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Jun 30 2024 Leon Esquierro and Sergio Da Silva
  Is the Brazilian labor market granular?
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Dec 30 2023 Olaf Hübler
  Donations, volunteering, and life satisfaction in Germany
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Dec 30 2023 Silas Dreier and Wan-Hsin Liu
  Technological sophistication made in China? – New insights from Germany's evaluation of COVID-19 antigen rapid tests
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Mar 30 2023 Christian Pierdzioch
  A bootstrap test of the time-varying efficiency of German growth forecasts
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Dec 30 2022 Tucker S McElroy
  Stationary parameterization of GARCH processes
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Sep 30 2022 Rajarshi Mitra , Md. Thasinul Abedin and Kanon Kumar Sen
  Population Aging and FDI inflows: A multi-country cointegration analysis
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Jun 30 2022 Yassine Kirat and Djamel Kirat
  Impact assessment of the COVID-19 pandemic on financial markets
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Jun 30 2022 Graziano Moramarco
  Funding liquidity, credit risk and unconventional monetary policy in the Euro area: A GVAR approach
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Apr 09 2021 Marc Oliver Rieger
  East Asia's success against COVID-19 – acclaimed or ignored?
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Nov 24 2020 Fabricio Linhares and Glauber Nojosa
  Changes in the tax-spend nexus: Evidence from selected European countries
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Oct 12 2020 Muhammad Shahbaz , Naceur Khraief and Robert L. Czudaj
  Renewable energy consumption-economic growth nexus in G7 countries: New evidence from a nonlinear ARDL approach
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Apr 15 2020 Samuel Cameron and Hendrik Sonnabend
  Pricing in live music: an empirical analysis of the tribute band sector
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Feb 29 2020 Joachim Wagner
  Soft power and Germany's exports - First evidence from transaction data
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Feb 05 2020 C.-Philipp Heller , Heiner Lindenlaub and Frank P Maier-Rigaud
  Exclusionary bundle discounts: A simple model with two applications
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Apr 03 2019 Christian Hutter and Enzo Weber
  A note on the effects of skill-biased technical change on productivity flattening
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Nov 06 2018 Ramzi Benkraiem , Thi hong van Hoang , Amine Lahiani and Anthony Miloudi
  Crude oil and equity markets in major European countries: New evidence
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Aug 05 2018 Mihai Mutascu
  G7 countries: between trade openness and CO2 emissions
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Apr 28 2018 Enzo Weber and Roland Weigand
  Identifying macroeconomic effects of refugee migration to Germany
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Feb 09 2018 Claudio Di Berardino , Gianni Onesti and Dario D'Ingiullo
  Analyzing the production structure by the subsystem approach to the input-output model: a cross-country perspective
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Nov 19 2017 Rosanna Pittiglio , Filippo Reganati and Luca Toschi
  How to detect illegal waste shipments? The case of the international trade in polyethylene waste
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Oct 26 2017 Bala A. Dahiru , Pam W. Jim and Kalu N. Nwonyuku
  Equity markets volatility dynamics in developed and newly emerging economies: EGARCH-with-skewed-t density approach
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Sep 27 2017 Claudiu T Albulescu , Cornel Oros and Aviral K Tiwari
  Is there any convergence in health expenditures across EU countries?
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Jan 17 2017 Joachim Wagner
  Trade costs shocks and lumpiness of imports: Evidence from the Fukushima disaster
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Dec 10 2016 Djamel Kirat and Ibrahim Ahamada
  Evidence for threshold eff​ects in the pass-through of carbon prices to wholesale electricity prices
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Sep 03 2016 Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
  Brexit concerns, UK and European equities: A lose-lose scenario?
