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Jun 30 2024 Phu Quang Tran , Anh Phan , Dung V. Tran and Mohamad H. Shahrour
  The effect of capital empowerment on the lending competence of banks: Evidence from segmental analysis
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Mar 30 2024 Yang Mestre Zhou and Roman Mestre
  A continuous wavelets approach of China opening reforms effects on relationships between mainland Chinese stock exchanges and Hong Kong
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Mar 30 2024 Houssam Bouzgarrou , Zied Ftiti , Wael Louhichi and Mohamed Youssfi
  Stock market performance under COVID-19: Evidence from investor behavior
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Mar 30 2024 Liliana Celedón-Cabriales , Alejandra E. Martínez-hidalgo , Abigahil Meléndez Kamila Sánchez , Patricia Kaory Tamez-González and Carlos A. Carrasco
  Macroprudential policy, mortgage lending and economic activity in Mexico
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Mar 30 2024 Marco Cozzi and Qiushan Li
  Do wealth shocks matter for the life satisfaction of the elderly? Evidence from the health and retirement study
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Mar 30 2024 Gabriel Caldas Montes and Pedro Salgado
  Economic policy uncertainties and business confidence in Japan
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Dec 30 2023 Jamel Jouini
  New evidence on financial integration in Latin America
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Dec 30 2023 Amirah El-Haddad and Chahir Zaki
  Vulnerability and resilience: crisis transmission channels for GVCs in COVID times
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Sep 30 2023 Zulal Denaux , Mert Topcu and Furkan Emirmahmutoglu
  Revisiting the financial development and economic growth nexus: Evidence from south Korea
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Jun 30 2023 Bruna K. S. Peixoto and Roberto T Ferreira
  Herd behavior and contagion effects of the COVID-19
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Jun 30 2023 Patrizio Morganti
  From shadow banking to resilient market-based finance
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Jun 30 2023 Sofiane El Ouardi
  Leading indicators of sovereign defaults in middle- and low-income countries: the role of foreign exchange reserve ratios in times of pandemic.
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Mar 30 2023 Riccardo Tilli , Paolo D'Imperio and Cristiana Fiorelli
  Fiscal policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the euro area
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Mar 30 2023 Brahim Gaies
  Financial openness and CSR: Banks in Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain
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Dec 30 2022 Corey J.M. Williams
  The evolution of inventory dynamics in a post-crisis economy
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Dec 30 2022 Zeineb Gouasmi and Riadh El Ferktaji
  Detecting and date-stamping unsustainability: The case of Tunisian Budget Deficit
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Dec 30 2022 Seyid Fahri Mahmud , Seyid Amjad Ali and Fatih Furkan Akosman
  Modeling 2018 currency crisis of Turkey: A balance of payments approach
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Dec 30 2022 Valdeir Monteiro , Paulo Matos and Cristiano Silva
  Modeling Brazilian federal government fiscal reaction in the time-frequency domain
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Dec 30 2022 Riadh El Abed and Noura Harboub
  Time varying causality between Economic policy uncertainty and stock prices in BRIC countries: A rolling-window bootstrap approach
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Sep 30 2022 Sébastien Charles
  Fiscal multipliers and policies in France and Italy: What has happened in the decade after the Great Recession?
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Jun 30 2022 Xiaoguang Liu , Jian Yu , Tsun se Cheong and Michal Wojewodzki
  Transitional Dynamics and Spatial Convergence of House-Price-to-Income Ratio in Urban China
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Jun 30 2022 Paulo Matos , Cristiano Da Silva and Antonio Costa
  On the relationship between COVID-19 and G7 banking co-movements
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Jun 30 2022 Graziano Moramarco
  Funding liquidity, credit risk and unconventional monetary policy in the Euro area: A GVAR approach
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Jun 30 2022 Elizabeth Knowlton , Goran Skosples and Robert J. Gitter
  Is anybody home? remote working opportunities and employment during the covid-19 crisis
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Feb 20 2022 Ngo Thai Hung
  The COVID-19 effects on cryptocurrency markets: robust evidence from time-frequency analysis
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Feb 20 2022 Kenta Toyofuku
  Risk sharing and asset commonality in the financial sector
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Dec 29 2021 Komivi Afawubo and Yawo A. Noglo
  Does entrepreneurship reduce poverty in developing countries?
