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Jun 30 2024 Amparo Castello-Climent and Rafael Domenech
  Convergence in human capital and income
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Dec 30 2023 Hiroki Tanaka and Masaya Yasuoka
  Demand for education investment in a model with uncertainty
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Jun 30 2023 Shannon Breske , Cory Koedel and Eric Parsons
  Field interest and the choice of college major
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Mar 30 2023 Aïcha Tiendrebeogo
  Entrepreneurship And Informal Economy In Africa
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Dec 30 2022 Eduardo C. De Souza , Marcelo R. Dos Santos and Vitor A.T. Fancio
  Manager education and firm productivity - evidence from Brazil
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Sep 30 2022 Christiano Coelho and Pedro Gesteira
  Measuring the effect of health on cross-country income variability
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Sep 30 2022 Jude I. Iziga
  A new way to look at old issues: Worker education and regional economic growth
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Jun 30 2022 Masato Masuyama and Ryoji Ohdoi
  The relationship between mandatory retirement and patterns of human capital accumulation
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Jun 30 2022 Magnus Blomkvist , Giacomo Nocera and Milos Vulanovic
  SPAC CEOs and capital raising outcomes
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Jun 30 2022 Muhammad Madyan , Iksan Abdi Nugraha , Wisudanto Wisudanto , Rahmat Setiawan and Novian Abdi Firdausi
  Building firm value and financial performance through intellectual capital: the Indonesia stock exchange's experience
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Dec 29 2021 Iacopo Grassi and Claudia Cantabene
  R&D cooperation and choice of partner, in high and low-tech industries. Evidence from Italian firms.
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Sep 17 2021 Joshua Ang and Jason C. Patalinghug
  Property rights and economic growth: A dynamic GMM analysis
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Apr 09 2021 Masaya Shintani and Masaya Yasuoka
  Child Care Policy and Capital Mobility
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Nov 25 2020 Veundjua Muruko-Jaezuruka and Prashant Gupta
  Assessing Foreign Direct Investment Long-Run Contribution to Financial Development: Evidence from Namibia
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Nov 14 2020 Ana Brochado , Carla Azevedo lobo , Luís Pacheco and Isabel Maldonado
  Drivers of and Barriers to the SME Internationalisation Process in a Small Open Economy
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Nov 14 2020 Gislain Stéphane Gandjon Fankem and Mohamadou Oumarou
  'Trade Openness and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa : Evidence from New Trade Openness Indicator
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Aug 19 2020 Tony Addison and Mina Baliamoune-Lutz
  Does aid stimulate foreign direct investment? The role of social cohesion
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Aug 08 2020 Sweta Lahiri
  Impact of internal migration on left behind youth's labour force participation in India
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Aug 08 2020 José Campino , Ana Brochado and Álvaro Rosa
  Human Capital's importance in Initial Coin Offerings' (ICOs) success
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Apr 15 2020 Hidekatsu Asada
  Impacts of sectoral labour productivity growth of emerging countries in East Asia
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Mar 25 2020 Alexandre Garel and Arthur Petit-Romec
  Investor Horizons and Employee Satisfaction: A test of the long-term perspective vision of CSR
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Feb 05 2020 Hung-ju Chen and Koichi Miyazaki
  Labor productivity, labor supply of the old, and economic growth
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Feb 05 2020 Weiguang Liu
  Individual health perspective, income protection insurance coverage and human capital growth
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Dec 18 2019 Joachim Thøgersen
  A note on social security, human capital and growth
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Dec 18 2019 Pape Yona Boubacar Mane , Abdoulaye Diagne and Yao thibaut Kpegli
  Modeling the Macroeconomic Effects of Disease: Extension and Application in the context of Senegal
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Dec 11 2019 Heather L.R. Tierney , Zafar Nazarov and Nodir Adilov
  Do re-employment wages fall due to the depreciation of human capital or employer perceptions?