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Jul 17 2016 Frieder Kropfhäußer
  A fresh look at the labor market height premium in Germany
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Jul 08 2016 Joachim Wagner
  Distance-sensitivity of German imports: First evidence from firm-product level data
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Jun 11 2016 Ralf Dewenter , Ulrich Heimeshoff and Tobias Thomas
  Media Coverage and Car Manufacturers' Sales
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Mar 22 2016 Joachim Wagner
  Quality of firms' imports and distance to countries of origin: First evidence from Germany
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Mar 17 2016 Sven Stöwhase and Teodora Shipanova
  Seasonal effects in the use of paternity leave in Germany
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Aug 12 2015 Holger Stichnoth , Raphael Abiry and Karsten Reuss
  Completed fertility effects of family policy measures: evidence from a life-cycle model
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Aug 12 2015 Damilola Felix Arawomo
  Survival of Nigeria's Exports in Her Biggest Markets: Continuous and Discrete Time Estimations
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Apr 02 2015 Kai Duttle and Keigo Inukai
  Complexity Aversion: Influences of Cognitive Abilities, Culture and System of Thought
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Mar 23 2015 Joachim Wagner
  Exports, R&D and Productivity: A test of the Bustos-model with enterprise data from France, Italy and Spain
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Mar 11 2015 Marcus Dittrich and Bianka Mey
  Gender differences in volunteer activities: Evidence from German survey data
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Mar 11 2015 Hermann Gartner
  Implicit contracts and industrial relations - Evidence from German employer-employee data
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Mar 11 2015 Joachim Wagner
  Firm age and the margins of international trade: Comparable evidence from five European countries
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Mar 11 2015 Vlad Radoias
  The myth of the domestic brand bias for automobiles in the European Union
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Aug 27 2014 Jean-Michel Courtault and Riccardo Magnani
  How much can European governments squeeze out of their taxpayers?
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Jul 28 2014 Joachim Wagner
  Extensive margins of imports, productivity and profitability: First evidence for manufacturing enterprises in Germany
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Jul 26 2014 Joachim Wagner
  Exports and firm profitability: Quality matters!
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Jun 20 2014 Franck Martin and Jiangxingyun Zhang
  Correlation and volatility on bond markets during the EMU crisis: does the OMT change the process ?
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May 06 2014 Joachim Wagner
  What makes a high-quality exporter? Evidence from Germany
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Apr 03 2014 Joachim Wagner
  Low-productive exporters are high-quality exporters. Evidence from Germany
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Mar 31 2014 Lutz Bellmann , Hans-Dieter Gerner and Olaf Hübler
  Effects of reciprocal concessions on employment and real capital
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Jan 20 2014 Makram El-shagi and Logan J Kelly
  Liquidity in the liquidity crisis: evidence from Divisia monetary aggregates in Germany and the European crisis countries
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Dec 30 2013 Christian Pfeifer
  Life satisfaction and the consumption values of partners and friends: Empirical evidence from German panel survey data
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Oct 22 2013 Joachim Wagner
  Extensive margins of imports in the great import recovery in Germany, 2009/2010
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Sep 03 2013 Frederique Bec and Marie Bessec
  Inventory Investment Dynamics and Recoveries: A Comparison of Manufacturing and Retail Trade Sectors
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Aug 23 2013 Roger White
  Is cultural distance a determinant of international migration flows? Evidence from Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands
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Jul 22 2013 Joachim Wagner and Yama Temouri
  Do outliers and unobserved heterogeneity explain the exporter productivity premium? Evidence from France, Germany and the United Kingdom
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Jul 17 2013 Iuliana Matei
  Government bond market linkages within EMU: evidence from a multivariate Granger causality analysis
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Feb 21 2013 Joachim Wagner
  Are low-productive exporters marginal exporters? Evidence from Germany
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Feb 15 2013 Horst Raff and Joachim Wagner
  Productivity and the product scope of multi-product firms: a test of Feenstra-Ma
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Dec 27 2012 Claus Michelsen and Sebastian Rosenschon
  The Effects of Building Energy Codes in Rental Housing: The German Experience
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Nov 06 2012 Joachim Wagner
  Productivity and the extensive margins of trade in German manufacturing firms: Evidence from a non-parametric test
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Jul 16 2012 Joachim Wagner
  Exports, R&D and productivity: a test of the Bustos-model with German enterprise data
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Jun 27 2012 Heiko Stüber
  Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity in a Cross Section: An Analysis of Linked Employer-Employee Data for the Years 1995 to 2007
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Jun 10 2012 Joachim Wagner
  German multiple-product, multiple-destination exporters: Bernard-Redding-Schott under test
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May 30 2012 Boris Hirsch , Michael Oberfichtner and Claus Schnabel
  Do women benefit from competitive markets? Product market competition and the gender pay gap in Germany
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Feb 07 2012 Chih-kai Chang and Tsangyao Chang
  Revisiting the sustainability of current account deficit: SPSM using the panel KSS Test with a Fourier Function
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Jan 29 2012 Go Tamakoshi , Yuki Toyoshima and Shigeyuki Hamori
  A dynamic conditional correlation analysis of European stock markets from the perspective of the Greek sovereign debt crisis
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Dec 13 2011 Go Tamakoshi and Shigeyuki Hamori
  Transmission of stock prices amongst European countries before and during the Greek sovereign debt crisis
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Jul 27 2011 Go Tamakoshi
  European sovereign debt crisis and linkage of long-term government bond yields
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Jun 05 2011 Virginie Coudert and Hélène Raymond-Feingold
  Gold and financial assets: Are there any safe havens in bear markets?
