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Notes, Comments and Preliminary results

Jun 30 2024 Leon Esquierro and Sergio Da Silva
  Is the Brazilian labor market granular?
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Mar 30 2024 Muhammad zaheer Khan , Rusmawati Said and Sadaf Amjad
  Relationship between labor force participation and unemployment in Pakistan
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Sep 30 2023 Lokesh Posti , Rajan Khare and Rahul Kumar
  Workplace sanitation and female labour force participation in the informal sector
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Jun 30 2022 Thomas Snyder , Elsa Mattson and Alex Kanode
  Licensing growth and its effect on employment concentration
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Jul 18 2021 Lauren Calimeris
  Does happiness matter? The effect of teacher job satisfaction on college enrollment rates
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May 06 2020 Kahina Cherfi-Feroukhi and Saïd Souam
  Informal economy, government intervention and labor market in Algeria: An analysis by structural models
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Apr 15 2020 Samuel Cameron and Hendrik Sonnabend
  Pricing in live music: an empirical analysis of the tribute band sector
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Nov 12 2019 Carolina Castagnetti , Luisa Rosti and Marina Töpfer
  The Public-Private Sector Wage Differential Across Gender in Italy: a New Quantile-Based Decomposition Approach.
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Aug 20 2019 Ayira Korem
  Young or adult: who has more chance to find a job in Togo?
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Jan 21 2018 Richard J. Cebula and Gigi M. Alexander
  Is there an impact of labor market freedom on the elderly female labor force participation rate in the U.S.? An exploratory study
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Jul 16 2017 Klaus Wohlrabe and Elisabeth Friedrich
  The efficiency of economics departments reconsidered
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Mar 20 2017 Richard Kouamé Moussa
  Elicitation of the determinants of decent work in developing countries: evidence from Côte d'Ivoire
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Nov 09 2016 Serdar Selçuk and Orhan Torul
  A note on the intertemporal labor dynamics in Turkey
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Nov 21 2015 Sergey V. Popov
  Tenure-track contract helps self-selection
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Oct 02 2015 Eirini-Christina Saloniki
  A monopsonistic approach to disability discrimination and non-discrimination
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Mar 22 2015 Amal Hili , Rim Lahmandi-Ayed and Hejer Lasram
  Vertical differentiation and labor market: the differentiation principle revisited
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Feb 14 2014 Jonathan Lipow and Jay Simon
  Probability segmenting and the social cost of draft evasion
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Sep 28 2012 Gonzalo F De córdoba , Javier J Pérez and José L Torres
  On the substitutability between public and private employment
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Jul 19 2012 Yujie Wu and Michael C Seeborg
  Economic assimilation of Mexican and Chinese immigrants in the United States: is there wage convergence?
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Mar 25 2012 Therese Rebière
  Young workers' professional experience and access to high-skill jobs: a note
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Jul 27 2011 Ryan M. Rodenberg and Jun Woo Kim
  Precocity and labor market outcomes: Evidence from professional basketball
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Mar 01 2011 Finn Christensen
  Residential segregation and black-white intermarriage.
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Jan 04 2011 Michael J Hilmer and Christiana E Hilmer
  Do editors favor their students' work? A test of undue favoritism in top economics journals
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Dec 08 2010 Omer Bayar , William Neilson and Stephen Ogden
  Kiffin Goods
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Oct 02 2010 M.G. Quibria and Faridul Islam
  Immigration and long-run economic outcomes: a note
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Apr 01 2010 Christiana Hilmer and Michael Hilmer
  Do Public Ph.D.-Granting Economics Departments Invert Salaries?
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Jan 28 2010 Ana Maria Takahashi and Shingo Takahashi
  The effect of refereed articles on salary, promotion and labor mobility: The case of Japanese economists
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Jul 31 2009 Stephan Nüesch
  A note on the endogeneity of the pay-performance relationship in professional soccer
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Mar 11 2009 Arnaud Chéron
  Equilibrium wage dispersion and the role of endogenous search effort revisited
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Apr 12 2007 Yang-Ming Chang and Bhavneet Walia
  Wage discrimination and partial compliance with the minimum wage law
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Feb 02 2006 Kenji Azetsu and Taro Kumagai
  Severance pay and the accuracy of judgment
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Sep 02 2004 Amitrajeet Batabyal
  On strategy and the likelihood of success in marital matchmaking under uncertainty
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Apr 12 2004 François-Charles Wolff , Mohamed Jellal and Khaled Bouabdallah
  Unemployment and work sharing in an efficiency wage model
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Apr 08 2004 Laurent Franckx and Isabelle Brose
  A theoretical framework for incentives in the public sector
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Feb 27 2004 Kam-Ki Tang and Yi-Ping Tseng
  Constructing a measure of industry-specific human capital using Tobin's q theory
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Jan 13 2004 Yeung-Nan Shieh and Chiou-Nan Yeh
  Transportation rates, monopsony power and the location decision of the firm
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