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Jun 30 2024 Suguru Otani
  Individual rationality conditions of identifying matching costs in transferable utility matching games
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Jun 30 2024 Pierre Dehez and Pier Mario Pacini
  A note on the relation between the Shapley value and the core of 3-player transferable utility games
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Mar 30 2024 Sana Ben Abdallah , Dhafer Saidane and Sami Ben Mim
  The impact of governance on environmental performance: evidence from African countries
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Sep 30 2023 Bruno M. Pegoraro , Thiago Costa Monteiro Caldeira and Silvio Rosa Paula
  Truck drivers and drugs: impact of mandatory drug testing on safety on Brazilian highways
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Sep 30 2023 Amal Krishnan and Padmaja Mundakkad
  Outward FDI and its impact on the parent firm: A case of Indian manufacturing firms
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Sep 30 2023 Lokesh Posti , Rajan Khare and Rahul Kumar
  Workplace sanitation and female labour force participation in the informal sector
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Sep 30 2023 Fatma Aslan , Papatya Duman and Walter Trockel
  PEA: core-analogue for non-cohesive games
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Jun 30 2023 Jamilu Iliyasu , Aliyu R Sanusi and Suleiman O Mamman
  Testing for explosive behavior in relative inflation measures: Implications for monetary policy under uncertainty
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Dec 30 2022 Tiago Alves , João Amador and Francisco Gonçalves
  Assessing the scoreboard of the EU macroeconomic imbalances procedure: (machine) learning from decisions
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Sep 30 2022 Antonio Marsi
  Quantitative Easing in a fragmented Bond Market: core and periphery transmission channels.
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Sep 30 2022 Christina Bampatsou and George Halkos
  Meta-frontier analysis of technology gap for efficiency and productivity comparisons across different sub-groups of EU-27 countries
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Sep 30 2022 Etienne Redor and Magnus Blomkvist
  Are former military personnel valuable to shareholders? Evidence from boards of directors
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Jun 30 2022 Grace O. Onodipe , Amanda L. Wilsker and Mark A. Partridge
  Economic knowledge, political views, and Covid-19 related behaviors
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Jun 30 2022 Graziano Moramarco
  Funding liquidity, credit risk and unconventional monetary policy in the Euro area: A GVAR approach
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Feb 20 2022 Seyed Alireza Athari
  Financial Inclusion, Political Risk, and Banking Sector Stability: Evidence from Different Geographical Regions
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Feb 20 2022 Hidekazu Anno and Sui Takahashi
  A decomposition of strategy-proofness in discrete resource allocation problems
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Dec 29 2021 Luca Pulina , Manuela Pulina and Valentina Santoni
  Efficiency and inventory turnover in the primary sector: A regional analysis
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Sep 18 2021 Chen Cohen and Shmuel Nitzan
  Advantageous defensive efforts in contests
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Sep 17 2021 Alexandre Carbonnel
  Can foreclosure benefit consumers? The case of innovation in new markets
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Jul 18 2021 Mohamed Ben Mimoun
  Stability of Conventional and Islamic banks, externalities and resilience to crises: evidences from comprehensive Saudi banks' time-series data
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Jul 18 2021 Guangshun Qiao
  Does the asset-light business model create value? A panel data stochastic frontier approach for the global semiconductor industry
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Apr 09 2021 Manuel Carlos Nogueira and Mara Madaleno
  New evidence of competitiveness based on the global competitiveness index
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Apr 09 2021 Xiaoshi Zhou and Wanglin Ma
  Does agricultural mechanization reduce vulnerable employment? Evidence from cross-country panel data
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Apr 09 2021 Austin F. Eggers and Peter A. Groothuis
  The Impact of Winning an NCAA Men's Basketball or Football Championship on Academic Quality
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Nov 14 2020 Geoffroy Enjolras and Philippe Madiès
  The role of bank analysts and scores in the prediction of financial distress: Evidence from French farms
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Aug 31 2020 Saakshi Jha and Sohini Sahu
  Forecasting inflation for India with the Phillips Curve: Evidence from internet search data
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Jun 07 2020 Angelo Castaldo , Maria Alessandra Antonelli , Valeria De Bonis and Giorgia Marini
  Determinants of health sector efficiency: evidence from a two-step analysis on 30 OECD countries
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Apr 29 2020 Sophiko Skhirtladze , Zurab Abramishvili , Giorgi Papava and Irakli Barbakadze
  Impact Assessment of the State Support Program for Micro and Small Enterprises in Georgia
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Apr 15 2020 Loredana Cultrera
  Evaluation of bankruptcy prevention tools : evidences from COSME programme
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Feb 07 2020 Mohamed El Fodil Ihaddaden
  Impact of Political Uncertainty on Banking Productivity: Investigating the Jasmin Revolution Effect on the Tunisian Banking System
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Feb 05 2020 Gianni Betti , Antonella D'Agostino , Giulio Ghellini and Sergio Longobardi
  Measuring the impact of financial crisis on quality of life in Europe
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Feb 05 2020 Adeola Oyenubi
  A note on Covariate Balancing Propensity Score and Instrument-like variables
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Nov 12 2019 Adam J. Check , Anna K Nolan and Tyler C. Schipper
  Forecasting GDP Growth using Disaggregated GDP Revisions
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Sep 30 2019 Aparna Sawhney and Rashmi Rastogi
  FDI in Indian Manufacturing: Whither high-tech industries?
