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Jun 30 2024 Leon Esquierro and Sergio Da Silva
  Is the Brazilian labor market granular?
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Mar 30 2024 Muhammad zaheer Khan , Rusmawati Said and Sadaf Amjad
  Relationship between labor force participation and unemployment in Pakistan
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Mar 30 2024 Jean-François Verne
  Estimating the trajectories of the Okun's coefficient and NAIRU with the rolling regression method: Evidence from Lebanon
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Mar 30 2024 Martin Lábaj and Matej Vitáloš
  COVID-19 and automation: Evidence from European countries
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Dec 30 2023 Rich Ryan
  Responses of unemployment to productivity changes for a general matching technology
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Sep 30 2023 Umba Nsabimana
  Okun's law: Place-of-birth-specific unemployment in Sweden
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Sep 30 2023 Mina Baliamoune-Lutz
  Does trade openness affect youth unemployment? New evidence from developing and emerging economies
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Sep 30 2023 Jamie Emerson
  Education, employment, and labor force participation in the United States
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Jun 30 2023 Noritaka Kudoh and Hiroaki Miyamoto
  Time aggregation and unemployment volatility
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Mar 30 2023 Aïcha Tiendrebeogo
  Entrepreneurship And Informal Economy In Africa
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Mar 30 2023 Nicholas A Wright and Alvin Harris
  The labor market effects of gas price fluctuations
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Dec 30 2022 Gaetano Lisi
  Homeownership and unemployment
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Dec 30 2022 Tiago Alves , João Amador and Francisco Gonçalves
  Assessing the scoreboard of the EU macroeconomic imbalances procedure: (machine) learning from decisions
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Dec 30 2022 Harald Mayr
  Cheap search, picky workers? Evidence from a field experiment
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Dec 30 2022 Cesar Sobrino
  The persistence of regional disparities in labor markets: Evidence from Puerto Rico
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Sep 30 2022 Yuyang He and Dominik Naeher
  Do democracies perform worse during pandemics? Evidence from 2020
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Jun 30 2022 John V Winters
  Young and hungry? Employment levels for young people during Spring 2021
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Jun 30 2022 Elizabeth Knowlton , Goran Skosples and Robert J. Gitter
  Is anybody home? remote working opportunities and employment during the covid-19 crisis
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Jun 30 2022 Gaston Brice Nkoumou Ngoa
  Do remittances affect labor market outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa
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Sep 17 2021 Fumitaka Furuoka
  Testing hysteresis in unemployment using artificial network (ANN) unit root test
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Sep 17 2021 Mohd Shahidan Shaari , Paul Anthony Mariadas , Benjamin Nangle and Abdul Rahim Ridzuan
  The Relationship between Economic Growth and Child Abuse in Malaysia
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Sep 17 2021 Jean Francky Landry Ngono
  Women's empowerment, self-employment and incomes inequalities in Sub-Saharan Africa
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Jul 18 2021 Fumitaka Furuoka
  Does the Shimer puzzle really exist in the American labour market?
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Apr 09 2021 Manuela CHETUE Komguep and Luc NDEFFO Nembot
  Why Do Employment Policies Fail to Reduce Unemployment in Sub-Saharan Africa? Looking towards the brain drain
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Apr 09 2021 Pedro Clavijo-Cortes
  How persistent is unemployment in major Latin American economies?
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Apr 09 2021 Dandan Liu and Michael A Ellis
  FOMC forecasts and economic policy uncertainty
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Mar 10 2021 Deniz Dilan Karaman Örsal
  Long-run economic determinants of asylum applications
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Dec 06 2020 Hannah Sheldon
  The Beveridge curve and equilibrium unemployment
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Nov 18 2020 Agbutun S Adzugbele , Iheonu O Chimere , Anyanwu C Ogochukwu and Ineghenehi P Augustine
  What determines fertility among women in Nigeria? A disaggregated analysis using Poisson Regression
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Oct 12 2020 Luigi Bonaventura , Roberto Cellini and Mario Sambataro
  Gender differences in the Okun's law across the Italian regions
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Aug 08 2020 Sweta Lahiri
  Impact of internal migration on left behind youth's labour force participation in India
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Aug 08 2020 Romuald S Kinda , Patrice R Zidouemba and Idrissa M Ouedraogo
  How could the covid-19 pandemic impact the economy of Burkina Faso?
