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Notes, Comments and Preliminary results

Jun 30 2024 Amparo Castello-Climent and Rafael Domenech
  Convergence in human capital and income
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Mar 30 2024 Aditya Sekhar Das , Arya Gangopadhyay and Zakir Husain
  Heterogeneity, incomplete information and efficiency: a longitudinal study of a students' network
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Mar 30 2024 P. Wesley Routon and Jay K. Walker
  Older and wiser? Relative age and college course failure
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Sep 30 2023 Harry A Patrinos and George Psacharopoulos
  Estimating returns to education: back to the short-cut
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Jun 30 2023 Shannon Breske , Cory Koedel and Eric Parsons
  Field interest and the choice of college major
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Mar 30 2023 Yanan Chen and Kyle A. Kelly
  Why do women have a higher rate of return to schooling than men?
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Nov 16 2022 Harry A Patrinos
  Returns to Education in Greece: Evidence from the 1977 Labor Market Survey using the Greek Civil War as an Instrument
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Nov 16 2022 Bastien Bernela and Liliane Bonnal
  Education, job and return migration of French University graduates
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Aug 19 2022 Caio Resende , Ana Carolina Zogbhi , Rafael Terra de Menezes and Luis Felipe Oliveira
  The impact of longer school days on mothers' and children's labor force participation
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Feb 20 2022 Curtis R. Price , Perry Burnett and Daria Sevastianova
  The attitudinal gender gap of an economics education
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Sep 18 2021 Axel Freudenberger and Yoav Wachsman
  Framing and Loss Aversion Tested in the Context of an Academic Examination
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Jul 18 2021 Lauren Calimeris
  Does happiness matter? The effect of teacher job satisfaction on college enrollment rates
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Apr 09 2021 Issa Dianda , Idrissa Ouedraogo and Jean de dieu Goumbri
  Closing the Gender Gap in Secondary School Enrolment in sub-Saharan Africa: Does women's political empowerment matter?
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Apr 09 2021 Tommaso Agasisti , Alice Bertoletti and Giacomo Pignataro
  Economies of scale and scope of universities – towards bigger size and specialization?
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Apr 09 2021 Austin F. Eggers and Peter A. Groothuis
  The Impact of Winning an NCAA Men's Basketball or Football Championship on Academic Quality
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Nov 14 2020 Robert M. Feinberg
  Is an academic career a luxury good? Student debt and the under-representation of minorities
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Jun 07 2020 Adalbert Abraham Ghislain Melingui Bate
  The effect of education on voter's turnout in african presidential elections
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Feb 05 2020 Weiguang Liu
  Individual health perspective, income protection insurance coverage and human capital growth
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Nov 24 2019 Mariano Runco , James Francisco and Jeff Bates
  The Impact of Tuition Increases on Enrollment in the State of Alabama Public Colleges and Universities
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Nov 12 2019 Michael Gove
  Student engagement and larger class enrollments: evidence from a growing mid-sized university
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Nov 03 2019 Christiana Ellen Hilmer and Michael John Hilmer
  Do Local Amenities Increase Monopsony Power?
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Sep 30 2019 Zurab Abramishvili and David Tsirekidze
  Value Added of Universities: Evidence From Georgia
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Jun 15 2019 Joseph Keneck-Massil and Alphonse Noah
  Shadow economy and educational systems in Africa
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May 02 2019 Salwa Trabelsi
  The governance threshold effect on the relationship between public education financing and income inequality
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Jan 09 2019 Marina Töpfer
  Honours as a signal - evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in Italy
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Oct 17 2018 Garrison Schlauch and Richard Startz
  The path to an economics PhD
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Sep 07 2018 Jeremy A. Cook and John Stuart Rabon
  Maternal investments and child cognitive achievement
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Sep 07 2018 Vichet Sam
  Unemployment duration and educational mismatches: An empirical investigation among graduates in Cambodia.
