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Notes, Comments and Preliminary results

Jun 30 2024 Kuo-Hsuan Chin and Xin-Hua Zheng
  Stability of Phillips Curve: The case of Taiwan
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Mar 30 2024 Gabriel Caldas Montes and Pedro Salgado
  Economic policy uncertainties and business confidence in Japan
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Sep 30 2023 Elguellab Ali and Ezzahid Elhadj
  The granularity of the manufacturing sector : insights from a developing economy
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Jun 30 2023 Refk Selmi
  Do investors care about carbon risk? The impact of the Paris agreement on the inflation hedging performance of commodities
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Jun 30 2023 Noritaka Kudoh and Hiroaki Miyamoto
  Time aggregation and unemployment volatility
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Jun 30 2023 Jamilu Iliyasu , Aliyu R Sanusi and Suleiman O Mamman
  Testing for explosive behavior in relative inflation measures: Implications for monetary policy under uncertainty
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Jun 30 2023 Adonias Costa Filho
  Trend inflation in Brazil
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Mar 30 2023 Christian Pierdzioch
  A bootstrap test of the time-varying efficiency of German growth forecasts
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Mar 30 2023 Riccardo Tilli , Paolo D'Imperio and Cristiana Fiorelli
  Fiscal policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the euro area
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Mar 30 2023 Karlyn Mitchell and Douglas K. Pearce
  The Wall Street Journal panel of economists: How did they do in predicting economic growth in a time of pandemic?
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Mar 30 2023 Guglielmo Maria Caporale , Juan Infante , Luis Gil-Alana and Raquel Ayestaran
  Inflation persistence in Europe: the effects of the covid-19 pandemic and of the Russia-Ukraine war
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Dec 30 2022 Corey J.M. Williams
  The evolution of inventory dynamics in a post-crisis economy
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Dec 30 2022 Mamadou Michel Diakhate and Seydi Ababacar Dieng
  Forecasting Senegalese quarterly GDP per capita using recurrent neural network
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Dec 30 2022 Jean-François Verne
  Forecast the inflation rate in Lebanon: The use of the artificial neural networks method
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Dec 30 2022 Riadh El Abed and Noura Harboub
  Time varying causality between Economic policy uncertainty and stock prices in BRIC countries: A rolling-window bootstrap approach
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Sep 30 2022 Marcelo E. A. Silva , Rafael Vasconcelos and Paulo Vaz
  Expectations and firm dynamics: Aggregate versus idiosyncratic shocks in emerging economies.
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Jun 30 2022 Pinar Sener , Fatma Didin Sonmez and Elvin Tigrel
  The impact of economic policy uncertainty on corporate diversification: evidence from Latin american emerging economies
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Jun 30 2022 Jongrim Ha
  Role of Global Uncertainty: Evidence from COVID-19 Pandemic
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Jun 30 2022 Emiliano Alvarez , Juan Gabriel Brida , Gaston Cayssials and Erick Limas
  A dynamical explanation about price formation in illegal markets
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Jun 30 2022 Mihai Mutascu and Alexandre Sokic
  Revisiting the oil price and expected inflation in the U.S. - a wavelet approach
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Jun 30 2022 Parijat Maitra
  Inventories and business Cycles: The story of the last three decades
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Jun 30 2022 Thierry Betti
  Fiscal transfers in a two-level fiscal framework: stabilizing properties according to the fiscal instrument
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Jun 30 2022 Cássio R. A. Alves and Márcio P. Laurini
  Measuring inflation persistence under time-varying inflation target and stochastic volatility with jumps
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Feb 20 2022 Yoonseok Choi
  CES technology and comovement problem
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Feb 20 2022 Binh Thai Pham
  Sectoral consumer price synchronization: evidence from an emerging ASEAN economy
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Dec 29 2021 Fahim Al Marhubi
  Individualism and Inflation
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Sep 18 2021 Haryo Kuncoro , Gatot Nazir Ahmad and Dianta Sebayang
  A textual analysis of central bank communication the case of Indonesia
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Sep 17 2021 Juan G Brida , Bibiana Lanzilotta and Lucia I Rosich
  On the empirical relations between producers expectations and economic growth
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Sep 17 2021 Riadh El Abed and Zouheir Mighri
  Nonlinear Cointegration and Asymmetric Adjustement between Economic policy uncertainty and Gold price: Evidence from the United States
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Sep 06 2021 Gürkan Bozma , Murat Akadg and Rahman Aydin
  Dynamic Relationships between Oil Price, Inflation and Economic Growth: A VARMA, GARCH-in-mean, asymmetric BEKK Model for Turkey
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Jul 18 2021 Désiré Avom , Brice Kamguia and Joseph Pasky Ngameni
  Does volatility hinder economic complexity?
