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Notes, Comments and Preliminary results

Jun 30 2024 Vinay Asthana
  Corruption and crypto participation: Cross-country evidence
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Mar 30 2024 Martin Lábaj and Matej Vitáloš
  COVID-19 and automation: Evidence from European countries
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Dec 30 2023 Georges Ngnouwal Eloundou , Blaise Ondoua Beyene and Marius Messoh Lonte
  In pursuit of Happiness in developing countries: does the diffusion of ICT matter?
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Sep 30 2023 Lucy Xiaolu Wang
  A cost-benefit analysis of the medicines patent pool
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Sep 30 2023 Camille Loir and Bertrand Groslambert
  The impact of innovation on the profitability of the biotech industry
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Jun 30 2023 Drini Morina , Henning Lucas and Stefanie Heiden
  Non-linearities in the R&D-firm growth relationship: Evidence from a semiparametric location-scale regression approach
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Jun 30 2023 Krzysztof Szczygielski and Jacek Lewkowicz
  Tax incentives for R&D: what drives cross-country differences?
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Jun 30 2023 Philippe Jean-Amans , Harouna Wassongma and François Seck Fall
  Determinants of innovation in small- and medium-sized enterprises in Senegal
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Mar 30 2023 Karamat Khan , Xueke Song , Salman Ali Shah and Kishwar Ali
  Natural resources and economic development: the role of national innovation system
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Mar 30 2023 Mohamed Bahlali
  Energy storage and the direction of technical change
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Mar 30 2023 Steve Douanla Meli and Benjamin Fomba Kamga
  Unobserved heterogeneity in the analysis of mobile financial services use: Evidence from the City of Yaoundé
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Dec 30 2022 Isaac Ketu , Jules-Eric Tchapchet Tchouto and Arsene Mouongue Kelly
  Does infrastructure development drive economic complexity in African countries?
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Dec 30 2022 Nataliia Savchenko , Oleksandr Fedirko , Hanna Muravytska and Nataliia Fedirko
  Digital transformations of public administration in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: EU countries case study
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Sep 30 2022 Nodir Adilov , Peter Alexander , Brendan Cunningham and Nikolas Albertson
  An analysis of launch cost reductions for low Earth orbit satellites
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Sep 30 2022 Christina Bampatsou and George Halkos
  Meta-frontier analysis of technology gap for efficiency and productivity comparisons across different sub-groups of EU-27 countries
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Jun 30 2022 Stéphane Ciriani and François Jeanjean
  Competition, technological change and productivity gains: a European sectoral analysis
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Jun 30 2022 Jacques Simon Song , Hervé William Mougnol A Ekoula and Adalbert Abraham Ghislain Melingui Bate
  Does ICTs diffusion increase bilateral trade in Africa? Empirical evidence using an augmented gravity model
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Jun 30 2022 Xiaoyang Zhu
  Corporate tax competition and innovation: An inverted-U relationship
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Dec 29 2021 Iacopo Grassi and Claudia Cantabene
  R&D cooperation and choice of partner, in high and low-tech industries. Evidence from Italian firms.
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Sep 17 2021 Augusto Espín and Christian Rojas
  The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Use of Remote Meeting Technologies
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Sep 17 2021 Andrés Marroquín , Luke Sadd and Antonio Saravia
  Trust and Perceptions of Autonomous Vehicles in Latin America
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Apr 09 2021 Daniel Sommer and Bernd Ebersberger
  International R&D teams: Performance effects and the moderating role of technological competences
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Apr 09 2021 Md. Thasinul Abedin , Rajarshi Mitra , Kanon Kumar Sen and Md. Sharif Hossain
  Exchange Rate and Stock Market Development in Bangladesh
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Oct 12 2020 Henri Njangang and Yann Nounamo
  Is information and communication technology a driver of industrialization process in African countries?
