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Jun 30 2024 Pierre Dehez and Pier Mario Pacini
  A note on the relation between the Shapley value and the core of 3-player transferable utility games
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Mar 30 2024 Xiaowei Yu and Keith Waehrer
  Recursive Nash-in-Nash bargaining solution
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Nov 19 2017 Yawo A. Noglo and Komivi Afawubo
  The change in monetary inequality among households in Togo over 2011-2015: an illustration based on the decomposition of the Gini coefficient using the Shapley value approach
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Jun 11 2016 Francesca Centrone
  Representation of Epstein-Marinacci derivatives of absolutely continuous TU games
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Apr 14 2016 Akitoshi Muramoto
  Complementarity and inefficient renegotiation: an incomplete contract approach
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Jun 01 2015 Wilson da C. Vieira
  Allocation of costs to clean up a polluted river: an axiomatic approach
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Nov 06 2014 Evgeny A. Antipov and Elena B. Pokryshevskaya
  Explaining differences in recommendation rates: the case of South Cyprus hotels
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Jun 11 2013 Julio Macias-Ponce and William Olvera-Lopez
  A characterization of a solution based on prices for a discrete cost sharing problem
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Jan 22 2013 Yu-Hsien Liao
  The Shapley value for fuzzy games: TU games approach
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Mar 26 2012 María Gómez-Rúa
  Sharing a polluted river network through environmental taxes
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Mar 01 2012 Yan-an Hwang and Ming-chuan Chen
  A new axiomatization of the Shapley value under interval uncertainty
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Mar 25 2010 Giuseppe Pignataro
  Measuring equality of opportunity by Shapley value
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Nov 02 2008 Célestin Chameni Nembua and Nicolas Gabriel Andjiga
  Linear, efficient and symmetric values for TU-games
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Aug 15 2008 Yan-An Hwang and Yu-Hsien Liao
  The solutions for multi-choice games: TU games approach
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Jan 11 2008 Francisco Sanchez-Sanchez , Ruben Juarez and Luis Hernandez-Lamoneda
  Solutions without dummy axiom for TU cooperative games
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Sep 07 2007 Yu-Hsien Liao
  A Dynamic Approach to a Consistent Value under Plurality-Efficiency
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Jun 20 2007 virginie terraza and stephane mussard
  New trading risk indexes: application of the shapley value in finance
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Nov 11 2005 David Pérez-Castrillo and David Wettstein
  Implementation of the Ordinal Shapley Value for a three-agent economy
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Feb 26 2004 Francisco Sanchez-Sanchez
  A salary system for the assignment problem
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Mar 28 2003 Rod Garratt and Cheng-Zhong Qin
  On cooperation structures resulting from simultaneous proposals
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