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Notes, Comments and Preliminary results

Jun 30 2024 Isaac Ketu , Paul Ningaye and Anatole Tchounga
  Industrialization in the face of economic policy uncertainty: cross-country evidence
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Dec 30 2023 Pedro Hemsley , Marcio Firmo and Vitor Onuki
  How relevant is information? Some experimental evidence
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Dec 30 2023 Michel C. de Souza
  On the transmission of us uncertainty shocks to the European labor market
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Mar 30 2023 Hans Haller
  Braess paradox with mixed strategies
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Dec 30 2022 Michele Dell´Era
  Financial transaction taxes and expert advice
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Jun 30 2022 Francesco Bogliacino , Rafael Charris , Camilo Gómez and Felipe Montealegre
  Fake news and beliefs: evidence from a natural experiment
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Feb 20 2022 Guanlin Gao and Danyang Li
  Knowledge, overconfidence, and behavior in COVID-19: results from an online survey
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Sep 18 2021 Arthur Fishman
  Active search in the Diamond search model
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Sep 18 2021 Axel Freudenberger and Yoav Wachsman
  Framing and Loss Aversion Tested in the Context of an Academic Examination
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Sep 18 2021 Whelsy Boungou and Charles Mawusi
  Economic Policy Uncertainty and Banks' Interest Income: Empirical Evidence from an International Panel Dataset
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Sep 17 2021 Elie Bouri , Rangan Gupta , Chi keung marco Lau and David Roubaud
  Risk aversion and Bitcoin returns in extreme quantiles
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Jul 18 2021 Luc Meunier and Sima Ohadi
  The Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on Individuals' Risk and Time Preferences
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Apr 09 2021 Brandli Stitzel , Ryan S Mattson and Rex Pjesky
  The trashy side of baseball: An econometric analysis of the Houston Astros cheating scandal.
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Mar 10 2021 Helder Ferreira de Mendonça and Pedro Mendes Garcia
  Does the central banker type affect inflation expectations?
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Nov 30 2020 Gabriel Yong Ping Chua , Hui Jun Er , Shao Yi Liaw and Tai-Sen He
  Pitch Right: The Effect of Vocal Pitch on Risk Aversion
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Nov 14 2020 Jean-Francois Gajewski and Luc Meunier
  Risk preferences: are students a reasonable sample to make inferences about the decision-making of finance professionals?
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Sep 24 2020 Kim Gannon and Hanzhe Zhang
  An Evolutionary Justification for Overconfidence
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Jun 02 2020 Désiré Avom , Henri Njangang and Larissa Nawo
  World Economic Policy Uncertainty and Foreign Direct Investment
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May 15 2020 Brishti Guha
  Revisiting the volunteer's dilemma: group size and public good provision in the presence of some ambiguity aversion
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Mar 25 2020 Christina Christou , Giray Gozgor , Rangan Gupta and Chi keung Marco Lau
  Are Uncertainties across the World Convergent?
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Feb 07 2020 Mohamed El Fodil Ihaddaden
  Impact of Political Uncertainty on Banking Productivity: Investigating the Jasmin Revolution Effect on the Tunisian Banking System
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Dec 16 2019 Rodrigo J Raad , Gilvan Guedes and Lucélia Vaz
  Insurance Contracts under Beliefs Contamination
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Sep 30 2019 Besart Avdiu
  Information Frictions and Tax Inertia
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Apr 03 2019 Darcy W E Allen , Alastair Berg , Chris Berg , Brendan Markey-Towler and Jason Potts
  Some economic consequences of the GDPR
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Mar 28 2019 Zeynep Kantur and Kerim Keskin
  On (mis-)perception of probabilities in first-price sealed-bid auctions
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Jun 03 2018 Plamen Nikolov
  Time Delay and Investment Decisions: Evidence from An Experiment in Tanzania
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Apr 15 2018 Ngo Van Long and Frank Stähler
  The economics of production planning
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Apr 09 2018 Luis Carlos Reyes
  Reciprocity in a social network: evidence from a natural field experiment
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Mar 23 2018 Prudence Dato
  Inducing e-waste sorting investment under imperfect information
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Feb 27 2018 François Desmoulins-Lebeault , Jean-François Gajewski and Luc Meunier
  Personality and Risk Aversion
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Feb 09 2018 Amitrajeet A Batabyal and Seung Jick Yoo
  On the provision of guided tours in multiple foreign languages to tourists
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Jan 21 2018 Francisco JM Costa and Joisa Dutra
  Effort Complementarity and Team Size, An Experimental Analysis of Moral Hazard in Teams
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Dec 01 2017 Graham Beattie
  Biased media in an unbiased market
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Sep 27 2017 Yoshimasa Katayama , Satoshi Nakada and Taishi Sassano
  Evolutionary Implementation of Efficient Networks
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Apr 22 2017 Bonyoung Koo , Seung Ho Yoo and Byung Cho Kim