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Aug 11 2019 Manuela Coromaldi , Alessandra Garbero and Marco Letta
  Recovering the counterfactual as part of ex-ante impact assessments: an application to the PASIDP – II project in Ethiopia
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Jul 12 2019 Leonardo A. Rocha , Maria Ester S. Dal Poz , Patrícia V.P.S. Lima , Ahmad S. Khan and Napiê G. A. Silva
  Corruption, bureaucracy and other institutional failures: the “cancer” of innovation and development
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Jun 23 2019 Sosso Feindouno
  Improving the measurement of export instability in the Economic Vulnerability Index: A simple proposal
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Jun 15 2019 Alexandre de Cássio Rodrigues , Carlos Alberto Gonçalves and Tiago Silveira Gontijo
  A two-stage DEA model to evaluate the efficiency of countries at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games
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May 02 2019 Francis Carlo Petterini and Murilo Pedro Demarchi
  Volunteering and firefighters' response time
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Apr 25 2019 Ümit Sağlam
  The effects of electricity prices on productive efficiency of states' wind power performances in the United States
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Feb 18 2019 Brandon Alan Bridge and Matías Fontenla
  Household-level effects of electricity on off-farm income
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Dec 27 2018 Joshua Dennis Hall
  The effects of the quality and quantity of education on income inequality
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Dec 10 2018 Graziella Bonanno and Filippo Domma
  Cost Efficiency, Asymmetry and Dependence in US electricity industry
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Dec 10 2018 Ben Shepherd
  International input-output linkages and exogenous shock transmission: a simple model
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Dec 02 2018 Minfede Koe Raoul
  Analysis of the efficiency of public policy on the supply of social housing in a poor country
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Oct 10 2018 Azizbek Tokhirov
  Remittances and subjective well-being of the left behinds in Tajikistan
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Sep 07 2018 Nidhaleddine Ben Cheikh , Younes Ben Zaied and Pascal Nguyen
  Nonlinear Exchange Rate Transmission in the Euro Area: A Multivariate Smooth Transition Regression Approach
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Jun 21 2018 Leonardo Rocha Andrade , Leonardo Q. Cardenas , Fernando Dias Lopes , Fernando P. S. Oliveira and Kaio Cesar Fernandes
  The Impact of R&D Investments on Performance of Firms in Different Degrees of Proximity to the Technological Frontier
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May 12 2018 Jean-Marie Cardebat , Paola Corsinovi and Davide Gaeta
  Do Top 100 wine lists provide consumers with better information?
