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Jun 30 2024 Karima Habibi and Salwa Trabelsi
  Is there a link between government spending, good governance, and economic growth? Evidence from developing countries
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Sep 30 2023 Tsuyoshi Goto
  Do municipal mergers reduce public expenditure? Evidence from the MTE approach
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Jun 30 2023 Clio Ciaschini , Margherita Carlucci , Francesco Maria Chelli , Giuseppe Ricciardo Lamonica and Luca Salvati
  COVID-19 and decreasing consumption: a multisectoral assesment for Italy
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Mar 30 2023 Maiga Nouhoun Oumarou and Sirpe Gnanderman
  Optimal size of public expenditure in the countries of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU)
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Nov 16 2022 Harry A Patrinos
  Returns to Education in Greece: Evidence from the 1977 Labor Market Survey using the Greek Civil War as an Instrument
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Jun 30 2022 Hyungue Lim and Jongsung Kim
  Relative (in)efficiency and its opportunity cost of the U.S healthcare spending: a data envelopment analysis approach
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Jun 30 2022 Karl-Friedrich Israel
  The expenditure approach to income and substitution effects
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Apr 05 2022 Katsuyoshi Nakazawa , Tomohisa Miyashita and Akira Yokoyama
  The Effect of Urban Compaction on Financial Efficiency
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Dec 29 2021 Shiou-Yen Chu and Brian Chi-ang Lin
  Wagner-Keynesian Nexus in a DSGE Model
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Dec 29 2021 Namrata Gulati and Vikash Gautam
  Local neighbourhood effect on hospitalisation expenditure in India
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Dec 29 2021 Hiroaki Masuhara
  Multi-episode count data estimation for health care demand
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Sep 17 2021 Sosson Tadadjeu , Alim Belek , Henri Njangang , Marie-Laure Belomo and Brice Kamguia
  Does women's political empowerment promote public health expenditure in Africa?
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Jul 18 2021 Rafi Hossain and Ashikur Rahman
  Is There Anything Good About Corporate Tax Cut?
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Apr 09 2021 Yusuke Miyake
  Childcare Support and Public Capital in an Ultra-Declining Birthrate Society
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Apr 09 2021 Nirajana Banerjee , Ritojeet Basu , Ananya De and Monalisa Poali
  Global inequality in life expectancies: what role does income inequality play?
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Apr 09 2021 Abu Bakkar Siddique
  Does ethnic diversity hurt fiscal sustainability?
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Mar 10 2021 Abdoulaye Dramane
  Effect of the size of government spending on corruption in sub-saharan african countries
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Nov 24 2020 Fabricio Linhares and Glauber Nojosa
  Changes in the tax-spend nexus: Evidence from selected European countries
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Oct 12 2020 Jamiil Jeetoo
  Healthcare Expenditure and Baumol Cost Disease in Sub-Sahara Africa
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Jul 14 2020 Juan A. Sanchis-llopis and Antonio Cutanda
  The Spanish cyclicality of the user cost of labour
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Jun 07 2020 Angelo Castaldo , Maria Alessandra Antonelli , Valeria De Bonis and Giorgia Marini
  Determinants of health sector efficiency: evidence from a two-step analysis on 30 OECD countries
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Feb 05 2020 Myeong Hwan Kim , Yongseung Han , Heather L.R. Tierney and Eréndira Yareth Vargas López
  The Economic Consequences of Government Spending in South Korea
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Feb 05 2020 Alcide Bennet and Brandon Renfro
  Valuation, Dividend Yield, and the Expenditure Savings Multiple
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Nov 03 2019 Ngoc-Sang Pham and Thi Kim Cuong Pham
  Foreign aid, recipient government's fiscal behavior, and economic growth
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Oct 20 2019 Jeff Chan
  The Effect of Immigration on Local Public Finances
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Aug 27 2019 Jean-François Verne and Carole Doueiry Verne
