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Jun 30 2024 Mathurin Aimé Mekam Pouatcha , Marilena Giannetti and Elton Beqiraj
  The relationship between FDI and population health in Sub-Saharan Africa: The role of per-capita income
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Jun 30 2024 Karima Habibi and Salwa Trabelsi
  Is there a link between government spending, good governance, and economic growth? Evidence from developing countries
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Mar 30 2024 Jamel Trabelsi , Arbia jihène Jebeniani and Sofiene Omri
  The dynamics of international patents production: A panel smooth transition regression approach
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Mar 30 2024 Ange Nsouadi and Virginie Terraza
  The multi-scale analysis of dynamic transmission volatility of carbon prices
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Mar 30 2024 Houssam Bouzgarrou , Zied Ftiti , Wael Louhichi and Mohamed Youssfi
  Stock market performance under COVID-19: Evidence from investor behavior
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Mar 30 2024 Boumediene Souiki and Françoise Seyte
  Liquidity on Eurozone stock markets: A non-linear approach
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Jun 30 2023 Syed jawad hussain Shahzad , Elie Bouri and Román Ferrer
  Twitter sentiment and stock return volatility of US travel and leisure firms
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Mar 30 2023 Hasan Aydin Okuyan
  When does capital structure hurt economic value? Nonlinear evidence from Turkey
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Mar 30 2023 Mohamed Arouri , Hayet Ben Haj Hamida , Issam Mejri and Srdjan Redzepagic
  Drivers of cash holdings value: does economic policy uncertainty matter?
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Dec 30 2022 Jean-François Verne
  Forecast the inflation rate in Lebanon: The use of the artificial neural networks method
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Sep 30 2022 Sy-Hoa Ho , Idir Hafrad and Viet Dung Tran
  Asymmetric exchange rates pass-through in Vietnam
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Sep 30 2022 Xiaojie Xu and Yun Zhang
  Forecasting the total market value of a shares traded in the Shenzhen stock exchange via the neural network
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Jun 30 2022 Pinar Sener , Fatma Didin Sonmez and Elvin Tigrel
  The impact of economic policy uncertainty on corporate diversification: evidence from Latin american emerging economies
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Jun 30 2022 Emiliano Alvarez , Juan Gabriel Brida , Gaston Cayssials and Erick Limas
  A dynamical explanation about price formation in illegal markets
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Jun 30 2022 Xiaoyang Zhu
  Corporate tax competition and innovation: An inverted-U relationship
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Feb 20 2022 Munawar Sayyad , Pat Obi and Kaushik Bhattacharjee
  International equity and bond market dynamics an asymmetric error correction study of united states, india and brazil
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Dec 29 2021 Cheah Siew-pong , Yiew Thian-hee , Ng Cheong-fatt and Foo Chuan-chew
  Revisiting the relation between stock price and exchange rate - An asymmetric panel ARDL analysis
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Sep 17 2021 Juan G Brida , Bibiana Lanzilotta and Lucia I Rosich
  On the empirical relations between producers expectations and economic growth
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Sep 17 2021 Riadh El Abed and Zouheir Mighri
  Nonlinear Cointegration and Asymmetric Adjustement between Economic policy uncertainty and Gold price: Evidence from the United States
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Sep 17 2021 Keshmeer Makun and Tiru K. Jayaraman
  COVID- 19 impact on remittances and economic growth in three transitional countries in ASEAN: evidence from nonlinear analysis
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Jul 18 2021 Guangshun Qiao
  Does the asset-light business model create value? A panel data stochastic frontier approach for the global semiconductor industry
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Apr 09 2021 Flavio Vilela Vieira and Cleomar Gomes da Silva
  What drives export performance in the BRICS countries? An ARDL investigation
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Apr 09 2021 Omid Zamani , Mohammad Reza Farzanegan , Jens-Peter Loy and Majid Einian
  The Impacts of Energy Sanctions on the Black-Market Premium: Evidence from Iran
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Apr 09 2021 Jude Eggoh and Chrysost Bangaké
  Remittances and Financial Inclusion: Does Financial Development Matter?