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Jul 14 2020 Fernando Marques Mansilla , Elano Ferreira Arruda and Roberto Tatiwa Ferreira
  Trade openness and inflation dynamics in Brazil
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Jul 14 2020 Yasuhito Tanaka
  Involuntary unemployment with indivisible labor supply under perfect competition
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Jul 14 2020 Juan A. Sanchis-llopis and Antonio Cutanda
  The Spanish cyclicality of the user cost of labour
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Jun 07 2020 Ngouhouo Ibrahim , Chouafi Nguekam Orfé and Bocker Poumie
  Would rising real GDP boost the combined effects of economic openness and public investment on unemployment in Cameroon?
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Jun 07 2020 Jau-er Chen and Rajarshi Mitra
  Demographic Shifts and Asset Returns in Japan
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Apr 15 2020 Mehrab Kiarsi
  The Fundamental Surplus or the Fundamentality of Vacancy Posting Costs?
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Apr 15 2020 Chia-hui Lu
  Labor participation externalities and unemployment
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Feb 05 2020 Tauã Vital , Daniel Morais De Souza and Jessica Faciroli
  Unemployment, poverty and police performance: an ARDL analysis of crime in São Paulo
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Dec 21 2019 José de Jesús Rocha Salazar and María del Carmen Boado-Penas
  How Macroeconomic and Financial Fluctuations Affect Retirement: The Case of an Oil Producing Country.
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Dec 11 2019 Heather L.R. Tierney , Zafar Nazarov and Nodir Adilov
  Do re-employment wages fall due to the depreciation of human capital or employer perceptions?
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Aug 20 2019 Ayira Korem
  Young or adult: who has more chance to find a job in Togo?
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Jul 23 2019 Stephen M. Kosovich
  Employment impact of local economic development incentives: the case of Texas economic development corporations
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May 31 2019 Andrew Phiri
  Fitting Okun's law for the Swazi Kingdom: Will a nonlinear specification do?
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Apr 25 2019 Vladimir Arčabić and Eric Olson
  Estimates of okun's law using a new output gap measure
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Feb 18 2019 Aline B. Schuh , Pascoal José Marion Filho and Daniel Arruda Coronel
  Determinants of the Default Rate of Individual Clients in Brazil and the Role of Payroll Loans
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Dec 27 2018 Alexi Thompson and Christopher Jeffords
  Abortion and Property Crime: What becomes of the Mothers?
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Sep 07 2018 Vichet Sam
  Unemployment duration and educational mismatches: An empirical investigation among graduates in Cambodia.
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Jun 03 2018 Wei-fong Pan
  Unemployment and confidence in Canada: Evidence from national and regional level data
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Feb 27 2018 Kosho Tanaka
  Technological progress, firm selection, and unemployment
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Feb 09 2018 François Joseph Cabral
  Key drivers of NEET phenomenon among youth people in Senegal
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Jan 24 2018 Guglielmo Maria Caporale and Luis Gil-Alana
  The asymmetric behaviour of spanish unemployment persistence
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Dec 01 2017 John Moffat and Duncan Roth
  Cohort size and youth labour-market outcomes in Europe
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Apr 22 2017 Lopamudra Chakraborti and Michael Margolis
  Do industries pollute more in poorer neighborhoods? Evidence from toxic releasing plants in Mexico
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Apr 22 2017 Antonio Ribba
  What Drives US Inflation and Unemployment in the Long Run?