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Apr 15 2011 Serge Rey
  Exchange rate fluctuations and extra-eurozone exports: A comparison of Germany and France
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Jan 06 2011 Marie-Line Duboz and Julie Le Gallo
  Are EU-15 and CEEC agricultural exports in competition? Evidence for 1995-2005
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Jan 04 2011 Christopher Müller and Enrico Böhme
  A note on the relationship of mainstream and art house movie theaters
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Oct 02 2010 Kerstin Bruckmeier and Barbara Schwengler
  Estimating the redistributive effects of the federal unemployment and pension insurance on the regional income distribution in Germany
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Sep 23 2010 Andreas Knabe and Steffen Rätzel
  Better an insecure job than no job at all? Unemployment, job insecurity and subjective wellbeing
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Aug 04 2010 Simona Lorena Comi
  Family influence on early career outcomes in seven European countries
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May 03 2010 Sisi Zhang
  Recent Trends in Household Income Dynamics for the United States, Germany and Great Britain
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Jan 06 2010 Masafumi Kozuka
  On the stationarity of Japanese-yen based purchasing power parity in the presence of the structural breaks
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Oct 12 2009 António Afonso and Christophe Rault
  Spend-and-tax: a panel data investigation for the EU
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Sep 07 2009 Emmanuel Dubois , Jerome Hericourt and Valerie Mignon
  What if the euro had never been launched? A counterfactual analysis of the macroeconomic impact of euro membership
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Aug 24 2009 Sylvain M. Prado
  The European used-car market at a glance: Hedonic resale price valuation in automotive leasing industry
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Aug 29 2008 Terence Tai-Leung Chong , Chen Li and Ho Tin Yu
  Structural Change in the Stock Market Efficiency after the Millennium: The MACD Approach
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Aug 21 2008 Veli YILANCI
  Are Unemployment Rates Nonstationary or Nonlinear? Evidence from 19 OECD Countries
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Jul 23 2008 Jorge Sainz , Pilar Grau , Luis Miguel Doncel and Javier Otamendi
  An evaluation on the true statistical relevance of Jensen's alpha trough simulation: An application for Germany
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Mar 04 2008 Yasuhiko Nakamura
  On Forecasting Recessions via Neural Nets
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Jan 13 2008 Shyh-Wei Chen
  Are 19 Developed Countries' Real Per Capita GDP levels Non-stationary? A Revisit
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Jan 05 2008 Gerhard Kling
  Disclosure of mergers without regulatory restrictions: Insider trading in pre-1914 Germany
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Nov 14 2007 Amit Sen and Herve Queneau
  Evidence Regarding Persistence in the Gender Unemployment Gap Based on the Ratio of Female to Male Unemployment Rate
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Nov 05 2007 Christophe Schalck
  Effects of Fiscal Policies in Four European Countries: A Non-linear Structural VAR Approach
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Dec 10 2006 Uwe Blien and Franziska Hirschenauer
  Formula allocation: The regional allocation of budgetary funds for measures of active labour market policy in Germany
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Feb 08 2006 Nicolas Péridy
  The European Union and its new neighbors: an estimation of migration potentials
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Jun 24 2005 Jens Suedekum and Uwe Blien
  Local Economic Structure and Industry Development in Germany, 1993-2001
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Jun 03 2005 Fang Xu
  Does Consumption-Wealth Ratio Signal Stock Returns? - VECM Results for Germany
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Jan 28 2005 Yu Hsing
  Application of the IS-MP-IA model to the German economy and policy implications
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Jul 09 2001 Brian Silverstone and Richard Harris
  Testing for asymmetry in Okun's law: A cross-country comparison
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