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Aug 24 2020 Leonardo A. Rocha , Denis Vieira Sarmento , Carlos Alano S. Almeida and Napiê G.A. Silva
  Spillover, public investment and innovation: the impact of public investment in R&D on business innovation
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Aug 24 2020 Avom Désiré and Melingui bate Adalbert Abraham Ghislain
  The effect of information and communication technologies on foreign direct investments attractiveness in africa
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Jul 12 2019 Leonardo A. Rocha , Maria Ester S. Dal Poz , Patrícia V.P.S. Lima , Ahmad S. Khan and Napiê G. A. Silva
  Corruption, bureaucracy and other institutional failures: the “cancer” of innovation and development
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Apr 03 2019 Christian Hutter and Enzo Weber
  A note on the effects of skill-biased technical change on productivity flattening
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Mar 16 2019 Louis de Berquin Eyike Mbongo
  ICT diffusion and employment in Africa
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Mar 16 2019 Damien Besancenot and Abdelghani Maddi
  Should citations be weighted to assess the influence of an academic article?
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Oct 10 2018 George Paily
  Innovation Strategies, Outcomes and Firm Performance: An Analysis of Firm Behaviour in India's Manufacturing Sector
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Aug 05 2018 Hoa Trong Hoang , Dung The Pham and Duc Dinh Nguyen
  Innovation practices at Vietnamese manufacturers: the impacts of innovation on profitability and growth
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Jun 21 2018 Leonardo Rocha Andrade , Leonardo Q. Cardenas , Fernando Dias Lopes , Fernando P. S. Oliveira and Kaio Cesar Fernandes
  The Impact of R&D Investments on Performance of Firms in Different Degrees of Proximity to the Technological Frontier
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Apr 15 2018 Kais Saidi and Chebli Mongi
  The Effect of Education, R&D and ICT on Economic Growth in High Income Countries
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Feb 27 2018 Sahar Milani and Rebecca Neumann
  International financial openness and industrial R&D
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Nov 19 2017 Guy Martial Takam Fongang
  Adoption and impact of improved maize varieties on maize yield in Cameroon: A macro-impact evaluation
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Jul 16 2017 Taha Zaghdoudi
  Internet usage, renewable energy, electricity consumption and economic growth : Evidence from developed countries
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Jun 11 2017 Masami Imai , Jonah Wolfson and Binghui Zheng
  Japan's Lost Decade: Did Decline in Innovation Lead to Loss of Competitiveness in Japanese Industries?
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Jun 05 2017 Gilson Silva jr , José Maria Silveira , Júlia Paranhos , Lia Hasenclever and Rogério Miranda
  Innovation, market power and biotechnology in the Brazilian Chemical industry
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Jan 13 2017 Brad Sturgill and Hernando Zuleta
  Variable factor shares and the index number problem: a generalization.
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Nov 09 2016 Manas Tripathi and Sarveshwar Kumar Inani
  Does internet affect economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa?
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Jul 21 2016 Vidya Atal and Kameshwari Shankar
  Open questions in open source: Exploring incentives, licensing and competition
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Jul 17 2016 Defu Li and Jiuli Huang
  A variant of Uzawa's steady-state theorem in a Malthusian model
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Mar 17 2016 Pål Børing , Arne Martin Fevolden and Sverre Herstad
  Eager and able: a study of innovation activity among young, mature and old firms in Norway
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Dec 13 2015 Fabrizio Rossi and Richard J. Cebula
  Does the Board of Directors Affect the Extent of Corporate R&D? Evidence from Italian listed companies
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Nov 20 2015 Keith Brouhle , Brad Graham and Donna R Harrington
  Knowledge flows within a government supported program
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Nov 20 2015 Pedro Mendi
  Competitive pressure and innovation in vertically differentiated markets
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Jul 11 2015 Adel Ben Youssef and Leila Peltier- Ben Aoun
  Information and Communication Technologies: Their Use and Short and Long Run Effects
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Mar 11 2015 Jeremy Jay Jackson and Jason Smith
  A framework for non-drastic innovation with product differentiation
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Oct 24 2014 Adel Ben youssef , Walid Hadhri and Hatem Mhenni
  Adoption of Information and Communication Technologies and New Organizational Practices in the Tunisian Manufacturing Sector
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Apr 23 2014 Fabio Bertoni , Anne-Laure Le Nadant and Frédéric Perdreau
  Innovation and R&D investments by leveraged buyout companies in times of crisis
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Oct 24 2013 Lansana Bangoura , Diadié Diaw and Karim Barkat
  Does North-South trade favors training effects : What to learn from trade sophistication links?
