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Jun 30 2024 Suguru Otani
  Individual rationality conditions of identifying matching costs in transferable utility matching games
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Dec 30 2023 Kauany de Souza , Fabiana Rocha and Pedro Forquesato
  The male breadwinner norm in Brazil
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Dec 30 2023 Rich Ryan
  Responses of unemployment to productivity changes for a general matching technology
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Dec 30 2023 Michel C. de Souza
  On the transmission of us uncertainty shocks to the European labor market
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Sep 30 2023 Amal Krishnan and Padmaja Mundakkad
  Outward FDI and its impact on the parent firm: A case of Indian manufacturing firms
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Sep 30 2023 Lokesh Posti , Rajan Khare and Rahul Kumar
  Workplace sanitation and female labour force participation in the informal sector
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Jun 30 2023 Noritaka Kudoh and Hiroaki Miyamoto
  Time aggregation and unemployment volatility
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Jun 30 2022 Ritesh Jain and Srinivasan Murali
  Labour search with endogenous outside option
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Jun 30 2022 Matthieu Delpierre
  The impact of hiring subsidies on survival of heterogeneous jobs
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Feb 20 2022 Hidekazu Anno and Sui Takahashi
  A decomposition of strategy-proofness in discrete resource allocation problems
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Feb 20 2022 Benjamin Tello
  Stability and Contractual Efficiency in Matching with Contracts and Lexicographic Preferences
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Dec 29 2021 Nathan W Chan and Mirco Dinelli
  Lindahl pricing, three ways
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Dec 29 2021 Maxime Liégey
  Search externalities and management policies
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Sep 17 2021 Silvia Martinez-Gorricho and Miguel Sanchez Villalba
  A comment on "salaries or piece rates: on the endogenous matching of harvest workers and crops"
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Jul 18 2021 Kevin Beaubrun-Diant and Tristan-Pierre Maury
  Implications of homeownership policies on land prices: the case of a French experiment
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Mar 10 2021 Ayse Mumcu and Ismail Saglam
  Strategic Issues in College Admissions with Early Decision
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Dec 06 2020 Hannah Sheldon
  The Beveridge curve and equilibrium unemployment
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Oct 12 2020 Makoto Masui
  Efficiency in a search and matching model with endogenous labor participation and different skill groups
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Apr 15 2020 Chia-hui Lu
  Labor participation externalities and unemployment
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Apr 15 2020 Loredana Cultrera
  Evaluation of bankruptcy prevention tools : evidences from COSME programme
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Feb 05 2020 Ismail Saglam
  Measuring external stability in one-to-one matching
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Feb 05 2020 Adeola Oyenubi
  A note on Covariate Balancing Propensity Score and Instrument-like variables
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Dec 13 2019 Thierry Kangoye
  Title: Aid, Institutional Transplants and The Rule of Law
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Jun 15 2019 John Gathergood , Neale Mahoney , Neil Stewart and Jörg Weber
  How do Americans repay their debt? The balance-matching heuristic
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May 02 2019 Francis Carlo Petterini and Murilo Pedro Demarchi
  Volunteering and firefighters' response time
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Mar 19 2019 Fernando H.P.S Mendes , João Frois Caldeira and Guilherme Valle Moura
  Duration-dependent Markov-switching model: an empirical study for the Brazilian business cycle.
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Feb 18 2019 Brandon Alan Bridge and Matías Fontenla
  Household-level effects of electricity on off-farm income
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Feb 18 2019 Chris Jeffords and Todd Potts
  NFL Salary Cap Allocation: Matching Theory with Observed Behavior
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Dec 13 2018 Fernando A Barros Jr and Bruno R Delalilbera
  Market frictions, misallocation of talent and development
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Oct 10 2018 Azizbek Tokhirov
  Remittances and subjective well-being of the left behinds in Tajikistan
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Jul 18 2018 Miyashita Haruki
  On a trade-off in the evolution of ownership
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Apr 15 2018 Coralia Quintero Rojas and Sébastien Ménard
  The effects of a bonus-malus workers' compensation system on the labor force structure, productivity, and welfare
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Feb 27 2018 Kosho Tanaka
  Technological progress, firm selection, and unemployment
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Feb 09 2018 Geraint Johnes
  A sporting chance: on the impact of sports participation on subsequent earnings
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Jan 24 2018 Bruno Karoubi , Marjorie Lecerf and Gael Bertrand
  Are export promotion programs efficient for small and medium enterprises?