  Chaos in Lebanese GDP: The Lorenz Attractor Approach
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Jul 12 2019 Vighneswara Swamy
  Wealth Effects and Macroeconomic Dynamics
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Jun 15 2019 Jochen Hartwig and Jan Egbert Sturm
  Do fiscal rules breed inequality? First evidence for the EU
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May 15 2019 Jeetendra Khadan and Amrita Deonarine
  Testing the Inter-temporal Budget Constraint for Small States
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May 02 2019 Salwa Trabelsi
  The governance threshold effect on the relationship between public education financing and income inequality
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Mar 16 2019 Dweepobotee Brahma and Debasri Mukherjee
  India's Universal Immunization Program: a lesson from Machine Learning
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Feb 02 2019 Anna Bussu , Claudio Detotto and Peter Leadbetter
  Understanding the influence of guilt, loss and self-awareness on gambling behaviour
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Jan 10 2019 Euikyu Choi , Wei Du and Michael Malcolm
  The cost of the travel ban to high-tech firms: An event study
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Dec 27 2018 Md. Sharif Hossain , Rajarshi Mitra and Md. Iqbal Hossain
  The Determinants of Inbound FDI: Asia on a Reappraisal
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Jul 18 2018 Punarjit Roychowdhury
  Visible consumption, relative deprivation, and health: evidence from a developing country
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May 12 2018 Masamitsu Kurata , Noriatsu Matsui , Yukio Ikemoto and Hiromi Tsuboi
  Multidimensional Impacts of Solar Home Systems: Evidence from Rural Bangladesh
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Feb 27 2018 Jayanta Sen and Debarati Das
  Commodity-specific consumer expenditure in India: pro-poor or pro-rich
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Feb 27 2018 Takahiro Yamada
  Dynamics of Spatial Inequality and Poverty: Evidence from Two Decades of Surveys in Vietnam, 1993-2014
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Feb 09 2018 Aadil Ahmad Ganaie , Sajad ahmad Bhat and Bandi Kamaiah
  Macro-determinants of Income Inequality: An Empirical Analysis in case of India
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Nov 19 2017 Yawo A. Noglo and Komivi Afawubo
  The change in monetary inequality among households in Togo over 2011-2015: an illustration based on the decomposition of the Gini coefficient using the Shapley value approach
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Nov 19 2017 Nicolas Yol
  The ambiguous effects of remittances on health expenditure: a panel data analysis
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Sep 27 2017 Eugene Kouassi , Gnoudentiho G Silue , Oluyele Akinkugbe and Jean Marcelin B Brou
  Health expenditures and Income with Nonstationary Panel Data: Evidence from ECOWAS Member Countries
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Sep 27 2017 Alla Fridman and Alexey Verbetsky
  Universities' competition under dual tuition system
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Sep 27 2017 Claudiu T Albulescu , Cornel Oros and Aviral K Tiwari
  Is there any convergence in health expenditures across EU countries?
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Aug 31 2017 Jean-michel Sahut , Eric Braune and Frédéric Teulon
  What drives CVC investments? An Empirical Test of Social Network Theory Predictions
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Aug 31 2017 Fernando Barros Jr , Francisco L Lima Filho and Diego M Silva
  The Welfare Cost of Business Cycles for Heterogeneous Consumers: A State-Space Decomposition
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Jul 23 2017 Md.Thasinul Abedin
  Impact of Banking Sector Efficiency and Profitability on Bangladesh Economy
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Jul 16 2017 Ralf Dewenter and Ulrich Heimeshoff
  Predicting Advertising Volumes Using Structural Time Series Models: A Case Study
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Jul 02 2017 Armagan Tuna Aktuna-gunes , Francois Gardes and Christophe Starzec
  Informal Markets, Domestic Production and Demand Elasticities: A Case Study for Turkey
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Jun 05 2017 Komivi Afawubo and Mawuli kodjovi Couchoro
  Do remittances enhance the economic growth effect of private health expenditures in West African Economic and Monetary Union?