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Jul 18 2018 Daichi Yamada
  Negative selection migration and education investment: theoretical investigation on the roles of remittances and the prospect of migration
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Jun 21 2018 Jannet Farida Jacob
  Human capital and higher education: rate of returns across disciplines
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Apr 15 2018 Kais Saidi and Chebli Mongi
  The Effect of Education, R&D and ICT on Economic Growth in High Income Countries
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Apr 15 2018 Monika Köppl-turyna and Michael Christl
  Returns to Skills or Returns to Tasks? A Comment on Hanushek et al. (2015)
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Mar 23 2018 Xiaoyan Chen Youderian
  On parental care and home production
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Feb 09 2018 Geraint Johnes
  A sporting chance: on the impact of sports participation on subsequent earnings
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Nov 19 2017 Sergio Longobardi , Margherita Maria Pagliuca and Andrea Regoli
  Family background and financial literacy of Italian students: the mediating role of attitudes and motivations
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Sep 27 2017 Alla Fridman and Alexey Verbetsky
  Universities' competition under dual tuition system
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Jul 16 2017 Klaus Wohlrabe and Elisabeth Friedrich
  The efficiency of economics departments reconsidered
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Jul 02 2017 Livio Ferrante , Simona Monteleone and Francesco Reito
  Universities as nail factories? An evaluation of the Italian public funding of higher education
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Jul 02 2017 Haryani Haryani and Teguh Dartanto
  Let's Talk with Your Kids: Children's Involvement in Intra-household Decision-Making and Their Education Attainment - Evidence from Indonesia
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Jan 17 2017 Elisé Wend-Lassida Miningou and Valérie Vierstraete
  Work-terms and success in postsecondary education
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Nov 26 2016 Brent J. Davis
  Dispersion of female business students across MBA program rankings
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Nov 26 2016 Dossè M. Djahini-afawoubo
  Public spending on education in Togo: Does the poor benefit?
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Sep 11 2016 David M McEvoy
  Loss Aversion and Student Achievement
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Aug 24 2016 Franklin G. Mixon and Kamal Upadhyaya
  Out of Big Brother's Shadow: Ranking Economics Faculties at Regional Universities in the U.S. South
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Jul 08 2016 Geraint Johnes
  Schooling, experience and earnings: international evidence from MARS
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Jun 11 2016 Yusuke Jinnai
  The Effects of a Teacher Performance-Pay Program on Student Achievement: A Regression Discontinuity Approach
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Mar 28 2016 Sui Chin Tan , Chong Mun Ho and Vincent Pang
  Why Has Education Inequality Widened in Sabah, Malaysia?
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Mar 22 2016 Tolga Yuret
  Students Trapped in the Centralized University Admissions System
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Mar 17 2016 Damir Stijepic
  Small Employers, Large Employers and the Skill Premium
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Feb 04 2016 Bastian Gawellek , Bernd Süssmuth and Daniel Singh
  Tuition Fees and Instructional Quality
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Nov 20 2015 Simplice Asongu and Jacinta C Nwachukwu
  The incremental effect of education on corruption: evidence of synergy from lifelong learning
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Aug 21 2015 António Neto
  The Portuguese high school match
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Mar 11 2015 Nicolas Fleury and Fabrice Gilles
  An evaluation of the impact of industrial restructuring on individual human capital accumulation in France (1956-1993)
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Sep 30 2014 Xu Lin
  Network attributes and peer effects
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May 17 2014 Tommaso Agasisti and Sergio Longobardi
  Educational institutions, resources, and students' resiliency: an empirical study about OECD countries
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Apr 23 2014 Sencer Ecer , Youxin Huang and Sinan Sarpça
  Commercial research at universities and career choices of science and engineering doctoral students
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Apr 03 2014 Alexander Krasilnikov and Maria Semenova
  Do Social Networks Help to Improve Student Academic Performance? The Case of and Russian Students
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Apr 01 2014 Juan Gabriel Brida , Marta Meleddu , Manuela Pulina and Vania Statzu
  Investigating informal learning at a cultural site
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Dec 19 2013 Anjan Ray chaudhury
  Interpreting the concept of representational inequality to reckon between-group inequality for different types of data
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Oct 22 2013 Geraint Johnes
  Efficiency in English higher education institutions revisited: a network approach
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Aug 14 2013 Andreas Buehn and Mohammad Reza Farzanegan
  Impact of education on the shadow economy: Institutions matter
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Jun 14 2013 Okey K. N. Mawussé
  Institutions and scientific research in Africa
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May 13 2013 Xinzheng Shi
  Impact of household educational expenditures on the test scores of children
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Dec 11 2012 Ho Fai Chan and Benno Torgler
  Econometric Fellows and Nobel Laureates in Economics
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Sep 05 2012 Hans Dietrich and Hans-Dieter Gerner
  The effects of tuition fees on the decision for higher education: evidence from a german policy experiment
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Sep 13 2011 Marco Biagetti and Sergio Scicchitano
  Education and wage inequality in Europe
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Aug 29 2011 Yuexing Lan and John V Winters
  Did the D.C. Tuition Assistance Grant Program Cause Out-of-State Tuition to Increase?
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Aug 17 2011 Ashish Singh
  Gender based intra-household inequality of opportunity in academic skills among Indian children
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Jun 05 2011 Finn Christensen , James Manley and Louise Laurence
  The Allocation of Merit Pay in Academia: A Case Study
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Mar 17 2011 Bree J Lang
  Does offering more Advanced Placement courses increase enrollment?