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Mar 10 2021 Carlos Frederico A. Uchoa , Cleiton S. de Jesus and Leonardo C. B. Cardoso
  The asymmetric pattern of fuel demand in Brazil
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Oct 12 2020 Muhammad Shahbaz , Naceur Khraief and Robert L. Czudaj
  Renewable energy consumption-economic growth nexus in G7 countries: New evidence from a nonlinear ARDL approach
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Oct 12 2020 Léleng Kebalo
  Effects of oil price shocks on economic sectors of net oil-importing countries: case of Togo
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Aug 31 2020 Kai Yin Woo , Shu Kam Lee and Alan T. Y. Chan
  Food price convergence in Canada: A nonparametric nonlinear cointegration analysis
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Aug 24 2020 Leonardo A. Rocha , Denis Vieira Sarmento , Carlos Alano S. Almeida and Napiê G.A. Silva
  Spillover, public investment and innovation: the impact of public investment in R&D on business innovation
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Aug 08 2020 Panayiotis Tzeremes
  The impact of total factor productivity on energy consumption and CO2 emissions in G20 countries
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Jul 14 2020 Fernando Marques Mansilla , Elano Ferreira Arruda and Roberto Tatiwa Ferreira
  Trade openness and inflation dynamics in Brazil
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Jun 18 2020 Chin Chia Liang , Carol Troy and Ellen Rouyer
  The Stock Price Impact of Domestic and Foreign Economic Policy Uncertainty: Evidence from China
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Apr 15 2020 Dinci J. Penzin and Afees A. Salisu
  Analysis of the asymmetric response of exchange rate to interest rate differentials: Evidence from the MINT countries
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Mar 25 2020 Christina Christou , Giray Gozgor , Rangan Gupta and Chi keung Marco Lau
  Are Uncertainties across the World Convergent?
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Mar 25 2020 Walid Benayed and Foued Badr Gabsi
  Domestic public debt and financial development in Sub-Saharan Africa: Is there an inverted-U relationship?
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Dec 24 2019 Michael Polemis
  Is the effect of corruption on entrepreneurial activity nonmonotonic? A semi-parametric panel data analysis
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Sep 07 2019 Hongzhong Fan and Shi He
  In Search of Determinants of FDI Horizontal Spillovers: A meta-analysis
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Jul 07 2019 Jaka Sriyana and Jiyao Joanna Ge
  Asymmetric responses of fiscal policy to the inflation rate in Indonesia
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Jun 23 2019 Serdar Ongan and Ismet Gocer
  Revisiting the Stability of Money Multiplier on Determination of Money Supply: Evidence from Canada
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May 31 2019 Andrew Phiri
  Fitting Okun's law for the Swazi Kingdom: Will a nonlinear specification do?
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May 02 2019 Salwa Trabelsi
  The governance threshold effect on the relationship between public education financing and income inequality
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Apr 27 2019 Román Ferrer , Syed Jawad Hussain Shahzad and Adrián Maizonada
  Nonlinear and extreme dependence between long-term sovereign bond yields and the stock market: A quantile-on-quantile analysis
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Mar 19 2019 Adian McFarlane and Anupam Das
  Time series analysis of GDP, employment, and compensation in Canada controlling for nonlinear dynamics
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Mar 16 2019 Debi P Bal and Badri N Rath
  Nonlinear causality between crude oil price and exchange rate: A comparative study of China and India - A Reassessment
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Feb 18 2019 Esra Hasdemir , Tolga Omay and Zulal S Denaux
  Testing the Current Account Sustainability for BRICS Countries: Evidence from a Nonlinear Framework
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Oct 30 2018 Refk Selmi , Aviral Kumar Tiwari and Shawkat Hammoudeh
  Efficiency or speculation? A dynamic analysis of the Bitcoin market
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Oct 20 2018 Serdar Ongan and Ismet Gocer
  Interest Rates, Inflation and Partial Fisher Effects under Nonlinearity: Evidence from Canada
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Sep 07 2018 Nidhaleddine Ben Cheikh , Younes Ben Zaied and Pascal Nguyen
  Nonlinear Exchange Rate Transmission in the Euro Area: A Multivariate Smooth Transition Regression Approach
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Sep 07 2018 Lucas S. Lourenço and Claudio R. F. Vasconcelos
  Nonlinear exchange rate pass-through in Latin America
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Aug 05 2018 Taha Zaghdoudi
  Asymmetric responses of CO2 emissions to oil price shocks in China: a non-linear ARDL approach
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May 25 2018 Manoranjan Sahoo
  Exchange Rate and Service Exports from India: A Nonlinear ARDL Analysis
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Apr 30 2018 Shigeo Morita and Takuya Obara
  Optimal capital income taxation in the case of private donations to public goods
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Dec 01 2017 Liung shi Ding and Tuck cheong Tang
  ‘Net Errors and Omissions' of Balance of Payments and Its Sustainability: A Survey of Literature
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Oct 26 2017 Naveed Raza , Syed Jawad Hussain Shahzad , Muhammad Shahbaz and Aviral kumar Tiwari
  Modeling the nexus between oil shocks, inflation and commodity prices: Do Asymmetries really matter?