  The bigger, the better? An investigation of optimal volume of big data
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Oct 05 2016 Gaowang Wang and Juanjuan Yan
  Robustness, the Spirit of Capitalism and Asset Pricing
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Aug 03 2016 Tae-young Pak and Swarnankur Chatterjee
  Savings Decisions of American Households: The Roles of Financial Literacy and Financial Practice
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Jun 11 2016 Charlotte Klempt
  The Impact of Random Help on the Dynamics of Indirect Reciprocity
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Jun 11 2016 Ben O Smith
  Giving away the store: How the zero price constraint results in fewer add-on features
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Jun 11 2016 Pepin Dominique
  The subjective discount factor and the coefficient of relative risk aversion under time-additive isoelastic expected utility model
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Mar 28 2016 Duk gyoo Kim
  Response time in choosing the most or least preferred option
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Feb 04 2016 Zhou Yang and Martin Tackie
  Risk Preference and Student Behavior on Multiple-Choice Exams
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Dec 13 2015 Matthew Ryan
  A Strict Stochastic Utility Theorem
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Nov 21 2015 Tomohiko Tomohiko
  Network Heterogeneity and a Coordination Game
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Jul 24 2015 Rainer Andergassen
  Product market competition and fraud in a model of price competition with horizontally differentiated products
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Jul 11 2015 Timm Teubner , Marc T. P. Adam and Claudia Niemeyer
  Measuring risk preferences in field experiments: Proposition of a simplified task
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Jun 09 2015 Luciana C Moscoso Boedo and Antonio Jimenez-Martinez
  Identifying defectors in a population with short-run players.
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Apr 02 2015 Kai Duttle and Keigo Inukai
  Complexity Aversion: Influences of Cognitive Abilities, Culture and System of Thought
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Mar 11 2015 Paul Hubert
  Policy implications of learning from more accurate central bank forecasts
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Mar 11 2015 Catarina Goulão and Luca Panaccione
  Pooling promises with moral hazard
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Mar 11 2015 Pavel Yakovlev and David Gilson
  Public Trust and Press Freedom
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Mar 11 2015 Prateek Goorha
  From Pre-Firm to Firm: How Influence among Potential Employees Affects Entrepreneurial Decision
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Oct 24 2014 Orlando Gomes
  Agency relations in the brain: towards an optimal control theory
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Sep 13 2014 Ahmadou lô Gueye
  Failures of reversal symmetry under two common voting rules
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Jul 28 2014 Yizhaq Minchuk
  Aggressive Bidding of Weak Bidders in All-Pay Auction
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Jul 10 2014 Amira Bouziri and Marc-arthur Diaye
  A Test of Garicano's Knowledge Model
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Jul 08 2014 Niousha Shahidi
  Moral hazard and optimal insurance contract with a continuum effort
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Jun 02 2014 Oindrila Dey and Swapnendu Banerjee
  Status Incentives with Discrete Effort: A Note
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Mar 31 2014 Matthew Ryan
  Belief functions and preference for flexibility
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Jan 24 2014 Kim Kaivanto , Eike B. Kroll and Michael Zabinski
  Bias-Trigger Manipulation and Task-Form Understanding in Monty Hall
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Jan 14 2014 Eike B. Kroll , Joerg Rieger and Bodo Vogt
  The processing of complex information! A comparison on hypothetical and performance based payoff decisions
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Oct 15 2013 Thomas Eichner
  Increases in skewness and insurance
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Sep 17 2013 Tomohiko Konno
  Pareto Distribution of Firm Size and Knowledge Spillover Process as a Network
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Aug 13 2013 Amitrajeet A Batabyal and Hamid Beladi
  Setting the dowry optimally to extract the full surplus: a contract theory perspective
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Jun 24 2013 Atsuo Tomori
  The Impact of Re-election Concerns on Truth-telling in a Cheap-Talk Model of a Bureaucrat's Advice
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Jun 21 2013 Ayca Kaya
  Dynamics of price and advertising as quality signals: anything goes
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Jun 14 2013 David de Meza and Diane Reyniers
  Debiasing the Becker – DeGroot – Marschak valuation mechanism
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Mar 07 2013 Scott E Page and John Vandermeer
  Inequality and Innovativeness
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Jan 08 2013 Takashi Ui and Yasunori Yoshizawa
  Radner's Theorem on Teams and Games with a Continuum of Players
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Jan 01 2013 Sudhanshu K Mishra
  Global Optimization of Some Difficult Benchmark Functions by Host-Parasite Coevolutionary Algorithm
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Dec 27 2012 Kunio Tsuyuhara
  An advice game with reputational and career concerns
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Nov 19 2012 Marco Cucculelli and Barbara Ermini
  Individual risk attitude, product innovation and firm performance. Evidence from survey data.
