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Jun 30 2024 Erickosowo Tiku and Kevin Sylwester
  The importance of ethnicity in perceived school and clinic quality in Africa
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Jun 30 2024 Mathurin Aimé Mekam Pouatcha , Marilena Giannetti and Elton Beqiraj
  The relationship between FDI and population health in Sub-Saharan Africa: The role of per-capita income
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Jun 30 2024 Essosinam Franck Karabou and Komlan Ametowoyo Adeve
  Empirical investigation of the relationship between terrorism, public debt and economically active women in the ECOWAS zone
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Mar 30 2024 Yosra Saidi
  Remittances and growth in Africa: Does financial development and institutional quality matter?
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Mar 30 2024 Sana Ben Abdallah , Dhafer Saidane and Sami Ben Mim
  The impact of governance on environmental performance: evidence from African countries
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Dec 30 2023 Jean Claude Kouakou Brou and Mamadou Thiam
  External debt and capital flight in sub-Saharan Africa: The role of institutions
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Sep 30 2023 Mina Baliamoune-Lutz
  Does trade openness affect youth unemployment? New evidence from developing and emerging economies
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Sep 30 2023 Ekaterina Pirozhkova and Nicola Viegi
  Changing the inflation target in emerging markets: the reward of reducing risk
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Sep 30 2023 Jasnine Mogem Kouam , Luc Nembot Ndeffo and Mathurin Aimé Mekam Pouatcha
  The long and short run effects of foreign direct investment on economic complexity in Sub-Saharan African countries.
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Sep 30 2023 Valentine Soumtang Bime and Itchoko Motande Mondjeli Mwa Ndjokou
  Does institutional quality matter in financial development and income inequality nexus? new evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
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Jun 30 2023 Fabrice Nguegang
  Effect of foreign direct investment on population health in Africa: Is there any threshold role of governance?
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Jun 30 2023 Ichaou Mounirou and Nassibou Bassongui
  Welfare impact of organic cotton adoption in Benin
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Jun 30 2023 Philippe Jean-Amans , Harouna Wassongma and François Seck Fall
  Determinants of innovation in small- and medium-sized enterprises in Senegal
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Mar 30 2023 Doukoure Charles Fe and Romain Kouakou N'guessan
  Does international trade stimulate structural change in Africa?
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Mar 30 2023 Aïcha Tiendrebeogo
  Entrepreneurship And Informal Economy In Africa
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Mar 30 2023 Maxime Agbo and Agnes Zabsonre
  Why and how a well-intended (local) government can hide information from citizens for their own good: The case of public goods provision in less developed areas
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Mar 30 2023 Samuel cédric Nkot and Sezard Timbi
  Governance and financial development: does financial openness matter? Evidence from Sub-Saharan African countries
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Mar 30 2023 Achille Augustin DIENDERE and Abdoul Hadirou YODA
  Understanding the effects of migrant remittances on agricultural production in West African countries
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Mar 30 2023 Agnes Zabsonre and Maxime Agbo
  Early marriage and early childbearing in West Africa: Does ethnicity matter?
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Mar 30 2023 Maiga Nouhoun Oumarou and Sirpe Gnanderman
  Optimal size of public expenditure in the countries of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU)
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Dec 30 2022 Dramane Abdoulaye
  Corruption, property rights and economic growth in Africa: empirical evidence from natural resource rich countries
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Dec 30 2022 Isaac Ketu , Jules-Eric Tchapchet Tchouto and Arsene Mouongue Kelly
  Does infrastructure development drive economic complexity in African countries?
