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Jun 30 2024 Amparo Castello-Climent and Rafael Domenech
  Convergence in human capital and income
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Mar 30 2024 Geoffrey Ducournau and Daniel Melhem
  Bayesian statistical inference addressed to share prices dynamics' theory
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Mar 30 2024 Muhammad zaheer Khan , Rusmawati Said and Sadaf Amjad
  Relationship between labor force participation and unemployment in Pakistan
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Sep 30 2023 Jamie Emerson
  Education, employment, and labor force participation in the United States
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Jun 30 2023 Drini Morina , Henning Lucas and Stefanie Heiden
  Non-linearities in the R&D-firm growth relationship: Evidence from a semiparametric location-scale regression approach
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Jun 30 2023 Jim Jin and Shinji Kobayashi
  Monopoly profit lower than oligopoly due to risk aversion
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Jun 30 2023 William T. Smith
  The optimal hedge ratio: A closed-form solution, a conjecture, and a challenge
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Jun 30 2023 Christian Pierdzioch , Sebastian Rohloff and Roland von Campe
  The stance of U.S. monetary policy and the realized variance of gold-price returns
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Dec 30 2022 Nadia Dridi and Fathi Ayachi
  The determinants of EURO/TND exchange rate volatility in Tunisia
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Jun 30 2022 Thomas Snyder , Elsa Mattson and Alex Kanode
  Licensing growth and its effect on employment concentration
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Jun 30 2022 William T. Smith
  The optimal hedge ratio: A solution, a conjecture, and a challenge
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Sep 17 2021 Mateus Portelinha , Carlos Heitor Campani and Raphael Roquete
  The impacts of cryptocurrencies in the performance of Brazilian stocks' portfolios
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Jul 18 2021 Max Resende , Juliano Leal and João Simoni
  Electricity demand in the iron ore industry: Evidence from Brazil
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Apr 09 2021 Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay and Rui Sun
  How large is the effect of inequality on economic growth?
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Nov 30 2020 Soonho Kim
  Effect of Short Selling on Market Liquidity, Price, and Volatility: A Dynamic Perspective
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Jun 07 2020 Jau-er Chen and Rajarshi Mitra
  Demographic Shifts and Asset Returns in Japan
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Feb 05 2020 Claude Bergeron , Tov Assogbavi and Jean-pierre Gueyie
  Conditional capital asset pricing model, long-run risk, and stock valuation
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Nov 29 2019 Zsolt Sándor
  Further evidence on sparse grids-based numerical integration in the mixed logit model
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Nov 03 2019 Tilak Sanyal
  A Note on ‘Neutrality Theorem' In Private Provision of Pure Public Good
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Sep 30 2019 Cynthia Royal Tori and Scott L. Tori
  Swedish krona-euro return volatility and non-traditional monetary policies
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May 02 2019 Téa Ouraga
  A note on Gini Principal Component Analysis
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May 02 2019 Claude Bergeron
  Recursive preferences, long-run risks, and stock valuation
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Feb 18 2019 Aline B. Schuh , Pascoal José Marion Filho and Daniel Arruda Coronel
  Determinants of the Default Rate of Individual Clients in Brazil and the Role of Payroll Loans
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Feb 18 2019 Marcelo de C. Griebeler
  Strategically reported inflation expectation: a cheap-talk approach
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Dec 02 2018 José César Cruz Junior , Daniel H D Capitani and Rodrigo L F Silveira
  The effect of Brazilian corn and soybean crop expansion on price and volatility transmission
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Oct 30 2018 Alexander Falter and Dennis Wesselbaum
  Correlated shocks in estimated DSGE models
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May 12 2018 Jean-Marie Cardebat , Paola Corsinovi and Davide Gaeta
  Do Top 100 wine lists provide consumers with better information?
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May 12 2018 Mohamed Mabrouki
  Supporting economic growth through innovation: How does human capital influence the rate of growth?