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Jul 18 2021 Idrys Fransmel Okombi
  Non-Linear Response of Fiscal Policy to the Business Cycle: Empirical Evidence in Sub-Saharan Africa
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Apr 09 2021 Sam Devore and Eric Olson
  The Surprising Stability Between Gas Prices and Expected Inflation
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Nov 24 2020 Baher Ahmed Elgahry
  Regional and Interregional Business Cycle Comovement in Europe, Asia, and North America
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Oct 18 2020 Harry Aginta
  Does the law of one price hold in 82 Indonesian cities? Evidence from club convergence approach
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Sep 24 2020 Jéfferson A. Colombo and Martinho R. Lazzari
  Same, but different? A state-level chronology of the 2014-2016 Brazilian economic recession and comparisons with the GFC and (early data on) COVID-19
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Jun 18 2020 Petar Sorić
  “Normal” growth of the Chinese economy: new metrics based on consumer confidence data
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Jun 07 2020 Hanako Ohmura
  A New Measurement for Japanese Consumer Confidence Index
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Jun 02 2020 Farid Makhlouf and Kamal Kasmaoui
  Remittances and Business Cycle in Morocco
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Mar 05 2020 Gian Paulo Soave
  International Drivers of Policy Uncertainty in Emerging Economies
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Feb 23 2020 Willy Kamdem , Jules Sadefo Kamdem , David Kamdem and Louis aimé Fono
  Risk Aversion and Optimal Hedge Ratio in Commodities Futures Markets
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Feb 10 2020 Murilo Silva and Sergio Da Silva
  The Brazilian granular business cycle
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Jan 06 2020 Marcelo A Mello and Christiano A Coelho
  Consumption, Leisure, and Cross-country Welfare Costs of Business Cycles
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Sep 30 2019 Yoonseok Choi
  Government spending multipliers: New results from a model of naiveté
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Aug 27 2019 Jean-François Verne and Carole Doueiry Verne
  Chaos in Lebanese GDP: The Lorenz Attractor Approach
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May 31 2019 Andrew Phiri
  Fitting Okun's law for the Swazi Kingdom: Will a nonlinear specification do?
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May 31 2019 Matteo Foglia and Eliana Angelini
  An explorative analysis of Italy banking financial stability
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May 15 2019 Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
  How do futures contracts affect Bitcoin prices ?
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Apr 25 2019 Vladimir Arčabić and Eric Olson
  Estimates of okun's law using a new output gap measure
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Apr 03 2019 Jesus Mendoza and Nathan Ashby
  Mexican Migration Flows to the United States: The Impact of Business Cycles on Unauthorized Immigration to the United States
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Mar 19 2019 Fernando H.P.S Mendes , João Frois Caldeira and Guilherme Valle Moura
  Duration-dependent Markov-switching model: an empirical study for the Brazilian business cycle.