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Oct 22 2013 Simplice A Asongu
  On the Obituary of Scientific Knowledge Monopoly
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Jun 14 2013 Okey K. N. Mawussé
  Institutions and scientific research in Africa
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Jun 14 2013 Eric T. Stuen
  Aggregate evidence of localized academic knowledge transfer in the U.S.
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Apr 04 2013 Mohieddine Rahmouni
  Innovativeness of Exporting firms in a Developing Country: The Case of Tunisia
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Mar 05 2013 Simplice A Asongu
  Modeling the future of knowledge economy: evidence from SSA and MENA countries
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Feb 15 2013 Arijit Mukherjee and Prabal Roy chowdhury
  Innovation and social desirability of merger
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Jan 08 2013 Simplice A Asongu
  The ‘Knowledge Economy'-finance nexus: how do IPRs matter in SSA and MENA countries?
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Jul 20 2012 Savuth Cheng
  Foreign direct investment and productivity spillovers: Empirical evidence from Cambodia
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Apr 17 2012 Sheng-Pin Hsueh and Wei-Ming Lee
  A revisit to the relationship between patents and R&D using empirical likelihood estimation
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Mar 13 2012 Tobias Heinrich
  Education, growth and technology diffusion
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Feb 16 2012 Alessandra Catozzella and Marco Vivarelli
  The possible adverse impact of innovation subsidies: some evidence from a bivariate switching model
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Jan 24 2012 Sergio De Nardis and Marco Ventura
  Effect Of Firm Innovation On Labour Force Composition: The Case Of Italian Manufacturing
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Aug 04 2011 Régis Chenavaz
  Dynamic pricing rule and R&D
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Jun 05 2011 Ludivine Martin
  The effects of ICT use on employee's motivations: an empirical evaluation
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Dec 03 2010 Hsiao-chi Chen , Shiou Shieh and Pu-ti Su
  Fees versus Royalties under Partial Cross Ownership
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Nov 11 2010 Nicolas Péridy
  Innovation, Growth and Convergence in the Euro-Mediterranean Area: Implications for MENA Countries
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Oct 19 2010 Piergiuseppe Morone and Antonio Lopolito
  Socio-technical transition pathways and social networks: a toolkit for empirical innovation studies
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Jul 30 2010 Aniruddha Bagchi and Arijit Mukherjee
  Licensing and Patent Protection
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Jul 15 2010 Luigi Filippini
  Specialization through Cross-licensing in a Multi-product Stackelberg Duopoly
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Apr 13 2010 Werner Hölzl and Klaus Friesenbichler
  High-growth firms, innovation and the distance to the frontier
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Mar 10 2010 Alex Coad and Rekha Rao
  R&D and firm growth rate variance
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Jan 06 2010 Ming-Chung Chang
  Insider patent holder licensing in an oligopoly market with different cost structures: Fixed-fee, royalty, and auction
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May 28 2009 Andreas Irmen
  Frictional unemployment, labor market institutions, and endogenous economic growth
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Feb 27 2009 francesco schettino
  Scale effect on endogenous growth: an evaluation
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Dec 20 2008 Francesco Bogliacino and Alberto José Naranjo Ramos
  Optimal intellectual property rights protection: the case of Colombia
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Nov 02 2008 Bruno Versaevel and Désiré Vencatachellum
  Horizontal R and D cooperation and spillovers: evidence from France
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Oct 05 2008 Surender Kumar
  Energy Prices and Induced Technological Progress
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Jul 03 2008 Ricardo Lopez
  Foreign technology acquisition, spillovers, and sunk costs: evidence from plant-level data
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Mar 06 2008 Chia-Hui Huang