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Jul 02 2017 Benjamin M Tabak , Dimas M Fazio , Regis A Ely , Joao M. T. Amaral and Daniel O Cajueiro
  The effects of capital buffers on profitability: An empirical study
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May 25 2017 Siew-Voon Soon and Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah
  Exchange Rate Pass-through (ERPT) into Domestic Prices: Evidence from a Nonlinear Perspective
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May 05 2017 Nidhal Mgadmi and Khemaies Bougatef
  Modeling volatility of the French stock market
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Apr 09 2017 Younes Ben Zaied , Nidhaleddine Ben Cheikh and Pascal Nguyen
  Modeling nonlinear water demand : The case of Tunisia
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Feb 22 2017 Siew-Pong Cheah , Thian-Hee Yiew and Cheong-Fatt Ng
  A nonlinear ARDL analysis on the relation between stock price and exchange rate in Malaysia.
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Jan 13 2017 Venus khim-sen Liew and Arunnan Balasubramaniam
  Oil Price Shocks and Sectoral Outputs: Empirical Evidence from Malaysia
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Dec 10 2016 Djamel Kirat and Ibrahim Ahamada
  Evidence for threshold eff​ects in the pass-through of carbon prices to wholesale electricity prices
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Nov 27 2016 Bala Dahiru Abdullahi
  Time-Varying VAR with Stochastic Volatility and Monetary Policy Dynamics in Nigeria
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Jul 08 2016 Geraint Johnes
  Schooling, experience and earnings: international evidence from MARS
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Jun 11 2016 Youngjoo Choi and Jong Chil Son
  Nonlinear Effect of Household Debt on Consumption: Evidence from Household-level Panel Data in Korea
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May 18 2016 Juan Gabriel Brida , Bibiana Lanzilotta and Fiorella Pizzolon
  Dynamic relationship between tourism and economic growth in MERCOSUR countries: a nonlinear approach based on asymmetric time series models
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Apr 29 2016 Ramzi Boussaidi and Abaoub Ezzeddine
  The dynamics of Stock price adjustment to fundamentals: an empirical essay via STAR models in the Tunisian stock market
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Apr 14 2016 Kaidi Nasreddine and Sami Mensi
  Financial Development and Income Inequality: The Linear versus the Nonlinear Hypothesis
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Dec 18 2015 Jeremy Nguyen and Jen-je Su
  Combining linear and nonlinear unit root tests with an application to PPP.
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Dec 13 2015 Idrissa G.-O. Sibailly
  On the pigouvian tax rule in an open economy: the case of abatement technology trade
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Oct 16 2015 Kathy Paulson-Gjerde and Peter Z Grossman
  Implications of nonlinearity in environmental instrument choice
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Mar 11 2015 Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee and Sahar Bahmani
  Nonlinear ARDL Approach and the Demand for Money in Iran
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Aug 20 2014 Darius Kulikauskas
  Nonlinear Taylor rule for the European Central Bank
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Aug 06 2014 Kien C Tran
  Nonparametric estimation of functional-coefficient partially linear dynamic panel data model with fixed effects
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Jul 26 2014 Marcelo Griebeler
  Models for forecasting exchange rate volatility: a comparison between developed and emerging countries
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Jul 08 2014 Ricky Chee Jiun Chia , Shiok Ye Lim and Sheue Li Ong
  Long-Run Validity of Purchasing Power Parity and Cointegration Analysis for Low Income African Countries
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Dec 30 2013 Olalekan Bashir Aworinde
  The tax-spend nexus in Nigeria: Evidence from Nonlinear Causality
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Jun 05 2013 Nabil Aflouk and Jacques Mazier
  Exchange rate misalignments and economic growth: A threshold panel approach
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Mar 18 2013 Mariko Tanaka
  Endogenous fluctuations in a three-period OLG model with credit market imperfection
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Mar 14 2013 Florian Verheyen
  Interest rate pass-through in the EMU – new evidence using the nonlinear ARDL framework
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Feb 01 2013 Jean-Sébastien Pentecôte
  Fear of a two-speed monetary union: what does a basic correlation scatter plot tell us?