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Dec 30 2022 Houda Badri and Saïd Souam
  Inequality, education and democracy in Africa
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Sep 30 2022 Alain Biakolo Onana , Xaverie-Euphemie Okah Atenga , Mohaman Gabdo Tamboutou and Bmermoz Homere III Nsoga Nsoga
  Regional financial integration and inclusive growth in African franc zone countries
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Jun 30 2022 Hibrahim Limi Kouotou and Boniface Ngah Epo
  Duration of heads of state in power and economic growth: a Sub-Saharan African tale
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Jun 30 2022 Jacques Simon Song , Hervé William Mougnol A Ekoula and Adalbert Abraham Ghislain Melingui Bate
  Does ICTs diffusion increase bilateral trade in Africa? Empirical evidence using an augmented gravity model
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Jun 30 2022 Gaston Brice Nkoumou Ngoa
  Do remittances affect labor market outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa
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Feb 20 2022 Jean Francky Landry Ngono
  Capital flight, quality of institutions and domestic investment in Africa
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Dec 29 2021 Christian-lambert Nguena , Fulbert Tchana tchana and Albert Zeufack
  On the determinants of housing finance development: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)
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Dec 29 2021 Alastaire Sèna Alinsato , Franck Nkeudjoua and Boris Houenou
  Technical efficiency of electric companies in sub-saharan africa
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Dec 29 2021 Guillermo Peña and Fernando Sanz-Gracia
  Zipf's exponent and Zipf's law in the BRICS: a rolling sample regressions approach
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Sep 23 2021 Maxime Agbo and Agnès Zabsonré
  Colonial and socio-economic history and HIV prevalence in sub-Saharan Africa: a multi-level model analysis
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Sep 17 2021 Ongo Nkoa Bruno Emmanuel , Song Jacques Simon and Balla Mekongo Célestin Ghislain
  Inequalities in Africa : Does financial integration matter?
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Sep 17 2021 Sosson Tadadjeu , Alim Belek , Henri Njangang , Marie-Laure Belomo and Brice Kamguia
  Does women's political empowerment promote public health expenditure in Africa?
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Sep 17 2021 Jean Francky Landry Ngono
  Women's empowerment, self-employment and incomes inequalities in Sub-Saharan Africa
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Sep 17 2021 Mark Edem Kunawotor , Charles Barnor and Raymond Dziwornu
  The Income Redistributive Effects of Taxes in Africa
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Sep 17 2021 Hermann Ndoya Hegueu and Aristophane Djeufack dongmo
  Urbanization, Governance and Informal Economy: an African Tale.
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Sep 17 2021 Ajoumessi Houmpe Donal
  CO2 emission in Africa: national leader's professional background effect
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Sep 17 2021 Guivis Zeufack Nkemgha , Vladimir Kengne and Armel Peuwo Djouaka
  Does the exploitation of natural resources promote the industrialization of African countries?
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Jul 18 2021 Martin Ambassa Messy and Itchoko Motande Mondjeli Mwa Ndjokou
  Taxation and Income Inequality in Sub-Saharan Africa
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Jul 18 2021 Idrys Fransmel Okombi
  Non-Linear Response of Fiscal Policy to the Business Cycle: Empirical Evidence in Sub-Saharan Africa
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Jul 18 2021 Chimere Iheonu , Shedrach Agbutun and Chinedum Chiemela
  Human Rights in Sub Saharan Africa: Understanding the Influence Of Militarisation, Governance and Democracy
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Jul 18 2021 Sulekha Hembram and Sushil Kr. Haldar
  Revisiting global income convergence: 1990-2018 A disaggregated analysis
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Jul 18 2021 Désiré Avom , Chrysost Bangaké and Hermann Ndoya
  Measuring financial inclusion in African countries
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Apr 09 2021 Doukoure Charle Fe
  Trade flows between the West African Economic and Monetary Union's members so little: does exports structure matter ?
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Apr 09 2021 Armand Totouom
  Natural resources, economic freedom and Foreign Direct Investment in Africa
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Apr 09 2021 Manuela CHETUE Komguep and Luc NDEFFO Nembot
  Why Do Employment Policies Fail to Reduce Unemployment in Sub-Saharan Africa? Looking towards the brain drain
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Apr 09 2021 Ludovic Feulefack Kemmanang
  Do thin capitalization rules crowd out multinational firms in Africa? Looking towards efficiency in revenue mobilization
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Apr 09 2021 Issa Dianda , Idrissa Ouedraogo and Jean de dieu Goumbri
  Closing the Gender Gap in Secondary School Enrolment in sub-Saharan Africa: Does women's political empowerment matter?