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Sep 18 2021 Dung viet Tran , Trung duc Nguyen and Chi huu Lu
  Does the dividend policy signal quality? Investigation on the bank funding costs, and market discipline
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Sep 17 2021 Maxime Fajeau
  Has Financial Deepening Done More Harm Than Good?
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Jul 18 2021 Mohamed Ben Mimoun
  Stability of Conventional and Islamic banks, externalities and resilience to crises: evidences from comprehensive Saudi banks' time-series data
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Jul 18 2021 Luc Meunier and Sima Ohadi
  The Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on Individuals' Risk and Time Preferences
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Apr 09 2021 Claudiu T Albulescu , Michel Mina and Cornel Oros
  Oil-US Stock Market Nexus: Some insights about the New Coronavirus Crisis
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Apr 09 2021 Pedro Clavijo-Cortes
  How persistent is unemployment in major Latin American economies?
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Nov 25 2020 Andreas Humpe and David McMillan
  The Covid-19 stock market puzzle and money supply in the US
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Nov 24 2020 Fabricio Linhares and Glauber Nojosa
  Changes in the tax-spend nexus: Evidence from selected European countries
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Oct 12 2020 Yating Chuang and John Chung-En Liu
  Who wears a mask? Gender differences in risk behaviors in the COVID-19 early days in Taiwan
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Aug 31 2020 David Carson Jinkins
  The Self-Perpetuating Student Loan Debt Crisis
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Aug 19 2020 Andreas Zervas
  The determinants of import demand in Eurozone Crisis countries - a note
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Aug 08 2020 Bruno Thiago Tomio
  Carry trade in developing and developed countries: A Granger causality analysis with the Toda-Yamamoto approach
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Jul 14 2020 Jorge F. Chávez , Antonio Cusato Novelli and Max Perez Leon
  Export Subsidies in Emerging Markets During the Great Trade Collapse
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Jun 18 2020 Petar Sorić
  “Normal” growth of the Chinese economy: new metrics based on consumer confidence data
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Jun 07 2020 Jau-er Chen and Rajarshi Mitra
  Demographic Shifts and Asset Returns in Japan
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May 06 2020 Miriam Marcén and Marina Morales
  Air passengers during the economic crisis: The Spanish case
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May 06 2020 Kahina Cherfi-Feroukhi and Saïd Souam
  Informal economy, government intervention and labor market in Algeria: An analysis by structural models
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Mar 25 2020 Jeetendra Khadan
  Long and short-run tax buoyancies in small states
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Feb 23 2020 Youngjin Yun
  Post-crisis changes in the pattern of capital flows - The case of Korea
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Feb 10 2020 Murilo Silva and Sergio Da Silva
  The Brazilian granular business cycle
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Feb 05 2020 Gianni Betti , Antonella D'Agostino , Giulio Ghellini and Sergio Longobardi
  Measuring the impact of financial crisis on quality of life in Europe
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Dec 28 2019 Dung Viet Tran
  Ownership structure and bank lending
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Jul 23 2019 Meng-wai Lee and Kim-leng Goh
  Bond Market Development in Malaysia: Possible Crowding-Out from Persistent Fiscal Deficits?
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Jun 23 2019 Christophe Schalck
  Investigating shifts in public debt management behaviour in France
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May 31 2019 Valdir Domeneghetti and Fabiano Guasti Lima
  Strategic direction re-evaluation of bank ratings in Brazil
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May 31 2019 Pavel Jelnov
  What Remains After the Oil Boom Is Over?