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Jan 04 2011 Marco Biagetti and Sergio Scicchitano
  Exploring the inter-industry wage premia in Portugal along the wage distribution: evidence from EU-SILC data
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Oct 19 2010 Francesca Giambona , Erasmo Vassallo and Elli Vassiliadis
  Educational efficiency in a dea-bootstrap approach
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Oct 15 2010 Ching-Fu Chen and Kwok Tong Soo
  Some university students are more equal than others: Efficiency evidence from England
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Oct 07 2010 Romuald S Kinda
  Does education really matter for environmental quality?
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Sep 03 2010 Eric S. Lin and Yu-lung Lue
  The Causal Effect of the Cram Schooling Timing Decision on Math Scores
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Mar 25 2010 Pedro de Araujo and James Murray
  Estimating the effects of dormitory living on student performance
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Sep 23 2009 Mohamed Ben Mimoun and Asma Raies
  Education and economic growth: the role of public expenditures allocation
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Sep 15 2009 Heyung-jik Lee
  The new trend of Canadian nursing education and baccalaureate-diploma wage differentials in Quebec
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Aug 28 2009 Tin-chun Lin
  Teacher quality and teacher salaries: the case of Pennsylvania
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Jul 29 2009 Corrado Andini
  Wage Bargaining and the (Dynamic) Mincer Equation
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Mar 20 2009 Geraint Johnes
  Changes in the Characteristics and Skills of British Youth
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Dec 19 2008 khalid kisswani
  Did the Great Depression affect Educational Attainment in the US?
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Dec 16 2008 Justin Ross
  A theoretical model of the distribution of teacher attention under benchmark testing.
  Abstract  Contact Information  Citation  Full Text  -  Preliminary Result
Oct 16 2008 Paolo Rungo
  The impact of child health status on learning ability and school entrance age
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Oct 01 2008 Rossana Patron
  Enhancing the public provision of education: the economics of education reform in developing countries
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Jul 30 2008 Tin-Chun Lin
  Local Taxes and Parental Choice of Education: The Case of Pennsylvania
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May 21 2008 François-Charles Wolff and Christine Barnet-Verzat
  Pocket money and child effort at school
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Apr 28 2008 Tiago Sequeira and Pedro Robalo
  Schooling Quality in a Cross Section of Countries: a replication exercise and additional results
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Mar 31 2008 Luca Gori and Luciano Fanti
  Human capital, income, fertility and child policy
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Mar 05 2008 Masaya Yasuoka , Megumi Katahira and Tamotsu Nakamura
  Private Education and Positive Growth with Shrinking Income Inequality: A Note
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Nov 14 2007 Kitae Sohn
  School and subject choices in education
  Abstract  Contact Information  Citation  Full Text  -  Preliminary Result
Jun 12 2007 Todd Nesbit and Joseph Palardy
  Traditional public schools versus charter schools: a comparison of technical efficiency
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Apr 24 2007 Geraint Johnes and Manuel Salas-Velasco
  Abstract  Contact Information  Citation  Full Text  -  Note
Apr 09 2007 Craig Gallet
  A comparative analysis of the demand for higher education: results from a meta-analysis of elasticities
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Mar 19 2007 José de Hevia and María Arrazola
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Jan 29 2007 Sergio Scicchitano
  On the complementarity between on-the-job training and R&D: a brief overview
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Jan 04 2007 Stephane Ciriani
  Education policy in a general equilibrium model with heterogeneous agents.
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Dec 29 2006 Tin-Chun Lin
  Alternative measure for education variable in an empirical economic growth model: Is primary education less important?
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Sep 06 2006 Yusuke Ono
  Technology adoption in a community of heterogeneous education level: Who are your good neighbors?
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Mar 07 2006 Patricia Stefani and Ciro Biderman
  Returns to Education and Wage Differentials in Brazil: A Quantile Approach
  Abstract  Contact Information  Citation  Full Text  -  Preliminary Result
Dec 26 2005 Luís Aguiar-Conraria
  Public vs private schooling in an endogenous growth model
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Aug 04 2005 Laura Romero
  On the role of borrowing constraints in public and private universities' choices
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Jul 28 2005 Lawrence Dacuycuy
  Is the earnings-schooling relationship linear? a semiparametric analysis
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Jul 17 2005 Luisa Rosti , Chikara Yamaguchi and Carolina Castagnetti
  Educational Performance as Signalling Device: Evidence from Italy
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May 23 2005 Katarina R. I. Keller and Panu Poutvaara
  Growth in OECD countries and elsewhere: how much do education and R&D explain?
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Mar 04 2005 Erdal Atukeren and Aniela Wirz
  An analysis of perceived overqualification in the Swiss labor market
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Mar 01 2005 Katsunori Yamada
  Public versus Private Education in an Endogenous Growth Model with Social Status
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Feb 12 2005 William Neilson
  Homework and performance for time-constrained students
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Oct 24 2003 Noriyoshi Hemmi
  The poverty trap with high fertility rates
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