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Apr 15 2018 Carlos A. Carrasco and Mario Durán-Bustamante
  War on drugs, violence, and the share of low-income workers in Mexico
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Feb 27 2018 François Desmoulins-Lebeault , Jean-François Gajewski and Luc Meunier
  Personality and Risk Aversion
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Feb 09 2018 Khaled Thabet
  Determinants of total factor productivity growth of Tunisian manufacturing firms
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Feb 09 2018 Francesco Marchionne and Alberto Zazzaro
  Risk and competitiveness in the Italian banking sector
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Dec 29 2017 Toshihiro Atsumi
  Agglomeration under money illusion
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Jul 16 2017 Klaus Wohlrabe and Elisabeth Friedrich
  The efficiency of economics departments reconsidered
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Jul 02 2017 Sergio Da Silva , Dinorá De Faveri , Ana Correa and Raul Matsushita
  High-income consumers may be less hyperbolic when discounting the future
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Feb 22 2017 Ritika Jain
  Influence of Political Alignment and Federal Structure on Public Sector Employment: The case of India
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Jan 13 2017 Pedro Macedo and Elvira Silva
  Sensitivity of directional technical inefficiency measures to the choice of the direction vector: a simulation study
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Dec 29 2016 Cyrille Kamdem
  Collective Marketing and Cocoa Farmer's Price in Cameroon
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Dec 24 2016 Wayne Liou and Timothy J Halliday
  By the Time I Get to Arizona: Estimating the Impact of the Legal Arizona Workers Act on Migrant Outflows
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Nov 09 2016 Jennjou Chen and Tsui-Fang Lin
  The benefit of providing face-to-face lectures in online learning microeconomics courses: Evidence from a regression discontinuity design experiment
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Sep 30 2016 Claudiu T. Albulescu , Matei Tamasila and Ilie M. Taucean
  Shadow economy, tax policies, institutional weakness and financial stability in selected OECD countries
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Sep 03 2016 Gil Epstein , Dalit Gafni and Erez Siniver
  Institutional versus labor market discrimination: The case of Israeli Arabs
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Aug 24 2016 Franklin G. Mixon and Kamal Upadhyaya
  Out of Big Brother's Shadow: Ranking Economics Faculties at Regional Universities in the U.S. South
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Aug 03 2016 Tae-young Pak and Swarnankur Chatterjee
  Savings Decisions of American Households: The Roles of Financial Literacy and Financial Practice
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Apr 14 2016 Jean-michel Sahut , Medhi Mili , Sana Ben Tekaya and Frédéric Teulon
  Financial Impacts and antecedents of CSR: a PLS Path Modelling Approach
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Feb 04 2016 Tarcio Da Silva , Carlos Martins-filho and Eduardo Ribeiro
  A comparison of nonparametric efficiency estimators: DEA, FDH, DEAC, FDHC, order-m and quantile
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Feb 04 2016 Bing Niu
  Effects of mental illness on the labor supply of family members: analysis of Japanese anonymized data
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Dec 19 2015 Rajarshi Mitra
  Saving-Investment Correlation and Capital Flows: The Philippines 1960-2014
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Dec 18 2015 Wassim Rajhi
  Islamic Banks and Financial Stability: A Quantile Estimation
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Oct 16 2015 Sandrine A. Kablan and Jean-Philippe Boussemart
  Bootstrapping efficiency scores of microfinance institutions in West African economic and monetary union
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Sep 22 2015 Surekha K Rao and Bhaskara Rao Kopparty
  A Note on Borda Method
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Jul 11 2015 Qihui Chen , Tade Okediji and Tian Guoqiang
  Exploiting Regression-Discontinuity Design to Estimate Peer Effects in College – The Case of Class Attendance
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Mar 11 2015 Pavel Yakovlev and David Gilson
  Public Trust and Press Freedom
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Mar 11 2015 Lilia Maliar
  Assessing gains from parallel computation on a supercomputer
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Jun 18 2014 Diego Lubian and Anna Untertrifaller
  Cognitive ability, stereotypes and gender segregation in the workplace
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May 17 2014 Tommaso Agasisti and Sergio Longobardi
  Educational institutions, resources, and students' resiliency: an empirical study about OECD countries
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Feb 28 2014 Cori Vilella
  The equity core and the core
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Feb 04 2014 F. Javier Martínez-de-Albéniz
  Cooperative games with size-truncated information
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Dec 23 2013 Camilla Di Luca , Josep M Izquierdo and Carles Rafels
  Remarks on the proportional distribution in increasing return to scale problems
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Sep 19 2013 Gerry H. Makepeace and Michael J. Peel
  Combining information from Heckman and matching estimators: testing and controlling for hidden bias
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Aug 09 2013 Takayuki Watanabe and Nobuo Matsubayashi
  Note on Stable Mergers in a Market with Asymmetric Substitutability
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Jul 03 2013 Sergio Currarini and Marco A. Marini
  Majority Rule and Coalitional Stability
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Jun 30 2013 F. Javier Martínez-de-Albéniz , Carles Rafels and Neus Ybern
  On the nucleolus of 2 x 2 assignment games
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Jun 07 2013 Fan-chin Kung
  Public Good Coalitions and Membership Exclusion
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May 13 2013 Xinzheng Shi
  Impact of household educational expenditures on the test scores of children
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Apr 03 2013 Alexandre Gazaniol and Frédéric Peltrault
  Outward FDI, performance and group affiliation: evidence from French matched firms
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Nov 19 2012 Shue-Jen Wu and Wei-Ming Lee
  Predicting the U.S. bear stock market using the consumption-wealth ratio
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Jul 20 2012 Josep M Izquierdo and Carles Rafels
  On the coincidence of the core and the bargaining sets
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May 09 2012 Nicolas Gérard Vaillant and François-charles Wolff
  Do consumers learn from tasting scores set by experts?