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May 15 2019 Jeetendra Khadan and Amrita Deonarine
  Testing the Inter-temporal Budget Constraint for Small States
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May 15 2019 Jean-Michel Sahut and Faten Ben Bouheni
  Profitability and Risk-Taking Among Cooperative Banks in the Eurozone
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Apr 27 2019 Román Ferrer , Syed Jawad Hussain Shahzad and Adrián Maizonada
  Nonlinear and extreme dependence between long-term sovereign bond yields and the stock market: A quantile-on-quantile analysis
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Apr 25 2019 Francesco Marchionne and Evelina Lazareva
  The limits to integration before and after the great financial crisis
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Mar 16 2019 Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
  Should Bitcoin be used to help devastated economies? Evidence from Greece
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Jan 10 2019 Samir Amine and Wilner Predelus
  The Persistence of the 2008-2009 Recession and Insolvency Filings in Canada
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Dec 10 2018 Ben Shepherd
  International input-output linkages and exogenous shock transmission: a simple model
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Dec 10 2018 Padmaja Mundakkad
  Firms' leverage and labour productivity: a quantile regression approach
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Oct 30 2018 Irem Zeyneloglu
  Currency crises and monetary policy: the role of foreign inputs
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Aug 05 2018 Marie Bouchard and Damien Rousselière
  Does Gibrat's law hold among urban social economy enterprises? A research note on Montreal social economy.
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Jul 18 2018 Paolo Di Caro , Roberta Arbolino and Ugo Marani
  A note on the effects of human capital policies in Italy during the Great Recession
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Mar 23 2018 Oussama Ben Hmiden and Tanguy Meigné
  The impact of bank rating changes on lending in major European banks
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Mar 23 2018 Mohammad Q. M. Momani
  Revisiting the momentum factor in the U.K. stock market
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Feb 09 2018 Francesco Marchionne and Alberto Zazzaro
  Risk and competitiveness in the Italian banking sector
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Jan 21 2018 Wahyoe Soedarmono
  Stock market integration in the Asia-Pacific region: Evidence from cointegration of liquidity risk
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Oct 26 2017 Trung Xuan Hoang and Quang Nhat Bui
  Sectoral Employment and Poverty in Rural Vietnam in 2000s
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Sep 27 2017 Riadh El Abed
  On the Co-movements among East Asian Foreign Exchange Markets: A Multivariate FIAPARCH-DCC approach
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Sep 27 2017 Jean-Michel Sahut and Frédéric Teulon
  What are the determinants of dividend policies? A new perspective in Emerging Markets
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Jul 16 2017 Maxim Zagonov , Angela Kate Pettinicchio and Galla Salganik-Shoshan
  Audit quality, bank risks, and cross-country regulations.
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Jun 16 2017 Yoshiko Suzuki
  Return of the Japan premium in the abenomics period
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May 05 2017 Duc Hong Vo and Anh The Vo
  Currency evaluation using a big mac index for Thailand – lessons for Vietnam
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Mar 05 2017 Ousayna Zreik and Wael Louhichi
  Risk Disclosure and Company Unsystematic, Systematic, and Total Risks
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Jan 17 2017 Hela Ben hassine khalladi
  Financial crises management by the International Monetary Fund: Was external and public debt sustainable ?
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Dec 21 2016 Boubacar Diallo
  Financial dependence and growth during crises: when does bank efficiency really matter?
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Dec 10 2016 Rayenda Brahmana , Chin hong Puah and Michael Chai
  Natural Disaster and Local Bank Non-Performing Loan: Case of Nias Tsunami 2004
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Nov 26 2016 Dimitrios Dimitriou
  Greek debt negotiations and VIX currency indices: A HYGARCH approach
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Nov 09 2016 Cleomar Gomes da silva and Flavio V. Vieira
  Monetary policy decision making: the role of ideology, institutions and central bank independence
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Nov 09 2016 Yu Hsing
  Is Real Depreciation Contractionary? The Case of South Korea
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Oct 10 2016 Aurore Burietz and Loredana Ureche - Rangau
  A modern Dionysus' tale: new evidence on the Greek debt crisis and the related costs
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Sep 29 2016 Rafael Hernandez Barros , Javier Vidal-Garcia , Marta Vidal and María Isabel Martínez Torre-Enciso
  New Evidence in the Definition of Strategy for Global Insurers
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Jul 08 2016 Chee-keong Choong , Sok-gee Chan and Chuen-khee Pek
  The Effect of Board Composition on the Efficiency of Public Listed Companies in Malaysia
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Jun 11 2016 Mirzosaid Sultonov
  Dynamic conditional correlation and causality relationship among foreign exchange, stock and commodity markets: Evidence from 2014 Russian financial crisis
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May 18 2016 Xing Lu and Neel Patel
  Festivity Anomaly in Indian Stock Market
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Apr 29 2016 Andrew Phiri
  Did the global financial crisis alter equilibrium adjustment dynamics between the US federal fund fund rates and stock price volatility in the SSA region?