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Mar 05 2017 Sheena Murray
  Urban Density and the Procyclicality of Divorce
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Jan 26 2017 Ulrich Fritsche and Christian Pierdzioch
  Animal spirits, the stock market, and the unemployment rate: Some evidence for German data
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Dec 10 2016 Olivier Baguelin
  Dismissals scheduling and the employment of older workers
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Nov 29 2016 Ryan H Murphy
  Minimum wages and appropriation of quasi-rents
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Nov 09 2016 Serdar Selçuk and Orhan Torul
  A note on the intertemporal labor dynamics in Turkey
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Oct 10 2016 Daniel Melser
  Prices over the business cycle: micro-level evidence from scanner data
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Aug 03 2016 Sarah A. Frederick , James J. Jozefowicz and Zackary T. Nelson
  A dynamic panel data study of the unemployment-crime relationship: the case of Pennsylvania
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Jul 08 2016 Sediq Sameem and Kevin Sylwester
  Unemployment and Homicides: Evidence from Individual Level U.S. Data
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Jun 22 2016 Alexander Plum
  Reconsidering the interrelated dynamics of unemployment and low-wage employment in Great Britain
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Apr 29 2016 Kazufumi Yamana , Makoto Nirei and Sanjib Sarker
  Time-Varying Employment Risks, Consumption Composition, and Fiscal Policy
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Apr 14 2016 Shin S. Ikeda and Yan Zhang
  A dynamic panel analysis of suicide in Japanese municipalities
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Mar 17 2016 Hélène Syed Zwick and S. Ali Shah Syed
  Augmented okun's law within the emu: working-time or employment adjustment? a structural equation model
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Dec 26 2015 N'Yilimon Nantob
  Income Inequality and Inflation in Developing Countries : An Empirical Investigation
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Dec 13 2015 Ligane Massamba Séne
  Spatial Modeling of Origin-Destination flows of farmers in Senegal
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Jun 01 2015 António Afonso and Jorge Silva
  The track record of fiscal forecasting in the EU
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May 14 2015 Sami Saafi , Meriem Haj mohamed and Abdeljelil Farhat
  Is there a causal relationship between unemployment and informal economy in Tunisia: evidence from linear and non-linear Granger causality
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Mar 22 2015 Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay , Samrat Bhattacharya and Rudra Sensarma
  An analysis of the factors determining crime in England and Wales: A quantile regression approach
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Mar 11 2015 Nobuyuki Takeuchi
  Reconsidering the effect of economic development on urban unemployment under nonhomothetic preferences
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Nov 05 2014 Juan carlos Cuestas and Barry Harrison
  Unemployment hysteresis in the EU15: Has anything changed?
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Sep 14 2014 Mauricio Bugarin and Yasushi Hazama
  Consumer economic confidence and preference for redistribution: Main equilibrium results
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Apr 02 2014 Antonio Ribba
  Sources of unemployment fluctuations in the USA and in the Euro Area in the last decade
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Apr 02 2014 Sandeep Mazumder
  The Impact of Educational Attainment and Gender on the Inflation-Unemployment Tradeoff
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Dec 23 2013 Chuang-yi Chiu and Jennjou Chen
  Determinants of Labor Force Participation of Older Married Men in Taiwan
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Oct 25 2013 Divya Wodon and Naina Wodon
  What Drives Individual Sales at Nonprofit Thrift Stores?
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Oct 22 2013 Yana Pryymachenko , Klas Fregert and Fredrik N. G. Andersson
  The effect of emigration on unemployment: Evidence from the Central and Eastern European EU member states
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Oct 04 2013 Ryan W Herzog
  An Analysis of Okun's Law, the Natural Rate, and Voting Preferences for the 50 States
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Aug 22 2013 David Amdur
  Who believes in fiscal and monetary stimulus? Evidence from a survey of Pennsylvania residents
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Aug 05 2013 Fumitaka Furuoka , Qaiser Munir and Hanafiah Harvey
  Does the Phillips curve exist in the Philippines?
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Aug 02 2013 Luis a. Gil-alana and Liang Jiang
  Unemployment in the US. Unemployment rate versus claimant counts. Mean reversion, persistence or hysteresis
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Jul 31 2013 Stefan Csordas
  The general equilibrium effects of energy efficiency gains in developing countries with urban unemployment
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Mar 18 2013 Konstantinos Eleftheriou , George Athanasiou and Periklis Kougoulis
  Labour market, obesity and public policy considerations
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Feb 21 2013 Binet Marie-estelle and Francois Facchini
  Okun's law in the french regions: a cross-regional comparison
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Jan 30 2013 Nicholas Herro and James Murray
  Dynamics of Monetary Policy Uncertainty and the Impact on the Macroeconomy
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Nov 29 2012 Nicolas Piluso Pr and Gabriel Colletis Pr
  Shareholder value and equilibrium rate of unemployment
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Oct 09 2012 Manon Domingues dos santos and Etienne Lehmann
  Wage Rigidity or Fiscal Redistribution: The credibility Issue
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Sep 05 2012 Asma Raies
  Do pro-employment public policies matter?