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Feb 25 2017 Fabiana Rocha , Plinio Portela de Oliveira , Janete Duarte , Sérgio Ricardo de Brito Gadelha and Luis Felipe Vital Nunes Pereira
  Can Education Targets be Met Without Increasing Public Spending? An Analysis for Brazilian Municipalities
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Jan 26 2017 Gaurav Nayyar
  Economic Growth and the Income-Consumption Disconnect: Evidence from Indian States
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Jan 17 2017 Xiangdan Piao
  Sweets or Alcohol? The Gender Battle within Japanese Families
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Aug 24 2016 Karim Barkat , Zouhair Mrabet and Mouyad Alsamara
  Does Official Development Assistance for health from developed countries displace government health expenditure in Sub-Saharan countries?
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Jun 22 2016 Yawo Noglo
  The study of gender inequality among Togolese households through the (α,β)- multi-level α- Gini decomposition: an approach using equivalence scales
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Jun 11 2016 Amitrajeet A. Batabyal and Hamid Beladi
  A game model of competition for market share between a new good producer and a remanufacturer
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Mar 17 2016 Vlad Manole and Will Martin
  Aggregating trade distortions
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Dec 18 2015 Ha Le , Cuong Nguyen and Tung Phung
  Multidimensional poverty: evidence from Vietnam
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Oct 16 2015 Christian Dudel
  Nonparametric bounds on equivalence scales
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Sep 22 2015 Mihai Mutascu
  A bootstrap panel Granger causality analysis of government revenues and expenditures in the PIIGS countries
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Sep 22 2015 Itchoko motande Mondjeli mwa ndjokou
  Too much public expenditures, less economic growth?
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Jun 01 2015 António Afonso and Jorge Silva
  The track record of fiscal forecasting in the EU
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Jun 01 2015 Rasmane Ouedraogo
  Does pro-cyclical fiscal policy lead to more income inequality? An empirical analysis for sub-saharan Africa
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May 14 2015 Arnaud Chéron , Pierre-jean Messe and Jerome Ronchetti
  Employer-provided health insurance and equilibrium wages with two-sided heterogeneity
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Mar 28 2015 Simon Naitram , Justin Carter and Shane Lowe
  Three states of fiscal multipliers in a small open economy
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Mar 22 2015 Ashish Singh , Kaushalendra Kumar and Abhishek Singh
  The Changing Structure of Inequality in India, 1993-2010: Some Observations and Consequences
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Mar 11 2015 Bidisha Lahiri
  Role of labor intensity interaction in the relation between abatement expenditure and production
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Sep 14 2014 Mauricio Bugarin and Yasushi Hazama
  Consumer economic confidence and preference for redistribution: Main equilibrium results
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Jul 12 2014 Raffaele Lagravinese and Massimo Paradiso
  Corruption and health expenditure in Italian Regions
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Jul 10 2014 Namrata Gulati and Abhimanyu Dadu
  Inequality, Neighbourhoods and Variation in Prices
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Jun 20 2014 Swadhin Mondal , Henry Lucas , David Peters and Barun Kanjilal
  Catastrophic out-of-pocket payment for healthcare and implications for household coping strategies: evidence from West Bengal, India
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Jan 30 2014 Paolo Delle Site
  On the expenditure function and welfare in random utility models
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Dec 30 2013 Olalekan Bashir Aworinde
  The tax-spend nexus in Nigeria: Evidence from Nonlinear Causality
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Sep 03 2013 Hironori Otsubo
  Do campaign spending limits diminish competition? An experiment
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Aug 29 2013 Simplice A Asongu and Jellal Mohamed
  On the channels of foreign aid to corruption
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Aug 05 2013 Anton Nivorozhkin , Ludmila Nivorozhkina and Kamila Abazieva
  Expenditures and Income Adequacy at Retirement
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Aug 02 2013 Simiao Li
  Tullock contests under committee administration
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Jul 11 2013 Lirong Liu
  Analysis of Firm Compliance with Multiple Environmental regulations
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Jun 21 2013 Ayca Kaya
  Dynamics of price and advertising as quality signals: anything goes
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Jun 03 2013 Daniel Ventosa-santaulària , Manuel Gómez-zaldívar and Lizet A Pérez
  Long-run relationship with shifts between Mexican current account revenues and expenditures
