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Notes, Comments and Preliminary results

Jun 30 2024 Mathurin Aimé Mekam Pouatcha , Marilena Giannetti and Elton Beqiraj
  The relationship between FDI and population health in Sub-Saharan Africa: The role of per-capita income
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Mar 30 2024 Mingchao Sun
  Did Vietnam's market-based labor export policy aid its economic take-off? A synthetic control approach
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Mar 30 2024 Virender Kumar , Naveen Kumar , Puneet Kumar Arora and Apoorva Gupta
  Does domestic monetary policy affect foreign direct investment to India?
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Mar 30 2024 Yosra Saidi
  Remittances and growth in Africa: Does financial development and institutional quality matter?
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Mar 30 2024 Alex Knorre , Ruslan Kuchakov and Dmitriy Skougarevskiy
  Stakeholder activism and foreign firm exit from Russia in 2022
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Mar 30 2024 Daniel Bembennek and Michael Frenkel
  An empirical study of the immediate effect of the brexit referendum on greenfield foreign direct investment in the uk
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Sep 30 2023 Amal Krishnan and Padmaja Mundakkad
  Outward FDI and its impact on the parent firm: A case of Indian manufacturing firms
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Jun 30 2023 Fabrice Nguegang
  Effect of foreign direct investment on population health in Africa: Is there any threshold role of governance?
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Mar 30 2023 Nathapornpan Uttama and Popkarn Arwatchanakarn
  How do economic complexity and productive capacities foster foreign direct investment flows? Evidence from the Asian economies
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Mar 30 2023 Padmaja M
  Does outward foreign direct investment crowd out domestic investment in India?
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Mar 30 2023 Achille Augustin DIENDERE and Abdoul Hadirou YODA
  Understanding the effects of migrant remittances on agricultural production in West African countries
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Mar 30 2023 Brahim Gaies
  Financial openness and CSR: Banks in Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain
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Dec 30 2022 Vibha Kapuria-Foreman
  Foreign direct investment and natural resources
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Dec 30 2022 Joseph Siani
  The impact of remittances on human development in developing countries: an empirical evidence from cross-sectionally dependent heterogeneous panel data with structural breaks
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Sep 30 2022 Thomas Lebesmuehlbacher and Alex M. Palmer
  Immigration and trade: Evidence from the 1920s Quota Acts
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Jun 30 2022 Jongrim Ha
  Role of Global Uncertainty: Evidence from COVID-19 Pandemic
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Feb 20 2022 Jean Francky Landry Ngono
  Capital flight, quality of institutions and domestic investment in Africa
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Dec 29 2021 Roger Tsafack and Ronald Djeunankan
  Do remittances improve access to safe drinking water and sanitation in developing countries?
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Dec 29 2021 Mohammad Zeqi Yasin , Miguel Angel Esquivias and Suyanto Suyanto
  Does Firm Size Matter? Evidence from Indonesian Manufacturing Firms
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Sep 18 2021 Arnoldo López-Marmolejo , Carlos Vladimir Rodríguez-Caballero and Daniel Ventosa-Santaulària
  Remittances at record highs in Latin America: Time to revisit the Dutch disease
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Sep 18 2021 Robert Genthner
  What happens to FDI spillovers when input-output tables go granular?
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Sep 17 2021 Robert Genthner
  What happens to FDI spillovers when input-output tables go granular?
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Jul 18 2021 Désiré Avom , Brice Kamguia and Joseph Pasky Ngameni
  Does volatility hinder economic complexity?
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Jul 18 2021 Jun Zhao
  Impacts of global value chains on foreign direct investment (The case of Asian developing countries)
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Jul 18 2021 Stéphane Mbiankeu Nguea
  The Impact of Infrastructure development on Foreign Direct Investment in Cameroon
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Apr 09 2021 Ludovic Feulefack Kemmanang
  Do thin capitalization rules crowd out multinational firms in Africa? Looking towards efficiency in revenue mobilization
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Apr 09 2021 Daniel Sommer and Bernd Ebersberger
  International R&D teams: Performance effects and the moderating role of technological competences
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Mar 10 2021 Deniz Dilan Karaman Örsal
  Long-run economic determinants of asylum applications
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Dec 14 2020 Albert Millogo and Ines Trojette
  Pro-trade effects of MENA immigrants in France: does governance matter?