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Apr 09 2021 Abba Yadou Barnabé , Ningaye Paul and Bangake Chrysost
  Do remittances spur financial inclusion in Africa? a multi-dimensional approach
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Mar 10 2021 Abdoulaye Dramane
  Effect of the size of government spending on corruption in sub-saharan african countries
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Mar 10 2021 Ludovic Feulefack Kemmanang and Jonas Juleo Dongmo Zamke
  Colonial spectre and foreign investments concentration: Does African growth escape?
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Mar 10 2021 Andrew Phiri
  Beyond the chains: Slavery and Africa's wealth gap with the world
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Dec 31 2020 Arsène Aurelien Njamen Kengdo , Tii N. Nchofoung and Philemon Bonaventure Ntang
  Effect of external debt on the level of infrastructure in Africa
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Dec 17 2020 Donal Ajoumessi Houmpe and Ngouhouo Ibrahim
  The effect of African leaders' foreign education/training on the completion of primary education in their countries
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Dec 14 2020 Beatrice D. Simo-Kengne and Lumengo Bonga-Bonga
  House prices and fertility in South Africa: A spatial econometric analysis
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Dec 02 2020 Ibrahim N Ouattara
  A bootstrap panel granger causality analysis of the relationships between financial sector development and globalization in sub-saharan african countries
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Nov 18 2020 Stéphane Mbiankeu Nguea , Issidor Noumba and Armand Gilbert Noula
  Does Globalization improve Health in Sub-Saharan African countries?
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Nov 14 2020 Gislain Stéphane Gandjon Fankem and Mohamadou Oumarou
  'Trade Openness and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa : Evidence from New Trade Openness Indicator
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Oct 12 2020 Keunkwan Ryu and Yong Yoon
  Convergence or confusion? A study of world economic growth
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Oct 12 2020 Dieudonne Mignamissi and Yselle Flora Malah Kuete
  What Makes Africans Happy?
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Oct 12 2020 Jamiil Jeetoo
  Healthcare Expenditure and Baumol Cost Disease in Sub-Sahara Africa
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Oct 12 2020 Stéphane Mbiankeu Nguea
  Openness and Government Size in Sub-Saharan African countries
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Oct 12 2020 Henri Njangang and Yann Nounamo
  Is information and communication technology a driver of industrialization process in African countries?
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Sep 24 2020 Raymond Frempong , David Stadelmann and Frederik Wild
  Coronavirus-Lockdowns, Secondary Effects and Sustainable Exit-Strategies for Sub-Saharan Africa
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Sep 24 2020 Idrys Fransmel Okombi
  Twin Deficits in Sub-Saharan African Countries: Evidence through debt
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Sep 24 2020 Walid Benayed , Nouha Bougharriou and Foued Badr Gabsi
  The threshold effect of political institutions on the finance-growth nexus: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
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Sep 24 2020 Gilles Q Kane , Marius C. O. Amba and Taoufiki Mbratana
  Early view of the potential impact of government policy responses on reproductive number of COVID-19 in African countries: Evidence from Cameroon
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Aug 24 2020 Avom Désiré and Melingui bate Adalbert Abraham Ghislain
  The effect of information and communication technologies on foreign direct investments attractiveness in africa
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Aug 19 2020 Tony Addison and Mina Baliamoune-Lutz
  Does aid stimulate foreign direct investment? The role of social cohesion
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Aug 08 2020 Panayiotis Tzeremes
  The impact of total factor productivity on energy consumption and CO2 emissions in G20 countries
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Aug 08 2020 Nagmi Moftah Aimer
  Renewable energy consumption, financial development and economic growth: Evidence from panel data for the Middle East and North African countries
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Aug 08 2020 Romuald S Kinda , Patrice R Zidouemba and Idrissa M Ouedraogo
  How could the covid-19 pandemic impact the economy of Burkina Faso?