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May 19 2013 Prasant Kumar Panda and Velan Nirmala
  Central Fiscal Transfers and States' Spending In India: An Analysis of Incentive Effect
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May 13 2013 Xinzheng Shi
  Impact of household educational expenditures on the test scores of children
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Mar 04 2013 George Marbuah
  Modelling import demand behaviour in Ghana: a re-examination
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Oct 09 2012 Yashobanta Parida
  Causal Link between Central Government Revenue and Expenditure: Evidence for India
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Oct 05 2012 Shumei Hirai
  Existence and Uniqueness of Pure Nash Equilibrium in Asymmetric Contests with Endogenous Prizes
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Sep 27 2012 Raymond Lee
  Multipliers: A brief note on spending efficiency
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Aug 01 2012 Yen-ju Lin and Chun-chih Chen
  Eating Behavior and the Utilization of Outpatient Services - The Case of Taiwan
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Jul 30 2012 Sooriyakumar Krishnapillai and Henry Kinnucan
  The effects of automobile production and local government expenditure on poverty in alabama
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Jul 20 2012 Miguel A. Espinosa and Juan D. Prada
  Identities for Homogeneous Utility Functions
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Jul 19 2012 Sandrine A. Kablan and Josef L. Loening
  An empirical assessment of the Dutch disease channel of the resource curse: the case of Chad
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Jul 12 2012 Yoshito Funashima
  Counter-cyclical policy and political manipulation: An empirical analysis of Japanese government expenditures
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Mar 25 2012 Seiya Fujisaki
  Optimal fiscal policy with social status and productive government expenditure
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Feb 27 2012 Mark J. Holmes and Xin Shen
  An Alternative Nonlinear Perspective on the Consumption, Income and Wealth Relationship
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Feb 16 2012 Alessandra Catozzella and Marco Vivarelli
  The possible adverse impact of innovation subsidies: some evidence from a bivariate switching model
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Nov 21 2011 Munic Boungnarasy
  Health care expenditures in Asia countries: Panel data analysis
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Nov 02 2011 Meixing Dai and Moïse Sidiropoulos
  Fiscal disciplining effect of central bank opacity: Stackelberg versus Nash equilibrium
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Oct 05 2011 Bérangère Legendre
  Inequalities between retirees and workers: an empirical model to capture the effect of taxation
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Aug 17 2011 Ashish Singh
  Gender based intra-household inequality of opportunity in academic skills among Indian children
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Jul 14 2011 Theara Horn
  Welfare Effects of Access to Water Service in Cambodia
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Jul 06 2011 Jeremy J Jackson
  A legislative bargaining approach to earmarked public expenditures
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Jun 25 2011 Gianluca Lagana and Pasquale Sgro
  Fiscal Policy and US-Canadian Trade
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Jun 05 2011 Fengbao Yin and Shigeyuki Hamori
  Estimating the import demand function in the autoregressive distributed lag framework: The case of China
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May 24 2011 Jean-François VERNE
  An econometric analysis of the output gap fluctuations: The case of Lebanon
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Apr 17 2011 Atsushi Maki and Kenji Wada
  Estimation of consumption-capital asset pricing model (C-CAPM) with two clusters of consumption expenditures
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Jan 04 2011 Subrata Guha
  The necessary condition for stability in Tobin's Walras-Keynes-Phillips model: A note
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Dec 09 2010 Udaya S Mishra and William Joe
  Defining poor to defining rich: Gauging the middle class in India
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Nov 08 2010 Yoshihiko Tsukuda and Tatsuyoshi Miyakoshi
  Econometric Analysis of Fiscal Policy Budget Constraints in Endogenous Growth Models
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Oct 29 2010 Aviral Kumar Tiwari
  Corporate governance and economic growth
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Oct 02 2010 Kerstin Bruckmeier and Barbara Schwengler
  Estimating the redistributive effects of the federal unemployment and pension insurance on the regional income distribution in Germany
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Sep 28 2010 Sule Akkoyunlu , Frank R. Lichtenberg , Boriss Siliverstovs and Peter Zweifel
  Spurious correlation in estimation of the health production function: A note