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Apr 14 2016 Torben Klarl
  The nexus between housing and GDP re-visited: A wavelet coherence view on housing and GDP for the U.S.
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Apr 14 2016 Yoshiko Suzuki
  European banks' funding realignment during the European debt crisis: impact of counterparty risk and funding liquidity on FX swap pricing
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Apr 14 2016 Nazmus Sadat Khan
  In search of causality between debt and growth: a graph theoretic approach
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Mar 17 2016 Riyad Abubaker
  Consumption and Money Uncertainty at the Zero Lower Bound
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Feb 04 2016 Maiko Koga
  Momentum trading behavior in the FX market: Evidence from Japanese retail investors
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Dec 26 2015 Pauline Gandré
  Domestic creditors as last lenders in debt crises: a simple model with multiple equilibria
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Dec 18 2015 Walid Chkili
  Gold–oil prices co-movements and portfolio diversification implications
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Nov 20 2015 Ismail O. Fasanya and Sulaimon Baruwa
  Remittances led growth in West Africa Monetary Zone (WAMZ)
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Nov 20 2015 Keisuke Otsu and Florian Gerth
  A neoclassical analysis of the Great Recession: a historical comparison
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Oct 02 2015 Franck Martin and Mai lan Nguyen
  Asymmetric dynamics in the correlations of hedge fund strategy indices: what lessons about financial contagion ?
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Sep 07 2015 José Perles , Ana Ramón and Antonio Rubia
  Economic crises and tourism competitiveness: A Markov swtiching regression approach.
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Jul 24 2015 Omar Farooq and Imad Jabbouri
  Ownership structure and portfolio performance: Pre- and post-crisis evidence from the Casablanca Stock Exchange
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Jun 09 2015 Alexander C. Jung
  Does liquidity matter for money demand in euro area countries?
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Jun 01 2015 Rachida Hennani and Michel Terraza
  Contributions of a noisy chaotic model to the stressed Value-at-Risk
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May 14 2015 Luciano Fanti
  Growth, PAYG pension systems crisis and mandatory age of retirement
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May 14 2015 Yuki Takahashi
  Did the TARP Expand or Contract Bank Lending? A Numerical Simulation Using a Financial Accelerator Model
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Mar 11 2015 Smruti Ranjan Behera
  International Capital Mobility and Saving-Investment Relationship in India
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Mar 11 2015 Yu Hsing
  Short-Run Determinants of the USD/MYR Exchange Rate
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Nov 05 2014 Juan carlos Cuestas and Barry Harrison
  Unemployment hysteresis in the EU15: Has anything changed?
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Aug 06 2014 Chandan Sharma and Sunny K Singh
  Determinants of International Reserves: Empirical Evidence from Emerging Asia
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Jun 20 2014 Franck Martin and Jiangxingyun Zhang
  Correlation and volatility on bond markets during the EMU crisis: does the OMT change the process ?
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Jun 18 2014 Vincent Fromentin and Christine Louargant
  Is the rating given to a European mutual fund a good indicator of its future performance?
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Jun 01 2014 Ramzi Benkraiem
  Small business investment sensitivity of debt before and during the global crisis
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May 25 2014 Frederick Dongchuhl Oh
  Assessing competitive conditions in Korea's credit rating industry after the 1997 financial crisis
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Apr 23 2014 Fabio Bertoni , Anne-Laure Le Nadant and Frédéric Perdreau
  Innovation and R&D investments by leveraged buyout companies in times of crisis
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Jan 20 2014 Makram El-shagi and Logan J Kelly
  Liquidity in the liquidity crisis: evidence from Divisia monetary aggregates in Germany and the European crisis countries
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Oct 08 2013 Scott W Hegerty
  Exchange Market Pressure, Output Drops, and Domestic Credit: Do Emerging Markets Behave Differently?