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Oct 17 2018 Cleomar Gomes da Silva and Gilberto O. Boaretto
  Inflation and Relative Price Variability in Brazil: A Time-Varying Parameter Approach
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Sep 07 2018 Nidhaleddine Ben Cheikh , Younes Ben Zaied and Pascal Nguyen
  Nonlinear Exchange Rate Transmission in the Euro Area: A Multivariate Smooth Transition Regression Approach
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May 25 2018 Barış Soybilgen and Ege Yazgan
  Nowcasting the New Turkish GDP
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May 12 2018 Sarra Majoul Smaili and Mohamed safouane Ben aissa
  Exchange rate passthrough to domestic prices in some MENA countries
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Apr 15 2018 Gabriel Caldas Montes and Tatiana Acar
  Fiscal credibility and disagreement in expectations about inflation: evidence for Brazil
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Feb 09 2018 Na Zhang
  Leasing and business cycles
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Jan 21 2018 Ivan Mendieta-Muñoz
  The dynamic effects of aggregate supply and demand shocks in the Mexican economy
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Dec 04 2017 Idriss Fontaine
  The heterogeneity of uncertainty shocks: evidence from France
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Nov 19 2017 Balaji Bathmanaban , Raja Sethu Durai S and Ramachandran M
  The relationship between Output Uncertainty and Economic Growth-Evidence from India
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Nov 19 2017 Zoundi Zakaria
  Crude Oil Price Volatility and Domestic Price Responses in Developing Countries, Accounting for Asymmetry and Uncertainty
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Sep 27 2017 Riadh El Abed
  On the Co-movements among East Asian Foreign Exchange Markets: A Multivariate FIAPARCH-DCC approach
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Aug 31 2017 Fernando Barros Jr , Francisco L Lima Filho and Diego M Silva
  The Welfare Cost of Business Cycles for Heterogeneous Consumers: A State-Space Decomposition
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Aug 31 2017 Afees A. Salisu , Kazeem O. Isah and Idris Ademuyiwa
  Testing for asymmetries in the predictive model for oil price-inflation nexus
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Jul 02 2017 Taro Ikeda
  A fractal analysis of world stock markets
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Jun 05 2017 Umar Bala , Patchaya Songsiengchai and Lee Chin
  Asymmetric behavior of exchange rate pass-through in Thailand
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Jun 05 2017 Angelo Salton and Regis A. Ely
  Uncertainty and growth: evidence of emerging and developed countries
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May 25 2017 Siew-Voon Soon and Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah
  Exchange Rate Pass-through (ERPT) into Domestic Prices: Evidence from a Nonlinear Perspective
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May 05 2017 Duc Hong Vo and Anh The Vo
  Currency evaluation using a big mac index for Thailand – lessons for Vietnam
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May 04 2017 Ya-Wen Lai
  Output gaps and the New Keynesian Phillips curve: An application of the Empirical Mode Decomposition
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Apr 22 2017 Are Oust and Kjartan Hrafnkelsson
  What is a housing bubble?
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Apr 22 2017 Antonio Ribba
  What Drives US Inflation and Unemployment in the Long Run?
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Apr 22 2017 Wilfredo Leiva Maldonado and Jussara Ribeiro
  Construction of a dividend index with all the distributed revenues
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Apr 09 2017 Taro Ikeda
  Fractal analysis revisited: The case of the US industrial sector stocks
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Dec 02 2016 Helder Ferreira de Mendonça and Roseli da Silva
  Observing the influence of fiscal credibility on inflation: Evidence from an emerging economy
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Nov 27 2016 Bala Dahiru Abdullahi
  Time-Varying VAR with Stochastic Volatility and Monetary Policy Dynamics in Nigeria
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Nov 26 2016 Andrea Vaona
  The Classical Dichotomy fails in the Eurozone
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Nov 09 2016 Jiseob Kim
  Why household debt held by Korean seniors is problematic: An international comparison
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Oct 10 2016 Daniel Melser
  Prices over the business cycle: micro-level evidence from scanner data
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Aug 03 2016 Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
  Bitcoin: a beginning of a new phase?
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Jul 08 2016 Sediq Sameem and Kevin Sylwester
  Unemployment and Homicides: Evidence from Individual Level U.S. Data
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May 18 2016 Jamal Bouoiyour , Refk Selmi , Aviral Kumar Tiwari and Olaolu Richard Olayeni
  What drives Bitcoin price?
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Apr 14 2016 Torben Klarl
  The nexus between housing and GDP re-visited: A wavelet coherence view on housing and GDP for the U.S.
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Mar 24 2016 Najibullah Hassanzoy , Shoichi Ito , Hiroshi Isoda and Yuichiro Amekawa
  A comparison of asymmetric price transmission from global to domestic markets between high and low quality grains: a case of Afghan rice markets
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Feb 04 2016 Octavio Fernández-Amador , Martin Gächter and Friedrich Sindermann
  Finance-augmented business cycles: A robustness check
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Dec 26 2015 N'Yilimon Nantob
  Income Inequality and Inflation in Developing Countries : An Empirical Investigation
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Dec 18 2015 Scott W Hegerty
  Employment Cycle Co-Movements and Economic Integration Between Milwaukee and Chicago
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Dec 13 2015 Md Rafayet Alam
  Economic policy uncertainty in the US: Does it matter for Canada?