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Jun 18 2012 Christoph Ehlert , Jochen Kluve and Sandra Schaffner
  Temporary work as an active labor market policy: Evaluating an innovative program for disadvantaged youths
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Apr 04 2012 Vincent Fromentin
  Migration and unemployment duration in OECD countries: A dynamic panel analysis
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Mar 27 2012 Andreas Sachs
  What really drives unemployment? A bayesian approach to determine the impact of institutions on the unemployment rate
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Oct 05 2011 Shigemi Yabuuchi
  Emigration promotion and urban unemployment
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Aug 26 2011 Mohsen Bahmani-oskooee and Massoumeh Hajilee
  How Fast Wages Adjust to Prices: A Multi Country Analysis
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Feb 17 2011 Martin Falk and Thomas Leoni
  Estimating the Wage Curve with Spatial Effects and Spline Functions
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Jan 11 2011 Hamid Beladi , Chi-chur Chao and Daniel Hollas
  Fair wages, Urban Unemployment and Welfare in a Developing Economy
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Jan 04 2011 Subrata Guha
  The necessary condition for stability in Tobin's Walras-Keynes-Phillips model: A note
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Oct 28 2010 Gaetano Lisi
  The Strange Case of Dr. “Unemployed” and Mr “Hidden” in Italy
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Oct 26 2010 Stilianos Alexiadis and Konstantinos Eleftheriou
  A note on the morphology of regional unemployment in Greece
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Oct 02 2010 Kerstin Bruckmeier and Barbara Schwengler
  Estimating the redistributive effects of the federal unemployment and pension insurance on the regional income distribution in Germany
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Sep 23 2010 Andreas Knabe and Steffen Rätzel
  Better an insecure job than no job at all? Unemployment, job insecurity and subjective wellbeing
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Sep 16 2010 Peter Tillmann
  Do FOMC members believe in Okun's Law?
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Sep 02 2010 Jean françois Hoarau , Claude Lopez and Michel Paul
  Short Note on the Unemployment Rate of the “French overseas regions”
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May 12 2010 Oreste Napolitano and Alberto Montagnoli
  The European Unemployment Gap and the Role of Monetary Policy
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Mar 25 2010 Luis Carlos Corchón
  The Keynesian multiplier and the Pigou effect under substitution between private and public consumption
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Feb 16 2010 Derek Stimel
  Choice of Aggregate Demand Proxy and its Affect on Phillips Curve Nonlinearity: U.S. Evidence
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Dec 23 2009 Herve Queneau and Amit Sen
  Further Evidence on the Dynamics of Unemployment by Gender
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Nov 06 2009 Herve Queneau and Amit Sen
  Regarding the unemployment gap by race and gender in the United States
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Sep 18 2009 Gabriele Cardullo
  Equilibrium in Matching Models with Employment Dependent Productivity
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Jul 01 2009 Shigemi Yabuuchi
  Emigration and wage inequality in a dual economy
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Jun 03 2009 Thouraya Boujelbene and Younes Boujelbène
  The long run Phillips curve and the role of downward nominal wage rigidity in Tunisia
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May 28 2009 Andreas Irmen
  Frictional unemployment, labor market institutions, and endogenous economic growth
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May 19 2009 Stephen M. Kosovich
  How do firms interpret a job loss? Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
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May 08 2009 Luca Gori and Luciano Fanti
  Right-to-manage unions endogenous growth and welfare
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Apr 30 2009 Derek Stimel
  An examination of U.S. Phillips curve nonlinearity and its relationship to the business cycle
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Apr 07 2009 Tilemahos Efthimiadis
  Unemployment persistence, wage indexing and central bank independence
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Mar 30 2009 Luca Gori and Luciano Fanti
  Monopoly union, unemployment benefits and labour taxes: The unemployment problem revisited
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Mar 25 2009 Yenhuang Chen and Lihong Zhao
  Wage Subsidy and Sector-Specific Unemployment: A New Economic Geography Approach
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Dec 19 2008 khalid kisswani
  Did the Great Depression affect Educational Attainment in the US?