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Dec 11 2019 Xinxin Ma
  The Impact of Membership of the Communist Party of China on Wages
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Oct 13 2019 Sophie Pommet and Jean-François Sattin
  CEO human capital and venture capital investment duration: Evidence from French IPOs
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Apr 25 2019 Matheus O. de Alencar , Jair A. Araujo , Wellington R. Justo and Celina Santos de Oliveira
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Jan 10 2019 Euikyu Choi , Wei Du and Michael Malcolm
  The cost of the travel ban to high-tech firms: An event study
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Jan 10 2019 Lin Zhang
  Substitutability in Human Capital Formation and Education Inequality
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Dec 13 2018 Fernando A Barros Jr and Bruno R Delalilbera
  Market frictions, misallocation of talent and development
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Sep 07 2018 Jeremy A. Cook and John Stuart Rabon
  Maternal investments and child cognitive achievement
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Sep 07 2018 Francisco Parro and Patricio Valenzuela
  Longevity, Human Capital and Domestic Investment
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Jul 18 2018 Lumengo Bonga-bonga and Maphelane Phume
  Assessing the relationship between total factor productivity and foreign direct investment in an economy with a skills shortage: the case of South Africa
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Jul 18 2018 Paolo Di Caro , Roberta Arbolino and Ugo Marani
  A note on the effects of human capital policies in Italy during the Great Recession
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Jun 21 2018 Jannet Farida Jacob
  Human capital and higher education: rate of returns across disciplines
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May 25 2018 Thais W. Niquito , Felipe Garcia Ribeiro and Marcelo Savino Portugal
  Institutions or human capital: which is more important for economic performance? Evidence from Brazil
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May 12 2018 Mohamed Mabrouki
  Supporting economic growth through innovation: How does human capital influence the rate of growth?
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Apr 15 2018 Monika Köppl-turyna and Michael Christl
  Returns to Skills or Returns to Tasks? A Comment on Hanushek et al. (2015)
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Dec 01 2017 Francisco Serranito
  Determinants of technology catch-up in MENA and SSA countries: a panel data analysis
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Sep 27 2017 Pia Rosina Pinger
  Predicting Experimental Choice Behavior and Life Outcomes from a Survey Measure of Present Bias
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Aug 31 2017 Catherine L. McDevitt and James R. Irwin
  Women's empowerment and economic growth: Albany, NY, 1760-1860
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Aug 31 2017 Tamara Fioroni
  Human capital and fertility: child vs adult survival
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Jun 05 2017 Komivi Afawubo and Mawuli kodjovi Couchoro
  Do remittances enhance the economic growth effect of private health expenditures in West African Economic and Monetary Union?
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May 04 2017 Gerald Daniels and Venoo Kakar
  Economic Growth and the CES Production Function with Human Capital
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Nov 09 2016 Robert Reed , Karl Boulware and Ejnidu Ume
  Human Capital Investment under Quasi-Geometric Discounting
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Sep 29 2016 Fernando Delbianco , Carlos Dabús and María angeles Caraballo pou
  Growth, Inequality and Corruption: Evidence from Developing Countries
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Sep 03 2016 Gil Epstein , Dalit Gafni and Erez Siniver
  Institutional versus labor market discrimination: The case of Israeli Arabs
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Jun 22 2016 Ori Zax
  Why Do Women Study So Much? The Role of Signaling and Work Commitment
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Nov 20 2015 Kristen Monaco and Steven Yamarik
  Are there human capital externalities in U.S. states? Evidence from the Current Population Survey
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Oct 16 2015 Robert Girtz
  The Effects of Personality Traits on Wages: A Quantile Regression Approach
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Jul 31 2015 Erich Gundlach and Rasmus Thönnessen
  A note on human capital externalities, factor substitution, and technology differences
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Jul 11 2015 Adel Ben Youssef and Leila Peltier- Ben Aoun
  Information and Communication Technologies: Their Use and Short and Long Run Effects
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Jun 01 2015 Gargi Bhattacharya and Sushil Kr. Haldar
  Does demographic dividend yield economic dividend? India, a case study
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Apr 22 2015 Giam Pietro Cipriani
  Child labour, human capital and life expectancy
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Apr 03 2015 Andreas Assiotis , Marios Zachariadis and Andreas Savvides
  What Determines Technology Diffusion Across Frontiers? R&D Content, Human Capital and Institutions
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Mar 12 2015 Adolfo Cristobal Campoamor
  Job competition, employability and incentives for human capital formation
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Mar 11 2015 Nicolas Fleury and Fabrice Gilles
  An evaluation of the impact of industrial restructuring on individual human capital accumulation in France (1956-1993)
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Oct 24 2014 Basanta K Pradhan and Malvika Mahesh
  Impact of trade openness on poverty: a panel data analysis of a set of developing countries
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Sep 16 2014 Bidisha Chakraborty and Kamalika Chakraborty
  Child Labour, human capital formation and size of landholding: short run and long run analysis
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Jul 14 2014 Sarinda Taengnoi
  Economic man and social woman: Determinants of immigrants' life satisfaction
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Jul 12 2014 Damilola Felix Arawomo
  Manufacturing Exports and Import of Capital Goods Nexus: the Nigeria's Case