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Jan 14 2013 Hwa-taek Lee , Venus khim-sen Liew and Gawon Yoon
  Is there a nonlinear long-run relation in the U.S. interest rate and inflation?
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Oct 05 2012 Mihai Mutascu
  Taxation under media capture
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Sep 27 2012 Ibrahim ARISOY
  Structural breaks and nonlinearities in hours worked: are they really nonstationary?
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Sep 09 2012 Mohamed E AROURI , Fredj JAWADI and Duc K NGUYEN
  Nonlinear modeling of oil and stock price dynamics: segmentation or time-varying integration?
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Sep 09 2012 Jean-michel Sahut , Medhi Mili and Frédéric Teulon
  What is the linkage between real growth in the Euro area and global financial market conditions?
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Jul 03 2012 Can Erutku
  Price-Discrimination with Nonlinear Contracts in Input Markets
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May 14 2012 David Coyne and Chih-ming Tan
  Do political institutions yield multiple growth regimes?
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Apr 25 2012 Go Tamakoshi and Shigeyuki Hamori
  Informational roles of commodity prices for monetary policy: evidence from the Euro area
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Apr 06 2012 Aviral Kumar Tiwari
  Debt Sustainability in India: Empirical Evidence Estimating Time-Varying Parameters
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Mar 04 2012 Frederick H Wallace
  Testing for a nonlinear Fisher relationship
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Feb 27 2012 Mark J. Holmes and Xin Shen
  An Alternative Nonlinear Perspective on the Consumption, Income and Wealth Relationship
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Feb 27 2012 Ghassen El Montasser and Ahdi Noomen Ajmi
  The fractional integrated bi- parameter smooth transition autoregressive model
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Jan 13 2012 Julien Chevallier
  Cointegration between carbon spot and futures prices: from linear to nonlinear modeling
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Oct 24 2011 Tolga Omay
  The relationship between inflation, output growth, and their uncertainties: Nonlinear Multivariate GARCH-M evidence
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Sep 21 2011 Shiok Ye Lim , Mohd Fahmi Ghazali and Chong Mun Ho
  Export and economic growth in Southeast Asia current Newly Industrialized Countries: Evidence from nonparametric approach
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Aug 09 2011 Roland Craigwell and Allan Wright
  Foreign direct investment and corruption in developing economies: Evidence from linear and non-linear panel Granger causality tests
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Jul 05 2011 Chun-Teck Lye , Tze-Haw Chan and Chee-Wooi Hooy
  Nonlinear prediction of Malaysian exchange rate with monetary fundamentals
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Jun 22 2011 Rania Guirat
  Investor behavior heterogeneity in the French stock market
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May 12 2011 Nikolay Nenovsky , Amine Lahiani and Petar Chobanov
  Empirical Investigation of Systemic Risk in the New EU States
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Mar 25 2011 Mohamed el hédi Arouri and Fredj Jawadi
  Do on/off time series models reproduce emerging stock market comovements?