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Feb 27 2018 Alejandro Mosiño and Alejandro Tatsuo Moreno-Okuno
  On modeling fossil fuel prices: geometric Brownian motion vs. variance-gamma process
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Feb 27 2018 François Desmoulins-Lebeault , Jean-François Gajewski and Luc Meunier
  Personality and Risk Aversion
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Dec 01 2017 José Antonio Núñez-Mora , Roberto Joaquín Santillán-Salgado and Leovardo Mata
  Efficient portfolios and the generalized hyperbolic distribution
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Nov 19 2017 Simeon Ebechidi and Eleanya K. Nduka
  Modeling the Impact of Oil Price Shocks on Energy Sector Stock Returns: Evidence from Nigeria
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Oct 26 2017 Bala A. Dahiru , Pam W. Jim and Kalu N. Nwonyuku
  Equity markets volatility dynamics in developed and newly emerging economies: EGARCH-with-skewed-t density approach
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Jul 08 2017 Pierre O. De souza , Tiago P. Filomena , João F. Caldeira , Denis Borenstein and Marcelo B. Righi
  Risk parity in the brazilian market
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May 14 2017 Ritabrata Munshi and Soumyanetra Munshi
  An $L^p$-norm based approach to measuring inter-distributional inequality
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May 14 2017 Elie Bouri , Imad Kachacha , Donald Lien and David Roubaud
  Short- and long-run causality across the implied volatility of crude oil and agricultural commodities
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May 01 2017 Ion Lapteacru
  Murphy-Topel adjustment of the variance-covariance matrix of a two-step panel data model: Evidence from competition-fragility nexus in banking
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Mar 20 2017 Nelson B Villoria and Paul V Preckel
  Gaussian Quadratures vs. Monte Carlo Experiments for Systematic Sensitivity Analysis of Computable General Equilibrium Model Results
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Nov 27 2016 Bala Dahiru Abdullahi
  Time-Varying VAR with Stochastic Volatility and Monetary Policy Dynamics in Nigeria
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Oct 05 2016 Francesco Cesarone , Jacopo Moretti and Fabio Tardella
  Optimally chosen small portfolios are better than large ones
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Aug 11 2016 Katsuhiro Sugita
  Bayesian inference in Markov switching vector error correction model
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Jun 11 2016 Johanna Choumert , N. Eric Kéré and Amandine Loyal Laré-Dondarini
  A Multi-Level Housing Hedonic Analysis of Water and Sanitation Access
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Mar 17 2016 Riyad Abubaker
  Consumption and Money Uncertainty at the Zero Lower Bound
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Dec 18 2015 Scott W Hegerty
  Employment Cycle Co-Movements and Economic Integration Between Milwaukee and Chicago
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Dec 13 2015 Samuele Murtinu
  Debt Maturity, Ownership Concentration, and Firm Efficiency
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Nov 21 2015 Tomohiko Tomohiko
  Network Heterogeneity and a Coordination Game
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Jul 24 2015 Nikolaos Kourogenis
  Polynomial Trends, Nonstationary Volatility and the Eicker-White Asymptotic Variance Estimator
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May 14 2015 Jana Vyrastekova , Esther-Mirjam Sent and Irene van Staveren
  Gender Beliefs and Cooperation in a Public Goods Game
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Mar 22 2015 Thai-Ha Le
  Exchange rate determination in Vietnam
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Mar 12 2015 Marco Magnani and Mario Menegatti
  Precautionary saving and changes in risk correlation
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Mar 12 2015 Adolfo Cristobal Campoamor
  Job competition, employability and incentives for human capital formation
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Mar 11 2015 Michèle Breton and Mohammed Kharbach
  Collusion and demand volatility
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Mar 11 2015 Sartaj Rasool Rather , Sunil Paul and S. Raja Sethu Durai
  Inflation forecasting and the distribution of price changes
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Mar 11 2015 Prateek Sharma and Swati Sharma
  Forecasting gains of robust realized variance estimators: evidence from European stock markets
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Mar 11 2015 Brock V Stoddard
  Probabilistic Production of a Public Good
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Mar 11 2015 Srobonti Chattopadhyay and Tarun Kabiraj
  Incomplete information and R&D organization
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Aug 06 2014 Unni Pillai
  Input price and industry concentration in a Cournot oligopoly
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Jul 26 2014 Marcelo Griebeler
  Models for forecasting exchange rate volatility: a comparison between developed and emerging countries
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Apr 04 2014 Xiaoyan Chen Youderian
  The motherhood wage penalty and non-working women