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Aug 04 2010 Claudio Detotto and Pulina Manuela
  Testing the effects of crime on the Italian economy
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May 06 2010 T.K. Jayaraman , Chee-Keong Choong and Siong-Hook Law
  Testing the Validity of Twin Deficit Hypothesis in Pacific Island Countries: An Empirical Investigation
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Apr 22 2010 Alberto Bagnai
  Twin deficits in CEEC economies: evidence from panel unit root tests
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Mar 25 2010 Seiya Fujisaki and Kazuo Mino
  Long-Run Impacts of Inflation Tax with Endogenous Capital Depreciation
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Feb 08 2010 Mahalia Jackman and Troy Lorde
  On the Relationship between Tourist Flows and Household Expenditure in Barbados: A Dynamic OLS Approach
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Jan 06 2010 Nejat Anbarci and Mustafa Caglayan
  Do institutions, inequality and cultural differences affect cadaveric versus live-kidney harvesting?
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Dec 21 2009 Jim F. Couch , David L. Black and Philip A. Burton
  Efficiency considerations and the allocation of new deal funds: an examination of the public goods explanation of expenditure patterns
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Dec 01 2009 Cinzia Di Novi
  Sample Selection Correction in Panel Data Models When Selectivity Is Due to Two Sources
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Sep 23 2009 Mohamed Ben Mimoun and Asma Raies
  Education and economic growth: the role of public expenditures allocation
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Sep 02 2009 Bharati Basu and Richard B Clemmer
  Do immigrants pose a fiscal burden on the host country budget? : a case study for Michigan.
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Jul 08 2009 Seiya Fujisaki and Kazuo Mino
  Long-Run Impacts of Inflation Tax in the Presence of Multiple Capital Goods
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Jun 28 2009 John Beirne
  Vulnerability of inflation in the new EU Member States to country-specific and global factors
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Jun 05 2009 Francesco Chelli , Chiara Gigliarano and Elvio Mattioli
  The impact of inflation on heterogeneous groups of households: an application to italy
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Apr 30 2009 Cuong Viet Nguyen
  Does production of traded agricultural products help poverty reduction? evidence from Vietnam
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Apr 29 2009 Daisuke Takahashi
  Quantitative evaluation of the Japanese rice policy reforms under the WTO agreement on agriculture
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Mar 24 2009 Juha Tervala
  Productive government spending and private consumption: a pessimistic view
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Dec 20 2008 Haruaki Hirota and Hideo Yunoue
  Does Broader-Based Local Government affect Expenditure on Public Long-Term Care Insurance? The Case of Japan
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Nov 05 2008 Cassey Lee
  The Relationship Between Innovation, Productivity and Exports: Some Preliminary Evidence from the Malaysian Manufacturing Sector
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Oct 24 2008 Ludovic JULIEN
  Market power, the multiplier and economic policy under oligopolistic competition
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Oct 16 2008 Juan Gabriel Brida and Stefan Franz Schubert
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Oct 01 2008 Rossana Patron
  Enhancing the public provision of education: the economics of education reform in developing countries
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Sep 16 2008 Ari Francisco de Araujo Junior and Cláudio D. Shikida
  Military Expenditures, External Threats and Economic Growth
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Jul 23 2008 Elena Bardasi and Quentin Wodon
  Who pays the most for water? Alternative providers and service costs in Niger
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Apr 20 2008 Tsuyoshi Adachi and Yasuhiko Nakamura
  A Theory of Civil Conflict and Democracy in Unequal Societies
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Apr 14 2008 Edgar J Sanchez Carrera , W. Adrian Risso and Juan Gabriel Brida
  Tourism's Impact on Long-Run Mexican Economic Growth
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Mar 12 2008 Hiromasa Takahashi , Akihiro Suzuki and Toru Takemoto
  The Soft Budget Constraint Problem in a Dynamic Central Leadership Model
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Mar 09 2008 Radhika Lahiri and Elisabetta Magnani
  On inequality and the allocation of public spending
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Mar 06 2008 Manami Ogura
  The examination of the validity of the Divisia price index for the almost ideal demand system model: Some Monte Carlo results
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Jan 13 2008 Diego Angel-Urdinola and Shweta Jain
  Do subsidized health programs in Armenia increase utilization among the poor?
