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Mar 30 2024 Jamel Trabelsi , Arbia jihène Jebeniani and Sofiene Omri
  The dynamics of international patents production: A panel smooth transition regression approach
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Dec 30 2023 Kerianne Lawson and Joshua C. Hall
  Who should be behind the wheel? A study of Oregon's Measure 88
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Dec 10 2021 Damon Proulx , David Alan Savage , David Stadelmann and Benno Torgler
  To Swing or Not to Swing: An Assessment of Age and Political Cynicism of Swing Voting Behaviour
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Jul 18 2021 Etienne Redor and Magnus Blomkvist
  Do all inside and affiliated directors hold the same value for shareholders?
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Jun 07 2020 Adalbert Abraham Ghislain Melingui Bate
  The effect of education on voter's turnout in african presidential elections
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Nov 24 2019 Naruto Nagaoka
  Monotonicity in Condorcet Jury Theorem under Strategic Voting
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Jun 23 2019 Farid Makhlouf , Kamal Kasmaoui and Johanna Edelbloude
  Voting With The Wallet: The Response of Remittances to Political Systems
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Oct 10 2018 Mostapha Diss , Eric Kamwa and Abdelmonaim Tlidi
  A Note on the Likelihood of the Absolute Majority Paradoxes
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Feb 27 2018 Eugenio Levi , Rama Dasi Mariani and Fabrizio Patriarca
  What meets the eye: the effect of the presence of immigrants on personal attitudes to migrations in Europe
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Jan 21 2018 Julia Grundner
  Safe strategic voting and three approaches for choosing a strategic preference statement under the Borda Rule
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Sep 27 2017 Eric Kamwa and Vincent Merlin
  On the Likelihood of the Coincidence of Condorcet Committees
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Sep 11 2016 Hatem Smaoui , Dominique Lepelley and Issofa Moyouwou
  Borda elimination rule and monotonicity paradoxes in three-candidate elections
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Jun 11 2016 Jiabin Wu
  Evolving assortativity and social conventions
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May 18 2016 Sylvain Bourjade , Crina Pungulescu and David Stolin
  Voting against absent directors
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Mar 17 2016 Amir Borges Ferreira Neto , Collin D. Hodges and Hyunwoong Pyun
  Voting Dynamics and the Birth of State-owned Casinos in Kansas
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Nov 20 2015 Mostapha Diss and William V. Gehrlein
  The True Impact of Voting Rule Selection on Condorcet Efficiency
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Sep 22 2015 Surekha K Rao and Bhaskara Rao Kopparty
  A Note on Borda Method
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Jul 11 2015 Anna Moskalenko
  A mechanism to pick the deserving winner
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Oct 24 2014 Dominique Lepelley , Vincent R Merlin , Jean-louis Rouet and Laurent Vidu
  Referendum paradox in a federal union with unequal populations: the three state case
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Sep 13 2014 Ahmadou lô Gueye
  Failures of reversal symmetry under two common voting rules
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Jun 18 2014 Christian Klamler
  How risky is it to manipulate a scoring rule under incomplete information?