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May 06 2014 Daniel Leonard and Ngo V Long
  Endogenous changes in tastes
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May 06 2014 Lars Kunze
  Mandatory retirement and economic growth: An inverted U-shaped relationship
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Apr 04 2014 Xiaoyan Chen Youderian
  The motherhood wage penalty and non-working women
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Apr 01 2014 Juan Gabriel Brida , Marta Meleddu , Manuela Pulina and Vania Statzu
  Investigating informal learning at a cultural site
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Jan 24 2014 Paul E. Gabriel and Susanne Schmitz
  A longitudinal examination of racial differences in occupational distributions among prime-aged males in the United States
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Jan 24 2014 Liqun Liu
  Playing to your strength or overcoming your weakness: the role of effort substitutability in skill formation
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Dec 23 2013 Khrystyna Kushnir and Mohammad Amin
  Gender Based Differences in Managerial Experience: The Case of Informal Firms in Rwanda
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Sep 05 2013 Nathapornpan Piyaareekul Uttama
  On the relation between foreign direct investment and regional income inequality towards ASEAN's economic integration
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Aug 14 2013 Bruce Cater , Sohee Kang , Byron Lew and Marco Pollanen
  Permanent Injury and the Disability-Mitigating Effects of Education
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Jul 16 2013 Jacques Pelletan
  Knowledge society and crime: an ambiguous relation
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Jun 06 2013 Juan Gabriel Brida , Silvia London and Mara Rojas
  A Dynamic Model of Tourism and Economic Growth: the Role of Physical and Human Capital
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Apr 26 2013 Vincenzo Lombardo
  Relative consumption and human capital accumulation
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Apr 03 2013 Tim Perri
  Can a draft induce more human capital investment in the military?
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Mar 07 2013 Scott E Page and John Vandermeer
  Inequality and Innovativeness
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Feb 21 2013 Franklin G. Mixon Jr. and Steven B. Caudill
  Campus competition and co-ed allure: An institution-level analysis of collegiate dating markets
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Dec 02 2012 Christian Pfeifer
  The impact of industrial relations and wage structures on repayment agreements for employer-financed training
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Sep 05 2012 Asma Raies
  Do pro-employment public policies matter?
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Aug 21 2012 Simone Marsiglio and Davide La Torre
  A note on demographic shocks in a multi-sector growth model
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Jul 19 2012 Yujie Wu and Michael C Seeborg
  Economic assimilation of Mexican and Chinese immigrants in the United States: is there wage convergence?
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Jun 26 2012 Alexander S. Skorobogatov
  The value of human capital and health behavior
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May 31 2012 Xuelong Wang
  Financial Development and Rural-Urban Inequality: Evidence from China
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May 07 2012 Philippe Darreau and François Pigalle
  Why capital (physical and human) doesn't flow from rich to poor countries ?
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Jan 09 2012 Franklin G. Mixon Jr., Rand W. Ressler and Richard J. Cebula
  Beyond the Friday night lights: Social networks, migration, and individual success in college football
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Jun 29 2011 Kouki Sugawara
  The worst forms of child labour: dynamic model and policy implication
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Feb 14 2011 Juan Gabriel Brida , Juan S. Pereyra and Wiston Adrián Risso
  Learning strategies in modelling economic growth
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Oct 29 2010 Aviral Kumar Tiwari
  Corporate governance and economic growth
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Aug 18 2010 Tiago Neves Sequeira and Alexandra Ferreira-Lopes
  On the Welfare Properties of the Lucas and Romer Endogenous Growth Models
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May 12 2010 Joao Tovar Jalles
  Does democracy foster or hinder growth? Extreme-type political regimes in a large panel
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Dec 09 2009 Minoru Watanabe and Masaya Yasuoka
  Income growth, inequality and preference for education investment: a note
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Oct 28 2009 Megumi Mochida
  Child-allowances, fertility, and uncertain lifetime
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Oct 07 2009 Jaqueson K. Galimberti
  A proxy-variable search procedure
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Sep 23 2009 Mohamed Ben Mimoun and Asma Raies
  Education and economic growth: the role of public expenditures allocation
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Feb 28 2009 Khaskhoussi Fouad , Langot Francois , Khaskhoussi Tarek and Cheron Arnaud
  Incentive Schemes to Delay Retirement and the Equilibrium Interplay with Human Capital Investment
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Nov 14 2008 Hideaki Goto
  Social norms, inequality and fertility
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Jul 26 2008 Heyung-Jik Lee
  The value of nursing education in Canada: the choice of diploma or baccalaureate degree
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Jul 23 2008 Wu Jyun-Yi and Hsu Chih-Chiang
  Does Foreign Direct Investment Promote Economic Growth? Evidence from a Threshold Regression Analysis
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Jul 15 2008 Jeffrey Hyde , Lisa Holden and Richard Stup
  The Effect of Human Resource Management Practices on Farm Profitability: An Initial Assessment
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Mar 31 2008 Luca Gori and Luciano Fanti
  Human capital, income, fertility and child policy
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Mar 13 2008 Riccardo Tilli and Enrico Saltari
  Do labor market conditions affect the strictness of employment protection legislation?