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Nov 30 2007 Christophe Rault and António Afonso
  Should we care for structural breaks when assessing fiscal sustainability?
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Nov 14 2007 Cho-Min Lin and Kung-Cheng Lin
  The demand for lottery expenditure in Taiwan: a quantile regression approach
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Oct 04 2007 Thomas Gaube
  A note on the link between public expenditures and distortionary taxation
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Sep 18 2007 Jeffrey Hyde and Brent Gloy
  Dynamic strategic responses among advertisers: the case of meat products
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Aug 02 2007 Sanjaya Acharya
  Flow Structure in Nepal and the Benefit to the Poor
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Jul 17 2007 emmanuel mamatzakis and Panos Fousekis
  Towards a Common EU Policy on Income Distribution: the case of Social Benefit Expenditures
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Jun 12 2007 Todd Nesbit and Joseph Palardy
  Traditional public schools versus charter schools: a comparison of technical efficiency
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Jun 12 2007 Thanasis Stengos and Dianqin Wang
  Testing for Shape Invariance of Semiparametric Equivalence Scales
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Apr 09 2007 Onur Baser
  Propensity Score Matching with Limited Overlap
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  Competition in the allocation of public spending: a new model to analyse the interaction between expenditure categories
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Apr 02 2007 Jason Taylor and Fred Bateman
  Does the distribution of New Deal spending reflect an optimal provision of public goods?
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Mar 21 2007 Thierry Vignolo , Jacques Percebois and Agnes dArtigues
  The time-inconsistency of alternative energy policy
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Feb 02 2006 Brian Francis and Sunday Iyare
  Education and development in the caribbean: a cointegration and causality approach
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Feb 02 2006 Celestin Chameni Nembua
  A note on the decomposition of the coefficient of variation squared: comparing entropy and Dagum's methods
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Jan 09 2006 Joe Stone and Jo Anna Gray
  Ricardian equivalence for sub-national states
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Dec 06 2005 Sergio Da Silva , Guilherme Moura and Roberto Meurer
  Travel hysteresis in the US current account after the mid-1980s
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Jun 13 2005 Nobuhito Suga
  Reconsideration of trade patterns in a Chamberlinian-Ricardian model
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Mar 16 2005 Andrew Worthington
  A note on households' choice of emergency finance
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Dec 14 2004 Tomohiro Kuroda
  Local content protection reconsidered: the case of domestic monopsonist
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Mar 15 2004 Joachim Winter
  Response bias in survey-based measures of household consumption
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Nov 07 2003 Cheryl Long and Richard Boylan
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Aug 21 2003 Kei Hosoya
  Tax financed government health expenditure and growth with capital deepening externality
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Jul 21 2003 Christopher Baum , Neslihan Ozkan and Mustafa Caglayan
  Sectoral fluctuations in U.K. firms' investment expenditures
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Jun 13 2003 Toshihiro Matsumura
  Strategic R and D investments with uncertainty
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Jan 24 2003 Frederic Vermeulen
  Do smokers behave differently? A tale of zero expenditures and separability concepts
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Sep 11 2002 Begona Casino
  J curve for abatement with transboundary pollution
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Jan 19 2002 Eduardo Ley
  On Plutocratic and Democratic CPIs
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