woodland and Linda M Woodland
  Market Efficiency and the NHL totals betting market: Is there an under bias?
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Jul 07 2009 Julianne Treme and Samuel K. Allen
  Widely Received: Payoffs to Player Attributes in the NFL
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Oct 16 2008 Juan Gabriel Brida and Stefan Franz Schubert
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Jun 11 2008 Todd Kuethe and Timothy Zimmer
  Major Conference Bias and the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament
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Dec 13 2007 Arnaud Bourgain and Patrice Pieretti
  Measuring Technological Spillovers in a Financial Center by using “Feder” Model
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Oct 26 2007 Hiroshi Aiura
  Wholesale Price Discrimination between High Street Retailers and Online Retailers
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Mar 19 2007 Amitrajeet Batabyal
  A probabilistic analysis of a scheduling problem in the economics of tourism
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Nov 09 2006 Fumiko Takeda and Hiroaki Yamazaki
  Stock Price Reactions to Public TV Programs on Listed Japanese Companies
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Jul 01 2006 Patrice Pieretti and Arnaud Bourgain
  Measuring Agglomeration Forces in a Financial Center
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Mar 09 2005 Satoshi Shimizutani and Haruko Noguchi
  Nonprofit and for-profit providers in Japanfs at-home care industry: evidence on quality of service and household choice
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Jan 21 2005 Daniel Mizak , Armond Rossi and Anthony Stair
  Assessing alternative competitive balance measures for sports leagues: a theoretical examination of standard deviations, gini coefficients, & the index of dissimilarity
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Oct 28 2004 Mark McCabe
  Information goods and endogenous pricing strategies: the case of academic journals
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Oct 27 2004 Daniel Mizak and Anthony Stair
  The relationship between payroll and performance disparity in major league baseball: an alternative measure
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