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Dec 13 2015 Steffen Ahrens and Matthias Hartmann
  Cross-sectional evidence on state-dependent versus time-dependent price setting
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Nov 20 2015 Keisuke Otsu and Florian Gerth
  A neoclassical analysis of the Great Recession: a historical comparison
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Sep 07 2015 Aviral Kumar Tiwari , Aruna Kumar Dash and Subhendu Dutta
  Testing the mean reversion in prices of agricultural commodities in India
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Jun 08 2015 Manel Hamdi and Chaker Aloui
  Forecasting Crude Oil Price Using Artificial Neural Networks: A Literature Survey
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Apr 03 2015 Andreas Assiotis , Marios Zachariadis and Andreas Savvides
  What Determines Technology Diffusion Across Frontiers? R&D Content, Human Capital and Institutions
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Apr 02 2015 Anindya Biswas
  The output gap and inflation in U.S. data: an empirical note
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Mar 28 2015 Simon Naitram , Justin Carter and Shane Lowe
  Three states of fiscal multipliers in a small open economy
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Mar 11 2015 Hermann Gartner
  Implicit contracts and industrial relations - Evidence from German employer-employee data
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Mar 11 2015 Andrea Giusto
  Learning to Agree: A New Perspective on Price Drift.
  Abstract  Contact Information  Citation  Full Text  -  Preliminary Result
Mar 11 2015 Sartaj Rasool Rather , Sunil Paul and S. Raja Sethu Durai
  Inflation forecasting and the distribution of price changes
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Oct 24 2014 Nicholas Mangee
  Stock Prices, the Business Cycle and Contingent Change: Evidence from Bloomberg News Market Wraps
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Aug 20 2014 Julia Bersch and Tara M. Sinclair
  Statistical versus economic output gap measures: evidence from Mongolia
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Aug 20 2014 Mohamed Arouri , Christophe Rault and Frédéric Teulon
  Economic policy uncertainty, oil price shocks and GCC stock markets
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Aug 07 2014 Athanasios O. Tagkalakis
  Is there any evidence of VAT related buoyancy effects in Greece?
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Jul 08 2014 Olga Vasyechko and Michel Grun Rehomme
  A new smoothing technique for univariate time series: the endpoint problem
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Jul 08 2014 Jens J. Krüger
  A multivariate evaluation of German output growth and inflation forecasts
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Jun 01 2014 Alberto Rinaldi and Barbara Pistoresi
  A note on Italy's current account sustainability: 1861-2010
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Jun 01 2014 Atsuo Utaka
  Consumer Confidence and the Japanese Economy -Comparison of Pre- and Post-Bubble Period-
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May 08 2014 Márcio P. Laurini and Roberto B. Mauad
  The stochastic volatility model with random jumps and its application to BRL/USD exchange rate.
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May 06 2014 Samuel Bates and Cheikh Tidiane Ndiaye
  Economic Growth from a Structural Unobserved Component Modeling: The Case of Senegal
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Apr 02 2014 Antonio Ribba
  Sources of unemployment fluctuations in the USA and in the Euro Area in the last decade
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Apr 02 2014 Sandeep Mazumder
  The Impact of Educational Attainment and Gender on the Inflation-Unemployment Tradeoff
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Feb 11 2014 Olivier Darné , Amélie Charles and Claude Diebolt
  A revision of the US business-cycles chronology 1790-1928
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Oct 10 2013 Jagadish Prasad Sahu
  Inflation dynamics in India: A hybrid New Keynesian Phillips Curve approach
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Oct 04 2013 Ryan W Herzog
  An Analysis of Okun's Law, the Natural Rate, and Voting Preferences for the 50 States
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Sep 03 2013 Maria Jesús Delgado-Rodriguez and Sonia De lucas-Santos
  Testing cyclical convergence with the factor model in the Euro Area
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Sep 03 2013 Frederique Bec and Marie Bessec
  Inventory Investment Dynamics and Recoveries: A Comparison of Manufacturing and Retail Trade Sectors
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Aug 05 2013 Fumitaka Furuoka , Qaiser Munir and Hanafiah Harvey
  Does the Phillips curve exist in the Philippines?