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Nov 07 2012 Kaniska Dam and Antonio Jimenez-Martinez
  A note on bargaining over complementary pieces of information in networks
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Sep 18 2012 Jesse Bull
  Third-Party Budget Breakers and Side Contracting in Team Production
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Aug 10 2012 Anne Corcos , François Pannequin and Sacha Bourgeois-gironde
  Is trust an ambiguous rather than a risky decision?
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Feb 26 2012 Abhijit Ramalingam
  The relevance of irrelevant information in the dictator game
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Jan 25 2012 Jaqueson K. Galimberti and Sergio da Silva
  An empirical case against the use of genetic-based learning classifier systems as forecasting devices
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Jan 20 2012 Shaheen Seedat and Alexander Zimper
  Existence of speculative bubbles when time-horizons are finite
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Jan 09 2012 Franklin G. Mixon Jr., Rand W. Ressler and Richard J. Cebula
  Beyond the Friday night lights: Social networks, migration, and individual success in college football
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Nov 22 2011 Masatomo Akita and Yusuke Osaki
  Optimal accounting policies under financial constraints: aggressive versus conservative
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Sep 08 2011 Georg Stadtmann , Christian Pierdzioch and Jan Ruelke
  Scattered Fiscal Forecasts
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Jun 16 2011 François Maréchal
  First-price vs second-price auctions under risk aversion and private affiliated values
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Mar 01 2011 Wouter Vergote
  Collusion in repeated auctions: a simple dynamic mechanism
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Feb 14 2011 Emna Trabelsi
  Does asymmetric information play a role in explaining the Asian crisis? Application to Indonesian and Malaysian cases using a two-state Markov Switching model
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Feb 14 2011 Juan Gabriel Brida , Juan S. Pereyra and Wiston Adrián Risso
  Learning strategies in modelling economic growth
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Dec 02 2010 Sonia Schwartz
  Pollution Permit Market: Using Incentive Contracts to Reduce Dominant Firm Inefficiencies
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Nov 30 2010 Stefan D. Haigner , Stefan Jenewein , Hans-Christian Müller and Florian Wakolbinger
  The first shall be last: Serial position effects in the case contestants evaluate each other
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Oct 19 2010 Piergiuseppe Morone and Antonio Lopolito
  Socio-technical transition pathways and social networks: a toolkit for empirical innovation studies
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Sep 17 2010 Mehtap Işık and Unal Zenginobuz
  On the stability of network structures with public goods
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Jul 27 2010 Aric P. Shafran
  Interdependent security experiments
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May 21 2010 Marcia L. Zindel , Emilio Menezes , Raul Matsushita and Sergio Da Silva
  Biological characteristics modulating investor overconfidence
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Oct 28 2009 Veikko Thiele
  Aggregating Performance Measures in Multi-Task Agencies
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Sep 16 2009 François Maréchal
  Prevention of diseases and preventive co-payment rate
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Jun 10 2009 Nathalie Etchart-Vincent
  The shape of the utility function under risk in the loss domain and the "ruinous losses" hypothesis: some experimental results
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May 15 2009 Daniel Danau
  A note on fixed and flexible-term contracts
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Apr 25 2009 Anna Maffioletti , Ulrich Schmidt and Carsten Schröder
  The effect of elicitation methods on ambiguity aversion: an experimental investigation
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Apr 07 2009 Eric Darmon , Alexandra Rufini and Dominique Torre
  Back to software "profitable piracy": the role of information diffusion
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Feb 27 2009 James C. Cox , Vjollca Sadiraj and Bodo Vogt
  On the empirical relevance of st. petersburg lotteries
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Feb 15 2009 Neelam Jain
  Lender learning and entry under demand uncertainty
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Nov 02 2008 Patrizia Margani and Marco Malgarini
  Unemployment expectations across heterogeneous groups
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Aug 29 2008 Kin Chung Lo
  Risk, Ambiguity, and the Klibanoff Axioms
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Jul 03 2008 Kitae Sohn
  Why are there singles: Being single in equilibrium as a partner discipline device
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Jun 27 2008 Tim Friehe
  Insurance, Pooling, and Resistance to Reform: The Case of Individual Uncertainty
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Jun 27 2008 Laetitia Placido and Olivier L'Haridon
  An allais paradox for generalized expected utility theories?