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Feb 04 2014 Ginny ju-ann Yang , Koyin Chang , Yung-Hsiang Ying and Chen-hsun Lee
  Spillover Effects of Chinese Stock Markets
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Dec 23 2013 Camilla Di Luca , Josep M Izquierdo and Carles Rafels
  Remarks on the proportional distribution in increasing return to scale problems
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Dec 23 2013 M. Hossein Partovi
  Hedging and Leveraging: Principal Portfolios of the Capital Asset Pricing Model
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Jul 25 2013 Cesar Sobrino and Ellis Heath
  Currency Area and Non-synchronized Business Cycles between the US and Puerto Rico
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Jun 24 2013 Elie I Bouri
  Correlation and Volatility of the MENA Equity Markets in Turbulent Periods, and Portfolio Implications
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Apr 18 2013 Benoît Sévi and César Baena
  The explanatory power of signed jumps for the risk-return tradeoff
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Apr 05 2013 Maddalena Cavicchioli
  On asymptotic properties of the QLM estimators for GARCH models
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Mar 12 2013 Tuck cheong Tang and Ravin Chea
  Export-Led Growth in Cambodia: An Empirical Study
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Mar 07 2013 Marcel die Dama , Boniface ngah Epo and Galex syrie Soh
  Developing a two way error component estimation model with disturbances following a special autoregressive (4) for quarterly data
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Jan 08 2013 Ke Yang
  An Improved Local-linear Estimator For Nonparametric Regression With Autoregressive Errors
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Dec 19 2012 Marcelo Brutti Righi and Paulo Sergio Ceretta
  Copula based Dynamic Hedging Strategy with Futures
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Oct 30 2012 Robert F. Phillips
  On computing generalized least squares and maximum-likelihood estimates of error-components models with incomplete panels and correlated disturbances
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Jul 03 2012 João Caldeira , Guilherme Moura and André A.P. Santos
  Portfolio optimization using a parsimonious multivariate GARCH model: application to the Brazilian stock market
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Mar 15 2012 Marcelo Resende
  Non-Collusive Oligopoly and Business Cycle: Some Further Evidence
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Mar 12 2012 Ahamada Ibrahim and Boutahar Mohamed
  Power of the KPSS test against shift in variance: a further investigation.
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Mar 04 2012 Gaetano Lisi and Mauro Iacobini
  Measuring the Housing Price Dispersion in Italy
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Feb 24 2012 Kuang-Liang Chang
  Stock return predictability and stationarity of dividend yield
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Jan 13 2012 Benoît Sévi and César Baena
  A reassessment of the risk-return tradeoff at the daily horizon
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Oct 24 2011 Marcelo Brutti Righi and Paulo Sergio Ceretta
  Analyzing the structural behavior of volatility in the Major European Markets during the Greek crisis
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Oct 21 2011 Muhammad Nasir , Qasim Jan and Muhammad Javid
  Cointegrated money in production function: evidence from a developing country
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Sep 26 2011 Takeshi Inoue and Shigeyuki Hamori
  An empirical analysis on the efficiency of the microfinance investment market
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Sep 09 2011 Loredana Ureche-Rangau , Fabien Collado and Ulysse Galiay
  The dynamics of the volatility – trading volume relationship: New evidence from developed and emerging markets
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Aug 26 2011 Rachida Ouysse
  Computationally efficient approximation for the double bootstrap mean bias correction
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Jul 28 2011 Loredana Ureche-Rangau and Franck Speeg
  A simple method for variance shift detection at unknown time points
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Jul 27 2011 Go Tamakoshi
  European sovereign debt crisis and linkage of long-term government bond yields
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Jun 19 2011 Yi-Chi Chen and Wei-Choun Yu
  Structural change in the forward discount: a Bayesian analysis of forward rate unbiasedness hypothesis
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Jun 18 2011 Aviral Kumar Tiwari
  A structural VAR analysis of renewable energy consumption, real GDP and CO2 emissions: Evidence from India
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Jun 13 2011 Marcelo Brutti Righi and Paulo Sérgio Ceretta
  Estimating value at risk and optimal hedge ratio in Latin markets: a copula-based GARCH approach
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Jun 06 2011 Scott W Hegerty
  Do international capital flows smooth or transmit macroeconomic volatility? Time-series evidence from emerging markets
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Jun 05 2011 Virginie Coudert and Hélène Raymond-Feingold
  Gold and financial assets: Are there any safe havens in bear markets?
