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Jun 30 2024 Phu Quang Tran , Anh Phan , Dung V. Tran and Mohamad H. Shahrour
  The effect of capital empowerment on the lending competence of banks: Evidence from segmental analysis
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Mar 30 2024 Maxence Miéra , Nicolas Bédu and Viola Lamani
  How asset transformation matters for the fate of technology-led banks?
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Sep 30 2023 Abd Rahman Razak and Wahyoe Soedarmono
  Revisiting the finance-growth nexus: Global evidence
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Jun 30 2023 Francesco Fasano and Maurizio La rocca
  Firm-specific determinants of internet services adoption
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Jun 30 2023 Patrizio Morganti
  From shadow banking to resilient market-based finance
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Mar 30 2023 Brahim Gaies
  Financial openness and CSR: Banks in Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain
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Mar 30 2023 Akira Sakai
  Have lower interest rates tightened capital regulation? Empirical analysis using data of regional banks
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Sep 30 2022 Van dan Dang
  Financial reporting and bank development: Evidence from Vietnam
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Sep 30 2022 Ibrahim Yagli , Ozkan Haykir and Emin Huseyin Cetenak
  Herding behavior in the European banking sector during the COVID-19 outbreak: The role of short-selling restrictions
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Jun 30 2022 Paulo Matos , Cristiano Da Silva and Antonio Costa
  On the relationship between COVID-19 and G7 banking co-movements
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Feb 20 2022 Seyed Alireza Athari
  Financial Inclusion, Political Risk, and Banking Sector Stability: Evidence from Different Geographical Regions
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Sep 18 2021 Dung viet Tran , Trung duc Nguyen and Chi huu Lu
  Does the dividend policy signal quality? Investigation on the bank funding costs, and market discipline
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Sep 18 2021 Whelsy Boungou and Charles Mawusi
  Economic Policy Uncertainty and Banks' Interest Income: Empirical Evidence from an International Panel Dataset
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Sep 17 2021 Maxime Fajeau
  Has Financial Deepening Done More Harm Than Good?
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Jul 18 2021 Mohamed Ben Mimoun
  Stability of Conventional and Islamic banks, externalities and resilience to crises: evidences from comprehensive Saudi banks' time-series data
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Apr 09 2021 Abba Yadou Barnabé , Ningaye Paul and Bangake Chrysost
  Do remittances spur financial inclusion in Africa? a multi-dimensional approach
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Apr 09 2021 José Campino , Ana Brochado and Álvaro Rosa
  Success Factors of Initial Coin Offering (ICO) projects
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Aug 08 2020 José Campino , Ana Brochado and Álvaro Rosa
  Human Capital's importance in Initial Coin Offerings' (ICOs) success
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Jul 14 2020 Ameni Ghenimi , Hasna Chaibi and Azhaar Lajmi
  The liquidity risk-credit risk-profitability trilogy: A comparative study between Islamic and conventional banks
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Jun 18 2020 Daniel Groft
  Comparing shadow rates in monetary policy shock identification
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Jun 18 2020 Dhafer Saïdane and Sana Ben Abdallah
  Sustainability and Financial Stability: Evidence from European Banks
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Jun 02 2020 Pedro Antonio Martin-Cervantes and Salvador Cruz-Rambaud
  Date-stamping the Tadawul bubble through the SADF and GSADF econometric approaches
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Apr 29 2020 Christian L. Nguena
  Workforce Productivity Growth and Inequality Reduction in Developing Countries: The role of Mobile Banking & Financial Services Development in Africa
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Mar 25 2020 Imen Kouki , Ilyes Abid , Khaled Guesmi and Stephane Goutte
  Does Financial inclusion affect the African banking stability?
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Feb 15 2020 Eric Fina Kamani
  The effect of the trading activities of banks on systemic risk: does banking industry concentration matter?
