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Notes, Comments and Preliminary results

Jun 30 2024 Koji Yashiki and Yoshiyuki Nakazono
  Moneyball revisited: Some counter-evidence
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Mar 30 2024 Jamie Emerson and Brian Hill
  Interim rank and risk-taking: Evidence from long jump competitions
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Jun 30 2023 Kamal Kasmaoui , Farid Makhlouf and Refk Selmi
  The decision to remit is a matter of interpersonal trust
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Sep 30 2022 E. Frank Stephenson
  Bowl game participation and college football teams' subsequent on-field and recruiting success: a regression discontinuity approach
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Jun 30 2022 Vasileios Manasis
  Measurement of competitive balance in professional team sports using the adjusted entropy
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Jun 30 2022 Andrei Shynkevich
  Informational efficiency of football transfer market
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Apr 09 2021 Timothy E. Zimmer , Allison Snyder and Lawrence Bukenya
  American Baseball Fans Do Not Influence Game Outcomes
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Apr 09 2021 Brandli Stitzel , Ryan S Mattson and Rex Pjesky
  The trashy side of baseball: An econometric analysis of the Houston Astros cheating scandal.
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Aug 08 2020 Wen hsiang Chiu , Shih-wei Hung and Chiung-ju Liang
  The Mediation effect for Bitcoin, Evidence from China Market on the Period of Covid-19 Outbreaking
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Apr 15 2020 Nicolas Scelles and Matthieu Llorca
  Head coach change and team performance in the French men's football Ligue 1, 2000-2016
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Mar 28 2019 Georges Harb
  The impact of terrorism on inbound tourism: disentangling the cross-spatial correlation
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Dec 27 2018 Alexi Thompson and Christopher Jeffords
  Abortion and Property Crime: What becomes of the Mothers?
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Oct 20 2018 Na Young Park
  OCD and Errors in Financial Decisions
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Jul 18 2018 Mengyuan Zhou
  Who are the Joneses You are Keeping up with?
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Mar 23 2018 Shahar Sansani
  Are there economic benefits to being polite? Experimental evidence from the Israeli rental housing market
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Feb 27 2018 Osamah Al-Khazali , Elie Bouri and David Roubaud
  The impact of positive and negative macroeconomic news surprises: Gold versus Bitcoin
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Nov 19 2017 Rosanna Pittiglio , Filippo Reganati and Luca Toschi
  How to detect illegal waste shipments? The case of the international trade in polyethylene waste
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Oct 26 2017 Robert Lehmann and Klaus Wohlrabe
  An Elo ranking for economics journals
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Aug 31 2017 Jamie Emerson and Brian Hill
  Elite marathon runners: do East Africans utilize different strategies than the rest of the world?
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Jul 16 2017 Eike Emrich , Freya Gassmann and Christian Pierdzioch
  Are Forfeitures of Olympic Medals Predictable? – A Test of the Efficiency of the International Anti-Doping System
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Jul 08 2017 NULL NULL
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Oct 16 2015 Uri Benzion , Assaf Gal , Shosh Shahrabani and Eran Zaidise
  "The price of freedom" - Factors affecting public support for the release of a captive soldier: The case of Gilad Shalit
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May 11 2014 Nicolas Houy
  It will cost you nothing to "kill" a proof-of-stake crypto-currency
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Oct 08 2013 Bertrand Venard
  Institutions, Corruption and Sustainable Development
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Aug 29 2013 Zuzana Janko and Janusz Kokoszewski
  An Intervention Time Series Analysis: Specialization and Competitiveness in Sports”
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Apr 17 2012 Tomas Janotik
  Benedictine monasteries from the point of view of happiness economics
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Dec 20 2008 Anthony Stair , John Neral , Daniel Mizak and April Day
  The factors affecting team performance in the NFL: does off-field conduct matter?
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Jul 23 2008 Eiji Yamamura
  Determinants of trust in a racially homogeneous society
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Dec 19 2007 José Atilano Pena López and José Manuel Sánchez Santos
  The Olson - Putnam Controversy: Some Empirical Evidence
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Nov 14 2007 Daniel Mizak , Anthony Stair and John Neral
  The adjusted churn: an index of competitive balance for sports leagues based on changes in team standings over time
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Aug 21 2007 Arthur Robson and Tiemen Woutersen
  The effect of food intake on longevity
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Dec 21 2005 Katsunori Yamada , Atsushi Sannabe and Takashi Saito
  Satisfaction and Comparison Income in Japan: evidence from data of Japanese union workers
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Oct 27 2004 Daniel Mizak and Anthony Stair
  The relationship between payroll and performance disparity in major league baseball: an alternative measure
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Feb 06 2004 Pablo Branas-Garza
  Church attendance in Spain (1930-1992): Gender differences and secularization
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