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Jun 30 2024 Gilson Silva jr , Jose-Maria Silveira and Henrique Richter
  Construction, extractive and mining global investment intentions: a network analysis
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Mar 30 2024 Jamel Trabelsi , Arbia jihène Jebeniani and Sofiene Omri
  The dynamics of international patents production: A panel smooth transition regression approach
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Mar 30 2023 João Plínio Juchem Neto and Bruno Paese
  An intersectoral migration and growth model with distinct population growth rates
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Mar 30 2023 Yee - Ee Chia , Ricky Chee - Jiun Chia and Mohd Ashari Bakri
  COVID-19 and stock liquidity: Evidence from top 30 Kuala Lumpur composite index
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Mar 30 2023 Md Shajedur Rahaman , Mohammad Chhiddikur Rahman , Md Abdur Rouf Sarkar and Mohammad Ariful Islam
  Contribution of agriculture subsectors on economic growth in Bangladesh: An application of the ARDL method
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Dec 30 2022 Rupika Khanna and Chandan Sharma
  COVID-19 and volatility in the tourism sector's stocks
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Dec 30 2022 Zeineb Gouasmi and Riadh El Ferktaji
  Detecting and date-stamping unsustainability: The case of Tunisian Budget Deficit
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Dec 30 2022 Thomas Garrett , David Paton and Leighton Vaughan Williams
  Financial transaction taxes and market structure: Lessons from the gambling industry
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Sep 30 2022 Louis de Mesnard
  Differential multiplier effect in the Leontief-Keynes model
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Sep 30 2022 James Flynn
  The curse reversed: resource dependence and recessions in the United States
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Jun 30 2022 Stéphane Ciriani and François Jeanjean
  Competition, technological change and productivity gains: a European sectoral analysis
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Jun 30 2022 Muhammad Madyan , Iksan Abdi Nugraha , Wisudanto Wisudanto , Rahmat Setiawan and Novian Abdi Firdausi
  Building firm value and financial performance through intellectual capital: the Indonesia stock exchange's experience
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Feb 20 2022 Binh Thai Pham
  Sectoral consumer price synchronization: evidence from an emerging ASEAN economy
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Dec 29 2021 Mohammad Zeqi Yasin , Miguel Angel Esquivias and Suyanto Suyanto
  Does Firm Size Matter? Evidence from Indonesian Manufacturing Firms
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Sep 18 2021 Robert Genthner
  What happens to FDI spillovers when input-output tables go granular?
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Sep 17 2021 Juan G Brida , Bibiana Lanzilotta and Lucia I Rosich
  On the empirical relations between producers expectations and economic growth
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Sep 17 2021 Hiroyuki Taguchi and Ken Nibayashi
  The Turning Point of Global Value Chain's Position in Emerging East Asian Economies
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Sep 17 2021 Faisal Jamil and Fawad Khan
  Fiscal devolution and energy sector performance in Pakistan
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Sep 17 2021 Wannaphong Durongkaveroj
  Should high domestic value added be policy emphasis in the era of global production sharing?: Evidence from Thailand
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Sep 17 2021 Robert Genthner
  What happens to FDI spillovers when input-output tables go granular?