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Feb 07 2020 Mohamed El Fodil Ihaddaden
  Impact of Political Uncertainty on Banking Productivity: Investigating the Jasmin Revolution Effect on the Tunisian Banking System
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Jan 01 2020 Nawazish Mirza , Amir Hasnaoui and Birjees Rahat
  Credit Quality and Stock Returns of Commercial Banks
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Oct 13 2019 Amine Ben Amar
  The Effectiveness of Monetary Policy Transmission in a Dual Banking System: Further Insights from TVP-VAR Model
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Aug 27 2019 Kore Marc Guei
  Does financial structure matter for economic growth: evidence from South Africa
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May 31 2019 Matteo Foglia and Eliana Angelini
  An explorative analysis of Italy banking financial stability
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May 15 2019 Jean-Michel Sahut and Faten Ben Bouheni
  Profitability and Risk-Taking Among Cooperative Banks in the Eurozone
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Mar 16 2019 Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
  Should Bitcoin be used to help devastated economies? Evidence from Greece
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Feb 18 2019 Paulo Ferreira and Éder Pereira
  The impact of the Brexit referendum on British and European Union bank shares: a cross-correlation analysis with national indices
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Dec 10 2018 Leonardo Nogueira Ferreira and Márcio Issao Nakane
  Macroprudential policy in a DSGE model: anchoring the countercyclical capital buffer
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Dec 02 2018 Juan Camilo Galvis Ciro and Guillermo David Hincapié Vélez
  Effect of Banking Concentration on the Lending Channel: evidence from Colombia
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Oct 31 2018 Mohammad I. Al Masud and Levent Kutlu
  US Bank Efficiency and FED Activity
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Apr 15 2018 Rayenda Brahmana , Maria Kontesa and Rachel Elfra Gilbert
  Income diversification and bank performance: evidence from malaysian banks
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Mar 23 2018 Simon Cornée and Ariane Szafarz
  How Costly is Social Screening? Evidence from the Banking Industry
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Feb 27 2018 Shawn A Osell
  Comparative Monetary Tools: Open Market Operations and Interest on Reserves
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Feb 09 2018 Francesco Marchionne and Alberto Zazzaro
  Risk and competitiveness in the Italian banking sector
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Feb 09 2018 Bruno Emmanuel Ongo Nkoa
  Determinants of foreign direct investment in Africa: An analysis of the impact of financial development
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Nov 19 2017 Issam Laguir , Rebecca Stekelorum , Jamal Elbaz and Lamia Laguir
  Financial and environmental performances in the banking industry: A non-linear approach
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Aug 31 2017 Satoshi Tobe
  Local Banking Systems and Sensitivity of Capital Inflows to Global Factors
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Jul 23 2017 Md.Thasinul Abedin
  Impact of Banking Sector Efficiency and Profitability on Bangladesh Economy
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Jul 16 2017 Maxim Zagonov , Angela Kate Pettinicchio and Galla Salganik-Shoshan
  Audit quality, bank risks, and cross-country regulations.
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Jul 02 2017 Benjamin M Tabak , Dimas M Fazio , Regis A Ely , Joao M. T. Amaral and Daniel O Cajueiro
  The effects of capital buffers on profitability: An empirical study
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Jun 11 2017 François Seck Fall
  Determinants of Microfinance institutions' access to bank credit in Senegal
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Jun 05 2017 Hideaki Sakawa , Naoki Watanabel and Noriko Tanahashi
  Relation between Executive Compensation and Performance: Evidence from Japanese Shinkin Banks
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May 01 2017 Ion Lapteacru
  Murphy-Topel adjustment of the variance-covariance matrix of a two-step panel data model: Evidence from competition-fragility nexus in banking
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Apr 22 2017 Ritika Jain
  Is Demonetisation a Windfall for the banking sector? Evidence from the Indian stock market
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Apr 09 2017 Satoshi Tobe
  Domestic Credit Growth, International Capital Inflows, and Risk Perception in Global Markets
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Dec 21 2016 Boubacar Diallo
  Financial dependence and growth during crises: when does bank efficiency really matter?
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Dec 10 2016 Rayenda Brahmana , Chin hong Puah and Michael Chai
  Natural Disaster and Local Bank Non-Performing Loan: Case of Nias Tsunami 2004
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Sep 30 2016 Claudiu T. Albulescu , Matei Tamasila and Ilie M. Taucean
  Shadow economy, tax policies, institutional weakness and financial stability in selected OECD countries
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Apr 14 2016 Kaidi Nasreddine and Sami Mensi
  Financial Development and Income Inequality: The Linear versus the Nonlinear Hypothesis
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Feb 04 2016 Tarcio Da Silva , Carlos Martins-filho and Eduardo Ribeiro
  A comparison of nonparametric efficiency estimators: DEA, FDH, DEAC, FDHC, order-m and quantile
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Nov 20 2015 Keisuke Otsu and Florian Gerth
  A neoclassical analysis of the Great Recession: a historical comparison
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Oct 02 2015 François Seck Fall , Yaya Ky and Ousmane Birba
  Analyzing the Mobile-Banking Adoption Process among Low-Income Populations: A Sequential Logit Model
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Jul 24 2015 Ons Jedidi and Jean Sébastien Pentecote
  Robust Signals for Banking Crises
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Feb 28 2014 Nguena Christian Lambert and Tsafack Nanfosso Roger
  On the Sensitivity of Banking Activity Shocks: Evidence from the CEMAC Sub-region
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May 21 2013 Semih Tumen
  The Impact of the 2008 Crisis on Top Labor Incomes in Turkey: A Nonparametric Analysis
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Mar 12 2013 Simplice A Asongu
  How has politico-economic liberalization affected financial allocation efficiency? Fresh African evidence
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Feb 15 2013 Claudiu T Albulescu , Daniel Goyeau and Dominique Pépin
  Financial instability and ECB monetary policy
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Nov 19 2012 Ali Mirzaei , Guy Liu and John Beirne
  Market Structure and Bank Profitability: Emerging versus Advanced Economies
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Sep 23 2012 Maxwell Ekor and Oluwatosin Adeniyi
  Impact of financial development on manufacturing output : The Nigerian evidence
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Sep 16 2012 Youssouf Kiendrebeogo
  The effects of financial development on trade performance and the role of institutions
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Mar 04 2012 Frederick H Wallace
  Testing for a nonlinear Fisher relationship
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Feb 09 2012 Fatih Macit
  Bank Specific and Macroeconomic Determinants of Profitability: Evidence From Participation Banks in Turkey
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Jan 09 2012 Makram El-Shagi
  Protect and survive? Did capital controls help shield emerging markets from the crisis?