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Nov 24 2020 Baher Ahmed Elgahry
  Regional and Interregional Business Cycle Comovement in Europe, Asia, and North America
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Aug 19 2020 Tony Addison and Mina Baliamoune-Lutz
  Does aid stimulate foreign direct investment? The role of social cohesion
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Jun 02 2020 Haryo Kuncoro
  The role of exchange rate in remittance inflows: Evidence from Indonesia
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Jun 02 2020 Désiré Avom , Henri Njangang and Larissa Nawo
  World Economic Policy Uncertainty and Foreign Direct Investment
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Jun 02 2020 Farid Makhlouf and Kamal Kasmaoui
  Remittances and Business Cycle in Morocco
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May 09 2020 Miriam Beblo , Luise Goerges and Eva Markowsky
  Gender equality as a confounder in the epidemiological approach
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Apr 15 2020 Helmi Hammami , Moez Hammami , Siriki Coulibaly and Mariem Marzouk
  Determinants of FDI attractiveness: A MCI model approach
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Feb 05 2020 Ludovic K. Feulefack and Bertelet S. Ngassam
  Natural resources, quality of institutions and foreign direct investment in Africa
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Nov 03 2019 Wataru Johdo
  Deregulation in non-tradable goods sector and relocation of firms in tradable goods sector
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Oct 13 2019 Sunny Kumar Singh
  Revisiting Institutional Determinants of Remittances: Evidence from a Large Panel of Countries
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Sep 30 2019 Aparna Sawhney and Rashmi Rastogi
  FDI in Indian Manufacturing: Whither high-tech industries?
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Sep 07 2019 Hongzhong Fan and Shi He
  In Search of Determinants of FDI Horizontal Spillovers: A meta-analysis
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Jul 07 2019 Olufemi A Aluko and Muazu Ibrahim
  Does institutional quality explain the Lucas Paradox? Evidence from Africa
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Jun 23 2019 Farid Makhlouf , Kamal Kasmaoui and Johanna Edelbloude
  Voting With The Wallet: The Response of Remittances to Political Systems
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May 02 2019 Rishav Bista , Erik Figueiredo and Brandon Sheridan
  Heterogeneous time zone effects and exports
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Apr 03 2019 Jesus Mendoza and Nathan Ashby
  Mexican Migration Flows to the United States: The Impact of Business Cycles on Unauthorized Immigration to the United States
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Feb 18 2019 Giuseppe De Arcangelis , Majlinda Joxhe and Stefania Borelli
  A preliminary assessment of the effects of migration on the production structure in Europe: A labor task approach
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May 25 2018 Alba Del Villar Olano
  The Lucas Paradox in the Great Recession: Does the type of capital matter?
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May 12 2018 Boniface P Yemba and Inoussa Boubacar
  On the Merit of Debt Relief Programs in Heavily Indebted Poor Countries
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Apr 28 2018 Enzo Weber and Roland Weigand
  Identifying macroeconomic effects of refugee migration to Germany
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Feb 09 2018 Bruno Emmanuel Ongo Nkoa
  Determinants of foreign direct investment in Africa: An analysis of the impact of financial development
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Feb 09 2018 Natalia Vechiu
  Foreign direct investments and "green" consumers
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Jan 24 2018 Bruno Karoubi , Marjorie Lecerf and Gael Bertrand
  Are export promotion programs efficient for small and medium enterprises?