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Jun 27 2008 Andrea Morone and Ulrich Schmidt
  An Experimental Investigation of Alternatives to Expected Utility Using Pricing Data
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Jun 12 2008 Yasunori Watanabe
  A monotone comparative static result on contract incompleteness
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May 16 2008 Yutaka Suzuki
  Mechanism design with collusive supervision: a three-tier agency model with a continuum of types
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Apr 21 2008 Takaaki Aoki
  One Proposition about Dynamic Portfolio Selection in an Open Economy and International Diversification
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Mar 07 2008 Parikshit Ghosh
  Price Discrimination As Portfolio Diversification
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Mar 07 2008 Christelle Viauroux
  Marginal Utility of Income and value of time in urban transport
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Oct 30 2007 Theofanis Tsoulouhas and Kosmas Marinakis
  Tournaments with Ex Post Heterogeneous Agents
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Oct 04 2007 Marco Di Maggio
  Information sharing in emerging credit markets
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Sep 08 2007 Pavel Yakovlev
  Ideology, Shirking, and the Incumbency Advantage in the U.S. House of Representatives
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Aug 22 2007 Avik Chakraborty
  Learning, Forward Premium Puzzle and Exchange Rate Fundamentals under Sticky Prices
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Aug 13 2007 Antoine Bommier
  Risk Aversion, Intertemporal Elasticity of Substitution and Correlation Aversion
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Jul 20 2007 Jeremy Bertomeu and Hamid Beladi
  Mediator learning and dowry determination in an arranged marriage setting
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Jul 06 2007 Andrea Gallice
  Some equivalence results between mixed strategy Nash equilibria and minimax regret in 2x2 games
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Jun 17 2007 Luigi Ventura
  A note on the relevance of prudence in precautionary saving.
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Apr 08 2007 Ismail Saglam and Semih Koray
  Learning in Bayesian regulation: desirable or undesirable?
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Nov 21 2006 Kin Chung Lo
  A robust definition of possibility for biseparable preferences
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Oct 25 2006 Diego Nocetti and William T. Smith
  Why Do Pooled Forecasts Do Better Than Individual Forecasts Ex Post?
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Sep 26 2006 Diego Nocetti
  Portfolio Selection with Endogenous Estimation Risk
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Sep 13 2006 Stephan O. Hornig and Manfred Stadler
  On the robustness of concealing cost information in oligopoly
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Jul 21 2006 Minoru Kitahara and Yohei Sekiguchi
  Aggregate Accuracy under Majority Rule with Heterogeneous Cost Functions
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Jun 03 2006 W. Douglass Shaw , Andres Silva and Rodolfo M. Nayga, Jr.