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Jul 14 2020 Olivier Habimana , Jamel Dugbeh and Jacqueline Muhawenayo
  Are African current accounts on a sustainable path? A tale of two components
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Jun 18 2020 Zameelah Khan Jaffur , Boopen Seetanah and Noor-Ul-Hacq Sookia
  A cross-country analysis of the determinants of the real effective exchange rate in fifteen Sub-Saharan African countries
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Jun 07 2020 Adalbert Abraham Ghislain Melingui Bate
  The effect of education on voter's turnout in african presidential elections
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Jun 07 2020 Iheonu O Chimere and Tochukwu Nwachukwu
  Macroeconomic determinants of household consumption in selected West African countries
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Jun 02 2020 Joseph Siani
  International remittances, poverty and growth into WAEMU countries: evidence from panel cointegration approach
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May 19 2020 Boniface Ngah Epo and Ronie Bertrand Nguenkwe
  Information and Communication Technology and Intra-Regional Trade in the Economic Community of West African States: Ambivalent or Complementary?
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Apr 29 2020 Christian L. Nguena
  Workforce Productivity Growth and Inequality Reduction in Developing Countries: The role of Mobile Banking & Financial Services Development in Africa
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Mar 25 2020 Imen Kouki , Ilyes Abid , Khaled Guesmi and Stephane Goutte
  Does Financial inclusion affect the African banking stability?
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Mar 25 2020 Walid Benayed and Foued Badr Gabsi
  Domestic public debt and financial development in Sub-Saharan Africa: Is there an inverted-U relationship?
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Feb 29 2020 Ibrahim Ngouhouo and Loudi Njoya
  Can the women's parliamentary representation reduces corruption and informal sector in Africa? Empirical analysis
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Feb 05 2020 Ludovic K. Feulefack and Bertelet S. Ngassam
  Natural resources, quality of institutions and foreign direct investment in Africa
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Nov 29 2019 Najeh Bouchoucha and Ismahen Yahyaoui
  Foreign direct Investment and economic growth: The role of the governance
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Aug 27 2019 Kore Marc Guei
  Does financial structure matter for economic growth: evidence from South Africa
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Jul 07 2019 Olufemi A Aluko and Muazu Ibrahim
  Does institutional quality explain the Lucas Paradox? Evidence from Africa
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Jun 15 2019 Henri Njangang
  Governance and Happiness in African countries
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Jun 15 2019 Joseph Keneck-Massil and Alphonse Noah
  Shadow economy and educational systems in Africa
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Jun 01 2019 Boris O. K. Lokonon and Aly A. Mbaye
  Implications of Climate-Related Factors on Living Standards: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
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May 31 2019 Andrew Phiri
  Fitting Okun's law for the Swazi Kingdom: Will a nonlinear specification do?
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May 15 2019 Michael Breen , Robert Gillanders and Mounir Mahmalat
  Corruption and support for economic reform in sub-Saharan Africa
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May 15 2019 Giscard Assoumou-ella
  Gender Inequality in Education and per capita GDP: the case of CEMAC Countries
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May 15 2019 Ariel H. Fambeu
  Peer Effect and Environmental Responsibility of Enterprises in a Sub-Saharan African Country
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Apr 25 2019 Christian S. Otchia
  On Promoting Entrepreneurship and Job Creation in Africa: Evidence from Ghana and Kenya
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Mar 16 2019 Louis de Berquin Eyike Mbongo
  ICT diffusion and employment in Africa
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Mar 16 2019 Yann Nounamo
  What is the role of the quality of economic institutions in the relationship between external debt and growth? Evidence from the African franc zone
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Feb 18 2019 Myriam Ben Saâd and Giscard Assoumou-Ella
  Economic Complexity and Gender Inequality in Education: An Empirical Study
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Feb 18 2019 Esra Hasdemir , Tolga Omay and Zulal S Denaux
  Testing the Current Account Sustainability for BRICS Countries: Evidence from a Nonlinear Framework
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Jan 13 2019 Samouel Beji
  Financial Openness and Income Inequality: Do Institutions matter for Africa?
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Oct 30 2018 Henri Njangang , Edmond Noubissi and Hilaire Nkengfack
  Do remittances increase the size of the informal economy in Sub-saharan African countries?