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Feb 26 2012 Abhijit Ramalingam
  The relevance of irrelevant information in the dictator game
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Jan 29 2012 Hugues Tchantcho , Issofa Moyouwou and Nicolas G. Andjiga
  On the bargaining set of three-player games
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Jan 24 2012 Sergio De Nardis and Marco Ventura
  Effect Of Firm Innovation On Labour Force Composition: The Case Of Italian Manufacturing
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Dec 05 2011 Francesc Llerena and Marina Nunez
  A geometric characterization of the nucleolus of the assignment game
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Oct 05 2011 Utteeyo Dasgupta and Arjun Menon
  Trust and Trustworthiness among Economics Majors
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Aug 17 2011 Ashish Singh
  Gender based intra-household inequality of opportunity in academic skills among Indian children
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Aug 13 2011 Somnath Chattopadhyay
  Earnings efficiency and poverty dominance analysis: a spatial approach
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Jul 08 2011 Anna Klimina
  Ideas of Constructed Market in Late Imperial Russia: Constructivist Liberalism of Peter Struve (1870 – 1944)
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Feb 17 2011 Alfredo Salgado-Torres
  A solution concept for housing market problems with externalities
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Jan 28 2011 Ioanna Keramidou , Angelos Mimis and Evangelia Pappa
  Identifying efficiency drivers in the greek sausage industry: a double bootstrap DEA approach
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Jan 09 2011 Jeffrey Hyde , Sarah A. Cornelisse and Lisa A. Holden
  Human resource management on dairy farms: Does investing in people matter?
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Oct 31 2010 Shin Fukuda
  Evaluating the influence of the internal ratings-based approach on bank lending in Japan
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Oct 02 2010 Frank Strobel
  Bank insolvency risk and aggregate Z-score measures: a caveat
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Sep 03 2010 Eric S. Lin and Yu-lung Lue
  The Causal Effect of the Cram Schooling Timing Decision on Math Scores
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May 18 2010 Mazbahul Golam Ahamad and Rezai Karim Khondker
  Climate Risks, Seasonal Food Insecurity and Consumption Coping Strategies: Evidences from a Micro-level Study from Northern Bangladesh
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May 16 2010 Pierre-Alexandre Mahieu , Pere Riera and Raul Brey
  Testing the cognitive burden of two choice modeling valuation variants. The between and within sample approaches
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Mar 05 2010 Oriol Tejada
  A note on competitive prices in multilateral assignment markets
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Dec 11 2009 Enrico Guzzini and Antonio Palestrini
  The empty core in the Coase theorem: a critical assessment
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Nov 24 2009 Gabriel Montes-Rojas
  A note on the variance of average treatment effects estimators
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Sep 16 2009 John Gibson
  The public sector pay premium, compensating differentials and unions: propensity score matching evidence from Australia, Canada, Great Britain and the United States
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Jul 31 2009 Stephan Nüesch
  A note on the endogeneity of the pay-performance relationship in professional soccer
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Jul 06 2009 Carlos Bautista , Philippe Rous and Amine Tarazi
  The determinants of bank stock return's co-movements in East Asia
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May 12 2009 Youngki Shin
  Misspecified Markov Switching Model
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May 04 2009 Jim Lee
  Food and Energy Prices in Core Inflation
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Nov 18 2008 Ismail Saglam and Ayþe Mumcu
  Rationalizability of one-to-one matchings with externalities
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Sep 16 2008 Rodica Branzei and Sirma Zeynep Alparslan Gok
  Bankruptcy problems with interval uncertainty
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Aug 18 2008 Yu-Hsien Liao