  Abstract  Contact Information  Citation  Full Text  -  Preliminary Result
Jul 25 2013 Cesar Sobrino and Ellis Heath
  Currency Area and Non-synchronized Business Cycles between the US and Puerto Rico
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Jul 22 2013 Gazi Salah Uddin and Aviral Kumar Tiwari
  Measuring co-movement of oil price and exchange rate differential in Bangladesh
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Jul 16 2013 Thanaset Chevapatrakul and Juan Paez-farrell
  What determines the sacrifice ratio? A quantile regression approach
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May 12 2013 Lilia Karnizova
  Letting the speculative and the news views of the Japanese business cycle compete
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Apr 22 2013 Yong-gook Jung
  A new strategy to estimate time-to-build completion rates
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Apr 16 2013 Siliti jr Hammadi and Ben mbarek jr Hassene
  Shocks Transmission in the Mediterranean Zone
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Apr 11 2013 Yanfeng Wei
  Commodity prices, manufactured goods prices and inflation: evidence from Japan
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Apr 05 2013 Tatiana Cesaroni
  Economic integration and industrial sector fluctuations: evidence from Italy
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Mar 18 2013 Mariko Tanaka
  Endogenous fluctuations in a three-period OLG model with credit market imperfection
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Jan 30 2013 Nicholas Herro and James Murray
  Dynamics of Monetary Policy Uncertainty and the Impact on the Macroeconomy
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Oct 22 2012 Naveen Srinivasan and Pankaj Kumar
  Inflation Persistence: Does Credibility of the Monetary Regime Matter?
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Sep 24 2012 Hyeon-seung Huh and Yeana Lee
  A note on the equivalence of the Blanchard and Quah (1989) and Sims (1980) identification procedures
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Sep 16 2012 Nidhaleddine Ben Cheikh
  Non-linearities in exchange rate pass-through: Evidence from smooth transition models
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Aug 23 2012 Tara M. Sinclair , H. O. Stekler and Warren Carnow
  A new approach for evaluating economic forecasts
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Jun 27 2012 Heiko Stüber
  Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity in a Cross Section: An Analysis of Linked Employer-Employee Data for the Years 1995 to 2007
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Apr 26 2012 Yoichi Tsuchiya
  Is the Purchasing Managers' Index useful for assessing the economy's strength? A directional analysis
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Apr 26 2012 Jens Boysen-Hogrefe
  A note on predicting recessions in the euro area using real M1
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Apr 25 2012 Go Tamakoshi and Shigeyuki Hamori
  Informational roles of commodity prices for monetary policy: evidence from the Euro area
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Aug 30 2011 Nazif Durmaz
  "Housing Prices and Fundamentals: The Role of a Supply Shifter."
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Aug 23 2011 Jun-hyung Ko and Hiroshi Morita
  Fiscal Policy under the Debt Feedback Rule: The Case of Japan
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Jun 25 2011 Gianluca Lagana and Pasquale Sgro
  Fiscal Policy and US-Canadian Trade
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May 24 2011 Jean-François VERNE
  An econometric analysis of the output gap fluctuations: The case of Lebanon
  Abstract  Contact Information  Citation  Full Text  -  Preliminary Result
May 12 2011 Nicolas Canry , Julien Fouquau and Sébastien Lechevalier
  Sectoral Price Dynamics in Japan: A Threshold Approach
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Apr 27 2011 Orlando Gomes and Vivaldo M. Mendes
  Sluggish information diffusion and monetary policy shocks
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Apr 15 2011 Myeong Hwan Kim and David A. Dilts
  The Relationship of the value of the Dollar, and the Prices of Gold and Oil: A Tale of Asset Risk
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Mar 04 2011 Fredrik NG Andersson
  Monetary Policy, Asset Price Inflation and Consumer Price Inflation
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Feb 21 2011 Luis Julián Álvarez , Pablo Burriel and Ignacio Hernando
  Explaining cross-industry heterogeneity in price stickiness.
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Feb 15 2011 Terence Tai-Leung Chong , Ning Zhang and Qu Feng
  Structural Changes and Regional Disparity in China's Inflation
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Jan 30 2011 Sandeep Mazumder
  The Long-Run Relationship Between Inflation and the Markup in the U.S.