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Oct 17 2018 Sami Ben Jabeur and Asma Sghaier
  The relationship between energy, pollution, economic growth and corruption: A Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) approach
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Jul 18 2018 Lumengo Bonga-bonga and Maphelane Phume
  Assessing the relationship between total factor productivity and foreign direct investment in an economy with a skills shortage: the case of South Africa
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Apr 28 2018 Kamal Kasmaoui , Mazhar Mughal and Jamal Bouoiyour
  Does Trust Influence Economic Growth? Evidence from the Arab World
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Feb 09 2018 Bruno Emmanuel Ongo Nkoa
  Determinants of foreign direct investment in Africa: An analysis of the impact of financial development
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Jan 24 2018 Doris A. Oberdabernig
  Determinants of IMF lending: How different is Sub-Saharan Africa?
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Jan 21 2018 Oasis Kodila-Tedika
  Governance in Africa: Convergence or Divergence?
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Dec 28 2017 Santosh Kumar Dash
  Analyzing Current Account Sustainability through the Saving-Investment Correlation
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Dec 01 2017 Francisco Serranito
  Determinants of technology catch-up in MENA and SSA countries: a panel data analysis
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Nov 19 2017 Adedoyin Isola Lawal , Russel O Somoye and Abiola Ayopo Babajide
  Are African stock markets efficient? Evidence from wavelet unit root test for random walk
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Aug 31 2017 Amba Oyon Claude Marius , Taoufiki Mbratana and Kane Gilles Quentin
  Assessing the current account sustainability in ECCAS economies: A dual cointegration analysis
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Aug 31 2017 Jamie Emerson and Brian Hill
  Elite marathon runners: do East Africans utilize different strategies than the rest of the world?
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Jul 29 2017 Yaya Keho
  Effect of remittances on household consumption in African and Asian countries: A quantile regression approach
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Jul 23 2017 Eléazar Zerbo
  Energy consumption and economic growth in Sub-Saharan African countries: Further evidence
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Jun 16 2017 Itchoko motande Mondjeli mwa ndjokou
  Institutions and pro-cyclicality of fiscal policy in Sub Saharan Africa
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Jun 05 2017 Komivi Afawubo and Mawuli kodjovi Couchoro
  Do remittances enhance the economic growth effect of private health expenditures in West African Economic and Monetary Union?
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Jun 05 2017 Rajarshi Mitra
  Domestic Saving-Investment Correlation Puzzle Revisited: A Time Series Analysis for South Africa.
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Apr 22 2017 Ferdinand Owoundi
  Investigating the link between the exchange rate regime and underlying misalignments
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Mar 05 2017 Olugbenga Ajilore
  Mental health, race, and deadly use of force
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Jan 26 2017 Itchoko Motande Mondjeli Mwa Ndjokou and Pierre Christian Tsopmo
  The effects on economic growth of natural resources in Sub-Saharan Africa: Does the quality of institutions matters?
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Jan 26 2017 Mawussé K. N. Okey
  Does migration promote industrial development in Africa?
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Jan 13 2017 Selim baha Yildiz and Abdelbari El khamlichi
  The Performance Ranking of Emerging Markets Islamic Indices Using Risk Adjusted Performance Measures
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Nov 09 2016 Manas Tripathi and Sarveshwar Kumar Inani
  Does internet affect economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa?
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Sep 29 2016 Luisito Bertinelli and Arnaud Bourgain
  Tax Mobilization in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Impact of Tax and Business Law Reforms.
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Jun 11 2016 Johanna Choumert , N. Eric Kéré and Amandine Loyal Laré-Dondarini
  A Multi-Level Housing Hedonic Analysis of Water and Sanitation Access
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Apr 29 2016 Andrew Phiri
  Did the global financial crisis alter equilibrium adjustment dynamics between the US federal fund fund rates and stock price volatility in the SSA region?