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Mar 14 2011 François Benhmad
  A wavelet analysis of oil price volatility dynamic
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Feb 17 2011 Martin Falk and Thomas Leoni
  Estimating the Wage Curve with Spatial Effects and Spline Functions
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Dec 09 2010 Kazuyuki Iwata
  The relationship between traffic accidents and economic growth in China
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Oct 09 2010 Venus Khim-Sen Liew , Zhuo Qiao and Wing-keung Wong
  Linearity and stationarity of G7 government bond returns
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Oct 02 2010 Shabbir Ahmad
  Fisher effect in nonlinear STAR framework: some evidence from Asia
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Sep 23 2010 Jahyun Koo , Ivan Paya and David A. Peel
  Further empirical evidence of nonlinearity in the us monetary policy rule
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Sep 16 2010 Orlando Gomes
  Diffusion Paths: Fixed Points, Periodicity and Chaos
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Aug 28 2010 Jean-michel Sahut
  A Flexible Non Linear Model to Test the Expectation Hypothesis of Interest Rates
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Jul 30 2010 Jen-je Su , Wai-kong (adrian) Cheung and Astrophel (kim) Choo
  On the power of modified Kapetanios-Snell-Shin (KSS) tests
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Jul 30 2010 Marco Maria Sorge
  A note on Kalman filter approach to solution of rational expectations models
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Jul 27 2010 Shu-Chen Chang and Teng-yu Chang
  The relationships between corruption and pollution on corruption regimes
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Jul 19 2010 Tsangyao Chang , Su-yuan Lin and Horng-jinh Chang
  Are Real Exchange Rates Nonlinear with a Unit Root? Evidence on Purchasing Power Parity for China: A Note
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May 04 2010 Shiok Ye Lim , Ricky Chee-Jiun Chia and Chong Mun Ho
  Long-run Validity of Export-Led Growth: An Empirical Reinvestigation from Linear and Nonlinear Cointegration Test
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Feb 16 2010 Derek Stimel
  Choice of Aggregate Demand Proxy and its Affect on Phillips Curve Nonlinearity: U.S. Evidence
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Nov 23 2009 Hiroyuki Taguchi , Harutaka Murofushi and Hironao Tsuboue
  Exchange rate regime and real exchange rate behavior
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Nov 13 2009 Manish Kumar
  A Bivariate Linear and Nonlinear Causality between Stock Prices and Exchange Rates
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Nov 09 2009 Tomoaki Yamada
  Persistence of income shocks and consumption inequality: A case in Japan
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Sep 02 2009 Stephen Norman
  Testing for a unit root against ESTAR nonlinearity with a delay parameter greater than one.
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Aug 18 2009 Christopher R Mcintosh , Jason F Shogren and Andrew J Moravec
  Can tournaments induce rational play in the centipede game? Exploring dominance vs. strategic uncertainty
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Jul 01 2009 Qaiser Munir and Kasim Mansur
  Non-Linearity between Inflation Rate and GDP Growth in Malaysia
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Jun 08 2009 Qaiser Munir and Kasim Mansur
  Is Malaysian Stock Market Efficient? Evidence from Threshold Unit Root Tests
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Jun 05 2009 Venus khim-sen Liew
  Linear and nonlinear monetary approaches to the exchange rate of the Philippines peso-Japanese yen
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May 16 2009 Hassan Belkacem Ghassan , Mohammed Souissi and Mohammed Kbiri Alaoui
  An Alternative Identification of the Economic Shocks in SVAR Models
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May 03 2009 Arouri Mohamed el hédi and Fouquau Julien
  On the short-term influence of oil price changes on stock markets in gcc countries: linear and nonlinear analyses
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Apr 30 2009 Derek Stimel
  An examination of U.S. Phillips curve nonlinearity and its relationship to the business cycle
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Apr 01 2009 Anthony N Rezitis and Konstantinos S Stavropoulos
  Modeling sheep supply response under asymmetric price volatility and cap reforms
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Feb 22 2009 Fredj JAWADI , Nicolas MILLION and Mohamed El hédi Arouri
  Stock market integration in the Latin American markets: further evidence from nonlinear modeling
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Feb 20 2009 Juan Carlos Cuestas and Javier Ordoñez
  Nonlinearities in price convergence among Mercosur countries
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Feb 10 2009 Olivier Darne and Estelle Bee Dagum
  Performance of short-term trend predictors for current economic analysis
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Sep 17 2008 Frédérique Bec , Anders Rahbek and Mélika Ben Salem
  Purchasing power parity: A nonlinear multivariate perspective
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Aug 26 2008 Cuong Nguyen Viet
  A note on estimation of the average treatment effect and average partial effect in nonlinear models
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Aug 25 2008 Frederick Wallace
  Nonlinear unit root tests of PPP using long-horizon data
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Aug 21 2008 Veli YILANCI
  Are Unemployment Rates Nonstationary or Nonlinear? Evidence from 19 OECD Countries
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Aug 04 2008 Koji Shirai
  A generalization of monotone comparative statics
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Aug 04 2008 Alexandru Minea , Patrick Villieu and Christophe Rault
  Further theoretical and empirical evidence on money to growth relation
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Jul 04 2008 Yu-Shu Cheng and Yi-Pei Liu
  Does a change in debt structure matter in earnings management? the application of nonlinear panel threshold test
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Jul 02 2008 Sofiane Amri
  Analysing the forward premium anomaly using a Logistic Smooth Transition Regression model.
