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Jun 30 2024 Chia-Hui Lu
  The impact of lockdowns on macroeconomic performance: An application of epidemiology dynamics
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Jun 30 2023 Pak-Sing Choi and Felix Munoz-Garcia
  Can more perishable products be welfare-improving?
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Jun 30 2023 Seung-Leul Kim and Sang-Ho Lee
  Tariff-induced licensing contracts, consumers' surplus and welfare revisited
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Dec 29 2021 Dragan Jovanovic , Christian Wey and Mengxi Zhang
  On the social welfare effects of runner-up mergers in concentrated markets
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Sep 17 2021 Ryo Hashizume , Takeshi Ikeda and Tatsuhiko Nariu
  Price discrimination with network effects: different welfare results from identical demand functions
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Sep 17 2021 Jiaqi Chen , Sang-Ho Lee and Timur K. Muminov
  Welfare-reducing discriminatory output subsidies with mixed ownership and R&D
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Sep 06 2021 Kojun Hamada
  Mixed duopoly in price competition under the optimal privatization rate
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Aug 19 2020 Chung-Hui Chou
  Do Consumers Gain or Lose when Network Externalities Become Stronger?
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Feb 10 2020 Sébastien Galanti and Anne-Gaël Vaubourg
  Unbundling financial services: The case of brokerage and investment research
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Nov 03 2019 Ngoc-Sang Pham and Thi Kim Cuong Pham
  Foreign aid, recipient government's fiscal behavior, and economic growth
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Oct 25 2019 Jean-Bernard Chatelain and Kirsten Ralf
  A Simple Algorithm for Solving Ramsey Optimal Policy with Exogenous Forcing Variables
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Aug 20 2019 Kadohognon Sylvain Ouattara
  Pollution abatement and partial privatization
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May 15 2019 Kahina Cherfi-Feroukhi and Said Souam
  Formal and Informal Interactions in a Duopoly Model
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May 02 2019 Francis Carlo Petterini and Murilo Pedro Demarchi
  Volunteering and firefighters' response time
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Oct 10 2018 Tsuyoshi Toshimitsu
  Tacit collusion and its welfare effect in a network product market
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Oct 26 2017 Burak Unveren
  Stability and Taxation in Monopolistic Competition
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May 08 2017 Nelson Leitao Paes
  The economic effects of the elimination of taxation on investment: the case of ICMS in Brazil
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Nov 26 2016 Dossè M. Djahini-afawoubo
  Public spending on education in Togo: Does the poor benefit?
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Aug 16 2016 Shingo Yamazaki
  Does technical assistance weaken tax competition?
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Jul 14 2016 Seung-leul Kim and Sang-ho Lee
  Environmental policy on the fixed-fee licensing of eco-technology under foreign penetration
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Dec 13 2015 Kimty Seng
  Welfare Effects of Diversification on Farm Households in Cambodia
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Aug 12 2015 Abhra Roy
  Media bias under direct and indirect government control: when is the bias smaller?
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Dec 23 2013 Fabian Bergès and Sylvette Monier-Dilhan
  Mass Retailers' Advertising Strategies Against Commodity Stores.
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Jul 30 2013 Wataru Johdo
  Does monetary expansion improve welfare under habit formation?
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Mar 28 2012 Hung-Pin Lin
  Does Defense Spending Surprise Long-Run Inflation, Economic Growth and Welfare?
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Mar 25 2012 Chia-Hui Lu
  Tax Luxury or Necessity
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Mar 21 2012 Domenico Buccella
  Unionized monopoly regulation: strategic trade vs. domestic competition policies
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Jan 25 2012 Gregory M Randolph
  Price Discrimination with Producer & Consumer Transaction Costs
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Jan 13 2012 Amy W. Ando and Shibashis Mukherjee
  Benefits of pollution monitoring technology for greenhouse gas offset markets
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Sep 13 2011 Dimitris Papageorgiou
  Fiscal policy, economic activity and welfare: the case of Greece
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Sep 02 2011 Philippe Darreau and François Pigalle
  Ponzi game in OLG model with endogenous growth and productive government spending
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Apr 15 2011 Keiichi Morimoto
  Inflation inertia and optimal delegation of monetary policy
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Dec 02 2010 Carlo Migliardo
  Asymmetries in the price setting behavior of Firms: evidence from a panel of Italian firms
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Nov 09 2010 Denis Claude and Mabel Tidball
  Efficiency inducing taxation for polluting oligopolists: the irrelevance of privatization
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Aug 18 2010 Tiago Neves Sequeira and Alexandra Ferreira-Lopes
  On the Welfare Properties of the Lucas and Romer Endogenous Growth Models
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Mar 05 2010 Masaki Iimura , Tatsuhiro Shichijo and Toru Hokari
  Subgame-perfect free trade networks in a four-country model
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Jan 28 2010 Kazuhiro Ohnishi
  Partial privatization in price-setting mixed duopoly
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Dec 08 2008 Susumu Cato
  Mixed oligopoly, productive efficiency, and spillover
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Jul 21 2008 Cristina Badarau Semenescu , Patrick Villieu and Nelly Gregoriadis
  Monetary policy transmission asymmetries in a heterogeneous monetary union: a simple contractual solution
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Jun 11 2008 Arijit Mukherjee
  Firm productivity, foreign direct investment and the host-country welfare: trade cost vs. cheap labor
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Apr 11 2008 Hal Snarr and Dan Axelsen
  Are Welfare Eligible Households Forward Looking?
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Feb 18 2008 Yasuhiko Nakamura
  Bargaining over Managerial Contracts in Delegation Games: The Differentiated Goods Case
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Nov 13 2007 Takeho Nakamura
  Wage inequality and welfare effects of domestic technological progress: a dual economy approach
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Sep 18 2007 Ryoji Hiraguchi
  Optimal monetary policy with skill shock
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Sep 03 2007 sunanda roy
  On price uncertainty, nominal assets and uninsurable idiosyncratic risks
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Jun 21 2007 Vasileios Zikos
  Stackelberg mixed oligopoly with asymmetric subsidies
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Mar 29 2007 Adile TAMGUICHT
  Public versus personal welfare: an aspect of environmental policymaking in developing countries
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Jan 15 2007 Shigeru Matsumoto and Hajime Sugeta
  Antitrust Policy and Environmental Protection
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Feb 02 2006 Kenji Azetsu and Taro Kumagai
  Severance pay and the accuracy of judgment
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Dec 07 2005 Jean-Christophe Poudou
  Storage and Competition in gas market
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Mar 10 2005 Indranil Chakraborty
  Salvaging The Linkage Principle In Private-Value Auction For A Single Object
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Dec 14 2004 Tomohiro Kuroda
  Local content protection reconsidered: the case of domestic monopsonist
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Oct 11 2004 Frederic Peltrault and Michel Blanchard
  The welfare effects of international trade with optimistic and pessimistic managers
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Sep 10 2004 Junichiro Ishida
  Education as advertisement
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May 08 2002 Federico Perali
  Some curiosites about the Engel method to estimate equivalence scales
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Jan 17 2002 Bertrand Wigniolle , Philippe Michel and Pascal Belan
  Pension funds and capital accumulation
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