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Aug 22 2013 Hamza Bennani
  Does the ECB consider the persistence of inflation differentials?
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Aug 14 2013 Jose Fco. Perles-ribes and Ana Belén Ramón-rodríguez
  Economic cycles, asymmetric crises and tourism competitiveness: emerging versus mature destinations.
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Jul 17 2013 Iuliana Matei
  Government bond market linkages within EMU: evidence from a multivariate Granger causality analysis
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Jun 24 2013 Elie I Bouri
  Correlation and Volatility of the MENA Equity Markets in Turbulent Periods, and Portfolio Implications
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Jun 10 2013 Leila Ali and Marie Lebreton
  The Fall of Bretton Woods: Which Geography Matters?
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May 21 2013 Semih Tumen
  The Impact of the 2008 Crisis on Top Labor Incomes in Turkey: A Nonparametric Analysis
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May 18 2013 Michael R Frenkel and Jan C Rülke
  Is the ECB's monetary benchmark still alive?
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May 13 2013 Jean-yves Filbien , Fabien Labondance and Yann Echinard
  Macroeconomic, financial and institutional determinants of Eurozone sovereign crisis - Evidence from daily data
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Apr 18 2013 Marcelo Brutti Righi and Paulo Sergio Ceretta
  Pair Copula Construction based Expected Shortfall estimation
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Apr 11 2013 Christophe Blot and Fabien Labondance
  Business lending rate pass-through in the Eurozone: monetary policy transmission before and after the financial crash
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Mar 27 2013 Simplice A Asongu
  A Short-run Schumpeterian Trip to Embryonic African Monetary Zones
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Sep 18 2012 Gabriella Legrenzi and Costas Milas
  Long-Run Debt Sustainability and Threshold Adjustments: Non-Linear Empirical Evidence from the GIIPS
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Aug 14 2012 Walid Chkili
  Is currency risk priced for emerging stock markets?
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Aug 01 2012 Takuji Kinkyo
  De facto exchange rate regimes in post-crisis Asia
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Jul 12 2012 Adalgiso Amendola , Anna Maria Ferragina , Rosanna Pittiglio and Filippo Reganati
  Are exporters and multinational firms more resilient over a crisis? First evidence for manufacturing enterprises in Italy
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May 07 2012 Turkhan Ali Abdul Manap and Gairuzazmi M Ghani
  Malaysia's Time Varying Capital Mobility
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Apr 09 2012 Marcelo Brutti Righi and Paulo Sergio Ceretta
  Analysis of the Tail Dependence Structure in the Global Markets: A Pair Copula Construction Approach
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Mar 26 2012 Dimitrios P. Louzis , Spyros Xanthopoulos - Sissinis and Apostolos P. Refenes
  Stock index Value-at-Risk forecasting: A realized volatility extreme value theory approach
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Jan 29 2012 Go Tamakoshi , Yuki Toyoshima and Shigeyuki Hamori
  A dynamic conditional correlation analysis of European stock markets from the perspective of the Greek sovereign debt crisis
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Jan 13 2012 Julien Chevallier
  Cointegration between carbon spot and futures prices: from linear to nonlinear modeling
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Jan 13 2012 Julien Chevallier
  EUAs and CERs: Interactions in a Markov regime-switching environment
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Jan 13 2012 Liqun Liu , Andrew J. Rettenmaier and Thomas R. Saving
  A rational choice theory of midlife crises
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Jan 09 2012 Makram El-Shagi
  Protect and survive? Did capital controls help shield emerging markets from the crisis?