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Feb 22 2017 Ritika Jain
  Influence of Political Alignment and Federal Structure on Public Sector Employment: The case of India
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Dec 29 2016 Cyrille Kamdem
  Collective Marketing and Cocoa Farmer's Price in Cameroon
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Jun 22 2016 Hoe Sang Chung and Min Kim
  Low-price guarantees and pricing behavior: evidence from hypermarkets in Korea
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Jun 11 2016 Jiabin Wu
  Evolving assortativity and social conventions
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Feb 04 2016 Bing Niu
  Effects of mental illness on the labor supply of family members: analysis of Japanese anonymized data
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Aug 21 2015 António Neto
  The Portuguese high school match
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Jul 11 2015 Hung-Ju Chen and Xiangbo Liu
  International Migration, Skill Acquisition and Matching Frictions
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Oct 24 2014 Orlando Gomes
  Agency relations in the brain: towards an optimal control theory
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Mar 31 2014 Lutz Bellmann , Hans-Dieter Gerner and Olaf Hübler
  Effects of reciprocal concessions on employment and real capital
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Sep 19 2013 Gerry H. Makepeace and Michael J. Peel
  Combining information from Heckman and matching estimators: testing and controlling for hidden bias
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Sep 03 2013 Daniel Z. Li
  Revealing Product Information to Bidders with Differentiated Preferences
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Aug 27 2013 Paulo Sergio Ceretta , Alexandre Silva da Costa , Marcelo Brutti Righi and Fernanda Maria Müller
  A 10 min tick volatility analysis between the Ibovespa and the S&P500
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Apr 03 2013 Alexandre Gazaniol and Frédéric Peltrault
  Outward FDI, performance and group affiliation: evidence from French matched firms
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Mar 18 2013 Konstantinos Eleftheriou , George Athanasiou and Periklis Kougoulis
  Labour market, obesity and public policy considerations
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Jan 30 2013 Yajing Chen
  A new Pareto efficient school choice mechanism
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Jul 22 2012 Alfredo Salgado-Torres
  A simple decentralized matching mechanism in markets with couples
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Jul 12 2012 Adalgiso Amendola , Anna Maria Ferragina , Rosanna Pittiglio and Filippo Reganati
  Are exporters and multinational firms more resilient over a crisis? First evidence for manufacturing enterprises in Italy
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Mar 25 2012 Therese Rebière
  Young workers' professional experience and access to high-skill jobs: a note
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Jan 24 2012 Sergio De Nardis and Marco Ventura
  Effect Of Firm Innovation On Labour Force Composition: The Case Of Italian Manufacturing
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Oct 19 2011 Doruk İriş and İpek Özkal-Sanver
  Manilulation via endowments in university-admission problem
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Aug 21 2011 Gaetano Lisi
  The Hedonic Price Function in a Matching Model of Housing Market
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Jul 06 2011 Yang Liu
  Labor market matching with heterogeneous job seekers in China
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May 12 2011 Damiano Fiorillo and Fabio Sabatini
  An exploratory analysis of the relationship between social interactions, income and health in Italy
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Oct 31 2010 Shin Fukuda
  Evaluating the influence of the internal ratings-based approach on bank lending in Japan
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Oct 26 2010 Bruno Decreuse
  Search externalities with crowding-out effects
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Sep 03 2010 Eric S. Lin and Yu-lung Lue
  The Causal Effect of the Cram Schooling Timing Decision on Math Scores
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Aug 26 2010 Lina Andersson and Mats Hammarstedt
  Self-employment matching: an analysis of dual-earner couples in Sweden
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Aug 12 2010 Taisuke Matsubae
  Impossibility of Stable and Non-damaging bossy Matching Mechanism