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Jan 21 2011 Daisuke Ida
  The gains from commitment when inflation persistence and data uncertainty coexist
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Jan 14 2011 Peter Karpestam and Fredrik NG Andersson
  A flexible CO2 targeting regime
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Dec 02 2010 Prakash Singh
  Searching Threshold Inflation for India
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Sep 16 2010 Peter Tillmann
  Do FOMC members believe in Okun's Law?
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Aug 28 2010 Ivan Jeliazkov and Rui Liu
  A model-based ranking of U.S. recessions
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Aug 26 2010 Tatiana Cesaroni
  Estimating potential output using business survey data in a svar framework
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Aug 01 2010 Fabio Clementi , Mauro Gallegati and Antonio Palestrini
  A Big Mac test of price dynamics and dispersion across euro area
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Jul 27 2010 Thomas Grennes , Pablo Guerron-quintana and Asli Leblebicioglu
  Economic Development and Volatility among the States
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Jul 19 2010 Sylvain M. Prado
  Macroeconomics of the New and the Used Car Markets
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Jul 11 2010 A. nazif Catik and Chris Martin
  Relative Price Adjustment and the UK Phillips Curve
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May 03 2010 Jaunky Chandr Vishal
  Inflation divergence within the SADC
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Apr 22 2010 Essahbi Essaadi and Mohamed Boutahar
  A Measure of Variability in Comovement for Economic Variables: a Time-Varying Coherence Function Approach
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Feb 08 2010 Guido Ascari and Nicola Branzoli
  The long-run optimal degree of indexation in new Keynesian models with price staggering à la Calvo
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Jan 28 2010 Akira Terai
  Estimating the distribution of inflation expectations
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Jan 20 2010 Hamid Baghestani
  Predicting the direction of change in aggregate demand growth and its components
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Dec 23 2009 Giorgio Fagiolo , Mauro Napoletano , Marco Piazza and Andrea Roventini
  Detrending and the Distributional Properties of U.S. Output Time Series
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Dec 11 2009 Iuliana Matei
  Testing for price convergence: how close are EU New Member's States to euro zone?
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Dec 06 2009 António Afonso and Davide Furceri
  Sectoral Business Cycle Synchronization in the European Union
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Oct 19 2009 Ioanna Konstantakopoulou , Eftymios Tsionas and Tryphon Kollintzas
  Stylized Facts of Prices and Interest Rates over the Business Cycle
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Oct 05 2009 Hamid Baghestani
  A Comparison of U.S. Housing Starts Forecasts
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Aug 24 2009 Sylvain M. Prado
  The European used-car market at a glance: Hedonic resale price valuation in automotive leasing industry
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Aug 04 2009 Hiroki Arato
  Long-run relationship between inflation and growth in a New Keynesian framework
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Jun 28 2009 John Beirne
  Vulnerability of inflation in the new EU Member States to country-specific and global factors
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May 04 2009 Jim Lee
  Food and Energy Prices in Core Inflation
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Apr 30 2009 Derek Stimel
  An examination of U.S. Phillips curve nonlinearity and its relationship to the business cycle
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Mar 05 2009 Claude Lopez
  Euro-zone Inflation Rates: Stationary or Regime-wise Stationary Processes
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Sep 26 2008 DomeNico Raguseo and Jan Sebo
  Optimum Currency Areas theory and the Slovak suitability for the euro adoption
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Sep 17 2008 Yoke-Kee Eng and Chin-Yoong Wong
  A short note on business cycles of underground output: are they asymmetric?