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Dec 13 2011 Go Tamakoshi and Shigeyuki Hamori
  Transmission of stock prices amongst European countries before and during the Greek sovereign debt crisis
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Nov 28 2011 Renatas Kizys and Christian Pierdzioch
  Contagious speculative bubbles: A note on the Greek sovereign debt crisis
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Nov 28 2011 Dean Fantazzini
  Forecasting the Global Financial Crisis in the Years 2009-2010: Ex-post Analysis
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Oct 24 2011 Marcelo Brutti Righi and Paulo Sergio Ceretta
  Analyzing the structural behavior of volatility in the Major European Markets during the Greek crisis
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Oct 12 2011 Vatthanamixay Chansomphou and Masaru Ichihashi
  The impact of trade openness on the incomes of four South East Asian countries before and after the Asian financial crisis
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Sep 09 2011 Loredana Ureche-Rangau , Fabien Collado and Ulysse Galiay
  The dynamics of the volatility – trading volume relationship: New evidence from developed and emerging markets
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Sep 08 2011 Georg Stadtmann , Christian Pierdzioch and Jan Ruelke
  Scattered Fiscal Forecasts
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Aug 05 2011 Chor Foon Tang and Hooi Hooi Lean
  Revisit Feldstein-Horioka puzzle: evidence from Malaysia
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Jul 28 2011 Loredana Ureche-Rangau and Franck Speeg
  A simple method for variance shift detection at unknown time points
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Jul 27 2011 Go Tamakoshi
  European sovereign debt crisis and linkage of long-term government bond yields
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Jun 13 2011 Marcelo Brutti Righi and Paulo Sérgio Ceretta
  Estimating value at risk and optimal hedge ratio in Latin markets: a copula-based GARCH approach
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Jun 05 2011 Cleiton Taufemback , Ricardo Giglio and Sergio Da Silva
  Algorithmic complexity theory detects decreases in the relative efficiency of stock markets in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis
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Jun 05 2011 Virginie Coudert and Hélène Raymond-Feingold
  Gold and financial assets: Are there any safe havens in bear markets?
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May 12 2011 Nikolay Nenovsky , Amine Lahiani and Petar Chobanov
  Empirical Investigation of Systemic Risk in the New EU States
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Apr 20 2011 George Milunovich
  Measuring the Impact of the GFC on European Equity Markets
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Apr 15 2011 Walid Chkili and Duc Khuong Nguyen
  Modeling the volatility of Mediterranean stock markets: a regime-switching approach
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Apr 06 2011 Rainer Niemann and Caren Sureth
  The Impact of Differential Capital Income Taxation on the Value of Risky Projects
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Apr 02 2011 Fernanda G Barba and Paulo S Ceretta
  Risk transmission between Latin America stock markets and the US: impacts of the 2007/2008 Crisis
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Mar 21 2011 Christos S Savva
  Modeling interbank relations during the international financial crisis
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Feb 17 2011 Masanori Ohkuma and Teruo Mori
  Local finance-growth nexus: Does bank ownership matter?
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Feb 14 2011 Emna Trabelsi
  Does asymmetric information play a role in explaining the Asian crisis? Application to Indonesian and Malaysian cases using a two-state Markov Switching model
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Jan 19 2011 Christophe Schalck
  The European fiscal framework: What lessons can we learn from the crisis?