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Dec 18 2015 Wassim Rajhi
  Islamic Banks and Financial Stability: A Quantile Estimation
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Nov 20 2015 Ismail O. Fasanya and Sulaimon Baruwa
  Remittances led growth in West Africa Monetary Zone (WAMZ)
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Nov 20 2015 Simplice Asongu and Jacinta C Nwachukwu
  The incremental effect of education on corruption: evidence of synergy from lifelong learning
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Oct 16 2015 Sandrine A. Kablan and Jean-Philippe Boussemart
  Bootstrapping efficiency scores of microfinance institutions in West African economic and monetary union
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Oct 02 2015 Simplice A Asongu
  A Good Turn Deserves Another: Political Stability, Corruption and Corruption-Control
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Sep 22 2015 Itchoko motande Mondjeli mwa ndjokou
  Too much public expenditures, less economic growth?
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Sep 07 2015 Yaya Keho
  Is Foreign Direct Investment Good or Bad for the Environment? Times Series Evidence from ECOWAS Countries
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Jul 13 2015 Naomi Motlhasedi and Andrew Phiri
  The effects of mass media on corruption in South Africa: A MTAR-TEC persepctive
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Jun 01 2015 Rasmane Ouedraogo
  Does pro-cyclical fiscal policy lead to more income inequality? An empirical analysis for sub-saharan Africa
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May 14 2015 Helene Maisonnave , Ramos Mabugu and Margaret Chitiga
  Economywide consequences of attaining Millenium Development Goals in South Africa
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Mar 28 2015 Ariane Amin and Johanna Choumert
  Development and biodiversity conservation in Sub-Saharan Africa: A spatial analysis
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Feb 26 2015 Jonathan Munemo
  Foreign Direct Investment, Business Start-up Regulations, and Entrepreneurship in Africa
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Oct 24 2014 Arcade Ndoricimpa
  Bootstrap causality between inflation uncertainty and output growth uncertainty in selected African countries
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Sep 13 2014 Arcade Ndoricimpa and Esther Leah Achandi
  Are current account deficits sustainable in EAC countries? Evidence from threshold cointegration
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Aug 25 2014 Mohamed Siry Bah
  Is there a stochastic convergence process in the West African economic and monetary union in presence of multiple structural breaks from 1960 to 2010?
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Aug 25 2014 Riccardo Marchi Adani and Roberto Ricciuti
  The resource curse, rule of law and accountability in African countries: a dynamic panel analys
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Aug 20 2014 Pedro de Araujo and Margaux Miller
  Women's Health Knowledge, Sexual Empowerment, and HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa
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Jul 17 2014 Simplice A Asongu
  On the substitution of institutions and finance in investment
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Jul 08 2014 Ricky Chee Jiun Chia , Shiok Ye Lim and Sheue Li Ong
  Long-Run Validity of Purchasing Power Parity and Cointegration Analysis for Low Income African Countries
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Jun 20 2014 Audrey Rose Menard
  Do natural resources condition the aid-governance relationship? Evidence from Africa.
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Jun 18 2014 Mohamed El Hedi Arouri , Adel Ben Youssef , Hatem M'Henni and Christophe Rault
  Energy use and economic growth in Africa: a panel Granger-causality investigation
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Mar 31 2014 Olugbenga Ajilore
  Do white NBA players suffer from reverse discrimination?
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Mar 06 2014 Oasis Kodila-Tedika and Mihai Mutascu
  Shadow economy and tax revenue in Africa
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Mar 03 2014 Cleomar Gomes da Silva and Flávio Vilela Vieira
  BRICS countries: real interest rates and long memory
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Feb 28 2014 Nguena Christian Lambert and Tsafack Nanfosso Roger
  On the Sensitivity of Banking Activity Shocks: Evidence from the CEMAC Sub-region
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Jan 24 2014 Paul E. Gabriel and Susanne Schmitz
  A longitudinal examination of racial differences in occupational distributions among prime-aged males in the United States
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Dec 23 2013 Abdelaziz Benkhalifa , Paul Lanoie and Mohamed Ayadi
  Estimated hedonic wage function and value of life in an African country
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Oct 24 2013 Lansana Bangoura , Diadié Diaw and Karim Barkat
  Does North-South trade favors training effects : What to learn from trade sophistication links?