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Mar 12 2008 Silvia London , Wiston Adrian Risso and Juan Gabriel Brida
  Human capital and innovation: a model of endogenous growth with a “skill-loss effect”
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Mar 05 2008 Masaya Yasuoka , Megumi Katahira and Tamotsu Nakamura
  Private Education and Positive Growth with Shrinking Income Inequality: A Note
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Oct 09 2007 Manabu Shimasawa
  Population ageing, policy reforms and economic growth in Japan: a computable OLG model with endogenous growth mechanism
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Oct 09 2007 Petr Duczynski
  A Note on the Imbalance Effect in the Uzawa-Lucas Model
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Oct 09 2007 Myeong Hwan Kim , Soung Chan Lee and Kwang Woo Park
  Income Inequality and Marriage
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Jul 24 2007 Thanasis Stengos , Andreas Savvides , Theofanis Mamuneas and Elena Ketteni
  Is the Financial Development and Economic Growth Relationship Nonlinear?
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Mar 24 2007 Frederic Tournemaine
  Can population promote income per-capita growth? A balanced perspective
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Mar 19 2007 José de Hevia and María Arrazola
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Feb 18 2007 Takeshi Nakata
  Habit Formation, Parents' Education Spending, and Growth
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Feb 07 2007 Marcella D'Uva and Rita De Siano
  Human capital and "club convergence" in Italian regions
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Jan 04 2007 Stephane Ciriani
  Education policy in a general equilibrium model with heterogeneous agents.
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Jul 14 2006 Kazuhiro Yamamoto and Ken Tabata
  Sectorial sift, inverted U-shaped fertility dynamics, and growth
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Mar 23 2006 Manuel A. Gómez
  Equilibrium efficiency in the Uzawa-Lucas model with sector-specific externalities
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Feb 21 2006 Claudia Hermeling and Martin Barbie
  Optimal Taxation in a Simple Model of Human Capital Accumulation
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Jan 28 2006 Nigar Hashimzade and George Davis
  Human capital and growth under political uncertainty
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May 23 2005 Katarina R. I. Keller and Panu Poutvaara
  Growth in OECD countries and elsewhere: how much do education and R&D explain?
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Mar 04 2005 Erdal Atukeren and Aniela Wirz
  An analysis of perceived overqualification in the Swiss labor market
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Jan 12 2005 Kazuo Mino and Yunfang Hu
  Schooling, Working Experiences, and Human Capital Formation
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Nov 11 2004 Ryo Horii , Koichi Futagami and Akiomi Kitagawa
  Investment efficiency and intergenerational income distribution: a paradoxical result
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Oct 12 2004 Megumi Mochida
  Educational loan and human capital accumulation in a small open economy
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Feb 27 2004 Kam-Ki Tang and Yi-Ping Tseng
  Constructing a measure of industry-specific human capital using Tobin's q theory
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Dec 15 2003 François-Charles Wolff and Mohamed Jellal
  International migration and human capital formation
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May 22 2003 Tristan-Pierre Maury and Fabien Tripier
  Output persistence in human capital-based growth models
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Oct 24 2002 Anthony Bende-Nabende
  Foreign direct investment determinants in Sub-Sahara Africa: A co-integration analysis
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Sep 25 2002 Fernando Pueyo and Marcos Sanso
  Skill gaps: existence and efficiency
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