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Dec 29 2017 Toshihiro Atsumi
  Agglomeration under money illusion
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Dec 28 2017 Sena kimm Gnangnon
  Impact of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Inflows on Non-Resource Tax and Corporate Tax Revenue
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Mar 21 2017 Dierk Herzer
  The long-run effect of FDI on TFP in the United States
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Mar 05 2017 Peter Kannen , Julian Donaubauer and Dierk Herzer
  How do South-South and North-South FDI affect total factor productivity growth in developing countries?
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Jan 26 2017 Mawussé K. N. Okey
  Does migration promote industrial development in Africa?
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Jan 13 2017 Suan Poh , Chee wooi Hooy and Kian-ping Lim
  Effect of Geographical Diversification on Informational Efficiency in Malaysia
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Nov 27 2016 Hichem Saidi , Khaled Guesmi and Houssem Rachdi
  Capital Account Liberalization, Financial Development and Economic Growth in Presence of Structural Breaks and Cross-Section Dependence
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Nov 27 2016 Babajide Fowowe and Taofik M Ibrahim
  Remittances and economic development in Lesotho: does financial sector development matter?
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Sep 29 2016 Rafael Hernandez Barros , Javier Vidal-Garcia , Marta Vidal and María Isabel Martínez Torre-Enciso
  New Evidence in the Definition of Strategy for Global Insurers
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Jun 22 2016 Chih-Hsiang Hsu , Ming-Sung Kao and Lee-Men Lee
  The Value of Internationalization for Emerging Market Firms -- Family versus Non-Family firms
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Jun 22 2016 Hong Zhuang
  Location Determinants of Greenfield Foreign Investment in the United States: Evidence at the Metropolitan Statistical Area Level
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Apr 29 2016 Philippe Darreau and Francois Pigalle
  Converge or integrate? A note on Gourinchas and Jeanne : The elusive gains from international financial integration
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Feb 21 2016 Jordi Paniagua
  A note on implementing gravity datasets with abundant zeros
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Nov 20 2015 Amar Iqbal Anwar and Mazhar Y Mughal
  Determinants of Russian Firms' Merger and Acquisition Activities
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Nov 20 2015 Ismail O. Fasanya and Sulaimon Baruwa
  Remittances led growth in West Africa Monetary Zone (WAMZ)
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Nov 20 2015 Gihoon Hong and Soyoung Lee
  An empirical analysis of the role of immigrant networks on legalization in the United States
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Oct 16 2015 Ahmed Fayez Abdelgouad , Christian Pfeifer and John P Weche Gelübcke
  Ownership structure and firm performance in the Egyptian manufacturing sector
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May 14 2015 Elsy Thomas kizhakethalackal , Debasri Mukherjee and Eskander Alvi
  Count-data Analysis of physician Emigration from Developing Countries: A Note
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Apr 22 2015 Ichiro Iwasaki and Keiko Suganuma
  The impact of FDI and socio-cultural similarity on international trade: Poisson pseudo-maximum likelihood estimation of a Russian trade model
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Mar 22 2015 Jordi Paniagua
  A gravity model for foreign re-investment
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Feb 26 2015 Jonathan Munemo
  Foreign Direct Investment, Business Start-up Regulations, and Entrepreneurship in Africa
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Feb 12 2014 Olalekan Bashir Aworinde
  Are Bilateral Real Exchange Rates Stationary? Empirical Evidence from Nigeria
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Dec 31 2013 Maroula Khraiche and Jeffrey Gaudette
  FDI, Exchange Rate Volatility and Financial Development: Regional Differences In Emerging Economies
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Dec 03 2013 Ping-Lung Hsin , Tobias Haepp and Yen-Lien Kuo
  Export destinations, and company investments in R&D and capital.