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Oct 22 2013 Simplice A Asongu
  On the Obituary of Scientific Knowledge Monopoly
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Oct 10 2013 P. B. Eregha
  Aid Flows and Growth Diagnosis: Empirical Evidence for A Panel of ECOWAS Countries
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Oct 08 2013 Scott W Hegerty
  Exchange Market Pressure, Output Drops, and Domestic Credit: Do Emerging Markets Behave Differently?
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Oct 08 2013 Constant Fouopi djiogap
  Foreign Direct Investment and Macro Economic Performances in the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC)
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Aug 29 2013 Simplice A Asongu and Jellal Mohamed
  On the channels of foreign aid to corruption
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Jul 11 2013 Komivi Afawubo and Vincent Fromentin
  Financial development and economic growth: the case of ECOWAS and WAEMU
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Jun 25 2013 Harold Coulombe and Quentin Wodon
  Mapping religious health assets: Are faith-inspired facilities located in poor areas in Ghana?
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Jun 24 2013 Md. Sharif Hossain and Rajarshi Mitra
  A Dynamic Panel Analysis of the Determinants of FDI in Africa
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Jun 21 2013 Cassandro Mendes and Olugbenga Adesida
  Income inequality and economic development: evidence from sub-Saharan African countries
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Jun 14 2013 Okey K. N. Mawussé
  Institutions and scientific research in Africa
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Apr 16 2013 Siliti jr Hammadi and Ben mbarek jr Hassene
  Shocks Transmission in the Mediterranean Zone
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Mar 28 2013 Antonio R Andres and Simplice A Asongu
  Global dynamic timelines for IPRs harmonization against software piracy
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Mar 27 2013 Simplice A Asongu
  A Short-run Schumpeterian Trip to Embryonic African Monetary Zones
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Mar 12 2013 Simplice A Asongu
  How has politico-economic liberalization affected financial allocation efficiency? Fresh African evidence
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Mar 12 2013 Afees Salisu , Idris Ademuyiwa and Basiru Fatai
  Modelling the Demand for Money in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)
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Mar 04 2013 Clarisse Nguedam Ntouko
  Regulatory Framework and Private Investment: Empirical Evidence for Developing Countries
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Feb 15 2013 Simplice A Asongu
  How do financial reforms affect inequality through financial sector competition? Evidence from Africa
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Dec 27 2012 Delphine Boutin
  Family farming, child labour and the wealth paradox: evidence from Mali
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Nov 06 2012 Afees Salisu and Idris Ademuyiwa
  Trade creation and trade diversion in West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ)
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Oct 08 2012 Serge Rey and Florent Deisting
  GDP per Capita among African Countries over the Period 1950–2008: Highlights of Convergence Clubs
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Aug 01 2012 Simplice A Asongu
  On the effect of foreign aid on corruption
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May 31 2012 Giulia Bettin
  The remittance behaviour of African diaspora in Belgium
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Mar 29 2012 Arshia Amiri , Ulf-g Gerdtham and Bruno Ventelou
  HIV/AIDS-GDP Nexus? Evidence from panel-data for African countries
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Jan 20 2012 Tsangyao Chang , Chia-hao Lee and Guochen Pan
  Purchasing Power Parity in African Countries: Further Evidence based on the ADL Test for Threshold Cointegration
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Nov 09 2011 Chia Ricky Chee-Jiun and Lim Shiok Ye
  Stock Market Anomalies in South Africa and its Neighbouring Countries
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Jul 05 2011 Andrew Phiri and Peter Lusanga
  Can asymmetries account for the empirical failure of the Fisher effect in South Africa?
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Jun 25 2011 Tapas Mishra , Bazoumana Ouattara and Mamata Parhi
  A Note on Shock Persistence in Total Factor Productivity Growth
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Jun 06 2011 Scott W Hegerty
  Do international capital flows smooth or transmit macroeconomic volatility? Time-series evidence from emerging markets
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Mar 27 2011 Gaoussou Diarra
  Aid unpredictability and absorptive capacity: analyzing disbursement delays in Africa.