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Nov 02 2008 Patrizia Margani and Marco Malgarini
  Unemployment expectations across heterogeneous groups
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Nov 02 2008 Julien Fouquau
  Threshold effects in Okun's Law: a panel data analysis
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Nov 02 2008 Erik Wengström
  Equilibrium unemployment in a small open economy with a frictionless nontradeables sector
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Aug 21 2008 Veli YILANCI
  Are Unemployment Rates Nonstationary or Nonlinear? Evidence from 19 OECD Countries
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Jul 01 2008 Corrado Andini
  Portugal and the competitive disinflation: let the data speak
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Mar 13 2008 Riccardo Tilli and Enrico Saltari
  Do labor market conditions affect the strictness of employment protection legislation?
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Feb 26 2008 Norikazu Tawara
  No-shirking Conditions in Frictional Labor Markets
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Feb 15 2008 Hui Li and Mukti Upadhyay
  Has the 1996 Welfare Reform Reduced the U.S. Poverty Rate? An Empirical Analysis Using Panel Data
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Dec 21 2007 Natalya Dygalo
  On Unemployment Duration and Narrowing Job Opportunities at Older Ages
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Dec 20 2007 Luca Gori and Luciano Fanti
  Income taxation, child-rearing policies, fertility and unemployment
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Nov 14 2007 Amit Sen and Herve Queneau
  Evidence Regarding Persistence in the Gender Unemployment Gap Based on the Ratio of Female to Male Unemployment Rate
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Oct 17 2007 Luca Gori and Luciano Fanti
  From the Malthusian to the Modern Growth Regime in an OLG Model with Unions
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Oct 09 2007 Lawrence Uren
  Entrepreneurship and labour market fluctuations
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Sep 19 2007 Fumitaka Furuoka
  Does the “Phillips Curve” Really Exist? New Empirical Evidence from Malaysia
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Aug 20 2007 Adolfo Maza and José Villaverde
  Okun's law in the Spanish regions
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Feb 21 2007 Muneyuki Saito and Yasuyuki Sugiyama
  Transfer of Pollution Abatement Technology and Unemployment
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Feb 06 2007 Ram Upendra Das
  Technological advances and industrial characteristics:Some evidence from developed and developing countries
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Oct 26 2006 Ken-ichi Hashimoto and Taro Kumagai
  Public Policy, Employment, and Welfare in an Efficiency Wage Model
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Nov 09 2005 Michael Bleaney
  Migration and unemployment in an efficiency wage model of a small open economy
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Mar 16 2005 SANDI mourad
  The Effect of unemployment benefit degression on union membership of unemployed people
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Nov 06 2004 Javier Birchenall
  Capital accumulation, unemployment, and the putty-clay
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Jul 23 2004 Yann Algan and Olivier Allais
  Incomplete Unemployment Insurance under Aggregate Fluctuations
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Apr 12 2004 François-Charles Wolff , Mohamed Jellal and Khaled Bouabdallah
  Unemployment and work sharing in an efficiency wage model
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Mar 02 2004 Shunsuke Managi
  Unit root cycles in the US unemployment rate
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Dec 15 2003 François-Charles Wolff and Mohamed Jellal
  International migration and human capital formation
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May 22 2003 Jesus Crespo Cuaresma
  Asymmetric cycles in unobserved components models
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Dec 05 2002 Theodore Panagiotidis
  Testing the assumption of Linearity
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Apr 06 2002 Fabien Tripier
  The Dynamic Correlation Between Growth and Unemployment
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Mar 19 2002 Claudio Lupi and Patrizia Ordine
  Unemployment scarring in high unemployment regions
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Jul 09 2001 Brian Silverstone and Richard Harris
  Testing for asymmetry in Okun's law: A cross-country comparison
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