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Apr 09 2021 Yukihiko Fujita
  On the All Commodities Surplus Theorem
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Mar 10 2021 Michael Batu and Zichun Zhao
  The Sun's wrath: economic effects of sunspot volatility
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Nov 18 2020 Mohammad Zeqi Yasin
  Firm's Trade Activities to Promote Technical Efficiency and Total Factor Productivity: The Growth Accounting and The Stochastic Frontier Approach
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Nov 14 2020 Geoffroy Enjolras and Philippe Madiès
  The role of bank analysts and scores in the prediction of financial distress: Evidence from French farms
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Oct 12 2020 Léleng Kebalo
  Effects of oil price shocks on economic sectors of net oil-importing countries: case of Togo
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Jun 18 2020 Tuan Luong and Thu hang Nguyen
  Globalization and infectious diseases: Evidence on the reproduction rate of the COVID-19 pandemic
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Apr 15 2020 Hidekatsu Asada
  Impacts of sectoral labour productivity growth of emerging countries in East Asia
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Feb 05 2020 Ioanna Konstantakopoulou
  Realistic export opportunities for the Greek Economy
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Aug 27 2019 Kore Marc Guei
  Does financial structure matter for economic growth: evidence from South Africa
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Jul 12 2019 Leonardo A. Rocha , Maria Ester S. Dal Poz , Patrícia V.P.S. Lima , Ahmad S. Khan and Napiê G. A. Silva
  Corruption, bureaucracy and other institutional failures: the “cancer” of innovation and development
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Jul 07 2019 Jaka Sriyana and Jiyao Joanna Ge
  Asymmetric responses of fiscal policy to the inflation rate in Indonesia
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May 15 2019 H. Young Baek and Florence Neymotin
  Overconfident entrepreneurs: Innovating more and paying the piper
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Apr 25 2019 Marilia Marcato , Carolina Baltar and Fernando Sarti
  International competitiveness in a vertically fragmented production structure: empirical challenges and evidence
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Apr 25 2019 Matheus O. de Alencar , Jair A. Araujo , Wellington R. Justo and Celina Santos de Oliveira
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Feb 18 2019 Giuseppe De Arcangelis , Majlinda Joxhe and Stefania Borelli
  A preliminary assessment of the effects of migration on the production structure in Europe: A labor task approach
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Dec 10 2018 Ben Shepherd
  International input-output linkages and exogenous shock transmission: a simple model
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Dec 02 2018 Khemais Zaghdoudi
  Is the relationship between external debt and human development non-linear? A PSTR approach for developing countries
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Dec 02 2018 Nejib Ben moussa
  The contribution of job satisfaction, organizational climate and employee commitment on management innovation in Tunisian SMEs: The effect of the post-revolution environment
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Oct 17 2018 Suleman Sarwar , Rida Waheed , Mehnoor Amir and Muqaddas Khalid
  Role of Energy on Economy The Case of Micro to Macro Level Analysis
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Feb 09 2018 Claudio Di Berardino , Gianni Onesti and Dario D'Ingiullo
  Analyzing the production structure by the subsystem approach to the input-output model: a cross-country perspective
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Oct 26 2017 Vicente German-Soto , Luis Gutierrez Flores and Hector Alonso Barajas Bustillos
  An analysis of the relationship between infrastructure investment and economic growth in Mexican urban areas, 1985-2008
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Jul 02 2017 François Joseph Cabral , Fatou Cissé , Abdoulaye Diagne and Msangi Siwa
  Global Biofuel Production and Poverty in Senegal
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Jun 16 2017 Mohamed Mehdi Jelassi and Ezzeddine Delhoumi
  On the Efficiency of Manufacturing Sectors: Evidence from a DEA Additive Bootstrap Model for Tunisia
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May 25 2017 Denis Stijepic
  An argument against Cobb-Douglas production functions (in multi-sector growth modeling)
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May 06 2017 Ori Zax
  Promotion Policies at Different Firms
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Jan 26 2017 Gaurav Nayyar
  Economic Growth and the Income-Consumption Disconnect: Evidence from Indian States
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Jan 13 2017 Venus khim-sen Liew and Arunnan Balasubramaniam
  Oil Price Shocks and Sectoral Outputs: Empirical Evidence from Malaysia
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Nov 09 2016 Luciano Fanti and Domenico Buccella