  Health benefits and uncertainty: an experimental analysis of the effects of risk presentation on auction bids for a healthful product
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May 23 2006 Mayumi Horie
  A unified representation of conditioning rules for convex capacities
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Feb 02 2006 Hammad Siddiqi
  Bargaining under ambiguity: some experimental evidence
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Jan 11 2006 Alexander Zimper and Alexander Ludwig
  Rational expectations and ambiguity: A comment on Abel (2002)
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Dec 15 2005 Udo Ebert
  Measures of downside risk
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Dec 12 2005 Moawia Alghalith
  A note on output hedging with basis risk- an extension of Paroush and Wolf hedging model
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Dec 01 2005 Diego Nocetti
  A Model of Mental Effort and Endogenous Estimation Risk
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Nov 01 2005 Tsung-Sheng Tsai
  Private Provision of Public Goods under Delegated Common Agency
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Oct 10 2005 Manfred Stadler and Tobias Schuele
  Signalling Effects of a Large Player in a Global Game of Creditor Coordination
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Sep 23 2005 Gwenael Piaser
  Stochastic and deterministic menus in common agency games
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Sep 09 2005 Takashi Ui and Atsushi Kajii
  Equivalence of the Dempster-Shafer rule and the maximum likelihood rule implies convexity
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Jul 25 2005 Jean Fernand Nguema
  Stochastic dominance on optimal portfolio with one risk-less and two risky assets
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Jul 05 2005 Shunichiro Sasaki
  Signal Qualities, Order of Decisions, and Informational Cascades: Experimental Evidence
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Jun 22 2005 Yusuke Osaki
  Dependent background risks and asset prices
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Jun 15 2005 Julien Prat
  Increasing optimism and demand uncertainty
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Apr 06 2005 Benoît Sévi and Fabrice Yafil
  A special case of self-protection: The choice of a lawyer
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Feb 13 2005 Sudipta Sarangi and Prabirendra Chatterjee
  Enforcement with Costly Group Formation
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Jan 31 2005 Marcello Basili and Fulvio Fontini
  Quasi-option value under ambiguity
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Jan 15 2005 Khaïreddine Jebsi and Lionel Thomas
  Nonlinear pricing of a congestible network good
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Jan 12 2005 Andreas Wagener
  Linear risk tolerance and mean-variance preferences
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Nov 19 2004 Laurent Franckx , Isabelle Brose and Alessio DAmato
  Multitask Rank Order Tournaments
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Oct 11 2004 Frederic Peltrault and Michel Blanchard
  The welfare effects of international trade with optimistic and pessimistic managers
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Aug 26 2004 Norimichi Matsueda
  Potential Failure of an International Environmental Agreement under Asymmetric Information
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Jun 16 2004 Amitrajeet Batabyal and Gregory DeAngelo
  A dynamic and stochastic analysis of fertilizer use in swidden agriculture
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May 24 2004 Slim Ben Youssef
  Transboundary pollution, asymmetric information and social welfare
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Apr 27 2004 David A. Hennessy
  Orthogonal Subgroups for Portfolio Choice
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Apr 21 2004 Simon Grant and John Quiggin
  Noise Trader Risk and the Welfare Effects of Privatization
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Feb 28 2004 Albert Burgos
  Guessing and gambling
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Jan 05 2004 Murat Isik
  Does Uncertainty Affect the Divergence between WTP and WTA Measures?
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Dec 19 2003 Joseph G. Eisenhauer
  Approximation bias in estimating risk aversion
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Nov 06 2003 Yuichi Noguchi
  Conditional adaptive strategies
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Oct 17 2003 Archishman Chakraborty and Bilge Yilmaz
  Multi-stage financing and the winner's curse
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Oct 13 2003 Koichi Takeda
  The Influence of Large Creditors on Creditor Coordination
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May 06 2003 Daniel Sgroi
  Irreversible investment and the value of information gathering
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Apr 14 2003 Manfred Nermuth and Carlos Alos-Ferrer
  A comment on "The selection of preferences through imitation"
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Mar 06 2003 Marco Scarsini and Yossi Feinberg
  Rate of Arbitrage and Reconciled Beliefs
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Feb 14 2003 Yishay D. Maoz
  Entry and exit under uncertainty in the presence of drift
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Jan 13 2003 Neil Brisley
  A Comparative Analysis of IPO Proceeds Under Alternative Regulatory Environments: A Comment.
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Sep 27 2002 Xiaopeng Xu
  Voting costs and voter welfare
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May 28 2002 Albert Burgos
  Learning to deal with risk: what does reinforcement learning tell us about risk attitudes?
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Mar 08 2002 Xiaopeng Xu
  Quality over-provision of information goods
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Jan 18 2002 Xiaopeng Xu
  The effect of the status quo tie-breaking rule on prize winning
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Sep 12 2001 William Neilson
  Calibration results for rank-dependent expected utility
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Jul 06 2001 Antonio Quesada
  On the existence of self-enforcing equilibria
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Apr 05 2001 Sumru Altug and Michel Demers
  The Impact of Tax Risk and Persistence on Investment Decisions
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