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Dec 08 2010 Siow-Hooi Tan and Mohammad Tariqul Islam Khan
  Long Memory Features in Return and Volatility of the Malaysian Stock Market
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Nov 08 2010 Prakash Singh and Manoj Kumar Pandey
  Financial Innovation and Stability of Money Demand Function in Post–reform period in India
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Oct 31 2010 Shin Fukuda
  Evaluating the influence of the internal ratings-based approach on bank lending in Japan
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Oct 09 2010 Haifeng Xu and Shigeyuki Hamori
  Dynamic linkages of stock prices among G7 countries: effects of the American financial crisis
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Sep 08 2010 Pisey Khin and Ryuta Ray Kato
  The Impact of the Global Economic Crisis on Cambodia
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Aug 26 2010 Scott W Hegerty
  Exchange-market pressure and currency crises in Latin America: Empirical tests of their macroeconomic determinants
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Aug 21 2010 Taro Ikeda
  Asymmetric Preferences for Monetary Policy Rules in the Visegrad Four and the Financial Crisis
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Jul 22 2010 Thi Hong Hanh Pham
  Effects of the 2008 Financial Crisis on developing Asia's Economic Growth
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Jul 19 2010 Iuliana Matei
  Contagion and causality: an empirical analysis on sovereign bond spreads
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Jul 16 2010 Dean Fantazzini
  Modelling and forecasting the global financial crisis: Initial findings using heterosckedastic log-periodic models
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May 27 2010 Julien Chevallier
  A Note on Cointegrating and Vector Autoregressive Relationships between CO2 allowances spot and futures prices
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Apr 21 2010 Arouri Mohamed El Hédi and Jawadi Fredj
  On the Impacts of Crisis on the Risk Premium: Evidence from the US Stock Market using a Conditional CAPM
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Mar 08 2010 Ben m'barek Hassene Jr and Ben romdhane Hager Jr
  Financial Crises and Banking Deregulation: the Case of Tunisia
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Jul 28 2009 Akihiro Kubo
  Monetary targeting and inflation: Evidence from Indonesia's post-crisis experience
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Jul 06 2009 Carlos Bautista , Philippe Rous and Amine Tarazi
  The determinants of bank stock return's co-movements in East Asia
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Jun 08 2009 Scott W Hegerty
  Capital flows to transition economies: what is the role of external shocks?
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Mar 23 2009 Hock-Ann Lee , Kian-Ping Lim and Venus Khim-Sen Liew
  Is There Any International Diversification Benefits in ASEAN Stock Markets?
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Feb 24 2009 Meixing Dai
  Public debt and currency crisis: how central bank opacity can make things bad?
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Dec 19 2008 khalid kisswani
  Did the Great Depression affect Educational Attainment in the US?
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Nov 16 2008 Guglielmo Maria Caporale , Nikolaos Philippas and Fotini Economou
  Herding behaviour in extreme market conditions: the case of the Athens Stock Exchange
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Oct 05 2008 Surender Kumar
  Energy Prices and Induced Technological Progress
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Sep 17 2008 Stephen Pilgrim and Sunday Iyare
  Foreign direct investment (FDI) and the global food crisis. A study of the Windward Islands' agricultural sector.
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Jun 07 2008 Elif Akben , Gökhan Özertan , Aslýhan D. Spaulding and Sayed H. Saghaian
  Consumer responses to the H5N1 Avian Influenza: the case of Turkey
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Apr 21 2008 Elif Akben , Gökhan Özertan and Aslýhan D. Spaulding
  Are the Asian Equity Markets more Interdependent after the Financial Crisis?
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Feb 21 2007 Kim-Leng Goh and Sook-Lu Yong
  Bank lending and monetary policy: the effects of structural shift in interest rates
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Feb 21 2007 Vincent Bouvatier
  Are International Interest Rate Differentials Driven by the Risk Premium? The Case of Asian Countries
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Jan 18 2007 Sergio Da Silva , Annibal Figueiredo , Iram Gleria and Raul Matsushita
  Hurst exponents, power laws, and efficiency in the Brazilian foreign exchange market
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Jan 10 2007 Terence Tai-Leung Chong , Guoxin Liu and Isabel Kit-Ming Yan
  Habit Formation: Deep and Uncertain
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Dec 28 2006 Leonardo Gasparini
  Assessing benefit-incidence results using decompositions. The case of health policy in Argentina.
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Oct 10 2006 Alessandro Rebucci and Marco Rossi
  Measuring Disinflation Credibility in Emerging Markets: A Bayesian Approach with an Application to Turkey's IMF-Supported Program
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Dec 27 2005 Sergio Da Silva , Guilherme Moura and Roberto Meurer
  Travel hysteresis in the Brazilian current account
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Aug 03 2005 Mauro Costantini and Claudio Lupi
  Stochastic convergence among European economies
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Oct 15 2004 Victor Vaugirard
  Bank runs, political distortions and contagion
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Nov 20 2003 Francois HERMET
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Jan 03 2002 David Mckenzie
  Are tortillas a Giffen Good in Mexico?
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