  Network externalities and corporate social responsibility
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Jun 11 2016 Ariuna Taivan
  The causality between financial development and economic growth: case of Asian economies
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Mar 17 2016 Pål Børing , Arne Martin Fevolden and Sverre Herstad
  Eager and able: a study of innovation activity among young, mature and old firms in Norway
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Feb 04 2016 Aneel Keswani , David Stolin and Maxim Zagonov
  UK fund returns and sector diversification
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Sep 07 2015 Amelie Charles and Olivier Darné
  Are the Islamic indexes size or sector oriented? evidence from Dow Jones Islamic indexes
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Jul 11 2015 Christopher John Boudreaux
  Democratic age and the size of government
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Feb 28 2014 Annie Voy
  Sector-Specific Variations in the Effect of Trade on Child Labor
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Oct 24 2013 Shankar Ghimire , Debasri Mukherjee and Eskander Alvi
  Sectoral Aid-for-Trade and Sectoral Exports: A Seemingly Unrelated Regression Analysis
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Oct 08 2013 Constant Fouopi djiogap
  Foreign Direct Investment and Macro Economic Performances in the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC)
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Sep 03 2013 Frederique Bec and Marie Bessec
  Inventory Investment Dynamics and Recoveries: A Comparison of Manufacturing and Retail Trade Sectors
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May 21 2013 Semih Tumen
  The Impact of the 2008 Crisis on Top Labor Incomes in Turkey: A Nonparametric Analysis
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Nov 19 2012 Ali Mirzaei , Guy Liu and John Beirne
  Market Structure and Bank Profitability: Emerging versus Advanced Economies
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Nov 06 2012 Toshihiro Okada
  Wage Inequality, R&D Labor and R&D Productivity
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Oct 08 2012 Mohamed El Hédi Arouri , Amine Lahiani and Duc Khuong Nguyen
  Oil-stock volatility transmission, portfolio selection and hedging
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Sep 28 2012 Gonzalo F De córdoba , Javier J Pérez and José L Torres
  On the substitutability between public and private employment
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Sep 23 2012 Maxwell Ekor and Oluwatosin Adeniyi
  Impact of financial development on manufacturing output : The Nigerian evidence
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Aug 22 2012 Venus khim-sen Liew , Thurai murugan Nathan and Wing-keung Wong
  Are Sectoral Outputs in Pakistan Led by Energy Consumption?
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Jul 19 2012 Sandrine A. Kablan and Josef L. Loening
  An empirical assessment of the Dutch disease channel of the resource curse: the case of Chad
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Jun 18 2012 Celine Gimet
  Impacts of climate extreme events on production and trade in four Mediterranean countries
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Mar 15 2012 Marcelo Resende
  Non-Collusive Oligopoly and Business Cycle: Some Further Evidence
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Jan 24 2012 Sergio De Nardis and Marco Ventura
  Effect Of Firm Innovation On Labour Force Composition: The Case Of Italian Manufacturing
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Jan 13 2012 Shamim Shakur and Allan N Rae
  The impact of comprehensive tariff reductions in multilateral trade: further results from computable general equilibrium simulations
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Oct 16 2011 Michael Berlemann and Andreas Matthes
  Fasten seat belts: Do car safety systems cause positive externalities?
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Oct 11 2011 Sebastiano Manzan and Howard N. Ross
  U.S. Manufacturing: Productivity, Offshoring, and Imports
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Sep 02 2011 Carlo Alcaraz , Daniel Chiquiar and Manuel Ramos-Francia
  Wage differentials in Mexico's urban labor market
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May 12 2011 Nicolas Canry , Julien Fouquau and Sébastien Lechevalier
  Sectoral Price Dynamics in Japan: A Threshold Approach
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Feb 28 2011 Christian Schwarz
  Global sourcing – a critical reconsideration of sector definitions
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Jan 11 2011 Hamid Beladi , Chi-chur Chao and Daniel Hollas
  Fair wages, Urban Unemployment and Welfare in a Developing Economy
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Jan 06 2011 Marie-Laure Allain and Saïd Souam
  A note on horizontal mergers in vertically related industries
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Dec 08 2010 Gaurav Nayyar
  Growth of the services sector in India: notional or real?