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Oct 22 2013 Yana Pryymachenko , Klas Fregert and Fredrik N. G. Andersson
  The effect of emigration on unemployment: Evidence from the Central and Eastern European EU member states
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Oct 10 2013 P. B. Eregha
  Aid Flows and Growth Diagnosis: Empirical Evidence for A Panel of ECOWAS Countries
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Oct 08 2013 Constant Fouopi djiogap
  Foreign Direct Investment and Macro Economic Performances in the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC)
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Oct 03 2013 Michael Good
  Gravity and Localized Migration
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Sep 05 2013 Nathapornpan Piyaareekul Uttama
  On the relation between foreign direct investment and regional income inequality towards ASEAN's economic integration
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Aug 23 2013 Roger White
  Is cultural distance a determinant of international migration flows? Evidence from Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands
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Jun 07 2013 Nelly Exbrayat
  Corporate tax differentials in a multi-country world with imperfectly integrated economies
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Apr 03 2013 Alexandre Gazaniol and Frédéric Peltrault
  Outward FDI, performance and group affiliation: evidence from French matched firms
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Mar 27 2013 Matthias Busse , Carsten Hefeker and Signe Nelgen
  Foreign Direct Investment and Exchange Rate Regimes
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Mar 13 2013 Mara Grasseni and Simona Comi
  Multinational firms and FDI destinations: what explains the productivity gap?
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Oct 28 2012 Amar Iqbal Anwar and Mazhar Mughal
  Economic Freedom and Indian Outward Foreign Direct Investment: An Empirical Analysis
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Jul 20 2012 Savuth Cheng
  Foreign direct investment and productivity spillovers: Empirical evidence from Cambodia
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Jul 12 2012 Adalgiso Amendola , Anna Maria Ferragina , Rosanna Pittiglio and Filippo Reganati
  Are exporters and multinational firms more resilient over a crisis? First evidence for manufacturing enterprises in Italy
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May 31 2012 Giulia Bettin
  The remittance behaviour of African diaspora in Belgium
  Abstract  Contact Information  Citation  Full Text  -  Preliminary Result
May 29 2012 Gabriele Morettini , Andrea F. Presbitero and Massimo Tamberi
  Determinants of international migrations to Italian provinces
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May 07 2012 Philippe Darreau and François Pigalle
  Why capital (physical and human) doesn't flow from rich to poor countries ?
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Apr 04 2012 Vincent Fromentin
  Migration and unemployment duration in OECD countries: A dynamic panel analysis
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Feb 09 2012 Amar Iqbal Anwar and Mazhar Yaseen Mughal
  Motives to remit: some microeconomic evidence from Pakistan
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Oct 21 2011 Raphaël Chiappini
  FDI and trade: A Granger causality analysis in a heterogeneous panel
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Oct 05 2011 Shigemi Yabuuchi
  Emigration promotion and urban unemployment
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Sep 16 2011 Hakan Mıhcı , Selim Çağatay and Onur A. Koska
  The determinants of foreign direct investment outflows from the European Union countries.
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Aug 29 2011 Alex YiHou Huang , Chiao-Ming Cheng , Wen-Cheng Hu and Chih-Chun Chen
  Relationship between Crude Oil Prices and Stock Prices of Alternative Energy Companies with Recent Evidence
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Jul 10 2011 Turan Subasat and Sotiris Bellos
  Economic Freedom and Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America: A Panel Gravity Model Approach
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Jan 09 2011 Peter Schwarz
  Estimating Tax-Elasticities of Foreign Direct Investment: The Importance of Tax Havens.
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Aug 12 2010 Arijit Mukherjee
  A note on firm-productivity and foreign direct investment
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Sep 02 2009 Bharati Basu and Richard B Clemmer
  Do immigrants pose a fiscal burden on the host country budget? : a case study for Michigan.
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May 28 2009 Sebastian Braun
  Should trade unions welcome foreign investors? First evidence from Danish matched employer-employee data
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May 16 2009 Yang-Ming Chang and Kyle Ross
  Biodiversity, intellectual property rights and north-south trade
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Mar 25 2009 Yenhuang Chen and Lihong Zhao
  Wage Subsidy and Sector-Specific Unemployment: A New Economic Geography Approach
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Mar 02 2009 Arijit Mukherjee and Sugata Marjit
  Firm productivity and foreign direct investment: a non-monotonic relationship
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Feb 19 2009 Ramkishen Rajan and Rabin Hattari
  What Explains Intra-Asian FDI Flows?: Do Distance and Trade Matter?