  A Note on the Persistence of Firms' Innovation Behavior: A Dynamic Random Effect Probit Model Approach
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Mar 06 2008 Neil Foster , Johann Scharler and Jesus Crespo-Cuaresma
  Barriers to technology adoption, international R and D spillovers and growth
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Jan 18 2008 Marco Alderighi
  On the Optimality of Patent Licensing with Maximum Production Volume
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Nov 13 2007 Takeho Nakamura
  Wage inequality and welfare effects of domestic technological progress: a dual economy approach
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Oct 26 2007 Cassey Lee and Lee Chew ging
  SME Innovation in the Malaysian Manufacturing Sector
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Aug 31 2007 Jose Plehn-Dujowich
  Innovation, Firm Size, and R&D Search
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Aug 01 2007 Koki Oikawa
  Final Goods Substitutability and Economic Growth
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Jul 20 2007 Shuji Takahashi
  Fixed Fee Licenses and Welfare Reducing Innovation: A Note
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Apr 18 2007 Arijit Mukherjee and Uday Bhanu Sinha
  Knowledge diffusion under patent with asymmetric firms
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Mar 24 2007 Ashok Kaul , Volker Reinthaler and Marcus Hagedorn
  Welfare Analysis in a Schumpeterian Growth Model with Capital
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Mar 24 2007 Frederic Tournemaine
  Can population promote income per-capita growth? A balanced perspective
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Feb 21 2007 Muneyuki Saito and Yasuyuki Sugiyama
  Transfer of Pollution Abatement Technology and Unemployment
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Feb 13 2007 Colin Davis
  Communication costs, network externalities, and long-run growth
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Feb 13 2007 Juan Carlos Barcena-Ruiz and Norma Olaizola
  Cost-saving production technologies and partial ownership
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Dec 27 2006 Luca Lambertini
  Process R&D in Monopoly under Demand Uncertainty
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Oct 28 2006 Yuichi Furukawa and Taro Akiyama
  Innovation, standardization, and imitation in the product cycle model
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Sep 06 2006 Yusuke Ono
  Technology adoption in a community of heterogeneous education level: Who are your good neighbors?
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Oct 08 2005 Gamal Atallah
  Research Joint Ventures Cartelization with Asymmetric R&D Spillovers
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Jul 21 2005 Yasuo Nakanishi
  Empirical evidence of externalities of IT capital in Japan
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Jul 14 2005 Hyunbae Chun and Sung-Bae Mun
  The Structure of Adjustment Costs in Information Technology Investment
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May 17 2005 Elisabetta Ottoz
  Technological spillover and the time distribution of licenses
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Mar 09 2005 Joerg Lingens
  Policy implications of endogenous growth models: A Note
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Jan 28 2005 Francisco Arcelus , Gopalan Srinivasan and Basu Sharma
  Assessing the information content of the technology achievement index in the presence of the human development index
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Jan 12 2005 Julio R. Robledo
  Strategic patents and asymmetric litigation costs as entry deterrence instruments
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Jun 20 2004 Elisabetta Ottoz and Franco Cugno
  The independent invention defence in a Cournot duopoly model
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May 15 2003 Subrata Guha
  Technological efficiency and the welfare of the capital-poor in a simple model of endogenous growth
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Sep 25 2002 Fernando Pueyo and Marcos Sanso
  Skill gaps: existence and efficiency
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Dec 17 2001 Quirino Paris and Michael R. Caputo
  Price-induced technical progress and comparative statics
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Nov 12 2001 Marco Vivarelli and Mariacristina Piva
  The skill bias in Italy: a first report
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