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May 07 2010 Tzu-i Wang and Jennjou Chen
  Glass ceiling effects: the case of taiwanese top executives
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Feb 23 2010 Mathieu Bunel , Richard Duhautois and Lucie Gonzalez
  Are Mergers and Acquisitions Accompanied by Increasing Recourse to THS employment? A French perspective
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Feb 02 2010 Chun-Lei Yang and Jack Yue
  Assortative Matching, Information and Cooperation: An Experiment
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Dec 23 2009 Samir Amine , Pedro Lages dos santos , Sylvain Baumann and Fabrice Valognes
  Revisiting Nash wages negotiations in matching models
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Sep 18 2009 Gabriele Cardullo
  Equilibrium in Matching Models with Employment Dependent Productivity
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Sep 16 2009 John Gibson
  The public sector pay premium, compensating differentials and unions: propensity score matching evidence from Australia, Canada, Great Britain and the United States
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Nov 18 2008 Ismail Saglam and Ayþe Mumcu
  Rationalizability of one-to-one matchings with externalities
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Nov 02 2008 Erik Wengström
  Equilibrium unemployment in a small open economy with a frictionless nontradeables sector
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Oct 23 2008 James Boudreau
  Preference Structure and Random Paths to Stability in Matching Markets
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Aug 11 2008 Konstantinos Eleftheriou
  Matching, Specialties and Wage Inequality
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Mar 13 2008 Riccardo Tilli and Enrico Saltari
  Do labor market conditions affect the strictness of employment protection legislation?
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Mar 02 2008 Matthew Jackson and Alison Watts
  Equilibrium Existence in Bipartite Social Games: A Generalization of Stable Matchings
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Feb 26 2008 Norikazu Tawara
  No-shirking Conditions in Frictional Labor Markets
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Jan 19 2008 Nicola Amendola
  A selection mechanism for the barter equilibrium in the search theoretic monetary model
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Nov 14 2007 Kitae Sohn
  School and subject choices in education
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Nov 07 2007 Ismail Saglam and Ayse Mumcu
  The core of a housing market with externalities
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Apr 10 2007 Tao Li
  Are there timing effects in coordination game experiments?
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Apr 09 2007 Onur Baser
  Propensity Score Matching with Limited Overlap
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Nov 28 2006 Alex Coad and Rekha Rao
  Innovation and market value: a quantile regression analysis
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Aug 31 2006 Koji Takamiya
  On the equivalence of G-weak and -strong cores in the marriage problem
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Jun 12 2006 Terence Tai-Leung Chong
  Two-sided Matching, Who Marries Whom? And what Happens upon Divorce?
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Jun 14 2005 Massimo A. De Francesco
  Matching buyers and sellers
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Feb 13 2005 Sudipta Sarangi and Prabirendra Chatterjee
  Enforcement with Costly Group Formation
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Nov 24 2004 David Cantala
  Matching Markets: the Particular Case of Couples
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Sep 02 2004 Amitrajeet Batabyal
  On strategy and the likelihood of success in marital matchmaking under uncertainty
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May 13 2004 Somdeb Lahiri
  Pair-wise envy free and stable matchings for two sided systems with techniques
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Dec 23 2003 Joydeep Bhattacharya and Helle Bunzel
  Dynamics of the planning solution in the discrete-time textbook model of labor market search and matching
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Jul 28 2003 Frederick Chen
  Unraveling in a dynamic matching market with Nash bargaining
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Mar 19 2003 Thierry Vignolo
  Reputation by imitation: an evolutionary chain-store game with strategic matching
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