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Jun 06 2008 Tsangyao Chang and Wen-Chi Liu
  Rational Bubbles in the Korea Stock Market? Further Evidence based on Nonlinear and Nonparametric Cointegration Tests
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May 16 2008 Juan Carlos Cuestas and Paulo José Regis
  Testing for PPP in Australia: Evidence from unit root test against nonlinear trend stationarity alternatives
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Apr 23 2008 Iñaki Aguirre
  Output and misallocation effects in monopolistic third-degree price discrimination
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Apr 21 2008 JAWADI Fredj
  Does nonlinear econometrics confirm the macroeconomic models of consumption?
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Apr 21 2008 Shabbir Ahmad and Abdul Rashid
  Non-linear PPP in South Asia and China
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Mar 05 2008 Jeng-Bau Lin , Jin-Ming Liang and Chin-Chia Liang
  Nonlinear Mean Reversion and Arbitrage in the Gold Futures Market
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Oct 11 2007 Sudhanshu Mishra
  Least squares estimation of joint production functions by the differential evolution method of global optimization
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Jul 24 2007 Thanasis Stengos , Andreas Savvides , Theofanis Mamuneas and Elena Ketteni
  Is the Financial Development and Economic Growth Relationship Nonlinear?
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May 29 2007 Tommy Andersson
  A Note on Nonlinear Income Taxes and the Utility Possibility Set
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Feb 24 2007 Kenji Fujiwara and Norimichi Matsueda
  On a Nonlinear Feedback Strategy Equilibrium of a Dynamic Game
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Oct 30 2006 Brian Francis and Sunday Iyare
  Do exchange rates in caribbean and latin american countries exhibit nonlinearities?
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Jun 12 2006 Mario Cerrato and Nick Sarantis
  Nonlinear Mean Reversion in Real Exchange Rates: Evidence from Developing and Emerging Market Economies
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Mar 28 2006 Sainan Jin , Wanjun Jiang , Liangjun Su and Jianying Hu
  The Rise in House Prices in China: Bubbles or Fundamentals?
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Jul 14 2005 Venus Khim-Sen Liew , Chee-Keong Choong , Evan Lau and Kian-Ping Lim
  Exchange Rate – Relative Price Nonlinear Cointegration Relationship in Malaysia
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Jul 08 2005 Sergio Da Silva and Guilherme Moura
  Is There a Brazilian J-Curve?
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May 04 2005 Tsangyao Chang , Ching-Chun Wei and Chien-Chung Nieh
  Is Per Capita Real GDP Stationary? Evidence from Selected African Countries Based on More Powerful Nonlinear (Logistic) Unit Root Tests
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Feb 05 2005 Daiki Maki
  The term structure of interest rates with nonlinear adjustment: Evidence from a unit root test in the nonlinear STAR framework
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Jan 15 2005 Khaïreddine Jebsi and Lionel Thomas
  Nonlinear pricing of a congestible network good
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Jan 04 2005 Venus Khim-Sen Liew and Kian-Ping Lim
  Income Divergence? Evidence of Non-linearity in the East Asian Economies
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Aug 12 2004 Venus Khim-Sen Liew
  Nonlinear Adjustment of ASEAN-5 Real Exchange Rates: Symmetrical or Asymmetrical?
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Jul 07 2004 Jorge Belaire-Franch and Dulce Contreras
  A power comparison among tests for time reversibility
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Jun 17 2004 Valerie Mignon , Gilles Dufrenot and Slim Chaouachi
  Modelling the misalignments of the Dollar-Sterling real exchange rate: A nonlinear cointegration perspective
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May 08 2003 Philip Shively
  Threshold stationary real exchange rates: a nonlinear, multivariate approach
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Apr 03 2003 Sofiane Hicham Sekioua
  The Nominal Exchange Rate and Monetary Fundamentals: Evidence from Nonlinear Unit Root Tests
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Nov 06 2002 Konstantin A. Kholodilin
  Two Alternative Approaches to Modelling the Nonlinear Dynamics of the Composite Economic Indicator
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Sep 05 2002 Yi-Ting Chen
  On the Robustness of Ljung-Box and McLeod-Li Q Tests: A Simulation Study
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