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Jun 05 2011 Finn Christensen , James Manley and Louise Laurence
  The Allocation of Merit Pay in Academia: A Case Study
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Mar 15 2011 Chaker Aloui Mr and Ben hamida Hela miss
  Hurst's exponent behaviour, weak-form stock market efficiency and financial liberalization: the Tunisian case
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Jan 07 2011 Sacha Bourgeois-gironde and Anne Corcos
  Discriminating strategic reciprocity and acquired trust in the repeated trust-game
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Nov 08 2010 Kamel malik Bensafta
  Non-stationary Variance and Volatility Causality
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Nov 08 2010 Masato Ubukata
  Large-scale portfolios using realized covariance matrix: evidence from the Japanese stock market
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Sep 28 2010 Qian Liu and Shigeyuki Hamori
  The efficiency of the Chinese stock market and the role of market liberalization
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Sep 20 2010 Tapas Mishra , Alexia Prskawetz , Mamata Parhi and Claude Diebolt
  Shock persistence in output and the role of stochastic population growth
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May 03 2010 Sisi Zhang
  Recent Trends in Household Income Dynamics for the United States, Germany and Great Britain
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Mar 10 2010 Alex Coad and Rekha Rao
  R&D and firm growth rate variance
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Nov 24 2009 Gabriel Montes-Rojas
  A note on the variance of average treatment effects estimators
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Oct 25 2009 Robert Sproule and Calin Valsan
  A simple test for the violation of the non-satiation axiom under uncertainty: The theory
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Sep 30 2009 Olivier Damette
  Exchange rate volatility and noise traders: Currency Transaction Tax as an eviction device
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Jul 07 2009 Nicoletta Rosati
  A note on welfare and the economic shocks
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Jul 06 2009 Andrea Monticini and David Peel
  Testing for central bank independence and inflation using the wild bootstrap
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Jul 01 2009 Joaquim Pina
  Do international spillovers matter for long run neutrality?
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Jun 28 2009 Juliana Caicedo-llano and Catherine Bruneau
  Co-movements of international equity markets: a large-scale factor model approach
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Jun 05 2009 Shyh-wei Chen
  Random walks in asian foreign exchange markets:evidence from new multiple variance ratio tests
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May 28 2009 Andreas Chai and Alessio Moneta
  Comparing shapes of engel curves
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May 04 2009 Jim Lee
  Food and Energy Prices in Core Inflation
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Feb 04 2009 Surender Kumar
  The Macroeconomic Effects of Oil Price Shocks: Empirical Evidence for India
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Nov 28 2008 Robert Phillips
  On calculating estimates of stratified error-components models
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Oct 28 2008 Wan-Hsiu Cheng
  Overestimation in the Traditional GARCH Model During Jump Periods
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Sep 30 2008 Naorayex K Dastoor
  A simple explanation for the non-invariance of a Wald statistic to a reformulation of a null hypothesis
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Sep 19 2008 Olivier Darné and Amélie Charles
  The impact of outliers on transitory and permanent components in macroeconomic time series
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Sep 15 2008 Ngo Long and Frank Staehler
  How does state ownership affect optimal export taxes?