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Mar 14 2011 Alberto Behar
  Marshall`s Rules with Aggregate Inputs
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Nov 15 2010 Roberto Ricciuti and Jacopo Costa
  State capacity, manufacturing and civil conflict
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Nov 11 2010 Zaka Ratsimalahelo and Mamadou Diang Barry
  Financial development and economic growth: evidence from West Africa
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May 04 2010 Jacques Loesse ESSO
  The Energy Consumption-Growth Nexus in Seven Sub-Saharan African Countries
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May 03 2010 Jaunky Chandr Vishal
  Inflation divergence within the SADC
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Mar 05 2010 Mohammad Amin
  Gender and firm-size: Evidence from Africa
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Jan 28 2010 Christian Hubert Ebeke
  The Effect of Remittances on Child Labor: Cross-Country Evidence
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Jan 06 2010 Chrysost Bangaké and Jude Eggoh
  International Capital Mobility in African Countries: Do the legal origins matter?
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Oct 29 2009 Mei-yin Lin and Hui-hua Wang
  What Causes the Volatility of the Balancing Item?
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Oct 02 2009 Vasudeva N. R. Murthy and Emmanuel Anoruo
  Are Per Capita Real GDP Series in African Countries Non-stationary or Non-linear? What does Empirical Evidence Reveal?
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Aug 18 2009 Hisako Kai and Shigeyuki Hamori
  Globalization, financial depth, and inequality in Sub-Saharan Africa
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Aug 13 2009 Gbewopo Attila
  Individual attitudes toward anti-corruption policies in Sub-Saharan Africa: Microeconometric evidence
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May 22 2009 Bríd G Hanna , Daniel Hatch and Christopher Lominac
  Exposure to toxic pollution in new york state, 1998
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Nov 02 2008 Steven Buigut
  Determinants of the Public's Preference for a Referendum on Monetary Union
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Sep 26 2008 Thierry Kangoye
  Instability from trade and democracy: the long-run effect of aid
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Mar 26 2008 Chrysost Bangaké
  Exchange Rate Volatility and Optimum Currency Area: Evidence from Africa
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Mar 06 2008 Shigeyuki Hamori
  Empirical Analysis of the Money Demand Function in Sub-Saharan Africa
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Sep 18 2007 Shigeyuki Hamori
  International Capital Flows and the Frankel-Dooley-Mathieson Puzzle
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Sep 12 2007 Omgba Luc Désiré
  Oil rents and the tenure of the leaders in Africa
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Jul 24 2007 Tapsoba Jules-Armand
  Bilateral Trade and Business Cycles Synchronization: African Monetary Integration Perspective
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Apr 08 2007 Ahmet Aysan , Marie-Ange Véganzonès –Varoudakis and Zeynep Ersoy
  What Types of Perceived Governance Indicators Matter the Most for Private Investment in Middle East and North Africa
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Apr 08 2007 Javed Younas
  Capital Mobility, Foreign Aid, and Openness: A Reappraisal
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Jan 23 2007 Matthias Busse and José Luis Groizard
  Does Africa Really Benefit from Trade?
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Dec 28 2006 Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee and Abera Gelan
  Testing the PPP in the non-linear STAR Framework: Evidence from Africa
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Nov 01 2005 Shigeyuki Hamori and Ivohasina Razafimahefa
  An Empirical Analysis of FDI Competitiveness in Sub-Saharan Africa and Developing Countries
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May 04 2005 Tsangyao Chang , Ching-Chun Wei and Chien-Chung Nieh
  Is Per Capita Real GDP Stationary? Evidence from Selected African Countries Based on More Powerful Nonlinear (Logistic) Unit Root Tests
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Aug 25 2004 Nicolas Péridy
  The new U.S. trans-ocean free trade initiatives: estimating export and FDI potentials from dynamic panel data models
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Oct 24 2002 Anthony Bende-Nabende
  Foreign direct investment determinants in Sub-Sahara Africa: A co-integration analysis
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