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May 25 2014 Duozhe Li
  Multiplicity of Equilibrium Payoffs in Three-Player Baron-Ferejohn Model
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May 06 2014 John Duffy and Alexander Matros
  On the Use of Fines and Lottery Prizes to Increase Voter Turnout
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Feb 11 2014 John Duggan
  Majority Voting Over Lotteries: Conditions for Existence of a Decisive Voter
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Oct 04 2013 Ryan W Herzog
  An Analysis of Okun's Law, the Natural Rate, and Voting Preferences for the 50 States
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Aug 02 2013 Simiao Li
  Tullock contests under committee administration
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Jun 24 2013 Atsuo Tomori
  The Impact of Re-election Concerns on Truth-telling in a Cheap-Talk Model of a Bureaucrat's Advice
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May 18 2013 Cem Baslevent
  Socio-demographic determinants of the support for Turkey's Justice and Development Party
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Apr 16 2013 David Stadelmann , Marco Portmann and Reiner Eichenberger
  Voters elect politicians who closely matched their preferences
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Apr 05 2013 Eric Kamwa
  The increasing committee size paradox with small number of candidates
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Mar 18 2013 Arne Robert Weiss and Irenaeus Wolff
  Does being elected increase subjective entitlements? Evidence from the laboratory
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Jan 30 2013 Daniel Cardona and Clara Ponsatí
  Super-majorites and collective surplus in one-dimensional bargaining: Numerical simulations
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Oct 05 2012 Chun-chieh Wang
  Expressive voting, vanishing moderate voters, and divergent ideologies
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Feb 23 2012 Uuganbaatar Ninjbat
  Remarks on Young's theorem
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Feb 22 2012 Bryan C McCannon
  Supermajority Rules and the Swing Voter's Curse
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Jan 13 2012 Cem Baslevent
  The Region-of-origin effect revisited: More on the voting behavior of Turkey's internal migrants
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Nov 18 2011 Serge Blondel and Louis Lévy-garboua
  Can non-expected utility theories explain the paradox of not voting?
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Jun 29 2011 Mei-yin Lin , Yi-ting Tseng and Jue-shyan Wang
  Closeness and Turnout: Evidence from Election of Taiwan
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Jun 05 2011 Finn Christensen , James Manley and Louise Laurence
  The Allocation of Merit Pay in Academia: A Case Study
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Mar 02 2011 Jérôme Serais
  Manipulation of the Borda rule by introduction of a similar candidate
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Nov 18 2010 Luigi Marengo and Corrado Pasquali
  The construction of choice. A computational voting model.
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Nov 15 2010 Takanori Adachi
  Endogenous participation costs and equilibrium abstention in voting with complete information: A three-player case
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Jul 20 2010 Steffen Kallbekken , Stephan Kroll and Todd L Cherry
  Pigouvian tax aversion and inequity aversion in the lab
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Aug 18 2009 William v. Gehrlein and Dominique Lepelley
  A note on Condorcet's other paradox
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Jun 08 2009 Boniface Mbih , Issofa Moyouwou and Abdoul Aziz Ndiaye
  Parliamentary voting rules and strategic candidacy
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Oct 19 2008 Stephen Haynes and Joe Stone
  A disaggregate approach to economic models of voting in U.S. presidential elections: forecasts of the 2008 election
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Aug 07 2008 Peter Calcagno and John Jackson
  PAC Spending and Roll Call Voting in the U.S. House: An Empirical Extension
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Jul 03 2008 Dolors Berga , Alejandro Neme , Jordi Massó and Gustavo Bergantiños
  On two basic properties of equilibria of voting with exit
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Oct 30 2007 Luca Lambertini
  Platform stickiness in a spatial voting model
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Sep 08 2007 Pavel Yakovlev
  Ideology, Shirking, and the Incumbency Advantage in the U.S. House of Representatives
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Feb 15 2007 Nicolas Houy
  A new characterization of absolute qualified majority voting
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Jan 23 2007 Giulio Codognato
  Straightforwardness of Game Forms with Infinite Sets of Outcomes
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Sep 05 2006 Luca Murrau
  An Overview Across the New Political Economy Literature
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Sep 15 2005 Tomohiko Kawamori
  Players' Patience and Equilibrium Payoffs in the Baron-Ferejohn Model
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Oct 29 2004 Rainald Borck
  Income Tax Evasion and the Penalty Structure
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Jan 17 2004 Takanori Adachi
  Costly participation in voting and equilibrium abstention: a uniqueness result
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Feb 07 2003 Christian Klamler
  A comparison of the Dodgson method and the Copeland rule
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Jan 23 2003 Van Kolpin
  Voting Power Under Uniform Representation
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Sep 27 2002 Xiaopeng Xu
  Voting costs and voter welfare
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Jun 28 2002 Stanislav Anatolyev
  Electoral behavior of US counties: a panel data approach
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