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Sep 08 2011 Georg Stadtmann , Christian Pierdzioch and Jan Ruelke
  Scattered Fiscal Forecasts
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Jun 06 2011 Caroline Duburcq and Eric Girardin
  The stabilization of foreign bank lending: A neglected benefit of hard pegs
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Apr 24 2011 Aparna Sawhney and Susmita Mitra
  Examining tradeable permits with market power, banking and non-compliance: a finite period model
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Mar 21 2011 Christos S Savva
  Modeling interbank relations during the international financial crisis
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Feb 17 2011 Masanori Ohkuma and Teruo Mori
  Local finance-growth nexus: Does bank ownership matter?
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Dec 08 2010 Gaurav Nayyar
  Growth of the services sector in India: notional or real?
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Nov 09 2010 David E Giles
  Hermite regression analysis of multi-modal count data
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Oct 07 2010 Jean-michel Sahut and Medhi Mili
  Are Mergers a Solution to Bank Distress in MENA Countries?
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Aug 12 2010 Wahyoe Soedarmono
  Bank competition, institution and economic development: Evidence from Asia during 1999-2007
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Jul 27 2010 Thomas Grennes , Pablo Guerron-quintana and Asli Leblebicioglu
  Economic Development and Volatility among the States
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May 27 2010 Julien Chevallier
  A Note on Cointegrating and Vector Autoregressive Relationships between CO2 allowances spot and futures prices
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May 06 2010 Jijun Niu
  A note on loan market equilibrium when some borrowers are optimistic
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Mar 08 2010 Ben m'barek Hassene Jr and Ben romdhane Hager Jr
  Financial Crises and Banking Deregulation: the Case of Tunisia
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Jan 17 2010 Victor Valdivia
  Evaluating the SEC Review of Commercial Banks: Evidence from Comment Letters
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Aug 21 2009 Alberto Russo
  On the evolution of the Italian bank branch distribution
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May 19 2009 Victoria Miller
  When banks are patients: The factors that determine treatment
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May 09 2009 Alberto Russo
  Branch banking dynamics, collective behaviour and overclustering
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May 06 2009 Yuan-shuh Lii
  A model of customer e-loyalty in the online banking
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May 06 2009 E Mamatzakis
  Banking Operational Cost in the Balkan Region under a Quadratic Loss Function
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Feb 19 2009 Jie Mao and Ben Li
  The effect of potential foreign entry in the banking sector
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Jul 28 2008 Julien Chevallier
  Strategic Manipulation on Emissions Trading Banking Program with Fixed Horizon
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Apr 11 2008 Hal Snarr and Dan Axelsen
  Are Welfare Eligible Households Forward Looking?
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Jan 05 2008 Duc Khuong Nguyen , Walid Mensi and Adel Boubaker
  More on corporate diversification, firm size and value creation
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Dec 13 2007 Arnaud Bourgain and Patrice Pieretti
  Measuring Technological Spillovers in a Financial Center by using “Feder” Model
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Oct 09 2007 Ryoji Hiraguchi
  Habit formation and multiplicity of balanced growth path: a comment
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Jun 18 2007 Benoit Julien and Pere Gomis-Porqueras
  Market Structure and the Banking Sector
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Jun 08 2007 Matias Fontenla and Fidel Gonzalez
  Self-fulfilling and Fundamental Banking Crises: A Multinomial Logit Approach
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Oct 15 2004 Victor Vaugirard
  Bank runs, political distortions and contagion
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