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Notes, Comments and Preliminary results

Jun 30 2024 Phu Quang Tran , Anh Phan , Dung V. Tran and Mohamad H. Shahrour
  The effect of capital empowerment on the lending competence of banks: Evidence from segmental analysis
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Jun 30 2023 María C Barrios gonzález , Heather L.R. Tierney and Myeong Hwan Kim
  Analysis of club convergence in the U.S. after the Great Recession
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Dec 30 2022 Ana Isabel Otero and Óscar Luis Alonso
  Spatial analysis of European employment policies at regional level.
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Dec 30 2022 Cesar Sobrino
  The persistence of regional disparities in labor markets: Evidence from Puerto Rico
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Sep 30 2022 Marcelo E. A. Silva , Rafael Vasconcelos and Paulo Vaz
  Expectations and firm dynamics: Aggregate versus idiosyncratic shocks in emerging economies.
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Jun 30 2022 Xiaoguang Liu , Jian Yu , Tsun se Cheong and Michal Wojewodzki
  Transitional Dynamics and Spatial Convergence of House-Price-to-Income Ratio in Urban China
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Jun 30 2022 Michael Polemis and Thanasis Stengos
  Life expectancy during the Covid-19 pandemic: A semi-parametric difference-in-differences analysis
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Dec 29 2021 Pascal Nguyen and Sadek Ouhadouch
  The bright side of CEO-board social ties: Evidence from French firms' cash holdings
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Dec 29 2021 Hiroaki Masuhara
  Multi-episode count data estimation for health care demand
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Jul 18 2021 Juan Gabriel Brida , Emiliano Alvarez and Erick Limas
  Clustering of time series for the analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic evolution
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Jul 18 2021 Chimere Iheonu , Shedrach Agbutun and Chinedum Chiemela
  Human Rights in Sub Saharan Africa: Understanding the Influence Of Militarisation, Governance and Democracy
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Apr 09 2021 Yselle Flora Kuete Malah
  Is happiness in the hands of women?
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Apr 09 2021 Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay and Rui Sun
  How large is the effect of inequality on economic growth?
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Dec 14 2020 Beatrice D. Simo-Kengne and Lumengo Bonga-Bonga
  House prices and fertility in South Africa: A spatial econometric analysis
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Nov 25 2020 Veundjua Muruko-Jaezuruka and Prashant Gupta
  Assessing Foreign Direct Investment Long-Run Contribution to Financial Development: Evidence from Namibia
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Oct 12 2020 Steven Parker
  Gasoline Demand in Middle-Income Countries
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Aug 08 2020 Sweta Lahiri
  Impact of internal migration on left behind youth's labour force participation in India
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Jul 14 2020 Ameni Ghenimi , Hasna Chaibi and Azhaar Lajmi
  The liquidity risk-credit risk-profitability trilogy: A comparative study between Islamic and conventional banks
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Mar 25 2020 Eduardo Henrique de Borba and Ana Paula Menezes Pereira
  Political environment and attraction of foreign direct investment: an institutionalist approach
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Feb 18 2019 Esra Hasdemir , Tolga Omay and Zulal S Denaux
  Testing the Current Account Sustainability for BRICS Countries: Evidence from a Nonlinear Framework
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Jan 10 2019 Samir Amine and Wilner Predelus
  The Persistence of the 2008-2009 Recession and Insolvency Filings in Canada
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Nov 06 2018 Ramzi Benkraiem , Thi hong van Hoang , Amine Lahiani and Anthony Miloudi
  Crude oil and equity markets in major European countries: New evidence
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Sep 07 2018 Muhammad Asali
  Military service and future earnings: Evidence from an Informed Difference-in-Differences (IDID) approach
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May 12 2018 Yifei Cai
  Testing the Fisher Effect in the US
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Mar 23 2018 Markus Haas
  A note on the absolute moments of the bivariate normal distribution
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Oct 26 2017 Tak Wai Chau
  Identification through Heteroscedasticity: What If We Have the Wrong Form?
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Sep 27 2017 Eugene Kouassi , Gnoudentiho G Silue , Oluyele Akinkugbe and Jean Marcelin B Brou
  Health expenditures and Income with Nonstationary Panel Data: Evidence from ECOWAS Member Countries
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Apr 09 2017 Sasiwimon W. Paweenawat and Sutida Plyngam
  Does the causal relationship between renewable energy consumption, CO2 emissions, and economic growth exist in Thailand? An ARDL approach
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Dec 29 2016 Eugene Kouassi and Lexi L Setlhare
  Asymptotic Properties of Pesaran's CD Test Revisited
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Dec 24 2016 Wayne Liou and Timothy J Halliday
  By the Time I Get to Arizona: Estimating the Impact of the Legal Arizona Workers Act on Migrant Outflows
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Aug 24 2016 Heather L. Bednarek and Hailong Qian
  The optimality of non-optimal GMM estimation of parameters of interest and the partial asymptotic efficiency of 2SLS estimation
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Aug 11 2016 Liliane Bonnal and Ornella Boutry
  Impact of institutional environment on irrigation practices : the case of a france area
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Aug 03 2016 N''Yilimon Nantob
  Taxation and Income Inequality in Developing Countries: An Empirical Investigation
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Jul 08 2016 Bin Ni
  Are investment promotion agencies doing the right thing? evidence from China.
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May 18 2016 Yannick Bineau
  Real exchange rate and bilateral trade balance of Cambodia: A panel investigation
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May 18 2016 Xing Lu and Neel Patel
  Festivity Anomaly in Indian Stock Market
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Dec 18 2015 Wassim Rajhi
  Islamic Banks and Financial Stability: A Quantile Estimation
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Jun 09 2015 Alexander C. Jung
  Does liquidity matter for money demand in euro area countries?
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Mar 11 2015 Amira Gasmi and Seifallah Sassi
  International tourism demand in Tunisia: Evidence from dynamic panel data model
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Jul 17 2013 Iuliana Matei
  Government bond market linkages within EMU: evidence from a multivariate Granger causality analysis
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Jul 11 2013 Diogo de Prince and Alexandre Monte
  What market (spot or future) reflects news first? An analysis in the frequency domain for Brazilian stock market
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Mar 27 2012 Andreas Sachs
  What really drives unemployment? A bayesian approach to determine the impact of institutions on the unemployment rate
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Nov 28 2011 Nicolas Gérard Vaillant , Christian Ben lakhdar and Thérèse Lebrun
  On the way of tobacco quitting: A VAR approach
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Aug 09 2011 Roland Craigwell and Allan Wright
  Foreign direct investment and corruption in developing economies: Evidence from linear and non-linear panel Granger causality tests
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Jul 06 2011 Yang Liu
  Labor market matching with heterogeneous job seekers in China
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Jun 06 2011 Caroline Duburcq and Eric Girardin
  The stabilization of foreign bank lending: A neglected benefit of hard pegs
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Jun 05 2011 Mei-yin Lin
  Foreign Reserves and Economic Growth: Granger Causality Analysis with Panel Data
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Jan 28 2011 Aviral Kumar Tiwari and Mamoni Kalita
  Governance and Foreign Aid in ASIAN Countries
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Jan 04 2011 Kazuto Masuda
  Pitfall of simple permanent income hypothesis model
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Oct 29 2010 Aviral Kumar Tiwari
  Corporate governance and economic growth
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Oct 28 2010 Gaetano Lisi
  The Strange Case of Dr. “Unemployed” and Mr “Hidden” in Italy
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Jul 29 2010 Cem Baslevent
  Self-perceived age categorization as a determinant of the old age boundary
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