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Nov 17 2008 Yu-Ter Wang
  Outward FDI from a Free Trade Area: the Small Open Economy Case
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Jul 23 2008 Chin-Hong Puah , Albert Apoi and Jerome Swee-Hui Kueh
  Outward FDI of Malaysia: An Empirical Examination from Macroeconomic Perspective
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Jul 23 2008 Wu Jyun-Yi and Hsu Chih-Chiang
  Does Foreign Direct Investment Promote Economic Growth? Evidence from a Threshold Regression Analysis
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Jun 11 2008 Arijit Mukherjee
  Firm productivity, foreign direct investment and the host-country welfare: trade cost vs. cheap labor
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Oct 17 2007 Cheuk Yin Ho
  Illegal migration and economic growth: simulation analysis in an international context
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Sep 18 2007 Benteng ZOU and Patrice Pieretti
  An Extended Solow Growth Model with Emigration: Transitional Dynamics and Skills Complementarity
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Aug 21 2007 Kamal Upadhyaya , Franklin Mixon, Jr. and Dharmendra Dhakal
  Foreign direct investment and transition economies: empirical evidence from a panel data estimator
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Aug 16 2007 Brishti Guha
  Maids and mistresses : migrating maids and female labor force participation
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Aug 13 2007 Reza Oladi and Hamid Beladi
  International Migration and Real Wages
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May 10 2007 Gemma Larramona , Josefina Cabeza and Rosa Aisa
  Timing of migration
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Apr 09 2007 Tuck Cheong Tang and Koi Nyen Wong
  Foreign Direct Investment and Electronics Exports: Exploratory Empirical Evidence from Malaysia's Top Five Electronics Exports
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Apr 08 2007 Kamal Upadhyaya , Gyan Pradhan , Dharmendra Dhakal and Rabindra Bhandari
  Foreign Aid, FDI and Economic Growth in East European Countries
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Feb 10 2007 Stefan Norrbin and Onsurang Pipatchaipoom
  Is the real dollar rate highly volatile?
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Oct 10 2006 Alessandro Rebucci and Marco Rossi
  Measuring Disinflation Credibility in Emerging Markets: A Bayesian Approach with an Application to Turkey's IMF-Supported Program
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May 22 2006 Yasuhiro Sato and Kristian Behrens
  `Brain drain' without migration: Capital market integration and capital-skill complementarities
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Feb 08 2006 Nicolas Péridy
  The European Union and its new neighbors: an estimation of migration potentials
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Nov 15 2005 Junichiro Ishida and Noriaki Matsushima
  FDI may help rival firms
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Nov 09 2005 Michael Bleaney
  Migration and unemployment in an efficiency wage model of a small open economy
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Apr 27 2005 Hisashi Kurihara
  Fragmentation in a product cycle model
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Feb 24 2005 Fernando Seabra and Lisandra Flach
  Foreign direct investment and profit outflows: a causality analysis for the Brazilian economy
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Jan 21 2005 Pedro Martins
  The Inter-Industry Wage Structure of U.S. Multinationals
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Jan 04 2005 Eric Strobl , Holger Gorg and Salvador Barrios
  The Evolution of the Firm Size Distribution and Nationality of Ownerhship
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Oct 27 2004 Yasunobu Tomoda and Hiroshi Kurata
  Foreign equity caps for international joint ventures
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Mar 05 2004 José Pedro Pontes
  A theory of the relationship between foreign direct investment and trade
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May 20 2003 David Wettstein , Israel Luski and Todd Kaplan
  Government policy towards multi-national corporations
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Oct 24 2002 Anthony Bende-Nabende
  Foreign direct investment determinants in Sub-Sahara Africa: A co-integration analysis
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Oct 16 2002 Hillel Rapoport
  Migration, credit constraints and self-employment: A simple model of occupational choice, inequality and growth
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