  Consistency and the core for fuzzy non-transferable-utility games
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Aug 15 2008 Marina Nunez and Carles Rafels
  Assignment submarkets with a segment core
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Jan 21 2008 Daisuke Nagakura
  A note on the relationship between the information matrx test and a score test for parameter constancy
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Dec 19 2007 Pavel Yakovlev and Arzu Sen
  Beauty and the Beast: An Empirical Tale of City Attributes
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Nov 07 2007 Ismail Saglam and Ayse Mumcu
  The core of a housing market with externalities
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Oct 17 2007 Matei Demetrescu
  Volatility Clustering in High-Frequency Data: A self-fulfilling prophecy?
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Aug 30 2007 Yan-An Hwang and Yu-Hsien Liao
  A new axiomatization of the core on fuzzy NTU games
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Jul 04 2007 Wolfgang Buchholz and Wolfgang Peters
  The Edgeworth Conjecture in a Public Goods Economy: An Elementary Example
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Jun 12 2007 Theodore Turocy
  On the sufficiency of transitive preferences
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Apr 09 2007 Onur Baser
  Propensity Score Matching with Limited Overlap
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Jan 09 2007 Thanasis Stengos and Dianqin Wang
  An algorithm for censored quantile regressions
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Oct 16 2006 Morris Altman
  Opening-up the objective function: choice behavior and economic and non-economic variables—core and marginal altruism
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Aug 31 2006 Koji Takamiya
  On the equivalence of G-weak and -strong cores in the marriage problem
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Aug 01 2006 Carl Gaigne and Kristian Behrens
  Density (dis)economies in transportation: revisiting the core-periphery model
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Apr 20 2006 Dinko Dimitrov
  Top coalitions, common rankings, and semistrict core stability
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Dec 06 2005 CHUN LIU
  Measuring the relative efficiency and reorganization-The example of CDFAs of the NAN-TOU County in Taiwan
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Sep 29 2005 Shlomo Wever , Alexei Savvateev , Michel Le Breton and Anna Bogomolnaia
  The Egalitarian sharing rule in provision of public goods
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Sep 09 2005 Takashi Ui and Atsushi Kajii
  Equivalence of the Dempster-Shafer rule and the maximum likelihood rule implies convexity
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Sep 01 2005 Kian-Ping Lim , M. Azali and Hock-Ann Lee
  Income Disparity between Japan and ASEAN-5 Economies: Converge, Catching Up or Diverge?
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Jul 17 2005 Luisa Rosti , Chikara Yamaguchi and Carolina Castagnetti
  Educational Performance as Signalling Device: Evidence from Italy
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Mar 18 2005 Yan-An Hwang
  The coincidence of the core and the dominance core on multi-choice games
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Nov 24 2004 David Cantala
  Matching Markets: the Particular Case of Couples
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Oct 31 2004 Vincent Iehlé
  Transfer rate rules and core selections in NTU games
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Oct 11 2004 Somdeb Lahiri
  The Core of Directed Network Problems with Quotas
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Mar 08 2003 Charles Figuières and Magali Verdonck
  On the Core of an Economy with Multilateral and Multidimensional Environmental Externalities
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Dec 18 2002 Katerina Sherstyuk , Oliver Hill , Malcolm Dowling and Leanne Ma
  Altruism and voluntary provision of public goods
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May 09 2002 Matthias Busse
  Comparative Advantage, Trade and Labour Standards
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May 08 2001 Myrna Wooders and Edward Cartwright
  On the theory of equalizing differences Increasing abundances of types of workers may increase their earnings
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