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Dec 02 2010 Carlo Migliardo
  Asymmetries in the price setting behavior of Firms: evidence from a panel of Italian firms
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Dec 02 2010 Christophe Hurlin and Florence Arestoff
  Are Public Investment Efficient in Creating Capital Stocks in Developing Countries?
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Sep 23 2010 Noriyuki Yanagawa and Ryoko Oki
  Exclusive dealing contract and inefficient entry threat.
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Jul 12 2010 Tho D.Q. Nguyen and Jian Wu
  Spillover impacts of the US macroeconomic news: Australian sectoral perspective
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Apr 06 2010 C. Emre Alper , Oya Pinar Ardic and Ozan Hatipoglu
  Structural change and economic growth: a calibration exercise for Turkey
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Mar 17 2010 Juan Carlos Barcena-Ruiz
  Strategic Delegation and Semipublic Firms
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Dec 06 2009 António Afonso and Davide Furceri
  Sectoral Business Cycle Synchronization in the European Union
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Oct 05 2009 Xiaoyu Wu
  Productivity convergence at the disaggregate levels
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Sep 16 2009 John Gibson
  The public sector pay premium, compensating differentials and unions: propensity score matching evidence from Australia, Canada, Great Britain and the United States
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Feb 27 2009 francesco schettino
  Scale effect on endogenous growth: an evaluation
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Feb 06 2009 Shigeyuki Hamori , Takeshi Hoshikawa , Junya Masuda and Kunihiro Hanabusa
  Price and Wage Setting in Japan: An Empirical Investigation
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Dec 13 2008 Antonio Palestrini
  Common Components in Firms' Growth and the Sectors Scaling Puzzle
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Dec 09 2008 Akihiro Otsuka
  Determinants of new firm formation in Japan: A comparison of the manufacturing and service sectors
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Nov 02 2008 Erik Wengström
  Equilibrium unemployment in a small open economy with a frictionless nontradeables sector
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Oct 24 2008 Ludovic JULIEN
  Market power, the multiplier and economic policy under oligopolistic competition
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Jul 03 2008 Ricardo Lopez
  Foreign technology acquisition, spillovers, and sunk costs: evidence from plant-level data
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Jun 02 2008 Olivier Darne
  Using business survey in industrial and services sector to nowcast GDP growth:The French case
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Jan 05 2008 Peter Kennedy
  A big picture for teaching macroeconomics principles
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Nov 27 2007 Ludovic Alexandre JULIEN
  External conjectural variations in symmetric oligopoly equilibrium
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Sep 05 2007 Luiz A. Esteves
  A Note on Gibrat's Law, Gibrat''s Legacy and Firm Growth: Evidence from Brazilian Companies
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Aug 02 2007 Sanjaya Acharya
  Flow Structure in Nepal and the Benefit to the Poor
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Apr 09 2007 Tuck Cheong Tang and Koi Nyen Wong
  Foreign Direct Investment and Electronics Exports: Exploratory Empirical Evidence from Malaysia's Top Five Electronics Exports
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Jan 10 2007 Terence Tai-Leung Chong , Guoxin Liu and Isabel Kit-Ming Yan
  Habit Formation: Deep and Uncertain
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Nov 28 2006 Alex Coad and Rekha Rao
  Innovation and market value: a quantile regression analysis
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Nov 04 2006 Toru Kikuchi
  Time Zones, Outsourcing and Patterns of International Trade
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Apr 13 2005 Colin Davis
  Capital-Intensive Country-Specific Network Costs and Intra-Industry Trade
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Mar 09 2005 Florent Pratlong
  Environmental regulation incidences towards international oligopolies: pollution taxes vs emission permits
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Mar 30 2003 Eric Kam and Paul Missios
  Wealth effects in a cash-in-advance economy
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Dec 17 2001 Quirino Paris and Michael R. Caputo
  Price-induced technical progress and comparative statics
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