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Notes, Comments and Preliminary results

Jun 30 2024 Corrado Benassi and Alessandra Chirco
  A convex mapping for the first order approach: A note
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Mar 30 2023 Mehdi Ayouni , Franck Bien and Thomas Lanzi
  The failure of the delegation principle in a principal-agent model with transfers
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Sep 17 2021 Yosuke Hashidate and Keisuke Yoshihara
  Stochastic Expected Inequity-Averse Choice
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Sep 17 2021 Silvia Martinez-Gorricho and Miguel Sanchez Villalba
  A comment on "salaries or piece rates: on the endogenous matching of harvest workers and crops"
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Jun 07 2020 Roberto Bonilla and Francis Kiraly
  Constrained Fixed Sample Search
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Sep 01 2019 Yasunari Tamada
  Disclosure of Contract Clauses and Career Concerns
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Jul 07 2019 Kissan Joseph and Oksana Loginova
  Clipping Coupons: Redemption of Offers with Forward-Looking Consumers
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Apr 25 2019 James D. Campbell
  Investment in ideas when genius and madness look alike
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Apr 25 2019 Brunette Marielle , Corcos Anne , Couture Stéphane and Pannequin François
  On the uselessness of self-insurance clauses ?
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Mar 16 2019 Kim Kaivanto and David A. Peel
  Pre-Decision Side-Bet Sequences
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Mar 16 2019 Antonio Jimenez-Martinez
  Versioning and advertising in social networks: uniform distributions of valuations
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Mar 16 2019 Toshihiro Tsuchihashi
  Mission impossible: Buy price fails to signal information
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Mar 16 2019 Young-Ro Yoon
  Strategic Information Disclosure to be imitated under Informational and Payoff Externality
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Oct 10 2018 Alejandro Francetich
  Efficient multi-agent experimentation and multi-choice bandits
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Jul 29 2017 Paolo Vitale
  Ambiguity-aversion in a Single Auction Market
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Jul 16 2017 Tunç Durmaz
  "Optimal storage under uncertainty: investigating the implications of frugality and prudence."
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May 05 2017 David Roubaud , Alain Lapied and Robert Kast
  Modelling under ambiguity with two correlated Choquet-Brownian motions
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Aug 03 2016 Pedro Hemsley
  Short-run immiseration in repeated moral hazard
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Apr 14 2016 David Alan Peel and David Law
  Loss Aversion and Ruinous Optimal Wagering in the Markowitz Model of Non-Expected Utility
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Mar 28 2016 Ibrahim Inal
  A Metric for Partitions
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Mar 17 2016 Yui Nakamura
  Efficient Income Redistribution under Asymmetric Information
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Mar 17 2016 Daniel Z. Li
  Disclosure or not, When There are Three Bidders?
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Feb 21 2016 Dong Beom Choi
  Contagious Runs: Who Initiates?
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Sep 07 2015 Konrad Grabiszewski
  Epistemic Self-Analysis and Epistemic Bounded Rationality
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Jul 11 2015 Chang-Ming Lee
  Technological advances in self-insurance and self-protection
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May 14 2015 Antonio Palestrini and Mauro Gallegati
  Unbiased Adaptive Expectation Schemes
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Mar 12 2015 Marco Magnani and Mario Menegatti
  Precautionary saving and changes in risk correlation
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Mar 11 2015 Jesse Aaron Zinn
  Expanding the Weighted Updating Model
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Mar 11 2015 Michiko Ogaku
  Managerial Incentive Problems: The Role of Multiple Signals
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Mar 31 2014 Hon Foong Cheah
  Does Foreign Media Entry Tempers Government Media Bias?
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Sep 17 2013 Pascal Toquebeuf
  The value of information with neo-additive beliefs
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Sep 03 2013 Daniel Z. Li
  Revealing Product Information to Bidders with Differentiated Preferences
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Jun 10 2013 David Alan Peel
  On the Implications of the Markowitz Model of Utility embodying Gain Seeking Preferences for Odds on Betting and Bookmakers choice of Spread or Odds Betting
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Jan 15 2013 Maurizio Caserta and Francesco Reito
  Outreach and Mission Drift in Microfinance: An Interpretation of the New Trend
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Oct 05 2012 Rosa Loveira
  Delegated versus Nondelegated Decision Making
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Sep 23 2012 Mariko Tanaka
  Characteristics of information transmission under uncertainty
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Sep 18 2012 Douglas D. Davis and Robert J. Reilly
  On Uncertainty and the WTA-WTP Gap
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Sep 09 2012 Kirill Chernomaz
  Inequity aversion in a model with moral hazard
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Aug 01 2012 Mario Menegatti
  New results on optimal prevention of risk averse agents
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Jul 04 2012 Alan Rogers and Matthew Ryan
  Additivity and Uncertainty
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May 18 2012 Robert Kast , André Lapied and Pascal Toquebeuf
  Updating Choquet capacities: a general framework
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Nov 18 2011 Serge Blondel and Louis Lévy-garboua
  Can non-expected utility theories explain the paradox of not voting?
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Sep 09 2010 Luca Panaccione and Francesco Ruscitti
  A note on optimal commodity taxation with moral hazard and separable preferences
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Aug 26 2010 Theofanis Tsoulouhas
  Hybrid Cardinal Tournaments
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Jun 19 2010 André Lapied and Pascal Toquebeuf
  Atemporal non-expected utility preferences, dynamic consistency and consequentialism
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Mar 25 2010 David Kelsey and Wei Pang
  How productive is optimism? the Impact of ambiguity on the "big push"
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Mar 24 2010 Hans Gersbach
  On higher hurdles for incumbents
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Mar 11 2010 Slim Ben Youssef
  Adoption of a cleaner technology by a monopoly under incomplete information
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Mar 02 2010 Annalisa Vinella
  Bayesian-Nash vs dominant-strategy implementation with countervailing incentives: the two-type case
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Feb 17 2010 Amitrajeet A Batabyal and Hamid Beladi
  A stochastic model of the provision of guided tours to tourists
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Jan 28 2010 Maik Heinemann
  Stability under learning of equilibria in financial markets with supply information
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Nov 11 2009 Orlando Gomes
  The timing of information updates: a stability result
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Oct 28 2009 Axel Gautier and Dimitri Paolini
  Delegation, externalities and organizational design
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Oct 20 2009 Aditi Roy and Sudipta Sarangi
  Revisiting Friendship Networks
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Jul 28 2009 Marie-pierre Dargnies and Guillaume Hollard
  Incentives to learn calibration: a gender-dependent impact
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Sep 12 2007 Cassey Lee
  A Cheap Ticket to the Dance: Systematic Bias in College Basketball's Ratings Percentage Index
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