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Aug 08 2008 Andrea Morone
  Comparison of Mean-Variance Theory and Expected-Utility Theory through a Laboratory Experiment
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Jul 26 2008 Steve Cook
  Non-linear unit root testing in the presence of heavy-tailed innovation processes
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May 21 2008 Chiara Monfardini and Joao Santos Silva
  What can we learn about correlations from multinomial probit estimates?
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Mar 12 2008 Alex Coad
  Firm growth and scaling of growth rate variance in multiplant firms
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Jan 21 2008 Daisuke Nagakura
  A note on the relationship between the information matrx test and a score test for parameter constancy
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Sep 18 2007 Sheng-Kai Chang
  The asymptotic global power comparisons of the GMM overidentifying restrictions tests
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Sep 03 2007 sunanda roy
  On price uncertainty, nominal assets and uninsurable idiosyncratic risks
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Aug 10 2007 Arthur Robson and Tiemen Woutersen
  Efficiency and converse reduction-consistency in collective choice
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Jul 24 2007 Charles Hegji
  A brief look at hospital profits by outpatient services offered
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Jun 20 2007 Ranasinghe Malmini
  Scale invariance in financial time series
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Jun 20 2007 virginie terraza and stephane mussard
  New trading risk indexes: application of the shapley value in finance
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Jun 17 2007 Luigi Ventura
  A note on the relevance of prudence in precautionary saving.
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Jun 12 2007 Thanasis Stengos and Dianqin Wang
  Testing for Shape Invariance of Semiparametric Equivalence Scales
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Jun 08 2007 Dat Bue Lock
  The China A shares follow random walk but the B shares do not
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Mar 16 2007 Pelin Oge Guney
  Fiscal Theory of Exchange Rate Determination: Empirical Evidence from Turkey
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Mar 05 2007 Dat Bue Lock
  The Taiwan stock market does follow a random walk
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Sep 06 2006 Yusuke Ono
  Technology adoption in a community of heterogeneous education level: Who are your good neighbors?
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Apr 28 2006 Stéphane Blancard
  Financial Exposure and Productive Performance in French Arable Farms
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Jan 06 2006 Benoît Sévi
  Ederington's ratio with production flexibility
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Jun 01 2005 Théophile Azomahou and Dong Li
  A consistent nonparametric estimation of spatial autocovariances
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Feb 24 2005 Min-Hsien Chiang and Chihwa Kao
  Spectral Density Bandwidth Choice and Prewhitening in the Generalized Method of Moments Estimators for the Asset Pricing Model
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Jan 12 2005 Andreas Wagener
  Linear risk tolerance and mean-variance preferences
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Dec 08 2004 Jen-Je Su
  Testing for no autocorrelation using a modified Lobato test
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Nov 19 2004 Laurent Franckx , Isabelle Brose and Alessio DAmato
  Multitask Rank Order Tournaments
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Oct 27 2004 Daisuke Nagakura
  A Note on the Relationship of the Ordered and Sequential Probit Models to the Multinomial Probit Model
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Sep 24 2004 Joachim Rosenmüller
  The Maschler-Perles Solution: 2 Simple Proofs for Superadditivity
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Mar 26 2004 Hiroshi Gunji and Chie Hanaoka
  Standard error and confidence interval for QALY weights
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  Non stationarity characteristics of the S\&P500 returns:An approach based on the evolutionary spectral density.
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Oct 08 2003 David O. Cushman
  Further evidence on the size and power of the Bierens and Johansen cointegration procedures
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Jul 03 2003 Paul Makdissi and Nguyen Mahn Hung
  Infantile mortality and fertility decisions in a stochastic environment
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Oct 01 2002 Elena Casquel and Ezequiel Uriel
  An efficient monte carlo study of two-step generalized least squares estimators for random-effects panel data models
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Sep 22 2002 Konstantin A. Kholodilin
  Some Evidence of Decreasing Volatility of the US Coincident Economic Indicator
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Aug 28 2002 Michael Kiley
  The lead of output over inflation in sticky price models
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May 10 2002 Andre Mollick
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Jan 19 2002 Eduardo Ley
  On Plutocratic and Democratic CPIs
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