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Jul 03 2008 Marco Huesch
  Sunspots do matter: a simple disproof of Mas-Colell
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Jun 03 2008 Wei-Choun Yu
  Macroeconomic and financial market volatilities: an empirical evidence of factor model
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Mar 13 2008 Mark Weder
  Hours and effort variation in sunspot-based business cycle theory
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Mar 09 2008 Tatiana Cesaroni and Carmine Pappalardo
  Long run and short run dynamics in italian manufacturing labour productivity
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Sep 27 2007 Keiichiro Kobayashi and Kengo Nutahara
  Collateralized capital and news-driven cycles
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Sep 19 2007 Shyh-Wei Chen
  Using Regional Cycles to Measure National Business Cycles in the U.S. with the Markov Switching Panel Model
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Aug 14 2007 Shigeyuki Hamori
  The information role of commodity prices in formulating monetary policy: some evidence from Japan
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Jul 24 2007 Tapsoba Jules-Armand
  Bilateral Trade and Business Cycles Synchronization: African Monetary Integration Perspective
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Jun 15 2007 Chien-Chiang Lee and Chun-Ping Chang
  Mean reversion of inflation rates in 19 OECD countries: Evidence from panel Lm unit root tests with structural breaks
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Feb 21 2007 Lefteris Tsoulfidis and Theologos Dergiades
  Estimating Capacity Utilization Using a SVAR Model: An Application to the US and Canadian Economies
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Feb 19 2007 Juan Paez-Farrell
  Understanding monetary policy in Central European countries using Taylor-type rules: the case of the Visegrad four
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Feb 18 2007 Ali Choudhary and Young-Bae Kim
  Habit Formation: Deep and Uncertain
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Feb 18 2007 Kong-Weng Ho and Nicholas Sim
  Indeterminacy and market instability
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Oct 09 2006 Francesco Zanetti
  Labor Market Frictions into Staggered Wage Contracts
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Sep 08 2006 Attila Ratfai
  How Fast Is Convergence to the Law of One Price? Very
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Aug 10 2006 Shyh-Wei Chen
  Enhanced reliability of the leading indicator in identifying turning points in Taiwan? an evaluation
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May 11 2006 Ossama Mikhail
  Trading Business-Cycle Depth for Duration using an economy-specific characteristic
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Nov 01 2005 Shigeyuki Hamori and Ivohasina Razafimahefa
  An Empirical Analysis of FDI Competitiveness in Sub-Saharan Africa and Developing Countries
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Sep 21 2005 Gary Shelley and Frederick Wallace
  The relation between U.S. money growth and inflation: evidence from a band-pass filter
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Feb 24 2005 Michael Bleaney and Manuela Francisco
  Inflation persistence and exchange rate regimes: evidence from developing countries
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Jul 23 2004 Yann Algan and Olivier Allais
  Incomplete Unemployment Insurance under Aggregate Fluctuations
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May 20 2004 Mark Weder
  Endogenous Monetary Growth Rules and Determinacy in Cash-in-Advance Models
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Apr 14 2004 Bernd Süssmuth
  A note on death penalty executions and business cycles in U.S. federal states: Is there any nexus?
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Apr 12 2004 Franck Portier
  Menu costs, (s,S) rule, imperfect information and the neutrality of money
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Feb 18 2004 Joao Ricardo Faria
  Small departures from rationality magnify fluctuations
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Feb 07 2004 Patrick Fève
  Technology Shock and Employment under Catching up with the Joneses
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Oct 06 2003 Ilaski Barañano and M. Paz Moral
  Output dynamics in an endogenous growth model
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May 22 2003 Jesus Crespo Cuaresma
  Asymmetric cycles in unobserved components models
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May 22 2003 Tristan-Pierre Maury
  Endogenous growth, transitional dynamics and the welfare costs of inflation
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May 22 2003 Tristan-Pierre Maury and Fabien Tripier
  Output persistence in human capital-based growth models
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May 22 2003 Thomas Seegmuller
  Endogenous fluctuations and public services in a simple OLG economy
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Nov 06 2002 Konstantin A. Kholodilin
  Two Alternative Approaches to Modelling the Nonlinear Dynamics of the Composite Economic Indicator
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Sep 22 2002 Konstantin A. Kholodilin
  Some Evidence of Decreasing Volatility of the US Coincident Economic Indicator
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Aug 28 2002 Michael Kiley
  The lead of output over inflation in sticky price models
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Apr 06 2002 Fabien Tripier
  The Dynamic Correlation Between Growth and Unemployment
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Apr 06 2002 Christophre Georges
  An Efficiency Wage Model With Persistent Cycles
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Mar 19 2002 Konstantin Kholodilin
  Predicting the Cyclical Phases of the Post-War U.S. Leading and Coincident Indicators
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Jul 17 2001 Konstantin Kholodilin
  Latent Leading and Coincident Factors Model with Markov-Switching Dynamics
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