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Notes, Comments and Preliminary results

Jun 30 2024 Isaac Ketu , Paul Ningaye and Anatole Tchounga
  Industrialization in the face of economic policy uncertainty: cross-country evidence
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Sep 30 2023 Elguellab Ali and Ezzahid Elhadj
  The granularity of the manufacturing sector : insights from a developing economy
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Dec 30 2022 Eduardo C. De Souza , Marcelo R. Dos Santos and Vitor A.T. Fancio
  Manager education and firm productivity - evidence from Brazil
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Sep 17 2021 Guivis Zeufack Nkemgha , Vladimir Kengne and Armel Peuwo Djouaka
  Does the exploitation of natural resources promote the industrialization of African countries?
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Jul 18 2021 Guangshun Qiao
  Does the asset-light business model create value? A panel data stochastic frontier approach for the global semiconductor industry
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Apr 09 2021 Pål Børing , Arne Martin Fevolden and André Lynum
  Skills for the future – forecasting firm competitiveness using machine learning methods and employer–employee register data
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Nov 18 2020 Mohammad Zeqi Yasin
  Firm's Trade Activities to Promote Technical Efficiency and Total Factor Productivity: The Growth Accounting and The Stochastic Frontier Approach
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Feb 09 2018 Claudio Di Berardino , Gianni Onesti and Dario D'Ingiullo
  Analyzing the production structure by the subsystem approach to the input-output model: a cross-country perspective
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Jun 16 2017 Mohamed Mehdi Jelassi and Ezzeddine Delhoumi
  On the Efficiency of Manufacturing Sectors: Evidence from a DEA Additive Bootstrap Model for Tunisia
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Jun 05 2017 Gilson Silva jr , José Maria Silveira , Júlia Paranhos , Lia Hasenclever and Rogério Miranda
  Innovation, market power and biotechnology in the Brazilian Chemical industry
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Jan 26 2017 Mawussé K. N. Okey
  Does migration promote industrial development in Africa?
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Jun 11 2016 Ralf Dewenter , Ulrich Heimeshoff and Tobias Thomas
  Media Coverage and Car Manufacturers' Sales
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Mar 17 2016 Pål Børing , Arne Martin Fevolden and Sverre Herstad
  Eager and able: a study of innovation activity among young, mature and old firms in Norway
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Jul 26 2014 Joachim Wagner
  Exports and firm profitability: Quality matters!
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May 06 2014 Joachim Wagner
  What makes a high-quality exporter? Evidence from Germany
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Sep 17 2013 Lourenco S. Paz
  Trade liberalization and inter-industry productivity spillovers: a dynamic spatial panel approach
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Jun 15 2013 Andrew J Cassey and Katherine N Schmeiser
  The agglomeration by destination of U.S. state exports.
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Feb 21 2013 Joachim Wagner
  Are low-productive exporters marginal exporters? Evidence from Germany
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Feb 15 2013 Horst Raff and Joachim Wagner
  Productivity and the product scope of multi-product firms: a test of Feenstra-Ma
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Nov 06 2012 Joachim Wagner
  Productivity and the extensive margins of trade in German manufacturing firms: Evidence from a non-parametric test
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Jul 16 2012 Joachim Wagner
  Exports, R&D and productivity: a test of the Bustos-model with German enterprise data
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Jun 10 2012 Joachim Wagner
  German multiple-product, multiple-destination exporters: Bernard-Redding-Schott under test
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Mar 15 2012 Marcelo Resende
  Non-Collusive Oligopoly and Business Cycle: Some Further Evidence
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Dec 12 2011 Xulia González and Daniel Miles
  Estimating complementarity among vertical restraints: Evidence from manufacturing firms
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Oct 11 2011 Sebastiano Manzan and Howard N. Ross
  U.S. Manufacturing: Productivity, Offshoring, and Imports
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Nov 05 2008 Cassey Lee
  The Relationship Between Innovation, Productivity and Exports: Some Preliminary Evidence from the Malaysian Manufacturing Sector
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Jul 03 2008 Ricardo Lopez
  Foreign technology acquisition, spillovers, and sunk costs: evidence from plant-level data
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Apr 07 2008 Kristina von Rhein
  Heritage and Firm Survival - An Analysis of German Automobile Spinoffs 1886-1939
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Oct 26 2007 Naoufel Mzoughi , Sanja Pekovic and Gilles Grolleau
  The characteristics of chemical firms registering for ISO 14001 or Responsible Care
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Oct 26 2007 Cassey Lee and Lee Chew ging
  SME Innovation in the Malaysian Manufacturing Sector
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Sep 20 2007 Jacint Balaguer
  Examining goods market integration in the Eurozone: evidence obtained from an analysis of price-setting by UK automobile exporters
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Oct 29 2006 Ugur Soytas
  Long run relationship between entry and exit: time series evidence from Turkish manufacturing industry
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Aug 30 2006 Fumiko Takeda and Takanori Tomozawa
  An Empirical Study on Stock Price Responses to the Release of the Environmental Management Ranking in Japan
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Aug 02 2006 Nguyen Duc Tiep
  Chinese Motorcycle Penetration into Vietnam and the Existing Motorcycle Makers: A Study of Honda Company
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Jan 04 2005 Eric Strobl , Holger Gorg and Salvador Barrios
  The Evolution of the Firm Size Distribution and Nationality of Ownerhship
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Dec 07 2001 Francesca Lotti and Enrico Santarelli
  Is firm growth proportional? An appraisal of firm size distribution
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